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C60.net - C60 Olive Oil Study With Fathi Moussa And Anthony Loera From RevGenetics Is Released

c60 c60oo c60 olive oil fathi moussa bathi longevity mice

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#1 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 19 March 2015 - 01:36 AM

Below is the interview I did of Fathi Moussa regarding the Study he did at the University of Paris using C60 Olive Oil. 



You can share the youtube video if you wish, to anyone. I hope it helps push folks into considering a human study.



Anthony Loera


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#2 Logic

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Posted 19 March 2015 - 06:01 PM

Well i never! :)

Good move Anthony

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Click HERE to rent this advertising spot for C60 HEALTH to support Longecity (this will replace the google ad above).

#3 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 19 March 2015 - 08:31 PM

Well i never! :)

Good move Anthony


Hey Thanks...


I really thought there would have been more studies or information after all this time. 


I am really hoping folks can share this, and get people excited again...

and maybe, just maybe... it could be used to get things moving again. (At least, I am hoping it might).


If you use it for any public presentation, website and such, just use the youtube video I posted. If someone needs something in 720p for a public presentation to help get funds for a study, just let me know. You are free to use and share it, just keep the watermarks visible, k? Oh... and please don't draw mustaches on my face please... I already look goofy enough as it is.  :laugh:




Edited by Anthony_Loera, 19 March 2015 - 08:33 PM.

#4 Invariant

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Posted 20 March 2015 - 04:07 AM

Anyone know what happened to the study involving 200 mice that dr Moussa is referring to?

#5 Kalliste

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Posted 20 March 2015 - 05:34 AM

That did not happen. There are some smaller rodent studies going on. There are other teams looking at other nano-antioxidants. Of which I would consider PEG-HCC's to hold most promise for translation to human trials in near time.

I've mailed a number of researchers about the possibility of looking into Lipofullerenes but received no answers. Funding is a bitch.

#6 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 20 March 2015 - 05:43 PM

That did not happen. There are some smaller rodent studies going on. There are other teams looking at other nano-antioxidants. Of which I would consider PEG-HCC's to hold most promise for translation to human trials in near time.

I've mailed a number of researchers about the possibility of looking into Lipofullerenes but received no answers. Funding is a bitch.


Yes, that was very disappointing. It seems the interest is languishing, and I am not sure why.



#7 ambivalent

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Posted 21 March 2015 - 01:36 PM


Yes, that was very disappointing. It seems the interest is languishing, and I am not sure why.




Interest will revive once sensei goes viral as the human truffle-hunter.


Thanks for posting the video.

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#8 Walter Derzko

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 05:29 AM

Drawbacks of C60 in Olive Oil-LIPID OVERLOAD

At 10: 31 of the interview below….Prof Fathi Moussa says: “Now, because we have to give them C60 in Olive oil ; it’s not very good for the rats to drink too much olive oil, that’s why we had to give them with some intervals. If not they will suffer from lipid overload. “

Living Longer - C60 Olive Oil Interview with Fathi Moussa - C60oo Longevity study

Scientists used olive oil, because they didn’t know how to dissolve C60 in water. This is no longer the case. You can buy Carbon 60 in a pure pristine water soluble version called c60 hydrated fullerenes that works at 0.0002 mg per 100 mls according to clinical studies done from 2008 to 2010.
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#9 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 23 March 2015 - 03:59 PM

I think most here don't take a cup a day of C60oo



#10 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 24 March 2015 - 09:19 PM

This is a little off topic, but it's something I need to take off my chest:


Niner, Andy and everyone, I just read a particular thread today (that I wish I should have read a week ago) that made me realize I had been going about dealing with "someone" in the wrong manner. Apparently you all figured out how this person operates without me being involved at all, which was great.


But the thread was eye opening as I apparently burned myself with the members here to a great degree. Being considered as someone "self Immolating" (niner, your comment did affect me the most) was such a strange way to describe my actions, that it somehow finally clicked and made more sense than I wanted to admit.


For the new folks, this post may sound cryptic, but it isn't... 


It's just my deep apology from me to all the Longecity members, as I stopped promoting the cause and simply embarrassed myself dealing with this "someone". I will deal with this person outside of the forum from now on, while I get back to helping promote this forum and it's cause, and hopefully some advances in possible aging solutions. 


Again... Niner, Andy and everyone ... I hope you can accept my sincerest apologies. 




