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ADD and Pyritinol: Helped Fatigue But Not Focus

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#1 mintlilacs

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Posted 20 October 2005 - 12:52 AM


A very close friend of mine has ADD (male, age 26). I recommended Pyritiniol based on one of Life Mirage's posts. He says that he finds it very helpful for his fatigue. He said it’s like an extra hour sleep (thanks Life Mirage). He gets that effect if he takes between 4-6 200mg caps daily. However, he finds that it does nothing for his spacyness, lack of focus and disorganization.

He takes Concerta (same class as Ritalin) which he finds helpful for focusing. The problems with Concerta is that it also makes him irritable, tired and doesn't do that great of a job with focusing either. (He has tried other stimulants but they don't work any better)

Is there anything that anyone can recommend that might help his lack focus and chronic disorganization?

I appreciate your help,


PS He also struggles with depression and low motivation, for which Wellbutrin does a mediocre job of controlling (anything for that would be great also).

#2 bossplaya

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Posted 20 October 2005 - 02:22 AM

I would say, get off the stimulants & Wellbutrin altogether and try taking a decent nootropic stack, as well as an improvement in nutrition & physical activity, get bodywork or some type of therapy done to release stuck energies and chronic tensions (such as Rolfing, Reichian growth work, Body Stress Release, etc). Chronic, unreleased anger and/or tension can be a major cause of fatigue. Change all habitual ways of non-optimal operation of one's self, detoxify one's body, organize one's environment, complete unfinished goals. That would be a start. Of course, it would take a lot of motivation, but the way to full recovery is not a quick fix.

First of all, I know from experience that constant stimulant use wears a person out, physically and mentally. What a stimulant does is draw out all your energy stores and focus them in a very task-specific way, like a laser. After the effects wear off, it leaves the user very scattered, spacey and fatigued. Your friend is probably always 'coming down' from his frequent and long-term use of amphetamine-type substances.

The Wellbutrin is probably compounding the situation even further! It is a chemical called Bupropion, which is also marketed as a quit-smoking drug called Zyban. It affects the dopamine system of one's brain. From my experience with taking bupropion, it screws up one's concentration and short-term memory. I only took it for two weeks, and found that it totally affected my ability to keep my attention span focused. There are whole forums out there dedicated to the discussion of peoples' negative experiences with this stuff. I'd say get off it by tapering off the dosages, and then steer well clear of it.

Maybe your friend also has a sleeping problem as well, which greatly contributes to fatigue. I have sleeping problems, and I can sleep a whole night and still wake up in the morning feeling tired and shitty. So look into that possibility as well, and find a way to treat it. I am buying and trying a 'memory foam' mattress, which is a space-age material supposed to provide a feeling of weightless and refreshing sleep. he could also try an air purifier in his bedroom to clean out any dust and prevent breathing problems during sleep.

The nootropics I am going to use are:

Deprenyl - to alleviate depression and provide dopamine support
Phenibut - to alleviate anxiety and promote restful sleep (cycle the usage on and off every couple of weeks and watch your dosages, because tolerance can build up)
Piracetam, Aniracetam or Pramiracetam - to enhance mental focus and clarity
"Get Smart" from International Antiaging Systems (smart-drugs.net) - a good formula that combines many other nootropic  and antidepressant properties.

There are many experts in this forum, experienced with nootropics, who could advise a good nootropic/antidepressant stack for your friend to take.

Please bear in mind that I am only providing my educated opinion. Also, take note of the possibility that ADD/ADHD is a fraud disease, and your friend can release himself from the stigma of having ADD; that he has the ability to change himself for the better and does not have to rely on the sickness industry for the rest of his life.

#3 LifeMirage

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Posted 20 October 2005 - 05:04 AM

Is there anything that anyone can recommend that might help his lack focus and chronic disorganization?

I appreciate your help,


Some people react well with 250-1,000 mg of centrophenoxine.

#4 purerealm

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Posted 20 October 2005 - 08:20 AM

He can't focus because he is depressed, which have symptoms that very closely resembles attention deficit disorder, he must treat that first

#5 bossplaya

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Posted 21 October 2005 - 01:13 AM

I'll just summarize my previous post and add a little bit more to it:

1. Get off the stimulant medications & Wellbutrin
2. Improve his diet and get into some physical exercise (an obvious one, I know, but not easy to stick to)
3. Undergo some type of bodywork to release stuck energies, chronic tension and stress
4. Do some simple Cognitive-based therapy
5. Clean up his life (do this questionnaire and get to the point where he scores as much as possible on the checklist: http://betterme.org/cleansweep.html)
6. Take a small, simple nootropic stack (I'll just suggest the ones I have used, or am going to use: Get Smart, Deprenyl, [and/or Phenibut, and/or a Piracetam analogue, and/or Centrophenoxine])
7. Try Holosync or Hemisync binaural beat technology
8. Improve quality of sleep by using a memory foam mattress and purifying the air in bedroom


#6 mintlilacs

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Posted 21 October 2005 - 06:42 PM

Thanks everyone for your ideas:

He has tried centrophenoxine without much benefit. I’m not sure if he tried 1 gram though, I’ll tell him to try that dose.

What would be the next Nootropic to try? ( he has also tried Piracetam without benefit).

Although he does suffer from depression, he definitely has ADD, it runs in his family, and they don’t have depression.

I’ll pass on all the other suggestions to him.

Thanks again,


#7 bossplaya

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Posted 22 October 2005 - 09:49 AM

Cobi, I would suggest the Get Smart formula from http://www.smart-dru...gs-listing.html

It's one of the leading nootropic formulas on the market, and LifeMirage helped to design it. It contains the following nootropics and mood elevators, all in one pill:

vinpocetine 10mg
Huperzine A 100 mcg
picamilon 50 mg
pyritinol 175 mg
DMAE 75 mg
CDP Choline 10 mg
Rhodiola rosea 3% 75 mg

I would have to add that solving your friend's problem is not as easy as simply taking a pill. As liorrh said, you have to combine the medicine with other therapeutic techniques and make it work with your goals.

I also strongly recommend Holosync (www.centerpointe.com) or Hemisync, which are the same technology and are supposed to be useful for improving creativity, alleviating depression & clearing emotional issues. etc. If you can't afford those, then try bwgen, which is a FREE version available for download at: www.bwgen.com/download.htm

oilfieldpilot swears by Hemisync technology as a life-changer. They even have CDs specifically for treating ADD/ADHD, such as the Concentration CD. Check out their range at: http://www.hemisync....tions.php?cat=3

Well, that's all the help I can offer for now ;))

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