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feeling of childhood


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#1 normalizing

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Posted 07 November 2014 - 09:14 PM

in seperate threads non-related to this specific topic ive noticed people taking certain supplements claiming they noticed a feeling of how they experience things anew as a child. i just wanna make a topic of possible reports and supplement use by users on this forum of what they took and what possibly caused them to experience like they feel like a kid again. perhaps logically that will involve certain rejuvanating supplements that might give extra energy or brain alterations for the positive, but please report if you or anyone you know have experienced such in some way or another k thank you.

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#2 Kalliste

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Posted 07 November 2014 - 10:10 PM

To be honest no supplement ever came close to giving me that feeling. Cannabis and LSD are known to cause those effects but those substances are illegal almost everywhere.

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#3 sthira

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Posted 08 November 2014 - 02:34 AM

Yeah, I was gonna say cannabis and shrooms, but thought that might be misunderstood. Alcohol? Some report they're able to push exercise boundaries with c60oo. I haven't experienced that myself, but many have.

#4 Adaptogen

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Posted 08 November 2014 - 02:48 AM

I have had an experience or two like this with psilocybin.

I think it is more as a result of pattern recognition / shifting than anything. That is, when tripping, you tend to experience something as it truly is - without all of the cynical, associated feelings that someone usually brings with them when experiencing day-to-day life. I imagine that you could experience something similar to this with mindful meditation as an alternative to using drugs, though.

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#5 tintinet

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Posted 08 November 2014 - 02:58 AM

I have had an experience or two like this with psilocybin.

I think it is more as a result of pattern recognition / shifting than anything. That is, when tripping, you tend to experience something as it truly is - without all of the cynical, associated feelings that someone usually brings with them when experiencing day-to-day life. I imagine that you could experience something similar to this with mindful meditation as an alternative to using drugs, though.



As above, same for me. Also, lately, some days, when I don't have to work, and I sleep for about 16 hours, I wake feeling as though I've almost forgotten everything about my life, and feel like a kid again.

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#6 sthira

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Posted 08 November 2014 - 04:28 AM

Might sound simplistic, but sometimes just rolling around on the floor like a nine-year old does the trick. Somersaults down a hill, a swing set, jumping around goofy on a trampoline, digging around in dirt, looking for beetles, building forts outside and inside, like blanket forts and pillow fights, and watching cartoons from inside a fort. Oh, and Sour Diesel works pretty sweetly, too, and Headband :-) and go camping and stare at flames...
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#7 Kalliste

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Posted 08 November 2014 - 09:20 AM

He was asking for substances. But you are right Sthira, simply trying to follow a childs movements can go a long way. Trying to maintain the same amount of physical activity as children is also extremly healthy.

#8 normalizing

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Posted 08 November 2014 - 09:49 AM

Might sound simplistic, but sometimes just rolling around on the floor like a nine-year old does the trick. Somersaults down a hill, a swing set, jumping around goofy on a trampoline, digging around in dirt, looking for beetles, building forts outside and inside, like blanket forts and pillow fights, and watching cartoons from inside a fort. Oh, and Sour Diesel works pretty sweetly, too, and Headband :-) and go camping and stare at flames...




guys obviously drugs will do this but seriously, i did read on this forum in various off topics people saying some prescription pills or even herbs have caused them such effect. i remember some in nootropic section but its a huge hassle to find the exact posts since they were off topics in various random topics about different topics.

anyway, im sure someone will come forth.

#9 Dolph

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Posted 08 November 2014 - 10:46 AM

In my experience certain olfactory impressions often do the trick. Once my neighbour was working with bark mulch in his front garden and all of a sudden I very lively remembered how I felt during a vacation in the Black Forest as a three year old boy.

#10 normalizing

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Posted 08 November 2014 - 11:41 AM

i remember in some of those cerebrolysin threads some mentioned such child like effect but i cant find it now...

