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SmartPowders ...Opinions?

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#1 FortFun

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Posted 10 June 2009 - 11:40 AM

So I come back to the boards here to find out how to get the best deal on 'racetams after BN quits carrying them...I'm out.

I see the usual suspects, but this new company, with killer deals, and its brash salesman (SmartPowders) is posting about how his company has the 'kind' sh*t, tested, CoA man, like no one else.

He rails another supplier about how their CoA's are out of date and how the fact that if a customer has to ask for a CoA that means that they must be hiding something.

'SmartPowders' pushes the right buttons. I think to myself, good gawd, he's right. Why don't they post all their CoAs on their website? What are they hiding?

"SmartPowders' then throws his 'weight' around. He started '1Fast400', but he sold it a while back - 2006, you know before the service got bad (personally, never had a problem with them since 2006, but YMMV). He has been in the industry for years, he is the only one that does any stateside testing. He cares about his customers! Wow, I say to myself, finally, a nootropics connection, that we can rely on..and cheap too!!

But, something didn't seem right. Maybe it was the way he railed on a forum member asking about refunds. Maybe it was the fact he was selling piracetam, oxiracetam, aniracetam, and still had to ask what pramiracetam was and what it does. Maybe it was the way he relentlessly attacked a competitor. I wasn't sure, but it just didn't seem too professional, the way communicated and the way he approached this board. Bravado can clear some lanes sometimes, but too much bravado raises questions, at least in my mind.

So I go to smartpowders.com , GREAT deals for sure!!! But where is the CoA?? Where is the independent lab analysis he spoke so highly of??? Its not there. I check the 'About' page, oh, its a template website that still says 'History of company, mission, statement, etc'. hmmmm. I check out the 'Company Info' page. Same website template...'History of company, mission, statement, etc'. I realize the company just got started, but man, he sure was quick to denigrate a competitor for not posting their CoAs. His site does not even have contact info. Am I supposed to send him my hard earned money based soley on cheap prices???

So 'SmartPowders' says his name is 'Mike McCandless'. He reputation speaks for himself he implies, just do an internet search! Well that is what I did...

Turns out Mr. McCandless is all over the net. Every muscle building forum seems to have a long thread with 'Mike/1Fast400' in it. Seems Mike has a long history of stirring things up in the supplements world. Its a pretty impresive resume for someone only 30 years old. My humble impression, from reading a heck of a lot of forum posts dating back to 2002 (when Mike was what, 23?) is that Mike is constantly embroiled in battles with other supplement suppliers about the qaulity of their product, accusations fly left and right. Everything from backstabbing, to ghost posting on forums, patent stealing, mislabeling products, etc. Mike is fond of talking about lab tests. He makes convincing and bold claims. But I wonder how many people take these claims on face value? How many people follow up on them? What about chain of custody? Independent third party lab analysis? Adequate sampling of volume? Does it matter to Mike's business? Or in Mike's business, is it all about scaring people into believing that his competitors have bad product? Bravado, ya know...

I don't know the answers to these questions. I would hope that smartpowders is a good supplier and that 'Mike' would live up to his reputation as a rable rouser in the supplements industry by 'PROOVING' that he is the real deal and not just a competing supplement supplier trying to make a buck by disorientating the customer with false claims and innuendos about competitors. To me that means submitting all shipments to a 'certified' and 'independent' 3rd party for lab analysis. Not some lab 'Mike' has been giving business to for 10 years. That lab analysis should not only test for correct content, but also verify percentages of heavy metals, carcinogens, etc, and statistically sample by volume. (China, ya know).

Color me skeptical. Based on previous postings from 'SmartPowder' I expect bravado in response to this, and nothing that can stand up to scientific method. As this is the 'brain' forum and not 'muscleheads are us' I would hope that any implied claims in this post or subesquent to this post are verified. I'd like to be wrong in my concerns over 'SmartPowder', he does have good pricing, but let's see....something smells...

#2 Mike M

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Posted 10 June 2009 - 10:25 PM

So I come back to the boards here to find out how to get the best deal on 'racetams after BN quits carrying them...I'm out.

I see the usual suspects, but this new company, with killer deals, and its brash salesman (SmartPowders) is posting about how his company has the 'kind' sh*t, tested, CoA man, like no one else.

He rails another supplier about how their CoA's are out of date and how the fact that if a customer has to ask for a CoA that means that they must be hiding something.

Haha way to blow things out of proportion. Given this is your FIRST post and you post it name less, I wonder who you might be associated with? Hmmm

'SmartPowders' pushes the right buttons. I think to myself, good gawd, he's right. Why don't they post all their CoAs on their website? What are they hiding?

Big difference in COA vs Lab Test. I've posted my tests on here and have them available for anyone here.

"SmartPowders' then throws his 'weight' around. He started '1Fast400', but he sold it a while back - 2006, you know before the service got bad (personally, never had a problem with them since 2006, but YMMV). He has been in the industry for years, he is the only one that does any stateside testing. He cares about his customers! Wow, I say to myself, finally, a nootropics connection, that we can rely on..and cheap too!!

But, something didn't seem right. Maybe it was the way he railed on a forum member asking about refunds. Maybe it was the fact he was selling piracetam, oxiracetam, aniracetam, and still had to ask what pramiracetam was and what it does. Maybe it was the way he relentlessly attacked a competitor. I wasn't sure, but it just didn't seem too professional, the way communicated and the way he approached this board. Bravado can clear some lanes sometimes, but too much bravado raises questions, at least in my mind.

If you think I raided a competitor, you're crazy. If I wanted to rail someone, turst me, you'd know. I have never claimed to be knowledgeable on nootropics, ever. My job is to bring quality supplements in a timely manner. Go search WAY back to the nootropi days. You had someone that knew a lot about products, when he was raided and shutdown, I think people began to question who they bought from. Who would you rather buy from, a guy with knowledge on the product but maybe lacking otherwise or a guy that has done this for a decade? The nice thing, it's a free world, buy from whoever you wish.

