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70-year-old looks 30 years younger thanks to raw food diet


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#1 QQQ

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Posted 02 March 2012 - 07:01 AM

Amazing. So amazing that I'm even skeptical. But a great case to go raw...and vegan.


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#2 nowayout

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Posted 02 March 2012 - 01:58 PM

She looks about 60 to me. I don't know if you are black, but people do tend to have difficulty judging the age of people of ethnicities different from their own.

Edited by viveutvivas, 02 March 2012 - 02:00 PM.

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#3 niner

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Posted 02 March 2012 - 02:07 PM

She looks pretty good for 70. Pretty good for 60, even. She probably colors her hair and could have had some cosmetic surgery, you never know. I don't know about vegan, but raw is good, if you're so inclined. There's probably a little CR going on there; she certainly isn't fat.

#4 Matt

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Posted 02 March 2012 - 05:33 PM

She looks late 40's to 50 to me.Pretty amazing since she started late in life. :) I saw an interview with this women about 5 years ago and thought it was amazing then! She hasn't changed at all since the last time I saw her.

Edited by Matt, 02 March 2012 - 05:36 PM.

#5 Musli

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Posted 02 March 2012 - 06:02 PM

She looks like a 60, definitely. Still, very nice, knowing she's 70. But it's not solely because of raw foods. She's simply a healthy woman, one that takes care of herself, leads a healthy lifestyle and has nice genetics, especially when it comes to weight management. There's simply many unhealthy old people that thought leading an unhealthy lifestyle wouldn't have too big consequences in the future, since it didn't have when they were young, that were proven wrong by life. That's what makes us think some people look a lot younger, when in fact, it's just many people that look older ;]
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#6 niner

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Posted 03 March 2012 - 03:46 AM

She looks like a 60, definitely. Still, very nice, knowing she's 70. But it's not solely because of raw foods. She's simply a healthy woman, one that takes care of herself, leads a healthy lifestyle and has nice genetics, especially when it comes to weight management. There's simply many unhealthy old people that thought leading an unhealthy lifestyle wouldn't have too big consequences in the future, since it didn't have when they were young, that were proven wrong by life. That's what makes us think some people look a lot younger, when in fact, it's just many people that look older ;]

What makes you think that she looks 60? It doesn't look like she has wrinkles or sagging skin. No grey hair, though that could be dyed, we don't know. Her body and the way she moves don't look old, and her voice doesn't sound old. These are the usual things people consider to be markers of age. I don't think she'd have much trouble passing for 45. Of course the raw diet isn't the only thing going on, but I think it's the major thing. If she did everything else the same but ate the Standard American Diet, how do you think she'd look? Not too great, I suspect.

I'm not convinced that you need very special genetics to be slender, you just have to not eat crap. Most of the population eats crap, and that's why 30% of them are obese.

Edited by niner, 03 March 2012 - 03:49 AM.

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#7 Dorho

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Posted 03 March 2012 - 07:18 AM

She looks like a 60, definitely. Still, very nice, knowing she's 70. But it's not solely because of raw foods. She's simply a healthy woman, one that takes care of herself, leads a healthy lifestyle and has nice genetics, especially when it comes to weight management. There's simply many unhealthy old people that thought leading an unhealthy lifestyle wouldn't have too big consequences in the future, since it didn't have when they were young, that were proven wrong by life. That's what makes us think some people look a lot younger, when in fact, it's just many people that look older ;]

What makes you think that she looks 60? It doesn't look like she has wrinkles or sagging skin. No grey hair, though that could be dyed, we don't know. Her body and the way she moves don't look old, and her voice doesn't sound old. These are the usual things people consider to be markers of age. I don't think she'd have much trouble passing for 45. Of course the raw diet isn't the only thing going on, but I think it's the major thing. If she did everything else the same but ate the Standard American Diet, how do you think she'd look? Not too great, I suspect.

I'm not convinced that you need very special genetics to be slender, you just have to not eat crap. Most of the population eats crap, and that's why 30% of them are obese.

Agree with Niner. On the left is what a 60 year old person usually looks like (pic taken in 2007) And on the center and right, well preserved 60-year olds who i think look like 50 year olds:
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#8 nowayout

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Posted 03 March 2012 - 01:12 PM

She looks like a 60, definitely. Still, very nice, knowing she's 70. But it's not solely because of raw foods. She's simply a healthy woman, one that takes care of herself, leads a healthy lifestyle and has nice genetics, especially when it comes to weight management. There's simply many unhealthy old people that thought leading an unhealthy lifestyle wouldn't have too big consequences in the future, since it didn't have when they were young, that were proven wrong by life. That's what makes us think some people look a lot younger, when in fact, it's just many people that look older ;]

What makes you think that she looks 60?

The neck never lies. She looks like a good in-shape black grandmother to me who is 60, not 70.

I think some people here are probably surrounded by very badly-aging individuals, which will skew their impression. Especially some of the white people here whose family members probably have more sun damage to the skin than black people tend to get, or those who live in America and are surrounded by more overweight people.

Edited by viveutvivas, 03 March 2012 - 01:13 PM.

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#9 hooter

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Posted 03 March 2012 - 03:32 PM

Black people show less outer signs of aging. Move on.

