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Use of creatine?


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#1 Qowpel

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Posted 20 July 2014 - 08:56 PM

Hello there, I was thinking of using Creatine in the non--monohydrate from, so that is targets mostly my muscles with water retention....... I was thinking that by doing this, the muscles in the face could swell a bit, thus causing wrinkles to be less noticeable. Has anybody ever done this? If so did it help even a bit? And lastly, if it DID help, do you notice your skin is more saggy after stopping it (due to the stretching)?

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#2 mustardseed41

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Posted 21 July 2014 - 04:54 AM

I gotta give it to ya Qowpel, you sure as hell think outside of the box. ;)

I've used creatine for over 20 years straight and have no clue to your question. Sounds highly unlikely.

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#3 Qowpel

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Posted 21 July 2014 - 06:30 AM

I gotta give it to ya Qowpel, you sure as hell think outside of the box. ;)

I've used creatine for over 20 years straight and have no clue to your question. Sounds highly unlikely.


Well I would figure that if creatine helps to hydrate muscle to a state beyond without its use, then it could theoretically do the same in the facial area.

#4 JohnD60

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Posted 21 July 2014 - 05:12 PM

I have been consuming modest amounts (max of 12g/week, 4g/week on avg) of creatine monohydrate for years. I have never noticed a difference in skin quality or facial appearance between the times I have taken in on a regular basis and the times I stopped taking it for an extended period of time.

Edited by JohnD60, 21 July 2014 - 05:14 PM.

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#5 Lufega

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Posted 22 July 2014 - 04:04 PM

Hyaluronic acid will have that effect on your skin.  I've been using creatine and didn't notice a reduction in wrinkles.  I did, once I added HA.

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#6 Adamzski

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Posted 30 July 2014 - 05:22 PM

LOL not just Qowpel, I had the idea of doing this before. I have used Creatine on and off for weight training and have never noticed the face bloat that many people on BB forums talk about but it is a common thing that people report.

I have been on 8 grams per day the last two months skipping a few days now and then and Im definitely past the saturation point. I have just run out so I will see what happens.

I wanted to get back on it to bloat my face some but I have been getting back into the gym and I am making good gains, was thinking I could do both.


Why the non mono variety? Most of what I have heard is that the mono type bloats the face and the esters etc don't do this at all or as much.


If you search for creatine face bloat you will find it is very common.


I cant say if Im experiencing it, I do kind of feel now that I have hollows under my eyes instead of just bags, I have put on a few KG and my face is not so skinny now.

It does take weeks to completely leave your system so Im pretty sure I will have more creatine within a week and wont get that much of a chance to see changes.


If I have more volume then its nothing like a bloat that I dont like the look of or some disadvantage, maybe just a subtle effect.


Was very skinny earlier in the year and looking older.

#7 Adamzski

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Posted 31 August 2014 - 09:24 AM

I lose and gain weight very fast. Have not take Creatine since the 31st of last month and I am pretty certain that it gives you a few millimeters of bloat that improves the skin.

#8 Qowpel

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Posted 01 December 2014 - 06:41 AM



found this link interesting. Especially on the sagging part! Could be useful!! Topical creatine anyone?

I lose and gain weight very fast. Have not take Creatine since the 31st of last month and I am pretty certain that it gives you a few millimeters of bloat that improves the skin.


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#9 JohnD60

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Posted 02 December 2014 - 01:26 AM





I read it briefly. 4% reduction in sagging/wrinkling after 4 weeks, 5% reduction in sagging/wrinkling after 6 weeks. Absorption was only 7% into the dermis after three hours. Hardly impressive. I would guess you would get the same increase in creatine in the dermis by just taking a couple grams a day.

#10 JohnD60

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Posted 02 December 2014 - 03:05 AM






I read it briefly. 4% reduction in sagging/wrinkling after 4 weeks, 5% reduction in sagging/wrinkling after 6 weeks. Absorption was only 7% into the dermis after three hours. Hardly impressive. I would guess you would get the same increase in creatine in the dermis by just taking a couple grams a day.



correction: 8% reduction after 4 weeks, 10% reduction after 6 weeks. I am still not impressed

#11 Qowpel

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Posted 02 December 2014 - 04:22 AM







I read it briefly. 4% reduction in sagging/wrinkling after 4 weeks, 5% reduction in sagging/wrinkling after 6 weeks. Absorption was only 7% into the dermis after three hours. Hardly impressive. I would guess you would get the same increase in creatine in the dermis by just taking a couple grams a day.



correction: 8% reduction after 4 weeks, 10% reduction after 6 weeks. I am still not impressed


neither am I. But I wonder with a modest decrease such as that coupled with other methods (for those of you or anyone who does have such a problem) would make it worthwhile

#12 JohnD60

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Posted 02 December 2014 - 04:07 PM


neither am I. But I wonder with a modest decrease such as that coupled with other methods (for those of you or anyone who does have such a problem) would make it worthwhile

If I bought all those Golf aids that each claim to reduce my handicap by 2-4 strokes, could I play on the PGA tour?

I think the other methods all work the same way, up regulation of ribosome output, and that there would be a lot of duplication/overlap.

And there may be a long term downside to over stimulation of ribosomes that we don't know about because no one ever follows up a couple years later to see how the test subjects are doing. The beneficial results may only last a few months, and then the ribosome output may return to baseline, then you have to continue treatments just to maintain baseline.


Edited by JohnD60, 02 December 2014 - 04:11 PM.

#13 Qowpel

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Posted 02 December 2014 - 09:30 PM



neither am I. But I wonder with a modest decrease such as that coupled with other methods (for those of you or anyone who does have such a problem) would make it worthwhile

If I bought all those Golf aids that each claim to reduce my handicap by 2-4 strokes, could I play on the PGA tour?

I think the other methods all work the same way, up regulation of ribosome output, and that there would be a lot of duplication/overlap.

And there may be a long term downside to over stimulation of ribosomes that we don't know about because no one ever follows up a couple years later to see how the test subjects are doing. The beneficial results may only last a few months, and then the ribosome output may return to baseline, then you have to continue treatments just to maintain baseline.



This is certainly true. I do wonder if there would be a way to compound/exaggerate the effects.  .  . Maybe through a higher concentration of creatine or even a more efficient delivery system.

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