So I go to smartpowders.com , GREAT deals for sure!!! But where is the CoA?? Where is the independent lab analysis he spoke so highly of??? Its not there. I check the 'About' page, oh, its a template website that still says 'History of company, mission, statement, etc'. hmmmm. I check out the 'Company Info' page. Same website template...'History of company, mission, statement, etc'. I realize the company just got started, but man, he sure was quick to denigrate a competitor for not posting their CoAs. His site does not even have contact info. Am I supposed to send him my hard earned money based soley on cheap prices???

Did you email me to ask about the tests? You obviously knew a lot about me as you've researched me forward and backward. Yet, your first action was to register on a message board, make your first post bashing me. Could you make it any more obvious that you're connected to whoever I "offended"?

So 'SmartPowders' says his name is 'Mike McCandless'. He reputation speaks for himself he implies, just do an internet search! Well that is what I did...

Turns out Mr. McCandless is all over the net. Every muscle building forum seems to have a long thread with 'Mike/1Fast400' in it. Seems Mike has a long history of stirring things up in the supplements world. Its a pretty impresive resume for someone only 30 years old. My humble impression, from reading a heck of a lot of forum posts dating back to 2002 (when Mike was what, 23?) is that Mike is constantly embroiled in battles with other supplement suppliers about the qaulity of their product, accusations fly left and right. Everything from backstabbing, to ghost posting on forums, patent stealing, mislabeling products, etc. Mike is fond of talking about lab tests. He makes convincing and bold claims. But I wonder how many people take these claims on face value? How many people follow up on them? What about chain of custody? Independent third party lab analysis? Adequate sampling of volume? Does it matter to Mike's business? Or in Mike's business, is it all about scaring people into believing that his competitors have bad product? Bravado, ya know...

Haha, you're a clown. I had the ability to attack people on issues because I sold 2500+ items. I wasn't a competitor to the people I questioned. I had massive resources to do things with. I started labelclaimstesting, went through over 10 lawsuits from those tests. I don't recall ANYONE else doing anything like that during the day. I have ZERO issues with anything I've done in the past. If I was trying to hide, I wouldn't use MY NAME and the same internet name, 1fast400 on ALL of my posts now would I? Of course, I could hide behind a name like you :D

I don't know the answers to these questions. I would hope that smartpowders is a good supplier and that 'Mike' would live up to his reputation as a rable rouser in the supplements industry by 'PROOVING' that he is the real deal and not just a competing supplement supplier trying to make a buck by disorientating the customer with false claims and innuendos about competitors. To me that means submitting all shipments to a 'certified' and 'independent' 3rd party for lab analysis. Not some lab 'Mike' has been giving business to for 10 years. That lab analysis should not only test for correct content, but also verify percentages of heavy metals, carcinogens, etc, and statistically sample by volume. (China, ya know).

I love the ignorant. Go look at the labs people use. Go find out how many times they've been in court over their testing methods being flawed. Gee, wonder how I would know that. Maybe because I was SUED due to the way certain labs did their testing. The fact that you would question a lab simply because of the time frame I've used them for (which is far less than 10 years btw), is funny. As if a lab of their size is going to compromise their huge business for the peanuts I send them. You must not know anything about this side of business.

Color me skeptical. Based on previous postings from 'SmartPowder' I expect bravado in response to this, and nothing that can stand up to scientific method. As this is the 'brain' forum and not 'muscleheads are us' I would hope that any implied claims in this post or subesquent to this post are verified. I'd like to be wrong in my concerns over 'SmartPowder', he does have good pricing, but let's see....something smells...

Great attempt at blackballing me. Almost all posters know what I have/haven't done for this industry. It's a free world, they can choose to buy from whoever they wish. Spend money with whoever you wish. If you're going to attack me, at least be original. Acting as if you care 2 bits about buying from me is comical. If you had real questions, you would have contacted me. Instead you registered and posted on this site on the same day. You obviously googled tons of stuff on me, which I suggest anyone do. So you had all this time do this, but weren't able to email me if you had any REAL questions? Instead you make ramblings about things you know little about.

I'm about the easiest person in the world to get ahold of. If you want to know the reason why my pages aren't filled out on my website is because they can't be. I have a non compete, which I've openly talked about on these boards. It doesn't end till 2009. I have an exemption to sell the items listed on smartpowders. In exchange, I was not able to to put information concering me and my past on the site. I have a large following because of my past. With my non compete ending in 6 months, they'd prefer I not get a "running" start.

Hope this makes a customer, who will actually never be a customer, sleep better at night haha.

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#3 wooty

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Posted 10 June 2009 - 10:57 PM

Obviously this guy is an old competitor with an axe to grind. I just bought some of your oxi and Piracetam and they are working perfectly for me and I am glad to have the opportunity to buy reasonably priced oxi, further after reading many of the forums you participated in, I have never seen you be anything but forthright and professional, you give great service and you seem to be a nice guy. Don't let him ruin your day.

#4 punkideas

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Posted 11 June 2009 - 12:01 AM

Yeah, I've had good luck with the piracetam and aniracetam from Smart Powders. If you have questions/complaints with a retailer, direct it to them, not here. Also, the parent post made me a bit suspicious given a recent thread and the new user who "returned" out of nowhere.

#5 Mike M

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Posted 11 June 2009 - 12:25 AM

I'm not the most professional, but I will be honest. Some people will like it, some won't. People have the choice in the free market to buy where they want. If they don't like the way I do things, don't buy from me! Just that simple.

#6 Mike M

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Posted 11 June 2009 - 06:06 PM

Isn't it amazing how the guy that was so interested in my business that he registered and posted on the same day hasn't responded? Yet, he's been on the forum a lot since posting. Even as recent as today:

Last Seen: 11-Jun 2009 - 12:58 PM
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I guess he got all of his questions answered :D
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#7 Galantamine

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Posted 13 June 2009 - 04:42 PM

Isn't it amazing how the guy that was so interested in my business that he registered and posted on the same day hasn't responded? Yet, he's been on the forum a lot since posting. Even as recent as today:

Last Seen: 11-Jun 2009 - 12:58 PM
Viewing Members Profile

I guess he got all of his questions answered :D

Mike is a good guy. I have a feeling the OP is related somehow to CN.

