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What would it take to reverse an theist's position on the existence of God?

god theists religion

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#151 shadowhawk

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Posted 14 August 2012 - 01:14 AM

Lister: You asked him whether he could prove his entire faith right and whether he will change his religion if he can’t… I would imagine he’ll ask for specific things to prove right or some such thing.

what kind of proof do you accept?
I have shared how I became a Christian.


#152 shadowhawk

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Posted 14 August 2012 - 01:46 AM

mikennaples: I didn't read what you copy and pasted from another website. I asked a question directed towards people that take the bible literally, I did not ask you specifically or say that you own slaves.... complete failure on your part there bud.

Nonsense, you asked me,“Do you own slaves?” As for your ignorant characterization of the hermeneutics used by theists in interpreting the Bible I suppose you think people who read anything take it literally. What do you mean by “literally?” Let me quote another section on Old Testament “slavery,” passages. I know you don’t have time to read it because I suspect you are not interested in an answer.

Again, I didn't read what you cut and pasted from another website. I will only respond to 'your' words as I am more than capable of doing my own google searching if I want to see your regurgitated nonsense.

Again I didn't ask you specifically. I directed the question towards people that take the words if the Bible literally. It is there in my original question for the world to see no matter how much you stick your fingers in your ears, close your eyes, and wish it to be otherwise.

Now if you 'do' take the bible literally, then yes it was directed towards 'you' in general. There is a very specific reason why I quoted that verse from the bible. Why are the words of the bible ignored when it comes to things like slavery or the general ideology towards women.... written off as being out dated, or *laughing at this* interpreted to mean something else? Why are they in turn taken literally (or even worse *again laughing at this* interpreted to mean something negative) towards ideologies, lifestyles, or individuals that are 'morally unsound', well according to the church.

An prime example of this is gay marriage. It doesn't matter if the people involved are 'morally' sound in every facet of their lives, devoutly religious, and honest/good people. According to some churches, they are sinners and are going to hell. It is so sad and pathetic. As a heterosexual atheist, I will freely admit that I don't understand how someone could be in that kind of a relationship with a member of the same sex. The difference between me, and say a roman catholic priest... is that I am not threatened by it, afraid of it, nor will I pass judgement of a persons characters or morality based on their love life. There is a key word there that so many miss ... 'Love'.

Quoting one of my favorite people...

"Why is it that Johnny Spaghetti Stain in fucking Georgia can knock a woman up, legally be married to her, and then beat the shit out of her, but these two intelligent, sophisticated writers who have been together for 20 years can't get married?" - Seth Macfarlane

Should I take you literally. NOW gay marriage! What do you mean by "literally?" Who ignored slavery?. I posted quite a bit on it but you can't handle books. videos, audio, quotes from anyone, etc. etc.. OK but you are not telling the truth. Sweeping charges of all kinds. Glad you aren't threatened. I didn't say anything about of most of this stuff. Wierd :|o

Edited by shadowhawk, 14 August 2012 - 01:52 AM.

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#153 Lister

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Posted 14 August 2012 - 02:06 AM

I did pretty well in epistemology and really it’s easy to see where Proof, or Evidence can be broken down to individual definitions of what is and isn’t reasonable in a detrimental way.

Shadow; you know full well that it would take a very long time and significant patience to debate the limits of every level of proof and evidence. Ultimately it would just be a case of back and forth… me reading the 40 page papers you quote and you reading the 40 page papers I quote… Then we would have to debate every finer detail in an unending fashion.

You can win a debate if you’re smart enough and you pull things in that direction; or at least not lose it. But really it’s not productive when working with discussions on this level. You’re just dragging things into giant clouds of confusing detail in a way that looks as though you’re trying to derail things from meeting any semblance of a conclusion.

You’re a boat anchor. I guess that’s what Creationism is? Pulling back on the reigns of progressive discussion and breaking things down until it’s vague enough to stick on a “God was here” sticker.

Alright I’ll bite. We could say that everything in existence was created by God as it is. We could also say that there are signs and evidence of God everywhere if we exam things close enough. So then…

Why? Why did God do it? Also… Who created God? I’m sure these are a few of the possible questions that have driven people from their faith…

Edited by Lister, 14 August 2012 - 02:07 AM.

