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Masturbation ruined life and cognition. So...

Wingless's Photo Wingless 07 Feb 2016

It's primarily about fantasizing, with the hopes of one day living it out.  The physical sensations are secondary.

Mental imagery can also partly explain why you shout another lover's name with a new one.


Saying you will only see porn behind closed eyes if you've watched lots of porn, but suddenly go noporn and take to facebook stalking, is like saying if you've only done acid, but suddenly quit and take to cannabis, you'll still be addicted to acid, have acid-like visuals, and be reminded only of acid-like experiences.  When experience dictates you'll forget all about acid and be focused on the cannabis lifestyle.  I can assure you, having watched plenty of porn in my day, I have no problem summoning fantastic images with girls I've seen in person or long-ago facebook stalked.


My only point was that the fantasies in your head shouldn't be your focus if they're all based on porn. In my experience there were times where it was nigh impossible to orgasm without thinking of pornographic fantasies/imagery.


Also your acid analogy isn't entirely accurate. I think if you took a lot of acid regularly, and then replaced it cannabis, you would at least be reminded to the psychedelic/altered state of consciousness experience, potentially even desiring the state from LSD again.


This thing is very anecdotal and personal, so it's very hard to generalize. I just throw all assumptions out the window when dealing with this.

Edited by Wingless, 07 February 2016 - 03:20 AM.

gamesguru's Photo gamesguru 09 Feb 2016

What's wrong with drawing on porn for your fantasies?  The most cultured man draws on the most influences....


gamesguru's Photo gamesguru 12 Feb 2016

I say jerk to IRL girls and your fantasies; yes you can draw on porn for ideas, even years after you've quit watching... but to say it's "all based on porn" is a stretch.

Edited by gamesguru, 12 February 2016 - 08:06 PM.

vader's Photo vader 13 Feb 2016

i've had bloodtest after ejaculation (day later), prolactin was over the range (~20), estrogen elevated, free test low, total test elevated!


week without jerking my prolactin was under 10, estrogen was mid range and free testosterone was elevated, total test went under max range but still high


i also experienced first morning woods in years, it seems that my recepters were fried


also my vision was sharper like on low dose lsd (lsd lowers prolactin like most ergolines), chronic neck pain improved


imho long term nofap could improve prolactin / estrogen / dopamine balance in favor of dopamine


gamesguru's Photo gamesguru 18 Feb 2016

Team nofap = team bedwetters

I'd like to characterize responses to varied fapping frequencies.  I'm interested in 3x, 2x, 1x, and 0.5x weekly.

My gut says 1x weekly is moderate enough, so that every parameter returns to baseline in 24, for sure 48 hours.  So, effectively, you have 6 days at 100% efficiency, and 1 day at 75%.


Baten's Photo Baten 19 Feb 2016


1x weekly (masturbation) would theoretically be 'optimal' for hormonal balancing purposes. If you can have actual sex more often than 1x per week though, why not.

Edited by Baten, 19 February 2016 - 09:55 AM.

gamesguru's Photo gamesguru 23 Feb 2016

1x weekly (masturbation) 'optimal' for hormonal balancing purposes

actual sex more often, why not.


because it's the same fucking shit


Baten's Photo Baten 23 Feb 2016


actual sex more often, why not.


because it's the same fucking shit


Sure, sitting in your room  whacking off is entirely the same thing as having loving/intimate/passionate sex. Same thing? Not really. The latter has you producing all kinds of endorphins, the first has no real point whatsoever besides easy gratification.


aconita's Photo aconita 23 Feb 2016

Yeah, sex is evil and masturbation leads to blindness, buy yourself a chastity device and throw away the key for your own good.




platypus's Photo platypus 23 Feb 2016

Actual sex is good and healthy for you, even better than some masturbation. 


airplanepeanuts's Photo airplanepeanuts 23 Feb 2016

Once weekly masturbation or sex? That can't be good for the prostate.


gamesguru's Photo gamesguru 23 Feb 2016

Once weekly masturbation or sex? That can't be good for the prostate.

are you suggesting more or less?  for an old man or young??


and the ppl saying sex is healthier, are you talking for sure noporn?

try it in a dark room, to a crush, sensory deprivation style. it's passionate, there's endorphins, it takes up to half an hour.