Now how about some capped aniracetam? Galantamine would also be another great pickup.

#8 Mike M

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Posted 13 June 2009 - 06:17 PM

I got some other things that will be added. Don't want to say just yet.

#9 tlm884

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Posted 13 June 2009 - 11:43 PM

is 1,3 Dimethylamyline spelt wrong on smartpowders.com?

#10 Mind

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Posted 14 June 2009 - 01:16 AM

I want to remind everyone that we are trying out a new Navigation strategy/philosophy at Imminst. We used to delete most references to retailers and specific brand name products in order to keep the focus of the discussions on how various supplements and nootropics could enhance health or extend lifespan. Most retail/brand name discussions tend to get nasty anyway. Well, now we are allowing discussion of retailers and brand names a little more leeway...in the Vendor Area. This discussion is perfect for the Vendor Area and I will move it.

This DOES NOT mean the Vendor Area is for direct marketing and selling. Anyone trying to sell product through the Vendor Area will be suspended from posting. It is for discussing aspects of various brand name products (formulations, dosage, changes) or retailers (no CoA, shipping problems, legal issues).

So think about where to put your next thread before automatically placing it in the nootropic or supplement forum. Give it a try.

#11 FortFun

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Posted 16 June 2009 - 12:45 PM


Wow, you seem to be a real piece of work. Your professionalism as you stated yourself, seems to be lacking. Your honesty, as was the point of this post, is yet to be determined.

Funny you question my registration and the posting of my questions about smartpowders.com because it happened on the same day. I, like many (if not most) who view these boards come for information, not interaction. Its pretty damn rare you can ask a question here that has not already been covered. As is often stated...search first, asked questions later.

It's an especially interesting subject because one of topics in an earlier controversial thread that you were involved in on a muscle building supplement site regarded 'ghost posting.' Another similar post outright accused you of it...

"Mr. "One Post" Kip Winger = Mike in drag."

Not sure if it was true or not, but you accusing me of having any interest besides receiving safe and legitimate products is founded on what? Asking legitimate questions about your history, the 1-2 month history of smartpowders.com, and your business practices? Should I not ask these type of questions given the state of this industry and the fact that a substantial amount of product comes from China?

Seriously? Want more???

Look at this post: http://www.imminst.o...o...st&p=325337

"Soulfireimage" pops in to say what a great service you provide. Funny, he registered the same day that he makes his first post promoting you and smartpowders.com. Also funny, he was able to speak with you via chat from the UK...you are 'supposedly' running an 'eight figure' a year business with 'massive resources', supplying 'many other supplement suppliers', yet still make time to answer chat inquiries personally. Wow. That's dedication. Look at soulfireimages glowing review:

Good sources for racetams? best bang for buck?
Soulfireimage: "My personal experience arrived today from Smartpowders.com.I spoke with Mike via Chat I believe it was on Thursday evening last week. Due to my being in the UK he processed my order live. He was quick and accommodating. It was bank holiday yesterday in the UK, so that is a non working day over here. Yet, all the way from the USA, two fat tubs of Piracetam have arrived. I'm very pleased with the results, and with Mike's incredibly fast decent service. I'm afraid he has my dollar for both my next order and at least one member of my family. Thanks Mike ."

Maybe soulfireimage is super sensitive to piracetam but I found it a little silly that he is posting super reviews on the results of your piracetam product the exact same day he receives it, not to mention 3 business day deliver to the UK from USA. Damn, thats tough to do from CA to NY.

Funny how you also mention 3 business day delivery to Europe in your own post a couple weeks earlier...

But Soulfireimage doesn't stop. His SECOND post EVER:

Bulk Piracetam Powder
Soulfireimage: "'Fraid I have to agree with Mr Smartpowders. Whilst I don't have the equipment to test the purity-I can attest to getting effects for a start ...I'm very pleased with the results, and with Mike's incredibly fast decent service. I'm afraid he has my dollar for both my next order and at least one member of my family. Thanks Mike ."

Soulfireimge still can't quit promoting his smartpowders deal in his THIRD post EVER in this forum...

Would you buy Semax, if it were available?
Soulfireimage: "I paid out about £50 uk for my Piracetam which I regard as a decent investment as I get some effects from this. However that's 2/3'rd of a years supply."

Is soulfireimage done yet??? NO!! Here is his FOURTH post of his career. Will he mention smartpowders again???

Tried Piracetam and Alpha-GPC - Choline and got depression
Soulfireimage: "Use Mike at smartpowders.com - he's on these boards and he sent me mine in about 4 working days. 1kg of it."

How about Souldfireimages's SIXTH post of his career, any mention of smartpowders???

hydergine, centrophenoxine and vasopressin
"First off, shouts to QHI.co.uk because once the pesky forms were done (one time deal btw) I have my goods. Ordered last friday, arrived today. Like Mike at Smartpowders, service was quick."

Wow, Soulfireimage is REAL impressed with Mike's product. How many times can one guy say 'thank you Mike"? Makes me wonder if there is any relationship with Mike McCandless? Mike wouldn't ghost post or viral market his products, right Mike?

Soulfireimage goes on to promote his use of 2.5 gr of piraceatam a day in the seventh post here on the forums. He has made 6 of 7 posts promoting piracetam and 5 of 7 posts promoting the piracetam deal he got from Mike and smartpowders.com. Given the ghastly way Mike seems to treat people on internet forums he sure must have the magic touch when typing via chat, at least with soulfireimage....

How about this first and only one time poster...perchingbird?

"Well, I went ahead and just ordered from smartpowders.com before hearing anything about them. I figured it was OK since it's from our friend, 1fast400. The shipping was speedy (like BN) and the packaging is even more spartan than your typical 1fast400 container. I'm a fan."