#154 mikeinnaples

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Posted 14 August 2012 - 12:56 PM

Should I take you literally. NOW gay marriage! What do you mean by "literally?" Who ignored slavery?. I posted quite a bit on it but you can't handle books. videos, audio, quotes from anyone, etc. etc.. OK but you are not telling the truth. Sweeping charges of all kinds. Glad you aren't threatened. I didn't say anything about of most of this stuff. Wierd :|o

Stop frothing and babbling. You are not making any sense.

#155 shadowhawk

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Posted 14 August 2012 - 09:55 PM

Should I take you literally. NOW gay marriage! What do you mean by "literally?" Who ignored slavery?. I posted quite a bit on it but you can't handle books. videos, audio, quotes from anyone, etc. etc.. OK but you are not telling the truth. Sweeping charges of all kinds. Glad you aren't threatened. I didn't say anything about of most of this stuff. Wierd :|o

Stop frothing and babbling. You are not making any sense.

More wierd and off topic to boot. Ho Humm :sleep:
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#156 gamesguru

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Posted 15 August 2012 - 02:50 AM

Lister has a point. We could carefully and diligently debate these difficult subjects for months, even years, and make very little progress. We'd just be spinning our wheels, in slippery, deep mud. Shadowhawk, remember how you felt when I pointed you to the database of arguments? That's kind of like how we feel when you keep posting videos/books (which, not to be rude, but, in my opinion, are generally low quality).

#157 mikeinnaples

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Posted 15 August 2012 - 02:18 PM

More wierd and off topic to boot. Ho Humm :sleep:

It's not off topic to tell you that your response to me made no sense. Looks like you remembered your meds this time at least.

#158 Lister

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Posted 15 August 2012 - 08:11 PM

More wierd and off topic to boot. Ho Humm :sleep:

It's not off topic to tell you that your response to me made no sense. Looks like you remembered your meds this time at least.

You both Win in the online debate club. You're both Special.

Moving on... Shadow would you like to add your thoughts to depth of argument point? As I said you seem to like to swim down to the bottom of every pool rather than standing on the beach and musing with the rest of us…

Do you think you could take a stance that is counter to your beliefs? I was willing to stand up and defend Creationism on a logical stand point which is definitely counter to my beliefs. I did this because I don’t want to limit myself to arguments that only support my beliefs. This makes my beliefs weak.

What are your thoughts?

Edit: FYI Shadow I've read how you became a Christian 3 times now. What I get is that due to your family and your surroundings you shut yourself off from your spiritual side. When you finally gave into it everything changed around you and you associated this to meeting God.

Unlike others here I’m not trying to say that God is WRONG or that Religion is Wholly WRONG. What I’m trying to say though is that Spirituality has a place among Atheists.

I didn’t stop being a Christian because I lost my faith. I stopped because I felt it was limiting my faith. To me God isn’t some small thing you can put into a little bubble called Religion. I would argue that I’m more spiritual than you. I’m against much of Religion in an Atheistic way because I think it’s a cap, a burden on faith.

Your Burden of Evidence is a waste of time. Recognize what you see around you and don't assume 100% truths. God being a single entity is just one idea... One possibility. Stop looking everywhere for validation to your beliefs and just believe; or don't.

Edited by Lister, 15 August 2012 - 08:23 PM.

#159 shadowhawk

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Posted 15 August 2012 - 11:45 PM

Lister: Do you think you could take a stance that is counter to your beliefs? I was willing to stand up and defend Creationism on a logical stand point which is definitely counter to my beliefs. I did this because I don’t want to limit myself to arguments that only support my beliefs. This makes my beliefs weak.

I was raised an Atheist by two Atheist parents. When I was in the military I had a conversion experience while riding on the back a bus. I have written about it.


I am very aware of many sides and have argued many sides as I have grown.

Edit: FYI Shadow I've read how you became a Christian 3 times now. What I get is that due to your family and your surroundings you shut yourself off from your spiritual side. When you finally gave into it everything changed around you and you associated this to meeting God.

Like others I think the highest point of human evolution involves questions and awareness of God. I think that the God awareness in humans is their most human and highest achievement.

Unlike others here I’m not trying to say that God is WRONG or that Religion is Wholly WRONG. What I’m trying to say though is that Spirituality has a place among Atheists.

I agree with that. I was aware of something spiritual even while denying it.

