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spin trapping, antioxidants, DNA protection, mitochondria health

ntbha tricine bpap antioxidants dna protection longevity chemicals huperzine a

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#61 smithx

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Posted 10 December 2012 - 09:28 AM

I am taking citric acid based on research that is generally agreed upon by most of the scientific community, thanks for asking, its nice to know someone cares.
in case you don't know about it(most people don't have a clue), here is the wiki page on it - http://en.wikipedia....ric_acid_cycle.
thank me for the free education later.

Yes, I know all about the krebs cycle, as we used to call it. I learned it in high school.

My question is: what evidence is there that taking citric acid supplements can improve the quality of your mitochondria?

Edited by smithx, 10 December 2012 - 09:29 AM.

#62 daouda

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Posted 10 December 2012 - 10:30 AM

i agree, just be cause you seek longevity doesn't mean you have to be so up tight all the time. if what he is saying upsets you so bad prove him wrong scientifically

isochroma leaving longecity was one of the worst things thats happened to this site. don't make the same mistake twice

thats what i like about this forum compared to others related to supplements and longevety. the mods here are not as uptight and i sure hope it continues this way. variety of opinions and personalities expressed is a great thing for any forum. even trolling is ok if its funny and harmless. :)

You guys dont get my point at all. I'm also glad that this forum isnt all bent on proving every assumption/adecdote/theory with hard science. Contrary to many "epistemology nazis" I dont think anecdotes are worthless, and creative thoughts are more than welcome. I read a lot of contributions from "scientifically illiterate" users with great interest. One definitely should not need to have a scientific degree to be allowed to contribute to this forum, even when attempting to reason scientifically - as long as he remains humble doing so. Plus I know first handedly that "studies" arent foolproof and you shouldnt be so arrogant to think that you should prove everything with "science" (google fluoroquinolone toxicity syndrome, I'm yet another victim of these "safe" abx - and I'm not seeking longevity, but trying to regain some decent health). I beleive in the great worth of TCM and ayurveda and deeply regret the arrogance of western medecine. And yes isochroma was an amazing asset to to this forum. But have you ever seen him try to make his rants pass as authoritative hard science with approximative pubmed quotes? (well he didnt need to pretend to be a genius scientist, he was a god...) How dare you compare his magnificent prose to this poorly written stack of wannabe scientist crap? DearMrClock you've been "feeding the troll" throughout this thread giving this guy appraisal because you obviously were impressed by the phoney scientific veneer ["he initiates amazing discussions, arguments and quite well skilled in it"-- holy crap I'm speechless].. You've been fooled and now are having a hard time accepting it. Now please dont turn on me because I'm exposing him..while not being the slightest "emotional" doing so as you like to beleive... I'm actually mildy irritated but also quite amused doing this.. I'm just not into using smilies to prove my "emotional state" so you can attribute whatever tone to my lil rants.

Adaptogen, again I'm not seeking longevity, but quite desperately trying to get some decent health back, and this is one of the few places on the internet where I can find mostly scientifically minded information while still leaving room for anecdotes and more "alternative" theories, a great mix indeed. I absolutely cannot limit myself to hard "proven" science (in the demanding "medical" standard of double-blind randomized-repeated-long term studies sense) which has proven mostly helpless for us "floxies". But I do have a problem when ppl such as anagram of wcaaguy allow themselves to state hastily elaborated speculations as scientific facts just because they have skimmed though some pubmed or wikipedia articles. Come on anagram keeps appointing himself as a "genius", posting "brilliant" ideas when his utter ignorance is blatant when you start to look just a little closer. If you dont take the time to look a little closer you can get fooled pretty easily... I wasnt even cirticizing the mods whom are doing a great job here (niner's couple of cold, scientific responses to a few of anagram's post should be enough to open ppls eyes), just lamenting the fact that they cannot possibly have the time to keep up with anagram's prolificacy to "prove him wrong scientifically" after each one of his posts. In effect anagram absolutely IS dumbing this forum down and possibly misleading the more naive ppl with his arrogance. You guys definitely should have a problem with this too.

Edited by daouda, 10 December 2012 - 11:22 AM.