Or this one from Alsky looking to move away from RI in order to streamline costs?

Mike, you're Pretty quick on the replies to both these first time posters, talking up smartpowders...within an hour. You're everywhere, all the time!

So Mike, do you want to make more hay out the fact that this is my second post here on the forums? We can all see how this works, do you really want to go there? Are there any other KipWinder or Soulfireimage's out there??? Alysky's or Perchingbirds??? Any more skeletons to dig up in the 10, or is it 12 times that you have been sued?

You talk a BIG game. You promoted multiple times, your big contribution to the supplement industry because you started the site labelclaimstesting.com. Like that should give you credibility here today when it comes to selling nootropics. Its the funny thing about the internet and especially forums. You make a claim, make it boldy, and few if any people actually check it out. Well if anyone does want to see how much effort you put into labelclaimstesting.com they can see for themselves. Just check out the internet wayback machine...


Looks to me like labelclaimtesting was more of a joke. Your big claim to fame and supplement consumer advocacy was posting tests of 10-12 samples...total??? Wow, way to go man! Way to make suppliers crap their pants. Talk about shady! You make money selling supplements, start a website pretending to be a consumer advocacy group, then use the site to post negative claims about your competitors in the supplement business? Then you act all high and mighty for years claiming that YOU are the forerunner for good business practices in this industry?

Such Bravado! No friggin wonder you got sued 10-12 times!

Here's the deal, you don't know me from squat. I don't know you from squat. You are selling. I am buying.

You don't need to know a damn thing about me except that my money is good.

I am interested in buying a product that is what the label says it is, and does not have any dangerous amounts of heavy metals and carcinogens.

You on the other hand do have to meet a higher standard. You sell products from China and are in a notoriously shady industry.

"One quarter of supplements tested by an independent company over the last decade have had some sort of problem. Some contained contaminants. Others had contents that did not match label claims. Some had ingredients that exceeded safe limits. Some contained real drugs masquerading as natural supplements."

Sure maybe you can be a fast talker, selling supplements like a used cars or snake oil, but I don't think most people here are interested in that. Maybe there are enough people here willing to take you at you word so you can make a quick buck. But most of us don't or shouldn't.

You admit you don't use nootropics and don't know much about them! So why are you here??? Your only purpose here seems to be to find buyers, denigrate your competition, and make more money. Your posts prove that! You don't supply any information whatsoever about the usage of nootropics, enhancing health, or extending lifespan.

How about you stick to the vendors forum with your posts?

And while you are at it, how about answering a few questions for us all?

#12 FortFun

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Posted 16 June 2009 - 12:51 PM

As I stated in my first post, lets stick to the facts and science...

In your reply to me you stated:
"Did you email me to ask about the tests?"

Yet just last month you railed on synapse/CerebralHealth this way:
"Why does a consumer have to request a COA to see it? If you're quality is up to standard, I wouldn't see this as being a problem...The concept that you're basically "too busy" to post them is funny"

You also state:
"I've posted my tests on here and have them available for anyone here."

1) Please provide links to these lab tests you mentioned having already posted for all the products and batches that you sell at smartpowders.com

You state you were sued over 10 times for product testing and were not a competitor to the products you were testing:
"I had the ability to attack people on issues because I sold 2500+ items. I wasn't a competitor to the people I questioned. I had massive resources to do things with. I started labelclaimstesting, went through over 10 lawsuits from those tests."

Nothing to hide right?

2) Please describe the 10+ times you were sued. Who sued you, what they claimed in their suit, and how the lawsuit was resolved. Links to court documents would be nice, but I am sure they can be found if you provide relevant information on the suits.

You claim to have a simple non compete clause with BN. When asked to share it you state:
"I'm not sure what there is to share. Non competes are pretty simple. I have an exemption for these items from them. At the end of 09 I can sell/do whatever I want."

Yet in your reply to me you excuse not having any company information or address information posted on your website because your non compete won't let you do this. You also claim to have talked openly about this NC.
"If you want to know the reason why my pages aren't filled out on my website is because they can't be. I have a non compete, which I've openly talked about on these boards. It doesn't end till 2009. I have an exemption to sell the items listed on smartpowders. In exchange, I was not able to to put information concering me and my past on the site. I have a large following because of my past. With my non compete ending in 6 months, they'd prefer I not get a "running" start."

However you also run primaforce and sell a number of additional supplements through that website. www.primaforce.com. If this NC exists, it seems like it is a lot more complicated than you imply.

3) Please post the text of your non Compete agreement.

On May 6, 2009 you posted a 1fast400 CoA for Piracetam.

You never responded to a question from a forum member posted later that day:
"I was hoping it would show the heavy metal content as I've seen in other CoAs. Is that possible? It would be nice to have these docs linked on your website at some point"

4) Do you test for heay metals and other carcinogens? If not, why not? Is this not one of the biggest saftey concerns about products coming from China?
5) When will you post all lab test results on your smartpowders.com website?


In the past you claim to have returned batches to suppliers when they failed your lab tests.

6) Please post all failed lab test results for all product batches that you have returned to suppliers in the last 2 years.
7) Based on test results, what is your criteria/policy for rejecting a batch and returning it to its supplier versus what is close enough to specifications for you to resell?


You claim that your lab is beyong reproach and that questioning your use of this particular lab is funny.
"The fact that you would question a lab simply because of the time frame I've used them for (which is far less than 10 years btw), is funny. As if a lab of their size is going to compromise their huge business for the peanuts I send them. You must not know anything about this side of business."

Yet you also claim to have run a multimillion dollar business with 2500+ products, and you claim to test all batches of all products that you sell.

8) Do you test all batches of all products you sell under smartpowders.com, primaforce.com or any distributions methods/subsidiaries?
9) Please quantify the annual dollar amount of business you have directed to RTD labs through 1fast400, primaforce, smartpowders, or any other subsidiaries or associations for the last 4 years. Will you provide invoices and tax statements prooving this assertion?