I didn’t stop being a Christian because I lost my faith. I stopped because I felt it was limiting my faith. To me God isn’t some small thing you can put into a little bubble called Religion. I would argue that I’m more spiritual than you. I’m against much of Religion in an Atheistic way because I think it’s a cap, a burden on faith.

There is a old book, by Paul Little, “Your God is To Small.” I don’t know about you judging all religions this way. I have a deep respect for all religions, even the ones I strongly disagree with. I don’t think your exposure to them is great enough or you wouldn’t say this,

Your Burden of Evidence is a waste of time. Recognize what you see around you and don't assume 100% truths. God being a single entity is just one idea... One possibility. Stop looking everywhere for validation to your beliefs and just believe; or don't.

Yes you can do this but I prefer to keep my mind involved. There is nothing like 100% proof but that does not mean we need no proof. Atheists claim they need none while demanding 100% from Theists. How convenient! :)

#160 Lister

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Posted 16 August 2012 - 12:26 AM

“Yes you can do this but I prefer to keep my mind involved. There is nothing like 100% proof but that does not mean we need no proof. Atheists claim they need none while demanding 100% from Theists. How convenient!"

True. Hence the point of my topic “Prove me Wrong”.

I guess you like to be a book; I like to be a sheet of paper. I expose myself in a raw, unprepared way. I allow structure to be built and destroyed as I walk the path of my life; whereas you build and repair, disassemble and destroy based on your intake and based on a pre-determined path laid out for you.

In my mind there cannot be 100% proof. Seeking that proof is futile at best. Perfection for example cannot exist. You can’t say that something is perfect because perfection is extremely subjective. The bible has a lot to say about perfection and one could say that only God can know perfection. But then belief in Perfection has to be done without evidence. There is nothing in this world we can call perfect with absolute certainty and thus we have no proof of it. Due to faiths reliance on Proof we’re left with a gap or crack.

God Fearing… Doing right to go to Heaven. Hell as a concept. Angels, Job, Matthew, Exodus… In the end the dots don’t connect. My only choice if I wish to remain spiritual is to fill in those gaps with “I don’t know.” I’m not filling that with God, Miracles or other biblical things because that’s too easy and it really doesn’t answer anything.

I’m patient and I want to know for myself. Instead of looking at the holy books and involving myself in religion I’ve said “Screw it” and exposed myself to life raw and unrestrained.

When I was a Christian I had certainty and safety. It blinded me and restricted me but it allowed me to go on without feeling empty; devoid of answers. I feel now that I can see things as they truly are. And what I see is not sinners and saints; I see people. I see a world that evolved into what it is. I don’t see a Scale with Good on one side and Evil on the other. I see an infinite number of choices and their results.

Grief as we were talking about is an example of something that would restore or strip someone of their faith. I could expand on that and say it’s the unknown that strips or restores someone of their faith. When your wife is killed in a senseless act without answers what do you do?

To me I can almost see reason in everything. It all makes sense. I don’t need God to be involved for the world to exist and continue to exist as it is. I stripped myself of certainty and instead of giving up I search for reason. I found it and that’s Balance. It’s the simplest of ideas. It’s blindingly obvious that logic connects everything. You don’t need God. It’s harmonious and it connects you to deeper meaning in life.

When you can look at the beauty of the world and associate that not to a creator but to the struggles of billions of years of life, you can come to realize something. God didn’t make this, we did. If you take God out of the equation and find a source without him… you can then put him back in and find him in a totally different place.

That’s what it means to Grow Up. Awareness of God is not the highest thing we can do. We need to be aware of ourselves. That’s where we can truly find greatness.

Edited by Lister, 16 August 2012 - 12:27 AM.

#161 shadowhawk

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Posted 22 August 2012 - 02:00 AM

“Yes you can do this but I prefer to keep my mind involved. There is nothing like 100% proof but that does not mean we need no proof. Atheists claim they need none while demanding 100% from Theists. How convenient!"

True. Hence the point of my topic “Prove me Wrong”.

I guess you like to be a book; I like to be a sheet of paper. I expose myself in a raw, unprepared way. I allow structure to be built and destroyed as I walk the path of my life; whereas you build and repair, disassemble and destroy based on your intake and based on a pre-determined path laid out for you.

