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Wich is the best Nootropic to have concentration and memory for a student?

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#1 hereistay

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Posted 17 July 2012 - 08:09 PM

Hello everyone!
First of all excuse me for my error languages!
I'm from Italy and I'm an aerospace engineering student!
I discovered these products some days ago on internet, and now I'm wondering which one is right for me.
In the last months I'm very inattentive, deconcentrated and stressed, I'm not able to study as I did before.
I need something thath gives me more concentration an memory to go on with my studies.
I'm also tend to be antisocial and probably a little 'depressed because of poor results in studies if the last months.
When I wake up in the morning I'm not very relaxed, I feel very tired, more than when I went to bad the night before.
Probably it depends also by my little scoliosis, but I fell also like a truck passed on me during the night.
So, I read about Piracetam, Centrophenoxine, DMAE, Phenibut, Choline, GABA, alpha GPC and others...
I read that Piracetam is good for my purpose, but here in Italy (probably in all European Countries) the prescription is needed, so it is not simple to buy.
About Centrophenoxine I read that it is able to rejuvenate the brain but it works from 30-40yo.
About DMAE I read that it gives more lucidity but not memory.
I also read about problems of this products, such as high pressure of blood in brai vessels, or convulsions o psychic problems.
In different places I read that it is recommanded to use this products together to encrease their utility.
I also read that folic acid (vit. B9) is good (but it is not a drug or nootropic) what do you know about?
Now the question is, to improve concentration and memory in the study, and maybe help to sleep better(not more but better, I sleep 8 hours a day and not suffer of insomnia) and socialize more, which one of this stuff is better?

ps: I'm 24 yo, about 185cm and 75kg.

#2 Raza

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Posted 17 July 2012 - 08:48 PM

Centro works great for concentration for me, and I'm 25. Also helps me socialize, but isn't very good for sleep (take it in the morning and don't redose).

Huperzine A for memory.

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#3 hereistay

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Posted 17 July 2012 - 11:20 PM

Centro works great for concentration for me, and I'm 25. Also helps me socialize, but isn't very good for sleep (take it in the morning and don't redose).

Huperzine A for memory.

Do you use it regularly or only under exams/stress?
If you use it only under stress can you tell me if it creates dependence or if you feel "strange" when you stop to use it?
Can you tell me the daily doses for Centro and Huperzine A?

#4 Raza

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Posted 18 July 2012 - 07:59 AM

Never noticed any withdrawals.

I used 100 or 200 µg of Huperzine A and ~400mg of Centhro /day.

#5 hereistay

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Posted 21 July 2012 - 06:07 PM

So, I think I'm going to buy piracetam or centrophenoxine.
Which on is the best?

#6 MrHappy

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Posted 22 July 2012 - 12:48 AM

Don't forget sleep.

#7 Roumanos

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Posted 22 July 2012 - 11:32 AM

So, I think I'm going to buy piracetam or centrophenoxine.
Which on is the best?


Piracetam + Choline source, if you ask me, extremely basic stack, cheap, and pretty much the staple of every stack. The Choline source can be Choline Citrate/Bitartrate, Alpha-GPC, CDP-Choline, etc.

Once you have that, you can add other stuff, and since you're a young student, I assume money is a factor, so you could add some Inositol, which is cheap, and synergises great with the Choline.

Hope I am of some help!


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#8 hippocampus

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Posted 22 July 2012 - 01:59 PM

Regarding sleep: you have to be in a very dark room - I used to sleep in only half dark room (street light) and I needed to take melatonin every day. Now I have black curtain on window and I sleep much much better.

Regarding concentration: I recommend you to exercise n-back task.

I also recommend you to use cron-o-meter for a month or so and than supplement if needed or change your nutrition: you may need more omega-3, zinc (ratio zinc:copper should be about 10:1), magnesium, folate (I recommend methylfolate) and maybe some others.

You can order piracetam from czech (I'm form slovenia and i have ordered it from here: http://www.docsimon....pe=&fsub=SEARCH

You can use melatonin for sleep, about 0,5-1 mg should be enough, but first consider my first recommendation.

Against depression and for energy: take turmeric mixed with black pepper (about 4:1 ratio or sth like that) with some oil (olive oil, coconut oil). But you should cycle it, because tolerance develops after few weeks.

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