As a major player in the supplements industry, I would expect you have seen you share of sloppiness and underhanded dealings.

10) Do you believe you and your company's primary responsibility is the safety of the consumer?
11) What steps can consumers take to insure the supplements they buy match the content of their labels and do not have dangerous heavy metals or carcinogens?
12) What further steps can you and your company's take to insure your products are safe? When do you plan to implement these further safety precautions?


You claim to be an honest supplier, that your concern is for the customer, and that your business dealings are always above board. These questions simply require you to verify the claims you have made and resolve discrepancies in your past statements. Are you going to try and BS your way out of giving complete, forthright, and verifiable responses...or are you going to earn our business?

Thanks smartpowders!

#13 FortFun

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Posted 16 June 2009 - 12:58 PM

Here is a summary of your required responses and the questions we deserve answers to:

1) Please provide links to these lab tests you mentioned having already posted for all the products and batches that you sell and sold at smartpowders.com

2) Please describe the 10+ times you were sued. Who sued you, what they claimed in their suit, and how the lawsuit was resolved. Links to court documents would be nice, but I am sure they can be found if you provide relevant information on the suits.

3) Please post the text of your non Compete agreement.

4) Do you test for heay metals and other carcinogens? If not, why not? Is this not one of the biggest safety concerns about products coming from China?

5) When will you post all lab test results on your smartpowders.com website?

6) Please post all failed lab test results for all product batches that you have returned to suppliers in the last 2 years.

7) Based on test results, what is your criteria/policy for rejecting a batch and returning it to its supplier versus what is close enough to specifications for you to resell?

8) Do you test all batches of all products you sell under smartpowders.com, primaforce.com or any distributions methods/subsidiaries?

9) Please quantify the annual dollar amount of business you have directed to RTD labs through 1fast400, primaforce, smartpowders, or any other subsidiaries or associations for the last 4 years. Will you provide invoices and tax statements prooving this assertion?

10) Do you believe you and your company's primary responsibility is the safety of the consumer?

11) What steps can consumers take to insure the supplements they buy, match the content of their labels and do not have dangerous heavy metals or carcinogens?

12) What further steps can you and your company take to insure your products are safe? When do you plan to implement these further safety precautions?

Thanks again. Given the state of the industry we all will appreciate you going above and beyond to prove you run a reputable business. Talk is cheap, facts are facts, proof is verifiable.

If anyone else has some good questions to ask smartpowder or any other vendor about verifying products and improving the industry, please add them to my list.

#14 Mike M

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Posted 16 June 2009 - 06:42 PM

I love the insane.

Some random guy CLAIMS a poster on bb.com is me, so it must be true? Funny. Not me by the way.

As far as a poster on here. Why don't we place a little wager. Why don't we have the mods IP check both myself and soul to see where we post from. If I'm soul, I'll never post here again and pay you 1000 bucks. If I'm not soul, you get IP banned. Willing to take that bit? I bet it would really piss you off to see a copy of soul's order huh? The reason he talked to me on chat was to exchange credit info. Given my email is an AOL address, anyone can IM me.

Maybe you're too dense to understand how lawsuits work. When someone sue's you on the testing of a product, you have to pull the information down, hence why so many tests were pulled. I tested 17 different products from protein factory alone back in the day. Of course, your massive google skills probably didn't show you that. Of course, that case is public record and easily found, including the entire court document.

As far as the rest of your questions, you're the only one posing them. If anyone wants something answered, they know how to get ahold of me. You must be insane if you think I'm going to post the contents of my non disclosure agreement. For what? You're never going to buy from me anyway, so answering all of your nutball questions will serve no purpose. Surely you've asked the same of EVERY retailer on here right? Of course, it would probably be fruitless to post the links on this very board where I've posted the tests? Clown.

Just know that my non compete is up at the end of this year. Whoever you represent or work for should be concerned with that more than anything else. Have fun obsessing :D

#15 perchingbird

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Posted 17 June 2009 - 05:08 PM

I knew that I'd be quoted somewhere in this post by you, mr. Fortfun. I'm just some random guy, I can assure you. I just wanted to give everyone a heads up on the new business. I've ordered from smartpowders a couple times now and the product has arrived quickly, shipping just 30 minutes after I ordered one time. I honestly don't care about the owner's history. I'm glad he's around to post on here sometimes, and if he's caught up in funny affairs, well, that's not surprising since he's in a somewhat funny business.

#16 tunt01

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Posted 17 June 2009 - 05:16 PM

oh yea... well my dad can beat up your dad... so nyah nyah nyah!!!!!!!!!!!

#17 Mike M

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Posted 17 June 2009 - 05:37 PM

oh yea... well my dad can beat up your dad... so nyah nyah nyah!!!!!!!!!!!

Exactly. I just find it funny this dude took all this time to try and find dirt on me and his best shot was a random post on bb.com from 5 years ago of a guy claiming a random poster was me. Yet, when you read the thread, you can clearly see I had zero issue expressing my true opinion on the matter, so why would I even make a fake name? Dude is a nut.

#18 meursault

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Posted 18 June 2009 - 03:01 PM

Can you please post coa's for aniracetam and oxiracetam, though? I might order from you if you can show me some reliable evidence.

#19 Mike M

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Posted 19 June 2009 - 03:38 AM

PM me your email and I'll send the lab reports, not a bs coa :D

#20 hamishm00

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Posted 24 June 2009 - 10:26 AM

FortFun: - I started reading your post and actually thought long and hard about what I had ordered from Bulk Nutrition and 1fast400 over the years, and thought: maybe you have a point, maybe quality might have been an issue due to things I noticed from time to time such as inconsistency of formulations etc etc.

But you know what I've decided: you have completely discredited yourself and you're full of sh1t. Your first four posts on this forum all aimed at Mike, and boy have you done your research.

Don't you have anything else to do or say? Please go away if you don't.

Edited by hamishm00, 24 June 2009 - 10:27 AM.