In my mind there cannot be 100% proof. Seeking that proof is futile at best. Perfection for example cannot exist. You can’t say that something is perfect because perfection is extremely subjective. The bible has a lot to say about perfection and one could say that only God can know perfection. But then belief in Perfection has to be done without evidence. There is nothing in this world we can call perfect with absolute certainty and thus we have no proof of it. Due to faiths reliance on Proof we’re left with a gap or crack.

God Fearing… Doing right to go to Heaven. Hell as a concept. Angels, Job, Matthew, Exodus… In the end the dots don’t connect. My only choice if I wish to remain spiritual is to fill in those gaps with “I don’t know.” I’m not filling that with God, Miracles or other biblical things because that’s too easy and it really doesn’t answer anything.

I’m patient and I want to know for myself. Instead of looking at the holy books and involving myself in religion I’ve said “Screw it” and exposed myself to life raw and unrestrained.

When I was a Christian I had certainty and safety. It blinded me and restricted me but it allowed me to go on without feeling empty; devoid of answers. I feel now that I can see things as they truly are. And what I see is not sinners and saints; I see people. I see a world that evolved into what it is. I don’t see a Scale with Good on one side and Evil on the other. I see an infinite number of choices and their results.

Grief as we were talking about is an example of something that would restore or strip someone of their faith. I could expand on that and say it’s the unknown that strips or restores someone of their faith. When your wife is killed in a senseless act without answers what do you do?

To me I can almost see reason in everything. It all makes sense. I don’t need God to be involved for the world to exist and continue to exist as it is. I stripped myself of certainty and instead of giving up I search for reason. I found it and that’s Balance. It’s the simplest of ideas. It’s blindingly obvious that logic connects everything. You don’t need God. It’s harmonious and it connects you to deeper meaning in life.

When you can look at the beauty of the world and associate that not to a creator but to the struggles of billions of years of life, you can come to realize something. God didn’t make this, we did. If you take God out of the equation and find a source without him… you can then put him back in and find him in a totally different place.

That’s what it means to Grow Up. Awareness of God is not the highest thing we can do. We need to be aware of ourselves. That’s where we can truly find greatness.

This is off topic but that is alright. Thanks for your story and testimony. :)

Edited by shadowhawk, 22 August 2012 - 02:05 AM.

#162 platypus

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Posted 22 August 2012 - 10:24 AM

I was raised an Atheist by two Atheist parents. When I was in the military I had a conversion experience while riding on the back a bus. I have written about it.

How do you know your conversion experience was not simple auto-hypnosis or something? I mean, waking up feeling somewhat different does not sound like a miracle to me as it happens quite frequently with no god involved...

#163 Lister

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Posted 22 August 2012 - 09:10 PM

It's actually not off topic but that's ok if you didn't read the whole thing.

#164 shadowhawk

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Posted 22 August 2012 - 09:40 PM

I was raised an Atheist by two Atheist parents. When I was in the military I had a conversion experience while riding on the back a bus. I have written about it.

How do you know your conversion experience was not simple auto-hypnosis or something? I mean, waking up feeling somewhat different does not sound like a miracle to me as it happens quite frequently with no god involved...

How would you know if I told you something different? Maybe I am causing you to hame a mental reaction and it could all be happening to you, not me. :|o I did not say it was a miracle. :) Where is this coming from? :laugh: Seriously take it however you want!
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#165 shadowhawk

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Posted 22 August 2012 - 09:48 PM

It's actually not off topic but that's ok if you didn't read the whole thing.

I did read your entire testimony. How does it relate to the topic? :|?
What would it take to reverse an theist's position on the existence of God?

#166 Lister

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Posted 23 August 2012 - 01:36 AM

It's actually not off topic but that's ok if you didn't read the whole thing.

I did read your entire testimony. How does it relate to the topic? :|?
What would it take to reverse an theist's position on the existence of God?

You're a frustrating guy shadow.

#167 platypus

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Posted 23 August 2012 - 08:12 AM

I did read your entire testimony. How does it relate to the topic? :|?
What would it take to reverse an theist's position on the existence of God?

How about the realization that religions are largely interchangeable, i.e. almost identical experiences are available through non-compatible religions?

#168 DukeNukem

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Posted 23 August 2012 - 04:03 PM

I did read your entire testimony. How does it relate to the topic? :|?
What would it take to reverse an theist's position on the existence of God?

