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depression/anxiety/skyzophrenia => bowel related ?

gut issue depression

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#1 Babychris

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Posted 20 May 2013 - 07:21 PM

Hello, sorry for my mistakes.

I'm actually very tired and depressed.. and that particurly since 2 years that when my hiccup beggined (not directly related), it happened just 2 or 3 times at each meal, nothing serious. My mom is always saying "oh my god" when it happens, So I was like "Hey mom are you kidding this is nothing" but more the time go, and more I failed in everything I tried because of my extreme anxiety, and depression. It become clear and clearer than I have some mild to serious belly related issues...

I know that first of all because my mood was changing all the time, I can be the top of the top (seriously I'm brilliant, socially, Meta-physically, and pragmatically) but I can't focus at all like a serious ADHD, why not..

But I've tried EVERYTHING to treat that to achieve my year and as I've said in prevous threads, Modafinil killed me.. stressing me like NOTHING. Why ? I didn't know.. but that was clear that It gave me some serious fever-like symptoms with stomach upseting. And more I noticed that nothing (nor nootropics nor meds) could do nothing because I was feeling always the same. I mean I did'nt know before because I was very changing, sometimes ok, sometimes paranoid, most of the time very introspective, so I was in a way kind of maniac in my mind and this was not stupid because I have some serious deep deep thought, but this is due to fact that I cannot enjoy nothing, so I think ..

So after I failed at my exam, I was depressed like no one, the psychiatrist was chocked, how I could be that deep, I was like rebuilding everything in my mind but I was too weak to suicide. So I thought everything was related to a complex bi-polar disorder with some skyzophrenia and of course a strong ADD but the psychiatrist wasn't able to conclude nothing, saying that I might have all of that or nothing. I've tried an other one for the same answer.

Now I'm lossed, nothing new, but I have notice that when I don't eat for 2 days my head become clearer and now when I put ANYTHING in my mouth and swallow it, I feel immediatly the fog coming, but now I feel stupid, before it was a body fog with dizziness and everything but now I feel like I have no ability to achieve complex thought. That's not the real problem.

The problem is that I want to know how people live and I don't trust anyone that say, that I'm weak and everything I feel is normal. I'm very resistant I can burn my skin with a cigarett and resist mentally, but this fog and anxiety IS NOT NORMAL. So now I'm affraid to see a doctor because I don't trust them but more, If He founds nothing I'll be more lost and I'll kill myself and If He founds my problem I will be so destroyed to have failed at my exam (and be fired by the same of my college so I'll never be a doctor...) and didn't do anything before that I don't know how I will react.

But do you think something in the body could have some powerfull reaction to make feel one like a skyzophrenia. Because I'm so sensitive and it's hell to feel how I feel. I love to speak to share, and when I can't it's like I'm dead.

Plus I have always a dry mouth (night lnclude but that's since a long time) and when my "crisis" are at the max, I fix a point on the floor I become very difficult to see in front of me. And I'm SO IRRITABLE, and become paranoid, beating verbally my mom with some fake reasons, but it's stronger than me. I also feel cold half of the time.

Sorry the mistakes I'm not english, but now I feel not very good so I'm speacially discuting to read.

Edited by Babychris, 20 May 2013 - 07:38 PM.

#2 socialpiranha

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Posted 21 May 2013 - 12:06 AM

There is an emerging theory that mood disorders are actually metabolic disorders, i am inclined to believe that as the only things which have helped me have an effect on glucose metabolism. Also all of the symptoms you describe can be caused by glucose homeostasis issues. I use to have fits of anger for no reason, slight thought distortions, mind fog related to certain foods, extreme depression, mood swings, etc. I've tried over 100 drugs and supplements with very little success either too many side effects or not enough benefit. I don't wanna sound like a health nut, but one tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil a day has been the most effective thing for me so far, It contains a certain substance that the brain and body can use as fuel instead of glucose. It works similarly to using the ketogenic diet which supplies the body with ketones for fuel rather than glucose. If you want more details on how or why coconut oil works let me know. Coconut oil also kills candida albicans which can become too plentiful in the bowel during times of stress or sickness and cause lots of problems. oh yeah and a little modesty wouldn't hurt you lol

here's a study suggesting depressive disorders should be reclassified as metabolic disorder type ll done by researchers in my country:


Edited by socialpiranha, 21 May 2013 - 12:11 AM.