#21 Brainbox

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Posted 24 June 2009 - 06:04 PM

If disruptive posts lead to valuable insight regarding business ethics of some contributors, I'm all for a pragmatic moderation approach.

#22 kbtoy

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Posted 25 June 2009 - 01:34 AM

If disruptive posts lead to valuable insight regarding business ethics of some contributors, I'm all for a pragmatic moderation approach.

I kind of understand that but what do business ethics have to do with quality of product? To tell everyone the truth I envy Mike, I wish I had started a company like his at 23. I'd like to start a company like his now. Plain and simple I'm satisfied with his products.

I guess I'm super sensitive to piracetam also b/c I know I felt effects from taking it right away too. Not just from Smart powders I've taken pira from other places too and I always have effects on the first dose.
Anyways I'm getting ready to try some of his Oxiracetam and have never had any experience with it at all. Anyone have any reviews of it maybe?

#23 FortFun

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Posted 25 June 2009 - 11:26 AM

hamishm00: I posted legitimate guestions in response to documented past statements by smartpowders, Mike McCandless, Mike M, 1Fast400, or whatever his username is now. You are welcome to take the same approach as Mike M and claim I am full of it. I am still waiting for verifiable answers to the questions I posted and its pretty obvious to others who is full of it. The guy can not or will not do anything to give anyone who reads these forums any confidence that he or his product is what he says it is.

He himself questioned the legitimacy of another vendor in this forum because customers had to ask for CoA's and they were not posted on the vendor's website, yet in this very thread he does the same thing and asks member czukles to e-mail him for Lab tests. He says that smartpowders does independent lab tests on all their products. He says he has posted them here before. My 'massive google' skills have not been able to find them. Maybe I need some help finding them? I count 10 products on the smartpowders website.

Cissus Powder
Idebenone Powder
L-Tryptophan Powder
PEA Powder
Phenibut Powder
Piracetam Powder
1,3 Dimethylamyline
Yohimbine HCl Caps

Where are the 10 CoA's and 10 Lab reports done by smartpowders for these products??? And that's assumming he has only ever ordered one shipment from China or wherever he gets his stuff. Are they tested for heavy metals and other carcinogens? Why should it be this difficult to get them from him??? Will he let us compare the 'bs' manufacturer COAs to his 'independent lab test' of the same product? Wouldn't that be interesting and beneficial information to the supplement community???

All I get from Mike M / smartpowders is talk, talk, talk, and him calling me a clown, insane, dense, or whatever other term he can come up with to distract people from his failure to answer legitimate questions.

The guy is a viral marketer, that's his job, that's how he made\makes money. He doesn't contribute anything worthwhile here on nootropics or supplements like Resveratrol because he does not use them or know much about them. Look at this post he just made where he starts making trouble in the Resveratrol forum with innuendos and accusations about the quality of Resveratrol products on the market:


No verifiable facts, just FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt) about other vendors. That's his MO. Re-read my first post! Talk about prescient. I would have thought the guy would have waited a bit after getting called out on his business tactics but he is arrogant...that's obvious. Want to bet he soon comes out with the ultimate, totally triple tested by RTx labs Resveratrol product? He did the same thing with protein supplements on the body building forums years ago....see my previous posts. He is back in the business probably promising his partners to double, triple, quadruple sales of what 'should' be safe commodity products.

How does he do that...it seems by trolling the forums, finding ways to sneak in references to his website, collecting e-mail addresses, and creating FUD. He accuses me of working for a competitor or having some longstanding grudge. I very easily pointed out that if anything, he has a lot more to explain than me regarding first time and suspicous posters. He is going to prove some guy really ordered from him by showing his order? How's that? And if it was a legitimate order, how's that give me confidence in his respect for the privacy of his customers. He and his company need to prove themselves and their product, not me.

If that's not enough, he wants to have the Navigators check IPs. Give me a break. The fact that this guy would play so dumb about IP checks raises more red flags in my mind that almost anything else I have posted. This guy is a professional forum\internet marketer. He has 1000's and 1000's of forum posts on other boards. He has been accused of 'ghost posting' more than once. He knows damn well that there are plenty of internet proxies that could disguise the IP of a forum post yet he pretends to claim that an IP check would erase any doubts about suspicous posts on smartpowders.com. Seriously?

BTW, here is another 'ghost posting' accusation from someone that actually knows him (apparently all too well given the bitter feelings).

"You had to make up a fake screen name to bash controlled labs, ThermoLife and myself. Remember that long time lurker? hmm But go ahead and play the tough guy. Cause we all know what a bad ass you are. ".

hamishm00, you asked for more from me. Here's some more...

Here Mike claims to have 'bought' Primaforce...


Yet he also claims to have some very simple, standard non compete, that he now refuses to post because I'm insane for questioning it. So did he buy Primaforce or did he buy something like less than 50% ownership of primaforce that allows him to not violate this non compete agreement that he claims he has. If he only has less than 50% ownership of primaforce then why is he claiming he bought the company? I guess if I buy a couple shares of cisco I bought the company. Technically accurate but potentially if not intentionally misleading in my mind, but hey, its the internet. And if he owns any part of Primaforce then why is he on this forum direct marketing primaforce products contrary to the forum rules???

He also posts that he is 'CEO Primaforce' and in the same post he says his duties are "limited to the message boards and product approval" Some CEO job. Is quality control and posting of CoAs/lab analysis part of product approval? Guess not.

Here's another post right before Mike 'partnered with' rather than bought Primaforce:

"I'm a very grassroots person. I give a flying flip about mainstream marketing. Bruce knows the ins/outs of china better than anyone I've spoke with. If that is ALL he had to worry about, all I had to worry about was the grassroots marketing and logistics, it would be fun. However, bruce and I are both greedy."


"I can't do something half way. If I get on board, I can't sit on a beach. It's not my style. I will want to do the best job I can. Which means hours upon hours on the boards."

And what exactly is the relationship between smartpowders and primaforce??? Are they one and the same?

Here is one just for kbtoy. Someone asks Mike, "When you going to write your book on the ethics of business, what to do, not what to do, etc?"