How about the realization that religions are largely interchangeable, i.e. almost identical experiences are available through non-compatible religions?

Believers don't seem to be bothered by the idea that there are dozens of significant religions (over 2000 in total), usually based on local beliefs, but science in universal and it doesn't matter where you're born, evolution is still evolution, and quantum physics is still quantum physics.

This alone should tell anyone that religion is man made.

If there really was an all-powerful god who wants people to worship him (is he really that needy???), then why would he let people be so scattered and misled in their beliefs worldwide??? Stupid stupid stupid.

Edited by DukeNukem, 23 August 2012 - 04:03 PM.

#169 shadowhawk

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Posted 23 August 2012 - 11:13 PM

DukeNukem: Believers don't seem to be bothered by the idea that there are dozens of significant religions (over 2000 in total), usually based on local beliefs, but science in universal and it doesn't matter where you're born, evolution is still evolution, and quantum physics is still quantum physics.

There are few really significant religions and there numbers are in the billions. Christianity is by far the largest. When compared to Atheism, Atheism is a gnat. If numbers make something true, than theism wins hands down. Judaism, Christianity and Islam among many smaller religions are monotheistic making this view of God by far the largest.

There are many kinds and viewpoints in Atheism. If different opinions make something an error, than Atheism is an error.

Science itself is hardly united. There are also many definition of science. Different schools, countries and regions have their own views of science. What is stupid is saying thee has been, or is, a unified view of science. Science is a process not a position. It is a method. Christians engage in science as easily as does anyone else. Surely you are aware of the theists involved in Science throughout history.

My son, working on his doctorate in Physics is, like me, a theist. Who is arguing that Physics is not Physics. Straw man.

Evolution has been discussed by me at length. Perhaps you would join in with something intelligent..

Definition of ID and Evolution

Peer Review

Arguments for Intelligent Design - Evolution
1. http://www.longecity...post__p__491476

2. http://www.longecity...post__p__491932

3. http://www.longecity...post__p__492066

4. http://www.longecity...post__p__492250

5, http://www.longecity...post__p__492433

6. http://www.longecity...post__p__496211

All arguments.. http://www.longecity...post__p__498997

Challenge to Atheists to prove random mutations drive evolution. http://www.longecity...post__p__499021

Summary. http://www.longecity...post__p__507405

Show me how evolution relates to our subject.

DukeNukem: This alone should tell anyone that religion is man made.

You proved that? Are you a man? Man made anti-religion.

DukeNukem: If there really was an all-powerful god who wants people to worship him (is he really that needy???), then why would he let people be so scattered and misled in their beliefs worldwide??? Stupid stupid stupid.

Don’t want God in your life? Just say “no,” “I have researched it out scientifically and I know there is no God.” OK, see ow easy it is for you?.

What would it take to reverse an theist's position on the existence of God? I Want evidence for the truth of Atheism. So far you have not given me any.

By the way, I still think you are great. We just disagree on this subject.

#170 platypus

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Posted 23 August 2012 - 11:32 PM

Reason obviously doesn't play a role for you. So why why would anyone here be interested in a debate with you?

#171 shadowhawk

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Posted 24 August 2012 - 01:02 AM

Reason obviously doesn't play a role for you. So why why would anyone here be interested in a debate with you?

Obviously you can't read. The topic was presented to Theists and like you, your post shows no reasons at all. I am not interested in this kind of empty bigoted chaff. :sleep:

#172 Lister

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Posted 24 August 2012 - 01:19 AM

The Front-Loading theory is interesting and the way Dr. Stephen Meyers puts it down is also interesting... I can see the materials that make up DNA can't just become DNA spontaneously in short periods of time; but it doesn't seem as though Dr. Meyers is willing to dive very far into the theorized age of the universe. (unless he does this in his book)

Given Billions of years couldn't life form on its own? I don't think we know enough to give a definitive theory either way. We KNOW that evolution happens on the short run for sure and this is likely why many Theists are allowing Evolution while retaining their belief in god. But how did such a complex thing as DNA come into existence on its own...

I feel as though you almost need to be a tenured professor to approach some of these issues. Shadow I’d be willing to have a great conversation over these specific videos if you posted only 1 per thread rather than using them to prove your statements. Each video seems to have a thread worth of material in it. Trying to force your reader to watch a half an hour video just to prove 3 lines of what you said right is a bit unreasonable.

