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Career women pioneer the post-sex future

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#1 advancedatheist

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Posted 26 September 2005 - 02:41 AM

If this doesn't sound like something from a bad science fiction novel from a few decades ago, I don't know what does.


Women bypass sex in favour of 'instant pregnancies'
By Charlotte Edwardes and Andrew Alderson
(Filed: 25/09/2005)

Women are increasingly seeking inappropriate IVF treatment because they do not have the time or inclination for a sex life and want to "diarise" their busy lives.

Wealthy career women in their 30s and early 40s, some of whom have given up regular sex altogether, are turning to "medicalised conception" - despite being fertile and long before they have exhausted the possibility of a natural conception.

They are prepared to pay thousands of pounds for private IVF treatments - even though they have unpleasant and potentially harmful side effects - because they believe it offers them the best chance of "instant" pregnancy.

#2 lightowl

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Posted 26 September 2005 - 03:04 PM

Throw in the mutant babies and you've got it ;)

#3 justinb

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Posted 27 September 2005 - 10:34 PM

Like they were good in the sack...

The more worthless women that opt not to have a sex-life the better.

That way men will expect more and demand more from women.


To make my position CRYSTAL CLEAR....

I don't think woman are worthless, only stupid teenage girls.

Got it? Good.

Edited by justinb, 01 October 2005 - 06:17 AM.

#4 scottl

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Posted 27 September 2005 - 10:40 PM

Like they were good in the sack...

The more worthless women that opt not to have a sex-life the better.

That way men will expect more and demand more from women.

Lots of luck in the US...the culture has already....been pretty much feminized.

#5 justinb

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Posted 27 September 2005 - 10:44 PM

If by feminized you mean scared little sheep dressed in a big bad wolf custom, then yes. If you want to just have sex then the US is great, as is just about anyplace. There are plenty of sluts here.

As far as a meaningful relationship, you might as well be gay. All of the women worth being with are ALWAYS taken.

There is about 1 out of a 1000 real woman and the rest are completely worthless.

#6 eternaltraveler

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Posted 27 September 2005 - 10:58 PM

As far as a meaningful relationship, you might as well be gay. All of the women worth being with are ALWAYS taken.

There is about 1 out of a 1000 real woman and the rest are completely worthless.

Wow, someone's Jaded.

#7 justinb

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Posted 27 September 2005 - 11:07 PM

Nah, not really. In fact I feel more than most. That is why highschool was a living nightmare and I attempted suicide twice before I realized how completely stupid it was.

Lets face it, most people are dull, banal and have no idea what true love is. Girls my age are absolute c**ts. Unfortunately it takes them about a decade, until they are in their late twenties, to figure out how stupid they were. Right now only about 1 out of 1000 girls (NOT woman) my age (18) are down to earth and not UTTERLY worthless. That figure changes to about 1 out of 3 to 5 by the time girls mature into woman when they are about 28 to 32.


Ok, only about 1 out of 100, but still. ;)

#8 eternaltraveler

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Posted 28 September 2005 - 01:49 AM

so date older women.

#9 Cyto

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Posted 28 September 2005 - 01:56 AM

Wow, you’re mad.

I dare ya to date someone who really conflicts with you though, certainly a good exercise in tolerance. And awkward situations GALORE!

#10 scottl

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Posted 28 September 2005 - 02:59 AM

so date older women.


#11 justinb

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Posted 28 September 2005 - 10:38 PM

so date older women.

That is the plan. Unfortunately all of the sane ones are ALWAYS with someone. Not to mention that older woman don't tend to date younger men until they are in their mid to late 30s.

And to clarify, I am not a recluse. I have spoken with almost everyone in my chemistry class during lab. I just don't find them emotionally attractive, and trust me, my standards are not that high. During high school I only found about 1 out of a hundred woman emotionally attractive... they are just facsimiles of each others.

Edited by justinb, 28 September 2005 - 11:21 PM.

#12 Karomesis

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Posted 29 September 2005 - 02:11 PM

true, true, most people are simply banal, one would like to imagine the fact that he or she is special just like Mr. rogers said, but the reality is most are not.

bates, been there done that, it was amusing for a little while but lack of intelligent conversation had me ready to enact the ancient japanese painful suicide of sepeku where the individual has the unfortunate task of self disembowelment. Other than that I am extremely tolerant of basically anyone, excluding those who wish to impose thier views on me [ang]

Back to the thread topic, yes, i think many will forego the current method of reproduction in favor of the unpleasant option of sperm banks much to the dismay of the males......until full sim porn comes along and guys wonder how the hell they ever got along without it.