Mike's reply:

"Not sure I'm the best person to write an ethics book Posted Image. I do want to write a book about starting/owning/running a company. I'm honestly just to lazy to do it. I think more people would buy my "How to date a fitness model" book instead. Posted Image "

I guess the smiley means he was kidding.

Here's a few comments about Mike from a long time competitor...

"Look, Mike (and I) is not the "end all, be all" of business advice in sports nutrition either but man, its no secret how to make $$$ in this industry and the only people saying, "nah man, I do not want a company that does 8 figures a year, I won't sell out my principles" are the guys who CAN'T do it and refuse to the follow the model on how to do it."

"If I wanted to make money in this industry and had no clue I would hire Mike in a minute if he were available."

"In fact, if I ever wanted to get into e-tailing on any level, Mike would be the first guy I contact."

On whether 'Mike would sell his own mother if the money was right'

"LMAO! Maybe. Mike is a bit Machiavellian in the way he does business."

Two post concerning Mike and his behavior on forums. Funny, kinda similar to the way he responded to my questions....

"List of companies and other individuals in the industry who have effectively made themselves look like childesh little morons. This is what happens when you guys spend your time on message boards and act like little girls passing gossip and bitching at each other rather than spending time making better products and making sure we have the next level of supplementation when the PH ban goes into effect. Here is the list.

Bill Llewelyn and Molecular Nutrition
Pat Arnold and Ergopharm
********, Bulk Nutrition and Label Claim Testing
Ulter and whatever his little company is.
Bruce *******
Protein Factory

"This thread has been helpful. While I still have many supplement companies whose reputations are unproven. But at least there are now 2 that I can cross off my buying list due to the fact that they hire or are run by morons...Congratulations for the fine job of representing your companies. I would never trust my health to either of you."
http://forum.bodybui...p;postcount=171 On Mike's previous claim, in this thread, that he did not test products he competed with...

"I have said it before and I will say it again, mike should not be testing any products that compete with products he is involved with manufacturing or distributing, its a conflict of interest. "

On Mike playing martyr for getting sued soooo many times trying to clean up the industry....

"Though why is it so surprising that ulter is suing mike? if the shoe were on the other foot you would see the same thing. There has been bad blood between these two since the beginning. Its not like these two are going to shake hands, hug and forgive....Lets say ulter puts up a test of mikes product on "truth-in-labeling.com", a site that ulter owned, that mike thought was invalid or fraudulent and then advertised his product as having superior results, mike would be suing the hell out of ulter. Now keep in mind that mike would have a test of his own that said otherwise, just as ulter does....I think its sad thats it has come to a lawsuit, but to be honest with these two its really hard to see how it could have come out otherwise. "

On Mike's 'Independent Lab':

"I doubt either of these two would be considered examples of professional behavior....But for those of you supporting 1 fast, you people have extraordinarily broad minds when it comes to the term "independent lab".

Listen folks, I started this thread for the exact reasons I outlined in my first post. Mike has likely leveraged and exploited grassroots, viral, guerilla, whatever kind of marketing you want to call it, to make some decent money off internet sales of basically unregulated supplements. Good for him as long as nobody got hurt and his Karma is in tact. He then 'retired' but is now back in the business targeting nootropics and other life enhancing supplements that interest the people that view this forum. He has admitted his expertise and interest is in 'grasroots marketing' through forums\boards. He has admitted he needs to spend hours a day doing this to do his job well. He admits no personal interest or experience with nootropics. I have more than made a case that some of his tactics and history call into question his ethics and the reliability of the claims he makes and has made about his products, his company(s), and his past. All I have asked for is verifiable proof backing the claims and statements he has made. He is selling products we ingest! Is it too much to ask?

Viral Marketers are not supposed to be allowed here. The navigators have a tough job managing this because the anonymity of the internet makes it difficult to control, especially if the viral marketer has half a brain. How hard is it to use anonymous internet proxies to create a few new users a month? (Or pay some people with money or free product to post for you?) How hard is it to use these accounts or paid registered users to lurk or occasionally make some random posts to establish 'post count' or 'registration date' credibility? If you were a professional forum marketer with no ethics and you considered it your job to troll the boards, what would you do? I am not saying that this is what Mike does or how he made/makes his money. I am saying that nothing he has done or said, here or in his past, has contributed much to his credibility with respect to this possibiliy. I am asking him if he will proove my suspicions wrong...or at least show he cares enough to try!

A few people here (including the vendor we are talking about) have questioned my questions because I started this thread with my first post. Great job! Welcome to the internet!!! You can't completely trust anyone, much less their unverified claims. Now what are you going to do about it??? I see two options.

1) We can play games going back and forth questioning each others motives. The problem I see with that is that I am better at it (unless naming calling and ad hominen attacks count), it only prooves suspicions, and it distracts from the issue at hand which is the safety and purity of the products sold.

2) The vendor in question can go overboard to fully and completely answer my questions in ways that can be verified. If you were trying to run a legitimate business, isn't that what you would do??? Why would you resort to name calling and bs half answers???

One of the generally understood principles here is to do your own research, its your body and your life. I have done that with respect to this vendor and have shared my concerns and findings with the rest of y'all. You can ask dumb questions like kbtoy, "what do business ethics have to do with quality of product" and "be satisfied with his products" without seeing the COAs and verifiable lab tests posted, or you can ask for and should expect more from the vendors we use for products we ingest.

There are a lot of smart people here with a lot of experience in chemistry, biology, nutrition, and other sciences...all trying to live smarter, healthier, and longer. The internet can be a scammers dream but it can also be used to collectively outwit the snakeoil salesmen. Can we not use my questions as a starting point or methodology to verify vendor claims and hold them accountable for the products they sell? Are any of the questions I posed to Mike and smartpowders unfair based on the statments he has made? I am open to suggestions but the more I look into this vendor the more questions I have (I am at 17 now). Given Mike's experience in this industry and his supposed concern for customers, shouldn't he be leading the way in answering questions #9 and #10, much less #1,#4,#5 and #7???