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#11 jonnyD

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Posted 08 November 2014 - 12:32 PM

MDMA with the right setting does produce such effects in some people without the psychedelic effects of LSD or Shrooms.

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#12 Jembe

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Posted 08 November 2014 - 01:38 PM

Mucuna, ginkgo, bacopa.

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#13 Soma

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Posted 08 November 2014 - 02:31 PM

I think it is more as a result of pattern recognition / shifting than anything. That is, when tripping, you tend to experience something as it truly is - without all of the cynical, associated feelings that someone usually brings with them when experiencing day-to-day life. I imagine that you could experience something similar to this with mindful meditation as an alternative to using drugs, though.

Wonderfully said. Certain drugs such as psychedelics, can remove some of the inherent filters-of-experience we all carry around with us. People live by the daily illusion that they are having objective experiences- the homunculus looking out through the windows of there eyes and directly experiencing the world. In reality, our experience is filtered, distorted, and obstructed and we are left with only a warped glimpse that we assume is "objective". With these filters gone or greatly reduced, you experience that is more objective (in the sense that there is less commentary, judgement/valuation, or an attempt to manipulate the experience). Some, perhaps most, of these filters are to some degree necessary for living in the modern world. The child has inherently less of these filters and the newborn none, if you subscribe to Rousseau's tabula rasa theory (which has been called heavily into question by infant behavioral researchers at Yale). We gain these filters as we age and it happens so subtlety and gradually that one never even realizes that they have been established. You only realize it by their subtraction. But they do, true to form, alter all of our experiences and part of us does have the intuition that something has been lost- the wordsworthian days of old.
I know of no supplement that could accomplish reducing negative cognitive filters. These psychedelic drugs are more reliable in this respect, but the removal of the filters can happen to quickly and it is not sustainable in the long run, obviously. I think Adaptogen's recommendation of meditation is the most likely to produce the changes you are looking for, though be forewarned, it will not happen quickly.

Edited by Soma, 08 November 2014 - 02:35 PM.

#14 Keizo

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Posted 08 November 2014 - 03:01 PM

i remember in some of those cerebrolysin threads some mentioned such child like effect but i cant find it now...

Yeah there were a couple of people mentioning that, me included.

ctrl+f search this thread http://www.longecity...es-compilation/


I did use a bit of cerebrolysin recently (2 weeks ago, totaling at 50ml over a couple of weeks), I would say it was more pronounced earlier this year and late last year. I didn't feel very good late last year, so that probably has something to do with it. (benzo paws, brain fog, muscle tension, and so on) 

I think I have gotten used to the improvements, and my brain stops noticing certain things that are improved.


Right now I'm using about 625 micrograms of Selegiline (1/8th of a 5mg pill) sublingually. This does have something of this effect, perhaps a bit early to say, but I would advise to use it sublingually because amphetamine (which it metabolizes into if taken orally) in my experience isn't what you are asking for, especially not the levo isomers. Amphetamine however mild tends to feel somehow unnatural, tense, rather energetic, and you know any euphoria is about to go away very soon. Though a few times it has made me very relaxed and tired actually (2.5-5mg d-amphetamine), and then it did remind me of what I think I can recall feeling like when I was very young. Specifically I felt like I could fall asleep anywhere if I wanted to. 

#15 normalizing

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Posted 08 November 2014 - 09:46 PM

i also think niagen was reported to give something similar but i might have to check the experience thread for this

#16 sthira

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Posted 08 November 2014 - 09:59 PM

I don't get any positive or negative effects from from niagen. And for those childlike feelings I love so well, I don't get them from any commodity supplement or noot I've tried. Dolph is onto something, though: certain odors may trigger childhood memories which then may be deepened in ways you don't seem to find interesting.

#17 tintinet

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Posted 09 November 2014 - 10:37 PM

Niagen does nothing for me as well.

#18 GoingPrimal

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Posted 09 November 2014 - 11:55 PM

Agreed with above, I have experienced reliable child-like mental states after using various psychedelics. 