#10 niner

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Posted 03 March 2012 - 03:46 PM

The neck never lies. She looks like a good in-shape black grandmother to me who is 60, not 70.

Especially some of the white people here whose family members probably have more sun damage

Her neck isn't saggy or wrinked; it has some depressions because she's so thin, and this is exaggerated by the musculature. In one shot in the video, she relaxes her neck muscles and suddenly looks a lot better. I am totally with you on the sun damage; my two sisters have both spent their adult lives at high altitudes without sunscreen, and frankly, their skin looks like hell. My brother and I have spent our lives at low altitudes without much sun exposure, and have very few wrinkles. Black people have built-in sunscreen.

Move on.

You're right. I can't believe I'm engaging in another one of those stupid threads about how people look. It's like the tabloids in the supermarket check-out aisle. We're drawn to them like a moth to a flame.

#11 Matt

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Posted 03 March 2012 - 05:06 PM

How those people look is typical of people who are 60 look like from the UK. Anyway, putting the appearance aside, she also moves, sounds, and acts very young!!
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#12 QQQ

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Posted 06 March 2012 - 08:21 AM

I think it's hardly subjective that she looks much younger than her age. Anyone who says she looks 60 is either in denial or needs to meet more 60 year olds. I doubt there would be many news stories or articles about people that look only 10 years younger than their age.
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#13 mikeinnaples

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Posted 06 March 2012 - 01:03 PM

So if someone has a different opinion than you, they are in denial rather than simply having a different opinion. Nice reasoning failure there.

On topic, she looks at least a decade younger ....but there is no way in hell she can pass for a woman in her 40's given how her neck looks. 60ish seems about right to me as well, but I guess I am in denial. ;)

#14 QQQ

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Posted 10 March 2012 - 03:58 AM

or you need to meet more 60 year olds.

Nice attention to detail failure there.

So if someone has a different opinion than you, they are in denial rather than simply having a different opinion. Nice reasoning failure there.

On topic, she looks at least a decade younger ....but there is no way in hell she can pass for a woman in her 40's given how her neck looks. 60ish seems about right to me as well, but I guess I am in denial. ;)

#15 niner

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Posted 10 March 2012 - 01:12 PM

Regarding her neck, I can make my neck look like that too if I flex my neck muscles. There's a point in the video where she briefly relaxes, and looks normal. The neck muscle flexing might be due to being nervous about being on camera. I've seen nervous grad students do things like that while giving a talk.

#16 Mind

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Posted 10 March 2012 - 02:12 PM

I would estimate mid 50s based on the pictures. Congratulations to her on her good health and looks.

#17 Brafarality

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Posted 10 March 2012 - 04:06 PM

Wow, I was browsing the page and reading the forum posts before finally tuning into the video clip. When I did, I thought the snapshot at the top of the article was very unflattering because she looked ridiculously young in the video (I almost always have my computer on mute so I dont hear whats being said and so lose context sometimes), almost unbelievably young, like noone Id ever seen, until I finally realized it was no longer the original video but had advanced to the next video. Thought I was taking a screen capture of the video at first. It's the next video that plays in the page's sequence, and it still has the original title at the top of the video pane. It doesn't change for the subsequent clips. All that being said, I refreshed the page and watched the real video and she still looks damn good: Posted Image
FYI: The screencapture is from the next video, Smash Your Stress Away and the person's name is Donna Alexander of The Anger Room.

Edited by Brafarality, 10 March 2012 - 04:18 PM.

#18 Cerebro

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Posted 08 July 2012 - 10:21 AM

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#19 Chupo

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Posted 08 July 2012 - 04:15 PM

For every one that looks good, you can find one that looks awful. Doug Graham (left), 60 year-old raw vegan:

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#20 lucid

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Posted 08 July 2012 - 06:22 PM

You're right. I can't believe I'm engaging in another one of those stupid threads about how people look. It's like the tabloids in the supermarket check-out aisle. We're drawn to them like a moth to a flame.

Haha. So true.

There was a great documentary called: Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days
In it they showed that a bunch of diabetics (frequently obese as well) could reverse their diabetes and get off of their meds by following a raw food (&vegan) diet. They attributed the reversal to the quality of the food that was being eaten... The living enzymes in the foods... etc.. But 95% of the time, your body views enzymes as little more than a source of dietary protien.. the other 5% those enzymes can help break down food we eat in our guts before we digest them... (Example: Beeno!) So suffice it to say that a good mechanism has not been shown..

However an obvious mechanism is already well known: Calorie Restriction. With about 100 calories / pound of spinach, one would have to each 20 pounds of spinach a day to get all of their calorie requirements. We would have to graze like freaking cattle... all day long... Now there are other more energy dense types of vegan foods like nuts. But I think you get my drift: Raw vegan diets are also low energy density diets which tend to put someone into calorie restriction.

#21 Logan

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Posted 13 July 2012 - 04:28 AM

How those people look is typical of people who are 60 look like from the UK. Anyway, putting the appearance aside, she also moves, sounds, and acts very young!!

Lol, she does not move and sound all that young. Just listen closely to the way she speaks, and closely observe her ability to process her thoughts then articulate them. I know people older than her that appear much sharper. Plus, I'm sure that woman has had a little work done.

I ran a triatholon with a 75 year old, that looked damn good doing it. Now, that's what you call moving young.

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