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#3 william7

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Posted 21 May 2013 - 03:38 PM

Try all the natural health remedies until you find something that works. Stay away from the psychotropics drugs to avoid becoming another victim of big pharma.

Making a Killing the Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging

Gut and Psychology Syndrome: Natural Treatment For: Autism, ADD, ADHD, Depression, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Schizophrenia

Dr. Mercola Interviews Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride

Alternative Mental Health

True Hope

Horticultural Therapy Institute
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#4 hippocampus

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Posted 21 May 2013 - 09:04 PM

Try coconut oil - if it works it may be something with ketones.
Also try gluten-free diet for a month (not less!) and see if there's any difference. If it does or doesn't work you may also try casein-free diet after that.

#5 magniloquentc0unt

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Posted 22 May 2013 - 10:52 AM

yeah try everything natural first, but honestly, the natural option is just not as effective as the chemical one.
look into tianeptine, is a french drug, marketed by servier. Will soon be allowed in america for Irritable Bowel Sindrome... there are many serotonin receptors in the stomach

also the feeling cold is related to serotonin too

#6 Babychris

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Posted 23 May 2013 - 03:36 PM

Thanks to you for the answers..

I'll try first the olive oil as it's easy to find and take it. (notably in France haha)

For coconut oil I'll search a shop but to be honest it seem too easy to sound miraculous, but hope is more than something I have to keep, it something which sustain itself so I still have hope..

Can I add as a clue the fact that while I was modafinil, I think most of the feelings were gut-depression and gut-anxiety, I mean as little was my dose, as anxiety was even noticeable. And Upping the dose just made my farting more regular and more stinky..
As far as my "fart" is concerned, I think it's a clue symptom, because I always have some, maybe partially due to my house; which is kind of very cold, we are in may and it's 10C outside and it's not well isolated.
But when I upped too much my modafinil dose one bloody, dark day I had litterally shit myself.. a little bit but that was not funny.. No really not funny.

And I can't even hope how better day's can pop up just as I remember what happened, You all don't know but I know and more, I'm conscient of how people use evily their consciousness to let themself(ves) float into the raising, "modern society" as a natural form of unconsciousness. But that's an other subject where I can't go, for some reasons and my english level is one of them but more because that's not the point.

#7 socialpiranha

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Posted 23 May 2013 - 04:39 PM

I havent had much success with many natural treatments for dep/anx but coconut oil does work fairly well, at least as well as ssris with no side effects and positive effects on stomach and intestinal problems. Its still no where near a proper treatment it just makes life a little easier. I'm still experimenting with obscure drugs and plant isolates as much as possible.In regards to shitting your pants, I dont know what to tell you. depends maybe?

#8 socialpiranha

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Posted 23 May 2013 - 04:54 PM

Sounds like your issues might have an actual cause . You say you cant imagine how things can get better when you remember what happened or whatever. If your symptoms are caused by a traumatic event or something then thats whats keeping you from getting better, you gotta figure out a way to deal with it. Maybe i'm just not undertanding your english though .

#9 Babychris

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Posted 23 May 2013 - 07:14 PM

That could be a fair hypothesis, but I was feeling bad before, that is what made me come where I am.

But I will give a try to coconut oil that's better than nothing yeah..

Sorry for my english dude, but don't be too rude when you judge the fact that I could potentially be haughty, you give me lessons but you are not able to find the "edit" function, but for the last time that's not the point, and I can't blame you I'm sure that It wasn't yours (point) too..
And at least you have tried to help me, that's clearly not an objective way to consider you, but I must to be grateful so thank's for you help man and all of you.

Ps : I notice everytime a weird thing that make me think that the cold issue is (maybe) not related to serotonin : I feel more cold on the right side and more particularly on the right hand..
Maybe it's due to specific serotonin receptors but certainly not to the neurotransmetter.

#10 socialpiranha

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Posted 24 May 2013 - 05:26 AM

hey, I wasnt trying to be rude sometimes my humor just comes off that way, i give a fuck cause i know what its like.

i will try to outline my current hypothesis on the development of mood disorders hopefully it will help.