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#63 Adaptogen

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Posted 10 December 2012 - 03:33 PM

haha, well..this is why longecity is my favorite forum. I think anyone that posts interesting things deserves a spot, too many bland moments can neutralize all the flavors of life.

and he is feeding his grandparents c60...I do not understand what is not to like

#64 anagram

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Posted 10 December 2012 - 09:20 PM

I don't know exactly if citric acid will do my mitochondria a favor, but apparently taking citric acid significantly reduces AFLAtoxin binding so that shows that it has some protective mechanisms against carcinogens. So I was hoping that that effect might mean a plus for my mitochondria.

#65 dear mrclock

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Posted 10 December 2012 - 09:54 PM

haha, well..this is why longecity is my favorite forum. I think anyone that posts interesting things deserves a spot, too many bland moments can neutralize all the flavors of life.

and he is feeding his grandparents c60...I do not understand what is not to like

he is ? wow i missed that part. i stopped reading the c60 threads cuz i got bored with how overhyped that shit is. it only works in olive oil suspension and given the fact olive oil extends life, im not sure what bucky balls did in the experiments. just got bored reading the hyped up threads about it. but i might go back to it if analgram posts there :D
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#66 trance

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Posted 10 December 2012 - 10:43 PM

I don't know exactly if citric acid will do my mitochondria a favor, but apparently taking citric acid significantly reduces AFLAtoxin binding so that shows that it has some protective mechanisms against carcinogens. So I was hoping that that effect might mean a plus for my mitochondria.

You realize that the article you posted has nothing to do with mitochondria, right?

It's generally about applying citric acid to chicken feed(grains), hoping to limit the infiltration of various aflatoxin producing microbes on the grain, and then the subsequent results of feeding it to chickens.

#67 anagram

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Posted 10 December 2012 - 11:06 PM

yah, sorry. I didn't take anytime at all to write what I meant. If citric acid helps detoxify aflatoxins in water and such, I figure that I should start adding some to my water and food. I love buying stuff in bulk, why not a flavoring like citric acid? It is also important to the krebs cycle, its non-toxic, whats the worry?
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#68 daouda

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Posted 10 December 2012 - 11:56 PM

Wow, how many times have you posted some BS only to be corrected by someone actually knowledgeable and then coming back with the same "yah, sorry. I didn't take anytime at all to write what I meant, blah blah" response? How many times will it take for DearMrClock to open his eyes?

Also it's obvious you dont even have any clue what "aflatoxins" are.: http://www.longecity...ts/#entry550275 : First you start spelling it "alfatoxin" (twice) in that other thread while stating some widly incorrect stuff about it, then when niner corrects your mistakes (both the spelling and false statement) and highlights the incorrect part by putting it in caps -"AFLAtoxin, not alfa" - you then proceed to copy this "spelling" thinking it's actually the correct way to write it - "Ok, I know AFLAtoxin is bad for you" . -... and repeat that ridiculous mistake here again in this page, while showcasing again your unmatched gift for rushed, abismal reasoning - post #64. "apparently taking citric acid significantly reduces AFLAtoxin binding so that shows that it has some protective mechanisms against carcinogens" Now after that trance has correcedt you on that umpteenth BS of yours, you're writing "yah sorry (...) citric acid helps detoxify aflatoxins in water and such." ... no comment
Well I'm done here. Someone had to do this dirty job and I'm a little surprised than no one else seems willing to challenge more frontally your amazingly prolific bovine feces production ability combined with a delusionally inflated sense of self-worth (those ony reading this thread need to check out his other posts). Good luck to those brave enough to appoint you as an authority/mentor.
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#69 pleb

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Posted 11 December 2012 - 06:12 AM

I think because many here are laymen (myself included) don't know enough regarding the subject it took longer to realise that his assumptions were wrong,
but it became apparent even to me after reading the links he did provide that he had not understood what he had read,and jumped to the wrong conclusions with out understanding the interactions between substances,
also in his C60 conclusions of how it combined with Astaxathin,(probably my spelling is wrong on that) where he used particle physics to explain how it worked, ( Photons moving electrons into another orbit and the affinity for C60 to attract the electron ),,
he reads a lot but doesn't understand enough of what he reads and jumps to conclusions,
his ignoring the posts from people on here such as niner and Daouda who do know and understand also show,s he has a problem,
I've seen traits similar to this in people with varying degrees of Autism,

Edited by pleb, 11 December 2012 - 06:16 AM.