Back on topic though as was somewhat requested earlier; If I were gay and wanting to get married to my partner and I wasn’t allowed because people from my church shut the process down I might consider that God doesn’t exist. Why would God not want me to be happy?

Also if I was a religious woman who was accused of adultery and had my hands cut off I might consider that God didn’t exist...

If I was in a war torn area where two sections of Christianity were committing genocide in the name of the lord I may come to believe God doesn’t exist.

The fact “Blasphemy” exists is another example of religion casting out its members.

It’s all well and good when you’ve got evidence to prove that God may exist but if religion is promoting extreme violence, hate and a pursuit of ignorance then you may believe that God doesn’t exist; or at least God has nothing to do with Religion.

#173 shadowhawk

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Posted 08 September 2012 - 01:21 AM

The Front-Loading theory is interesting and the way Dr. Stephen Meyers puts it down is also interesting... I can see the materials that make up DNA can't just become DNA spontaneously in short periods of time; but it doesn't seem as though Dr. Meyers is willing to dive very far into the theorized age of the universe. (unless he does this in his book)

Given Billions of years couldn't life form on its own? I don't think we know enough to give a definitive theory either way. We KNOW that evolution happens on the short run for sure and this is likely why many Theists are allowing Evolution while retaining their belief in god. But how did such a complex thing as DNA come into existence on its own...

I feel as though you almost need to be a tenured professor to approach some of these issues. Shadow I’d be willing to have a great conversation over these specific videos if you posted only 1 per thread rather than using them to prove your statements. Each video seems to have a thread worth of material in it. Trying to force your reader to watch a half an hour video just to prove 3 lines of what you said right is a bit unreasonable.

Back on topic though as was somewhat requested earlier; If I were gay and wanting to get married to my partner and I wasn’t allowed because people from my church shut the process down I might consider that God doesn’t exist. Why would God not want me to be happy?

Also if I was a religious woman who was accused of adultery and had my hands cut off I might consider that God didn’t exist...

If I was in a war torn area where two sections of Christianity were committing genocide in the name of the lord I may come to believe God doesn’t exist.

The fact “Blasphemy” exists is another example of religion casting out its members.

It’s all well and good when you’ve got evidence to prove that God may exist but if religion is promoting extreme violence, hate and a pursuit of ignorance then you may believe that God doesn’t exist; or at least God has nothing to do with Religion.

SOUNDS GOOD: Check this out. I know it is a video but you can handle it. What do you think?

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#174 johnross47

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Posted 08 September 2012 - 04:29 PM

What a mountain of drivel. The decode material has absolutely no bearing whatsoever on issues of religion. His misrepresentation of the supposed previous position of scientists and their subsequent conversion, is a monstrous straw man. Dishonesty on this scale makes it even more difficult to take any pronouncements by such people seriously.

#175 shadowhawk

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Posted 10 September 2012 - 10:53 PM

What a mountain of drivel. The decode material has absolutely no bearing whatsoever on issues of religion. His misrepresentation of the supposed previous position of scientists and their subsequent conversion, is a monstrous straw man. Dishonesty on this scale makes it even more difficult to take any pronouncements by such people seriously.

From SCIENCE magazine
ENCODE Project Writes Eulogy for Junk DNA

Elizabeth Pennisi

This week, 30 research papers, including six in Nature and additional papers published online by Science, sound the death knell for the idea that our DNA is mostly littered with useless bases. A decade-long project, the Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE), has found that 80% of the human genome serves some purpose, biochemically speaking. Beyond defining proteins, the DNA bases highlighted by ENCODE specify landing spots for proteins that influence gene activity, strands of RNA with myriad roles, or simply places where chemical modifications serve to silence stretches of our chromosomes.”

No use arguing with Logical Fallacies who have less than 1% that is not pure junk and name calling. My remarks were not addressed to this. I was invited to discuss DNA and that is what I am responding to.
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#176 johnross47

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Posted 11 September 2012 - 07:48 AM

The encode project material clearly has major implications for the understanding of genetics, but it has none for religion/superstition or for creationists or any of the other weirdos rushing to reinterpret reality. The idea that these areas of the genome contain switches and other operational material rather than junk has been around for some time now. This is just a massive confirmation of the scale and nature of that material, not something totally new or unexpected. It has no implications for anything here. It has no bearing on a theist's willingness to confront reality.