Justinb, I have a couple of solutions for you.

1. become involved with a swinger, if you get bored then go to a swinging party, although this also goes for you as you will have to undergo the unsavory sight of your significant other being ****** every way from sunday [:o] unless of course you enjoy it ;)

2.join a dating site and hope for the best, there is a good chance you may find the woman of your dreams, but soon discover the merits of dilligently studying evolutionary psychology when she tells you to piss off because you don't drive a ferarri., mate selection quanity and quality increases with increases in wealth. You will perhaps notice that the most beautiful females are not often with those who collect minimum wage. As much as humans would like to believe that they posess some etheral soul or other fanciful bullshit, the truth is they do not, and resemble other mammals far more than they want to aknowledge.

3. make alot more money and magically solve your mate aquisition dillema.

4.just go out and vigorously copulate with some female who has no mate selection preference for one reason or another and get rid of some tension for awhile. [tung]

Edited by JustinRebo, 29 September 2005 - 09:16 PM.


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Posted 29 September 2005 - 05:14 PM

There is about 1 out of a 1000 real woman and the rest are completely worthless.

That sounds awfully misogynistic. I find misogynists tend to have a skewed sense of reality when it comes to women, most often caused by one or more unresolved traumatic experiences. Their hostility and paranoia towards women brings out the worst in their interactions thus sustaining the delusion. People - including women ;) - will reflect what you emit. If you work on the assumption that women are generally sweet and kind you should find that to be the case. Try it.

Karomesis: how young is the girl depicted in the picture of your avatar? Do you see yourself as a young girl?

#14 justinb

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Posted 29 September 2005 - 08:42 PM

If you work on the assumption that women are generally sweet and kind you should find that to be the case. Try it.

I was talking about girls in high school. Once they are out of high school, i.e. the real world, they mature rather quickly because they have to become functing human beings.

There is about a 100% correlation with maturity (sanity) and some sort of responsiblity.

In fact, I have 3 potential girlfriends in Chemistry class alone. So, no, I am not a misogynist. In fact, the opposite is true. I love woman.

A misogynist hates woman, not girls. [thumb]

#15 advancedatheist

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Posted 15 October 2005 - 02:32 AM

  find misogynists tend to have a skewed sense of reality when it comes to women, most often caused by one or more unresolved traumatic experiences. Their hostility and paranoia towards women brings out the worst in their interactions thus sustaining the delusion.

Or maybe our experiences have formed neural connections that liberate us somewhat from the constraints of evolutionary psychology. In my case, my "misogyny" reinforces my immortalism, in that not only do I question the value of baby-making, but I also have to question the value of the female body and mind in a radically life-extended environment. Science fiction writers like Vernor Vinge, Wil McCarthy and others can postulate negligibly senescent female characters in the future, but I seriously doubt that ones with stereotypical "female" personalities would last very long before they run out of psychological programming.

#16 Mind

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Posted 15 October 2005 - 11:21 AM

Justin, I think you are generally correct about high school girls being rather banal. I had the same experience when I was back in high school. However, most "girls" think the same thing about "guys" your age. They find out very early that most young males have one thing on their mind, and they want nothing to do with it. Women don't have "it" on their mind until they reach their mid 30s. So if you want some of "it" date an older woman - mid 30s. Otherwise I would say you are correct, hormonally speaking, things tend to settle down once people reach their late 20s.

#17 lamoni

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Posted 04 July 2009 - 04:42 AM

If by feminized you mean scared little sheep dressed in a big bad wolf custom, then yes. If you want to just have sex then the US is great, as is just about anyplace. There are plenty of sluts here.

As far as a meaningful relationship, you might as well be gay. All of the women worth being with are ALWAYS taken.

There is about 1 out of a 1000 real woman and the rest are completely worthless.

that's what women always say about men, the good ones are taken, and most of them are worthless ...

#18 caston

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Posted 04 July 2009 - 04:50 AM

Back to the topic though.. what about if it goes beyond just IVF.. what if we use start developing artificial uterus and artificial womb.
Already they can "outsource" to another woman and make them a surrogate for their embryo if the price is right.

#19 solbanger

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Posted 06 July 2009 - 10:05 AM

Nah, not really. In fact I feel more than most. That is why highschool was a living nightmare and I attempted suicide twice before I realized how completely stupid it was.

That figure changes to about 1 out of 3 to 5 by the time girls mature into woman when they are about 28 to 32.