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#11 BobSeitz

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Posted 25 March 2015 - 03:29 AM

Welcome back, Anthony! It's so good to hear from you again.

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#12 Walter Derzko

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Posted 02 April 2015 - 01:24 PM

Pharmacokenetics of C60 Hydrated Fullerenes vs C60 in Olive Oil.

We are in the initial stage of discussions with Dr Iryna Pishel about adding pristine C60 Hydrated Fullerenes to the ongoing longevity experiment with C60OO at the Kyiv Institute of Gerontology, started by the French researchers.

The pharmacokenetics and possibly the biodistribution of C60OO vs C60 Hydrated Fullerenes appear to be radically different.

For one, the concentration of C60 in C60OO in the Baati study was 0.8 mg/ml or administered at a dose of 4 mg/KG of body weight, whereas C60 HyFNs concentration is 0.0002 mg per 100ml. C60 does not dissolve as well in Olive oil as it does in the hydration process, that creates C60 Hydrated Fullerenes. Simple chemistry will tell you that macro doses of C[60] in mgs will likely have far different pharmacokinetic effects in the body then nano doses of C[60]

The Baati/ Moussa paper goes on to summarise: “Pharmacokinetic studies show that dissolved C[60] is absorbed by the gastro-intestinal tract and eliminated in a few tens of hours.” In addition, at that concentration C[60] in Olive Oil aggregates and forms crystals in the spleen, liver, lungs and kidney cells.

Added to that, Olive Oil is poor medium, it is inconstant in moisture levels from year to year, dependant on the stage in growing season and cultivar to cultivar and goes rancid quickly. So that the C[60] water clusters that are eventually formed within Olive Oil would likely be variable and inconsistent in size, but it still has a positive longevity and health effects as we know.

From 2 Clinical studies done by Dr Andrievsky, C[60] hydrated fullerenes at 0,0002 mg per 100 ml stay in the body much longer then tens of hour. It may well be up to 2-3 months (since the repeat prophylactic regime is very 2-3 months) and it is a strong liver protector or hepatoprotector and doesn’t form crystals in your organs. So just that difference alone, would indicate that the pharmacokinetics and possibly biodistribution should be quite different, resulting in possibly an even greater lifespan extension then 90% that we see in the Baati/Moussa University of Paris study.
Clinical Studies with C60 Hydrated Fullerenes on Hepatitis C and Duodenum Ulcers

When it starts, I'm looking forward to the longevity study to see C60 Hydrated Fullerenes matched up with C60-OO

Edited by Walter Derzko, 02 April 2015 - 01:44 PM.

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#13 Logic

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Posted 04 April 2015 - 07:41 AM

Walter you are living a charmed life on these forums by getting away with advertising a product you plan to sell via MLM marketing at suspiciously low doses.
Marketing is not allowed on the forum and quite frankly is starting to piss me and others off to the point where I am tempted to put together a simple 'make your own' C60HYFN kit and see how far I get at pimping it on these forums as blatantly as you are doing for your ...'product'.


The method to make ones own is simple:


The studies etc are here:
and have been for close on 3 years, so you're not sharing anything new..!


I am surprised you haven't been shut down yet and am sorely tempted to see if I can do something about that!?

Now plz F-off to Facebook and Twitter and pimp your wares there!




(SOZ for going off topic Anthony)

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#14 Walter Derzko

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Posted 04 April 2015 - 12:33 PM

What am I selling in my post above?

#15 Walter Derzko

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Posted 04 April 2015 - 12:55 PM

LOGIC says: "Marketing is not allowed on the forum and quite frankly is starting to piss me and others off "

LOGIC, Again you contradict yourself....everyone here is marketing, promoting and pushing C60-oo
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#16 Turnbuckle

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Posted 04 April 2015 - 02:52 PM

Walter you are living a charmed life on these forums by getting away with advertising a product you plan to sell via MLM marketing at suspiciously low doses.



Low doses may be necessary for water soluble fullerenes, given the following--



The exposure of hepatocytes to C60 (OH)24 at a concentration of 50 μM caused time (0 to 3 h)-dependent cell death accompanied by the formation of cell surface blebs, the loss of cellular levels of ATP and reduced glutathione, accumulation of glutathione disulfide, and induction of DNA fragmentation...






And while they go on to say that a number of antioxidants can suppress the damage, it does sound rather negative for fullerols.