By the way; which bit of your christianity is it that makes you such a compulsive screamer of irrelevant infantile abuse? If you presented us all with a detailed and erudite analysis of the logical and evidential flaws in other people's arguments we might be more convinced by your claims of superiority, and if you did it politely we would think you were a decent human being as well. It's not the only requirement for a christian but it goes a long way towards it.

Edited by johnross47, 11 September 2012 - 08:38 AM.

#177 shadowhawk

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Posted 11 September 2012 - 11:37 PM

johross47: The encode project material clearly has major implications for the understanding of genetics, but it has none for religion/superstition or for creationists or any of the other weirdos rushing to reinterpret reality. The idea that these areas of the genome contain switches and other operational material rather than junk has been around for some time now. This is just a massive confirmation of the scale and nature of that material, not something totally new or unexpected. It has no implications for anything here. It has no bearing on a theist's willingness to confront reality.

By the way; which bit of your christianity is it that makes you such a compulsive screamer of irrelevant infantile abuse? If you presented us all with a detailed and erudite analysis of the logical and evidential flaws in other people's arguments we might be more convinced by your claims of superiority, and if you did it politely we would think you were a decent human being as well. It's not the only requirement for a christian but it goes a long way towards it.

Actually I am responding to Lister who suggested we discuss DNA in his last post, not you.. Atheists have suggested the old view, that most “Junk DNA” was evidence for Atheism, that no intelligence would create such Junk. Turns out that it is not Junk at all though there were huge holes in the old Atheist arguments. The implications now, are obvious but I am not trying to convince you of anything. All you can do is express bigotry and call people names. Rave on. Not interested. If Lister is, than I will discuss it with someone more reasonable
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#178 johnross47

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Posted 12 September 2012 - 07:03 PM

Once again you have shown yourself to be deeply stupidly dishonest. You quoted me in your cheap nasty response. You don't seem to aware that all of this is public so your lies are open to everyone to see. Anyway....I'm off for a six month painting holiday in the south of France. I'll have more amusing things to do than rattling your cage. I don't imagine this topic will have moved on any when I come back.
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#179 shadowhawk

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Posted 12 September 2012 - 11:27 PM

Once again you have shown yourself to be deeply stupidly dishonest. You quoted me in your cheap nasty response. You don't seem to aware that all of this is public so your lies are open to everyone to see. Anyway....I'm off for a six month painting holiday in the south of France. I'll have more amusing things to do than rattling your cage. I don't imagine this topic will have moved on any when I come back.


#180 Lister

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Posted 14 September 2012 - 09:01 PM

Shadow, I appreciate you trying to bring this into a logical debate. I'm sorry that others are well beyond reason at this point but then your use of the words "Logical Fallacies" could be partly at fault. I know you feel that this is what they’re throwing at you but really it breaks down to a school ground with name calling and “He started it” statements. Who cares?

Honestly if you are as educated as you claimed I’m sure you could rise above all this. Then again Einstein would have argued just as aggressively so what do I know anyways?

Regardless; DNA.

I cannot fault the logical possibility that DNA is a result of an intelligent creator. Without extensive education in biosciences I cannot hope to hold ground on such a debate. In my opinion with billions of years to toy with anything is possible.

What I will say though is that I feel it is pointless to argue for or against the scientific proof of a creator (from a religious standpoint). At our current rate of progression it will take many thousands of years to probably still get nowhere.

From my experience the majority of the faithful I’ve met are much more concerned with living their lives according to their faith. They’re not concerned with proof of an intelligent creator they just want to believe in their version of God and live their lives.

Bringing this back on topic: if we conclusively proved that DNA was a DIRECT result of evolution and there was a 0% chance of Gods involvement would you reverse your position on the existence of God?

If we were able to prove the existence of everything in the universe without God would that then reverse your position on the existence of God?

I know it wouldn’t for me because I long for the unknown and will always belief in the existence of that which we do not understand. It would be interesting to see your thoughts on it though.

Please don’t take the “Well it’s not possible so why even discuss it?” path as you know that will drive me bonkers!

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: god, theists, religion

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