Ok, only about 1 out of 100, but still. ;)

That's because most girls, esp. the mid-range to beautiful girls can be completely picky and trifling in their teens cause they know so many guys want to conquer them. They also know they can demand that the men be nothing less than NFL material to be chosen as the head stud. In today's high school only a handful of guys who put on a good illusion are welcomed into these female cliques which is what gives them the tremendous feelings of status and power over their male peers. And why not? Being welcomed into the serial monogamy circle essentially means that if you date a hot chick you'll eventually get her friends too. But the counter-effect to this selectivity are the huge numbers of guys whose egos aren't coddled as according to tradition. This is what leads to our modern day social pathologies such as the sullen guys needing medication all the time due to being tricked into thinking that a high GPA will get them status, when in fact it's just a ploy to keep them babysat. In many ways they know it too, hence the depression and Donnie Darko fandom.

It's this self-possessed thinking by girls that lead to the Columbines of this world. Back before the 70's girls were forced to play the field with many types of guys cause most of the guys were guaranteed first dibs on Union jobs. Girls had to get to heavy petting by senior year or they'd be stuck as a waitress paying for some cockroach motel apartment. This meant that there was a release valve mechanism in place in the pressure cooker of teenage angst. Even if you were a dweeb you could at least get a kiss from some middle class tomboy who wanted to stake her claim. Unless you were an extreme outcast or a minority you could look forward to some respect from a girl. (This also explains all the hatred females suffered when entering into Unionized bastions in the 70's, they were trivializing the men's power over them.)

Edited by solbanger, 06 July 2009 - 10:06 AM.

#20 russianBEAR

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Posted 06 July 2009 - 06:20 PM

I say f*ck this feminism bs crap who do these hoes think they are?

Some of yall should visit www.manhood101.com and read up on that ^

#21 erzebet

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Posted 26 September 2009 - 11:55 PM

I say f*ck this feminism bs crap who do these hoes think they are?

Some of yall should visit www.manhood101.com and read up on that ^

you are the masculine hoe here! it is not the first time when you express mysogine views here...doesn't this forum have any moderator?

#22 Esoparagon

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Posted 16 October 2009 - 11:30 PM

If someone doesn't have 10 minutes a night for the ecstasy of sex then those people may as well be dead.
*sigh* Especially if you're having it for the purpose of having a baby.

As long as there are people with human bodies there will be sex.

Edited by Esoparagon, 16 October 2009 - 11:33 PM.

#23 Esoparagon

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Posted 16 October 2009 - 11:35 PM

And to the weirdo.

Sex is sex, whether it's with someone you love are want to be with or some teenage girl. It still feels amazing. What do I care if the chick is stupid? I can't fuck her college degree and I cannot stick my dick in her personality.

#24 niner

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Posted 16 October 2009 - 11:38 PM

10 minutes a night

What do you do with the other 8 minutes?

#25 Traclo

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Posted 17 October 2009 - 04:52 AM

There is about 1 out of a 1000 real woman and the rest are completely worthless.

I also have to question the value of the female body and mind in a radically life-extended environment

they can demand that the men be nothing less than NFL material

I say f*ck this feminism bs crap who do these hoes think they are? (I hope this one was in jest...)

I can't fuck her college degree and I cannot stick my dick in her personality.

Wow. I have to say I am simply stunned.

I usually assume that people participating in an immorality website are quite progressive in their ideas, but these demonstrates the most backward odd thinking set of statements I've come across.
Perhaps because immortalism is a fringe idea it attracts those who were on the social fringe in their youth? I'm a little concerned about the future of our cause (socially, not scientifically) if this is generally prevalent. I seem to recall another thread asking why women are so underrepresented on sites such as this and methinks I have discovered the reason.

I implore those who hold these views to reconsider them carefully and rationally. (For those who've seen Kung Pow: 'I implore you to reconsider.' '... O-K!' ;) )

Edited by Traclo, 17 October 2009 - 05:26 AM.

#26 yoyo

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Posted 17 October 2009 - 09:34 AM

self-loathing and misogyny: a marriage made in heaven!

#27 EmbraceUnity

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Posted 19 December 2009 - 12:48 PM

Wow. I have to say I am simply stunned.

I usually assume that people participating in an immorality website are quite progressive in their ideas, but these demonstrates the most backward odd thinking set of statements I've come across.
Perhaps because immortalism is a fringe idea it attracts those who were on the social fringe in their youth? I'm a little concerned about the future of our cause (socially, not scientifically) if this is generally prevalent. I seem to recall another thread asking why women are so underrepresented on sites such as this and methinks I have discovered the reason.