When I first got into meditation and yoga a few years back, I was almost constantly in this child-like state (I was 21 at the time). Everything seemed so fresh and so new, I was so curious and spontaneous.


As for normal, run-of-the-mill supplements, I'm not sure any have had the same kinds of effects.


Hopefully someone more learned than I can chime in on this but I have a few thoughts on the topic. I've read that the brain (and specifically the prefrontal cortex) doesn't stop developing till around age 25. I seem to remember also reading that classical psychedelics and the meditative state both reduce activity in the prefrontal cortex as well. Is there a connection here or am I horribly mistaken? Did a quick search but will try for a more detailed one later.

#19 normalizing

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Posted 10 November 2014 - 09:05 AM

it seems none of the people who went back to child like state actually enjoyed it because then ill assume you will be doing psychedelics regularly, no?

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#20 GoingPrimal

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Posted 10 November 2014 - 06:39 PM

Psychedelics can be a huge gamble, both with the law and with your psyche. Long term use can definitely lead to a "frazzled" state, and if you're not careful you can have a uncomfortable time. I think of psychedelics as teachers, and as such they deserve respect and are not something to play around with or use just to revert to a child-like state.


Normalizing, might we ask why it is you wish to have this child-like state available again?

#21 Flex

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Posted 11 January 2015 - 12:58 AM

I miss them too as hell..


LSD gave me this feeling and Chinese foxglove/rehmannia glutinosa. I cant say anything about mushrooms because I havent tried them.

0.5-1 gram of saffron too ( soaked in milk ) as well as few chinese herbs ( e.g chinese skullcap) taken for the first time.

I think this works because your body isnt used to it.


Be careful with halucinogens in regards of possible predisposition of psychosis and chronic halucinations (hppd)

I for my self didnt developed either after a few times.


Edited by Flex, 11 January 2015 - 01:00 AM.

#22 normalizing

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Posted 11 January 2015 - 12:36 PM

why did you soak the saffron in milk? thats a really bizzare way of taking it. sure, it could be fat soluble, but milk? were you on LSD when you did that?

#23 Flex

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Posted 11 January 2015 - 02:04 PM

I dont know whether we are talking about the same thing:

You put the grinded saffron in a cup with milk and wait a bit.

The alternative would be to take it with boose, but that could be disgusting, I didnt try it though

Edited by Flex, 11 January 2015 - 02:07 PM.

#24 HyperDown

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Posted 10 June 2015 - 06:36 PM

I found a thread on reddit where 2 different people mention that memantine gave them a child-like feeling:





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#25 adamh

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Posted 10 June 2015 - 10:36 PM

I remember one time I was lying in bed late in the day, but not to sleep just yet. The radio was on in the other room and suddenly I had a flashback to a time when I was about 2 1/2 or 3, I was in my crib and the grown ups were in another room talking and they had the radio on. It was totally like being there again, I felt the way I did then but in the back of my mind I knew I was grown up and not there. It was an immersive experience, I felt the feelings I did then, I could not understand what the grownups were saying because I was too young. I stayed in the experience for a while before it faded.


I think piracetam had something to do with it, it brings back memories. The sounds of the radio seemed to have triggered the flashback. I've had memories come back before, of things I had not thought about in many years like that one but not so immersive to make me think I was actually reliving the time period. In a way I wanted to stay in the flashback, like I could go back and relive my life or something but of course that is not allowed. It was a warm fuzzy kind of feeling.


I would recommend piracetam, I take only about 700mg per day but it makes a difference.

#26 normalizing

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Posted 11 June 2015 - 08:23 AM

piracetam is shit. worthless

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#27 normalizing

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Posted 03 February 2016 - 07:36 PM

I found a thread on reddit where 2 different people mention that memantine gave them a child-like feeling:




thats interesting. i did try it but for very short period, i wonder if long term is necessary in the case. any other reports on this, anyone else has something to add to it?

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