The body's main rule is homeostasis, if something gets out of whack it attempts to rectify it by downregulating or desensitizing receptors, increasing hormone output etc. In times of stress, corticosteroids are released in excess, If the stress persists(bad memories or experiences), the glucocorticoid receptors are downregulated/desensitized in attempt to rectify the problem. This increases vascular sensitivity to epinephrine which causes anxiety. Decreased insulin sensitivity is another subsequent reaction, which causes glucose homeostasis issues. Corticosteroid dysregulation disrupts thyroid hormone homeostasis due to their tight interrelation. Symptoms of disturbed glucose and or thyroid hormone homeostasis can account for all symptoms seen in mood disorders. Decreased glucocorticoid receptor sensitivity also increases inflammation due to an inability of glucocorticoids to supress immune response. Monoamines and second messenger systems are effected downstream from these more primary dysregulations and subsequently have feedback effects which maintain the dysregulation.

Here are some things which might break the chain of dysregulation and restore brain chemistry:

-Metyrapone, a cortisol synthesis inhibitor, has shown to affect mood and decrease recollection of negative memories.
-ketoconazole- another cortisol synthesis inhibitor
-Icariin, a phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitor, attenuates social defeat-induced downregulation of glucocorticoid receptors
-celecoxib, a cox 2 inhibitor, enhances function of glucocorticoid receptors
-rolipram , a phosphodiesterase 4 inhibitor, enhances function of glucocorticoid receptors
-luteolin, another phosphodiesterase 4 inhibitor
-mexidol , increases glucose tolerance
-cerebrolysin, regulates insulin sensitivity

Edited by socialpiranha, 24 May 2013 - 05:34 AM.

#11 brainslugged

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Posted 24 May 2013 - 11:52 AM

Hi, I had mild stomach problems from about 2.5 years ago until about 6 months ago, and still kinda present even now. It seems to have been triggered by a flu-like illness in december of 2010. I almost never get sick, but I had a VERY intense headache (it felt like someone was splitting my skull open, worse than any headache I have ever had, which include some moderate sinus headaches) and nausea (mostly with balance and poor feeling, but I didn't actually throw up at all). It lasted for about 3 days, I think, don't really remember.

Mostly stomach aches, poor digestion, problems with bowels... My stomach hurt almost everyday after meals for about a year.

This was accompanied with worsening of several of my problems. Mostly, there was an increase in fatigue/brain fog, and decrease in social ability and increased tendency toward isolation with decreased memory. Social anxiety and attention problems were already present and not really affected, but my mental ability was certainly decreased. You could say that a lot of the symptoms resembled the negative symptoms of schizophrenia but to a much lesser degree than actual schizophrenia.

Taking piracetam helped with these symptoms, and now, after about a year of nootropic experimenting, not only is my mind sharper and the fog all but gone, but my stomach is much better too, to the point where I rarely get stomach aches. There isn't enough evidence for me to strongly imply causation, but make of it as you will.

I also have mood fluctuations now between more avoidant traits (my "natural" state) and more schizoid traits, and, while I had mood cycles before, this is a 2nd cycle that is, to my observations, new in the past 2.5 years. I believe there is a possiblity that the virus is still mildly active and comes in cycles.

This isn't the only possible cause of the problems (also stress, etc) and it doesn't stand out as a certainly more likely cause, but it is a possible one that I have considered.

I feel that there is certainly an indirect bodily link to mental problems in some cases.

#12 nowayout

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Posted 24 May 2013 - 02:40 PM

Anxiety can absolutely be caused by stomach problems. Reflux or an ulcer can cause the kind of knot in your diafragm and out of breath feeling that your mind may interpret as a sourceless anxiety. If a reflux medicine like Gaviscon helps for your anxiety, that would be one confirmation.

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#13 truboy

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Posted 26 January 2019 - 05:23 PM

There is an emerging theory that mood disorders are actually metabolic disorders, i am inclined to believe that as the only things which have helped me have an effect on glucose metabolism. Also all of the symptoms you describe can be caused by glucose homeostasis issues. I use to have fits of anger for no reason, slight thought distortions, mind fog related to certain foods, extreme depression, mood swings, etc. I've tried over 100 drugs and supplements with very little success either too many side effects or not enough benefit. I don't wanna sound like a health nut, but one tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil a day has been the most effective thing for me so far, It contains a certain substance that the brain and body can use as fuel instead of glucose. It works similarly to using the ketogenic diet which supplies the body with ketones for fuel rather than glucose. If you want more details on how or why coconut oil works let me know. Coconut oil also kills candida albicans which can become too plentiful in the bowel during times of stress or sickness and cause lots of problems. oh yeah and a little modesty wouldn't hurt you lol

here's a study suggesting depressive disorders should be reclassified as metabolic disorder type ll done by researchers in my country:



socialpiranha, i know it's and old post. But did you mean extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil had been the most effective thing?

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