I don't have much more to contribute if this continues with the name calling. If we want to talk scientific method applied to verifying vendor claims I am all ears. To be honest I think there is a strong case for having this guy permanently banned from these forums according to the rules posted by the navigators:

"Imminst Navigators will continue to delete all obvious spam and ban viral marketers from the open forums"

"This DOES NOT mean the Vendor Area is for direct marketing and selling. Anyone trying to sell product through the Vendor Area will be suspended from posting. It is for discussing aspects of various brand name products (formulations, dosage, changes) or retailers (no CoA, shipping problems, legal issues)."

But here is Mike M /smartpowders selling his wares in the vendor forum...

Like any of you I like cheap product but I value my health and safety above all else. If smartpowders can deliver, cool, but like I said ealier, color me skeptical, especially now. Until then I think I will stick to geratam\nootropil or another pharmaceutical prepared 'cetam no matter the cost.

Thx for playing,

PS: Do I have ADHD? :)

**Bold in quotes for emphasis by me

#24 hamishm00

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Posted 25 June 2009 - 12:50 PM

ok, fair enough.

I wouldn't want to cross your path in a hurry :)

#25 FortFun

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Posted 25 June 2009 - 01:54 PM

lol :)

#26 Mike M

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Posted 27 June 2009 - 06:59 PM

I could spend 30 minutes of time and go through all of his ramblings, but that would serve no purpose. My user name used to be 1fast400, I don't own that anymore so i changed it. Then the mods told me I couldn't be called SP, so I changed it per their request.

As far as addressing fortinsane, why would I address a guy who obviously has some sort of fetish with me? His ONLY posts on this board are about me. He only posts in threads I'm in or starts his own. The guy is nuts. If people don't want to purchase from me, that's fine. That's the great thing, consumers have a choice. FortInsane is not a customer and never will be. He's someone that either works for, friends with or owns his own business that competes with one of mine.

If I spent an hour and answered EVERYTHING he posted, he would simply go away for a week and come back with other random stuff. I think it's funny that someone is so obsessed with me. If you want fort, I can sign a poster for you to put in your room?

#27 Mike M

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Posted 27 June 2009 - 07:04 PM

The lawsuit from MP Tech, the "ulter" situationw as thrown out for having no crediblity. Regardless of what you think, the court of law said they were full of it. Your proof of situations are random guys that worked for other companies. One guy you quoted is in jail right now. Busted for assault weapons in a school zone and about 200k in steroids at his house.

Good credible guys hahah. Clown.

#28 FortFun

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Posted 27 June 2009 - 08:44 PM

And Mike M picks....Option #1!!!

1) We can play games going back and forth questioning each others motives. The problem I see with that is that I am better at it (unless naming calling and ad hominen attacks count), it only prooves suspicions, and it distracts from the issue at hand which is the safety and purity of the products sold.

Who would of thought....heaven forbid you choose Option #2 and spend "an hour and answered EVERYTHING" with links and PDFs so we can verify the claims and statements you have made about your history, your company(s) and your PRODUCTS! I thought you stated your primary responsibility was to spend 'hours and hours on the boards"???

Its obvious you are completely incapable of seeing through the trees, so I am going to edit down my questions to focus on your company(s) and products rather than your history. Will that help? Maybe it will only take a half hour now...

Here are now the nine questions...

1) Please provide links or pdfs to the 10 manufacturer CoAs and the 10 'independent' lab test you have conducted on the products you sell on smartpowders.com

Cissus Powder
Idebenone Powder
L-Tryptophan Powder
PEA Powder
Phenibut Powder
Piracetam Powder
1,3 Dimethylamyline
Yohimbine HCl Caps

2) Please describe the 10+ times you were sued. Who sued you, what they claimed in their suit, and how the lawsuit was resolved. Links to court documents would be nice, but I am sure they can be found if you provide relevant information on the suits.

3) Please post the text of your non Compete agreement.

4) Do you test for heay metals and other carcinogens? If not, why not? Is this not one of the biggest safety concerns about products coming from China?

5) When will you post all lab test results on your smartpowders.com website?

6) Please post all failed lab test results for all product batches that you have returned to suppliers in the last 2 years.

7) Based on test results, what is your criteria/policy for rejecting a batch and returning it to its supplier versus what is close enough to specifications for you to resell?

8) Do you test all batches of all products you sell under smartpowders.com, primaforce.com or any distributions methods/subsidiaries?

9) Please quantify the annual dollar amount of business you have directed to RTD labs through 1fast400, primaforce, smartpowders, or any other subsidiaries or associations for the last 4 years. Will you provide invoices and tax statements prooving this assertion?

10) Do you believe you and your company's primary responsibility is the safety of the consumer?

11) What steps can consumers take to insure the supplements they buy, match the content of their labels and do not have dangerous heavy metals or carcinogens?

12) What further steps can you and your company take to insure your products are safe? When do you plan to implement these further safety precautions?

As I stated, I don't have much more to add if the name calling is going to continue. So please, do your company a favor and answer the questions. If you can not, please pass them on to your partners at primaforce so that they can do it for you.


#29 supernoober

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Posted 28 June 2009 - 03:12 AM

I'm sure these posts/fake accounts are made by the same guy to promote.

SHILL ALERT!!! ----- PUNKIDEAS, PERCHINGBIRD, WOOTY are BS accounts if you look above


Oh, and while we're on the topic, are there actually any trustworthy sites/companies to buy in bulk (stuff like racetams, choline, idebenone, NAC, P. serine, Cordyceps... ETC in pure quality/high grade? If there are, please PM me them. Thanks. Sorry for being rude. It just angers me to see bad business ethics. I'm pretty sure I speak for anyone in my position (consumers).

Edited by supernoober, 28 June 2009 - 03:35 AM.

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#30 supernoober

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Posted 28 June 2009 - 10:17 AM

Disregard my previous post, lol

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