I implore those who hold these views to reconsider them carefully and rationally. (For those who've seen Kung Pow: 'I implore you to reconsider.' '... O-K!' :) )


Perhaps the people posting here are self-selected and thus not a relevant sample set for the immortalist movement.

On the other hand, while I would consider myself pretty progressive (hence the name), I'm a guy and can definitely relate to most of those statements... except the 2nd one... I think human bodies in general are pretty poorly designed and constantly decaying edifices.

I think it is something people don't talk about openly much. Political correctness is a superstructure of capitalism, but I think it is a rather amicable one all things considered. Sorry for breaching it by agreeing with the insensitive clods :)

Another un-politically-correct complicating factor is that most of the males on this forum are likely of at least higher than average intelligence, and statistical evidence from various IQ tests seems to indicate that men have higher variability in intelligence, and thus tend to outnumber women on both the low end and high end of the spectrum of intelligence.


Therefore, an intelligent male seeking an intelligent female will be met with far more difficulty considering the relative scarcity of females on the high end. This is why I would advise males not to place too much emphasis on intelligence.

When it comes to women you can have


Pick any two.

Thus, intelligence is basically the last thing I look for in a mate when my head is screwed on properly. (I have to remind myself not to seek them out)

I think it is those precious few intelligent and beautiful women that get men's hopes up only to crush them by their unavailability or insanity, and thus contribute to the allegedly misogynistic attitudes you see claiming the majority of women to be "banal," "crazy," or whatever.

Another fact is that capitalism is absolutely not a meritocracy, and it has been argued even by capitalists like Hayek that this is one of the things which makes it livable. If it were a meritocracy, we would feel much more resentment to wealthier people, since it would mean we'd have to admit that we are truly inferior to them.

Since capitalism is not a meritocracy, the highest quality women can be gobbled up by the wealthiest men, who might not have much of anything else going for them... think of all the scam artists, self-help gurus, hack musicians, trust fund kids, etc. This further narrows the pool of desirable women from the perspective of many imminsters (disproportionately non-rich males of above average intelligence).

Finally, alpha males like Tiger Woods tend to take more than their share of women, whereas females don't engage in that behavior to the same degree.

Perhaps the only saving grace is that women make up 51 percent of the population.... yipee... /sarcasm

Edited by progressive, 19 December 2009 - 01:00 PM.

#28 Mind

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Posted 19 December 2009 - 01:41 PM

There is about 1 out of a 1000 real woman and the rest are completely worthless.

I also have to question the value of the female body and mind in a radically life-extended environment

they can demand that the men be nothing less than NFL material

I say f*ck this feminism bs crap who do these hoes think they are? (I hope this one was in jest...)

I can't fuck her college degree and I cannot stick my dick in her personality.

Wow. I have to say I am simply stunned.

I usually assume that people participating in an immorality website are quite progressive in their ideas, but these demonstrates the most backward odd thinking set of statements I've come across.
Perhaps because immortalism is a fringe idea it attracts those who were on the social fringe in their youth? I'm a little concerned about the future of our cause (socially, not scientifically) if this is generally prevalent. I seem to recall another thread asking why women are so underrepresented on sites such as this and methinks I have discovered the reason.

I implore those who hold these views to reconsider them carefully and rationally. (For those who've seen Kung Pow: 'I implore you to reconsider.' '... O-K!' :) )

Just one conversation begun by a jaded young fellow, from what I have seen, not representative of the majority of people who participate here.

#29 Luna

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Posted 19 December 2009 - 09:19 PM

Excuse me?! can't fuck the degree and personality? should be dead if not having sex at least 10 minutes a night? women are worthless?

First of all, not just women are worthless, it's hard to find ANY man or woman with some right mind in them. Here too it seems.

If you don't like them because they choose to have a baby without sex, well GOOD FOR YOU, you know what? they WON'T HAVE SEX WITH YOU ANYWAY!

What makes men worth so much more than women then? obviously it can't be the degree or personality, it can't go one way only.

With men like you, no wonder women stop wanting to date men. Funny how many times I read in this forums how important sex is to people here and how some men said they can't go a day without ejaculation in a thread - just another instincts driven animal.. and I don't mean all mine and I don't mean just men, I know quite a few women who can't use their head so don't get me wrong here.
I always laughed when people said our society is advanced and we are advanced in general.. this is one of the reasons why.

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