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#17 Walter Derzko

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Posted 04 April 2015 - 03:18 PM

There you go again turnbuckle mixing apples and oranges again and trying to pick a fight.

***What you call low doses or homeopathy is called nanotechnology by most credible scientists.***

And yes many if not most fullerene derivatives such as fullerols are indeed toxic as opposed to pristine C60 hydrated fullerenes and C60-oo which are safe and none toxic. That’s why the Japanese Radical Sponge –a fullerene derivative has only been used as a topical cosmetic application and not approved or used for internal human use, despite being on the market in Japan for over a decade.
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#18 Walter Derzko

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Posted 04 April 2015 - 05:43 PM

Logic, on 04 Apr 2015 - 03:41 AM, said: Walter you are living a charmed life on these forums by getting away with advertising a product you plan to sell via MLM marketing at suspiciously low doses.

There you go again LOGIC and turnbuckle with misinformation and putting words in my mouth. There are no plans for MLM, you are the one claiming that. I only said that folks at Youngevity have expressed interest in C60 Hydrated Fullerenes. THAT'S ALL

AS for what you claim are suspiciously low doses, that's called nanotechnology. Grow up. You sound like a Putin funded troll trying to discredit Ukrainian fullerene science which is miles ahead of the west in basic research with over 18 years of preclinical, clinical and safety studies and a product that has been on the market since 2010 with no contra-indications.
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#19 Turnbuckle

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Posted 04 April 2015 - 06:51 PM

There you go again turnbuckle mixing apples and oranges again and trying to pick a fight.

***What you call low doses or homeopathy is called nanotechnology by most credible scientists.***

And yes many if not most fullerene derivatives such as fullerols are indeed toxic as opposed to pristine C60 hydrated fullerenes and C60-oo which are safe and none toxic. That’s why the Japanese Radical Sponge –a fullerene derivative has only been used as a topical cosmetic application and not approved or used for internal human use, despite being on the market in Japan for over a decade.



All right then, my mistake. I had assumed--from a paper I saw a while back--that even hydrated fullerenes had OH groups--



As for homeopathy--a word I did not use in the above post--that is not the same as nanotechnology. It's not even in the same ballpark.

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#20 Walter Derzko

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Posted 04 April 2015 - 07:02 PM

No turnbuckle- Carbon 60 hydrated fullerenes is a pristine carbon molecule with no hydroxyl groups (-OH) or anything else attached to it. Well at least we agree on something.

#21 Logic

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Posted 04 April 2015 - 09:53 PM

LOGIC says: "Marketing is not allowed on the forum and quite frankly is starting to piss me and others off "

LOGIC, Again you contradict yourself....everyone here is marketing, promoting and pushing C60-oo


The forum members selling C60oo are Carbon? and Sarah IIRC.
I don't see them pimping C60oo in every thread on C60oo, even though doing so would be more on topic than your posts..!  

A good example for you to follow!


Perhaps you are suggesting that all the posters in C60oo threads are 'sales reps' for them!??


Note that I think C60HYFN is interesting substance and do place some credence in all the studies done on it, as is obvious from my 3 year old thread.

I am just sick of you hijacking every C60oo thread on the forum!


I am going to start reporting your posts as selling product and off topic unless you change your tone.
I suggest others do the same.

Edited by Logic, 04 April 2015 - 10:01 PM.

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#22 niner

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Posted 07 April 2015 - 01:46 AM

The Baati/ Moussa paper goes on to summarise: “Pharmacokinetic studies show that dissolved C[60] is absorbed by the gastro-intestinal tract and eliminated in a few tens of hours.” In addition, at that concentration C[60] in Olive Oil aggregates and forms crystals in the spleen, liver, lungs and kidney cells.

Added to that, Olive Oil is poor medium, it is inconstant in moisture levels from year to year, dependant on the stage in growing season and cultivar to cultivar and goes rancid quickly. So that the C[60] water clusters that are eventually formed within Olive Oil would likely be variable and inconsistent in size, but it still has a positive longevity and health effects as we know.