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#70 anagram

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Posted 12 December 2012 - 12:24 AM

to tell you the truth, I believe that in some ways my posts are insane sounding, and I definitely am getting autism vibes from everything I am writing. I hope none of you expect this to be what I am like in real life because after reading some of my posts, i realized I look completely retarded.

thank you for your words of kindness(?) but I am neither insane or wanting to go on longecity in a very long time so don't expect a reply from anagram any time soon.
I think I should also say I am sorry but that is sort of implied by this whole message.
good day.


Edited by anagram, 12 December 2012 - 01:01 AM.

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#71 anagram

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Posted 12 December 2012 - 01:08 AM

oh and just so none of you guys think that i am just another isochroma, I will explain that my behavior was in part due to the fact that I did not know what to expect from any of you guys, and as a result I sounded really awkward. it was also because I don't have much time in the day to do all this research stuff. as a solid word of advice, keep doing what you do, its very cool.


Edited by anagram, 12 December 2012 - 01:10 AM.

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#72 dear mrclock

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Posted 12 December 2012 - 01:24 AM

anagram i was always on your side buddy. please comeback soon :(

#73 Adaptogen

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Posted 12 December 2012 - 01:24 AM

I say, anagram. you should stick around i enjoy your antics

Edited by Adaptogen, 12 December 2012 - 01:42 AM.

#74 daouda

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Posted 12 December 2012 - 01:36 AM

I say fuck those clowns, anagram.

Take it easy there buddy
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#75 dear mrclock

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Posted 12 December 2012 - 07:58 AM

daouda cost us a regular active member. wish he replaces him now....
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#76 daouda

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Posted 12 December 2012 - 03:49 PM

daouda cost us a regular active member. wish he replaces him now....

Can't beleive this isnt a joke. I'm not responsible for anagram's inability to inject some intellectual humility (maturity) into his posts. In these last two posts of him he seems to have come back to his senses, but it contrasts sharply with the arrogance of all his prior posts. Although he could just stick around while applying the lesson he seems to have learned, he decides to leave, that's his choice. The fact that you present him as a victim shows how much you really do not want to actually understand what has happened here (pretty much "you've been trolled"). The human ego is often more powerful than reason. Good luck to you.

Adaptogen, if you come to this forum for entertainment ("I enjoy your antics"), try to understand that the majority of users here have other sources for that purpose, and come here mostly to find reliable information or have worthy (=honest) intellectual discussions. Also you fail to understand where this all started with your attempt to present me as a bully and anagram as a victim : I personally feel like it is our duty as compassionate human beings to try to point at someone that they may be slipping into hypomania. (I was genuinely concerned there http://www.longecity...post__p__549720) Beleive me as someone whom suffered from its consequences : mania is NOTHING to be entertained about or encouraged (even when it's Charlie Sheen making an ass of himself on TV, the exception might be when it's able to produce genius-level creative art )

Edited by daouda, 12 December 2012 - 03:50 PM.

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#77 anagram

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Posted 24 December 2012 - 03:27 AM

hey, i am back for a bit, I had to leave because I had some work that needed to be done, daouda had nothing to do with me leaving so chill out.
I would like to update the status of some of my scientific hypothesis ( albit a strange one), earlier I said that Astaxanthin probably has some sort of reaction with c60, well I haven't found out anything about Astaxanthin in particular, though I have found this----

which says (on page 7) that c60 forms covalent bonds with vitamine A in the liver. Although it does no directly state that this reaction can happen with any carotenoid, I cannot see a reason why it would only happen with only vitamine A. though totally in the unknown, I think that perhaps there is evidence for Asta+c60.

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#78 dear mrclock

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Posted 24 December 2012 - 03:00 PM

welcome back buddy :)

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