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Sensei's Hair Regrowth and De-graying...

Clacksberg's Photo Clacksberg 04 Mar 2015

Sensei, think you had the rose tinted lens on for the left. :)  


Adamzski's Photo Adamzski 12 Mar 2015

It seems that for me at low oral doses C60 does not grow any extra hair and if it does it is much weaker than even Nizoral.


Have used C60 for several periods of up to 3 months. No hair regrowth. I have not taken any for about 3 months now and just did a month of everyday washes with Nizoral, this resulted in a coating of fine fluffy hair on my bald area.

Have not been treating my hairloss for 5yrs now.

I know what grows hair and how regrowth comes in, almost anyone with untreated hair loss will gain a slight but noticeable effect from Minoxidil within 2 months if used as directed, balding can be slowed down by all the various treatments by decades in some people.


Drugs like Minox and Finasteride were discovered as MPB treatments because people started noticing the side effect REVERSAL of baldness.


Of the many C60 users no one is noticing this side effect :) 


Did have a few super long eyebrow hairs at times when on the C60 thou.

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sensei's Photo sensei 13 Mar 2015


I know what grows hair and how regrowth comes in, almost anyone with untreated hair loss will gain a slight but noticeable effect from Minoxidil within 2 months if used as directed, balding can be slowed down by all the various treatments by decades in some people.


Drugs like Minox and Finasteride were discovered as MPB treatments because people started noticing the side effect REVERSAL of baldness.



Of the many C60 users no one is noticing this side effect  :) 



Ummm I have noticed reversal of baldness -- and others, Including my doctor of 2 years have noticed.


Also, if you stop taking finasteride or minoxidil all the hair grown since starting either drug falls right out.

Edited by sensei, 13 March 2015 - 01:14 AM.

Adamzski's Photo Adamzski 13 Mar 2015

With your pics it is hard to see any regrowth but there may be some.


And yep that is the dose response, it is a handy thing for a drug to have.





Clacksberg's Photo Clacksberg 13 Mar 2015

Re - endogenous bleaching:

Interesting how a lot of peoples scalp hair can go nearly 100% grey - yet eyebrows, arms and leg hair etc still keeps

it's youthfull colour. Limited blood flow to scalp i wonder?


AdamI's Photo AdamI 20 Mar 2015




I'm not sure how we got sidetracked...


Umm.. you brought up mind-body meditation/epigenetics on a thread about C60 and hair regrowth.  That's how we got sidetracked.



If meditation and eating right was the cure for baldness, People in ancient Greece/Rome would have found it... People have tried these things before.


javier's Photo javier 05 Apr 2015

how is it going?


echoman's Photo echoman 06 Apr 2015

I have been wondering also...


bocor's Photo bocor 08 Apr 2015

hey sensei just curious I'm wandering about a period a couple years ago where i noticed some minor regrowth with some thickening in thinning areas when i was consuming goji juice after about a month or so i didn't think about it at the time but i wander now do you think your results could be because of the goji instead of the c60? or maybe combination??


cuprous's Photo cuprous 08 Apr 2015





I'm not sure how we got sidetracked...


Umm.. you brought up mind-body meditation/epigenetics on a thread about C60 and hair regrowth.  That's how we got sidetracked.



If meditation and eating right was the cure for baldness, People in ancient Greece/Rome would have found it... People have tried these things before.



While it is highly unlikely meditation alone would be a "cure for baldness," meditation does confer a host of positive physiological benefits.  Regions of the brain responsible for happiness and self control thicken, telomeres lengthen, blood pressure drops, stress markers drop.  I would wager balding might be slowed due to some combination of the aforementioned and more.


/end threadjack


sensei's Photo sensei 10 Apr 2015

Comparison 2-13-15 vs Today -- I have not been using c60 orally or topically for about a month 



Attached Files


echoman's Photo echoman 13 Apr 2015

Sensi, why didn’t you use c60 for a month?


nowayout's Photo nowayout 13 Apr 2015

Comparison 2-13-15 vs Today -- I have not been using c60 orally or topically for about a month 


Modulo the difference in lighting, the amount of hair in the photos looks identical to me, so I would judge that there has been no change in this month.  But it is too soon - three months is normally how long it takes for any changes in regimen (why t f does this become a link?) to be reflected in hair growth (or lack thereof). 

Edited by nowayout, 13 April 2015 - 05:04 PM.

Clacksberg's Photo Clacksberg 13 Apr 2015

Because of the different hair lengths between the two pics it confuses things a little.

Earlier seems to have a few more?


mike_nyc's Photo mike_nyc 13 Apr 2015

Have you tried hair plucking?  Recently in the news.




echoman's Photo echoman 18 May 2015

Any updates?


sensei's Photo sensei 21 May 2015

I've been off C60 for a while b/c it interferes with my diazepam taper.


When my taper is complete, I will restart.


nowayout's Photo nowayout 21 May 2015

I've been off C60 for a while b/c it interferes with my diazepam taper.


May I ask in what way it interferes with the taper?  Just curious.


ambivalent's Photo ambivalent 21 May 2015

I've been off C60 for a while b/c it interferes with my diazepam taper.


When my taper is complete, I will restart.


Hi Sensei,


Any notable observations while you've abstained, such as oxidative stress? Grey hair still banished?


Good luck with the diazepam taper. 


sensei's Photo sensei 21 May 2015


I've been off C60 for a while b/c it interferes with my diazepam taper.


May I ask in what way it interferes with the taper?  Just curious.




It forces the BZD off the BZD receptor site on the GABAA complex, or acts like a competitive antagonist and causes withdrawal.  I believe it is related to how C60 protects against ethanol intoxication -- as ethanol affects both GABAA and GABAB receptor complexes.


Previously it took 14 mg to affect the same result as 4mg -- so I avoid it now.


I've been off C60 for a while b/c it interferes with my diazepam taper.


When my taper is complete, I will restart.


Hi Sensei,


Any notable observations while you've abstained, such as oxidative stress? Grey hair still banished?


Good luck with the diazepam taper. 



Holding steady, no NEW gray that I can tell.


I can report that increased nail and eyebrow growth is non-existent.


have not actually taken a pic of my hair.


ambivalent's Photo ambivalent 21 May 2015


Holding steady, no NEW gray that I can tell.


I can report that increased nail and eyebrow growth is non-existent.


have not actually taken a pic of my hair.



Glad to hear it. I've not appeared to gain anything from brief the high-dosing course I undertook. But it took quite a while for you to gain those effects. I'm curious are there any tests that the community would like to see done, which would benefit you or other high-dosers, with the cost sourced from the community? 