From 2 Clinical studies done by Dr Andrievsky, C[60] hydrated fullerenes at 0,0002 mg per 100 ml stay in the body much longer then tens of hour. It may well be up to 2-3 months (since the repeat prophylactic regime is very 2-3 months) and it is a strong liver protector or hepatoprotector and doesn’t form crystals in your organs. So just that difference alone, would indicate that the pharmacokinetics and possibly biodistribution should be quite different, resulting in possibly an even greater lifespan extension then 90% that we see in the Baati/Moussa University of Paris study.
Clinical Studies with C60 Hydrated Fullerenes on Hepatitis C and Duodenum Ulcers

When it starts, I'm looking forward to the longevity study to see C60 Hydrated Fullerenes matched up with C60-OO


Baati only looked at the concentration of c60 in blood, and found that it went below their limit of detection fairly rapidly.  However, part of the c60 that leaves the blood ends up in mitochondrial and other membranes where it stays for a very long time.  This biphasic pharmacokinetics can't be detected by a simple HPLC method, because concentrations of c60 are too low  It could probably be quantified with a radiolabel.


Olive oil is quite stable.  It doesn't go rancid quickly.  C60 in olive oil doesn't form water clusters.  It reacts with the unsaturated fatty acids of the olive oil triglyceride, forming fatty acid adducts.  After in vivo enzymatic cleavage from the glycerol, these fatty acid adducts are the biologically active species.  I would not expect the formation of crystals in organs at reasonable doses.  What dose was found to lead to crystals?


I think a solid lifespan experiment with HyFn would be a great idea.  But haven't there already been some lifespan experiments with HyFn?  My recollection was that a relatively small life extension was seen, but maybe I'm thinking of something else.

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#23 Turnbuckle

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Posted 07 April 2015 - 11:17 AM

HyFn appears to be highly toxic to cultured cells, much like fullerols--and even HyFn can be considered a fullerol from the data Walter provided (on another thread), with its six OH groups. A study in Russia shows this toxicity--A Paradoxical Effect of Hydrated C60Fullerene at an Ultralow Concentration on the Viability and Aging of Cultured Chinese Hamster Cells.


Abstract—The effect of an aqueous solution of hydrated C60fullerene (HyFn) on the growth and “stationary
phase aging” (accumulation of “agerelated” changes in cultured cells during the slowing down of their pro
liferation within a single passage and the subsequent “aging” in the stationary phase of growth) of transformed
B11dii FAF28 Chinese hamster cells was studied. The final calculated concentration of HyFn in the growth
medium was 10⎯19 M. A paradoxical result contrasting the available data on the absence of HyFn cytotoxicity
at higher concentrations was obtained in our experiments: namely, HyFn decelerated cell proliferation (esti
mated by the growth of mass culture, as well as by the efficiency of colony formation) and accelerated the
“stationary phase aging” of the cell culture. Moreover, repeated addition of an aqueous solution of HyFn (to
the final calculated concentration of 10–19 M) to the cells that had already reached the stationary phase of
growth caused a rapid (within no more than 24 h) death of a significant part of the cell population. The
observed effect of HyFn at ultralow concentration is supposed to arise from the alterations in the properties
of the water surrounding the fullerene molecule: namely, water becomes a donor and acceptor of electrons
and regulates redox processes (especially those involving oxygen) in aqueous systems. This effect of HyFn at
an ultralow concentration may be specific for transformed cells, and, therefore, experiments on normal fibro
blasts with limited mitotic potential are planned as a continuation of the present study. It is also possible that
the reported antiaging effect of HyFn in experimental animals is due to its anticancer, immunostimulatory,
antiviral, and antibacterial properties manifested only at the wholeorganism level.





According to Figure 2, attached, adding HyFn to the growth of a culture of cells at any point killed a substantial part of the population.

Attached Files

  • Attached File  HyFn.JPG   92.53KB   2 downloads

Edited by Turnbuckle, 07 April 2015 - 11:25 AM.

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#24 Walter Derzko

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Posted 07 April 2015 - 02:46 PM

In vivo and in vitro tests often produce contradictory results. I trust in vivo animal tests far more than I do isolated in vitro cell culture tests which only show part of the big picture. In vivo animal test show no acute or chronic toxicity for C 60 Hydrated Fullerenes which the Baati paper references.

We know that at low concentrations, free radicals are needed in the body for the immune system to work. It's when we get an imbalance, that's when the trouble begins

If you read carefully, the paper that quote concludes that: “ It is also possible that the reported antiaging effect of HyFn in experimental animals is due to its anticancer, immunostimulatory, antiviral, and antibacterial properties manifested only at the whole organism level.

Edited by Walter Derzko, 07 April 2015 - 02:55 PM.

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#25 Walter Derzko

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Posted 07 April 2015 - 02:57 PM

Tunbuckle writes: even HyFn can be considered a fullerol from the data Walter provided (on another thread), with its six OH groups.

Carbon 60 Hydrated Fullerenes does not contain any hydroxyl groups.

#26 Turnbuckle

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Posted 07 April 2015 - 03:09 PM

Carbon 60 Hydrated Fullerenes does not contain any hydroxyl groups.



You keep saying that, but the slide presentation you linked to clearly shows six OH groups in the innermost shell.

Attached Files

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#27 Walter Derzko

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Posted 07 April 2015 - 03:53 PM

Ask Grigoriy Andrievsky to explain it. It is his graphic from his patent

#28 Walter Derzko

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Posted 07 April 2015 - 04:00 PM

Lifespan experiment with C60 HYFNs vs C60-OO at the Kyiv Institute of Gerontology

I think a solid lifespan experiment with HyFn would be a great idea.

Lifespan experiment with C60 HYFNs vs C60-OO

From: Iryna Pishel
Sent: April 7, 2015 10:50 AM
To: Walter Derzko; Grigoriy Andrievsky; Дмитрий Шитиков
Subject: C60HyFN Study Protocol

Dear Walter and Grigoriy,

We can begin to study the effect of C60HyFns on life expectancy now, but first we would like to discuss the study protocol with you.

We began testing the effect of an C60 oil solution on the life span of CBA/Ca mice in December 2014. And it would be interesting to conduct a comparative analysis of the impact of different forms of C60. But to do this we need to use similar protocols.


Walter is certainly right, and different forms of C60 have different pharmacokinetics, and macro doses C60OO in mgs will likely have far different effects in the body then nano doses of C60Hy. The more interesting it will be to compare the results.

On the other hand, there is the fact that age (start of treatment), dosage, treatment schemes can have a significant influence on the effect of drug action. And can change its impact on life expectancy. We have chosen the simplest and accessible variant - use of animals of the same age as for C60OO; and use dosage and treatment scheme proposed by Grigoriy. If you have a different opinion, let's discuss other options.



Iryna Pishel, PhD
Senior Scientific Associate,
Institute of Gerontology AMS of Ukraine
tel. +38 044 431 0560
mob. +38 096 348 0408
fax. +38 044 432 9983
e-mail: Iryna.Pishel@gmail.com

#29 Turnbuckle

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Posted 07 April 2015 - 04:03 PM

We know that at low concentrations, free radicals are needed in the body for the immune system to work. It's when we get an imbalance, that's when the trouble begins



And that's why the paper uses the word "paradoxical," as they found it non-toxic at higher doses, but toxic at very low doses-- A paradoxical result contrasting the available data on the absence of HyFn cytotoxicity

at higher concentrations was obtained in our experiments: namely, HyFn decelerated cell proliferation (estimated by the growth of mass culture, as well as by the efficiency of colony formation) and accelerated the
“stationary phase aging” of the cell culture.
The dose they used was 10-19M, which is very low, like the very low concentration in the "Water of Life” product.

Ask Grigoriy Andrievsky to explain it. It is his graphic from his patent


The ball is in your court, Walter. You have made this assertion but your own linked material doesn't back you up.


Edited by Turnbuckle, 07 April 2015 - 04:05 PM.

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#30 Walter Derzko

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Posted 07 April 2015 - 04:09 PM

Again ask Grigoriy Andrivesky to explain his slides.

The paper you quote answers the paradox question

Both pristine C60fullerene (for example, HyFn) and its derivatives exhibit peculiar reactivity in aqueous media: on the one hand, they can be considered strong antioxidants [11], on the other hand, they can act as oxygen activators, i.e., prooxidants [9], and in general, they regulate free radical reactions. Such activity of fullerenes is catalytic in nature. HyFn at very small [13] and ultralow concentrations may affect biochemical processes [12] and free radical reactions occurring in vitro.

Then it says: We discovered the effect of vanishingly small concentrations of HyFn (down to 10–19– 10⎯21 M) on the activity and stability of a number of enzymes in aqueous solutions, as well as on free radical processes in whole human blood and in aqueous bicarbonate solutions [14].

Edited by Walter Derzko, 07 April 2015 - 04:19 PM.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: c60, c60oo, c60 olive oil, fathi moussa, bathi, longevity, mice

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