Edited by gamesguru, 23 February 2016 - 10:39 PM.

Heisok's Photo Heisok 24 Feb 2016

John Gray (Mars/Venus) author covered the issue related to celibacy, sex and masturbation in a podcast with Daniel Vitalis. http://www.danielvit...er-intelligence


Off the top of my head, sex or masturbation at least once a week is optimal. The following is what they covered.

Episode Breakdown:

  • Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus
  • Women, work & testosterone
  • How to double your testosterone in a week
  • Ejaculation and celibacy
  • Balancing polarity within ourselves
  • John’s first sexual experiences
  • Mastering sexual energy
  • The big “O” (oxytocin)
  • How men and women handle stress differently
  • Ladies first — how the female orgasm works
  • Processing emotions
  • The benefits of a monogamous relationship
  • Conscious Men
  • Why schedule sex?
  • Endure and contain
  • John’s advice to women for bettering their relationships
  • Sharing emotion is feminine; complaining is masculine
  • Connect with John
  • A tip from John on active listening in relationships

Edited by heisoktoday, 24 February 2016 - 01:52 AM.

medievil's Photo medievil 26 Feb 2016

Any evidence showing how much sex is optimal? i tought i read the more sex the better, but then in traditional chinese beleives they beleive that ejaculation depletes the body of some kind of internal energy they refer too, i forgot the name, also theres no science behind this traditional chinese beleive


I barely every come after sex, i hate it, you suddenly are turned off and things are suddenly differened, just enjoying the thing for a few hours does it for me, i dont really masturnate anymore even if i dont have much sex.


Baten's Photo Baten 26 Feb 2016

you suddenly are turned off and things are suddenly differened

Sounds a lot like prolactin effects. Might wanna try some B6 like P-5-P, and if that doesn't help some (like 0.25mg) cabergoline every now and then.


medievil's Photo medievil 26 Feb 2016

I am being prescribed ropinirole for RLS which doesnt really help much, just turns me on and can make sex better.


Joeyb221's Photo Joeyb221 26 Feb 2016


you suddenly are turned off and things are suddenly differened

Sounds a lot like prolactin effects. Might wanna try some B6 like P-5-P, and if that doesn't help some (like 0.25mg) cabergoline every now and then.



What are some symptoms of prolactin deficiency? How do you increase it? How long does it take?


Baten's Photo Baten 26 Feb 2016



you suddenly are turned off and things are suddenly differened

Sounds a lot like prolactin effects. Might wanna try some B6 like P-5-P, and if that doesn't help some (like 0.25mg) cabergoline every now and then.



What are some symptoms of prolactin deficiency? How do you increase it? How long does it take?


Rather than a deficiency, an orgasm/sex will raise prolactin. It calms and 'saturates'. It's whats keeps you from going again and again. If you are high in prolactin however, you start to feel weird/bad. Nowadays there are more and more men with higher estrogen and higher prolactin. I personally am low in prolactin myself though, so my personal experience is limited.


airplanepeanuts's Photo airplanepeanuts 27 Feb 2016


Once weekly masturbation or sex? That can't be good for the prostate.

are you suggesting more or less?  for an old man or young??


and the ppl saying sex is healthier, are you talking for sure noporn?

try it in a dark room, to a crush, sensory deprivation style. it's passionate, there's endorphins, it takes up to half an hour.


I'm suggesting more. 


vtrader's Photo vtrader 02 Mar 2016

Enough overthinking time for some bro science,


1. Watching just uses one sense, and that gets over used.

2. The real sex uses all senses, touch, smell taste all add to the experience.

3. You can learn to build an iron will and self-discipline from no pmo if done over several months. Imagine instead what you could do with that?

4. There is more to life then getting off,  start focusing on other more important things.


rauzal's Photo rauzal 06 Mar 2016

I joined the /r/NoFap/ subreddit a while ago and helped me with reducing masturbation. not in a direct way but just socializing with like minded people made me more motivated


gamesguru's Photo gamesguru 06 Mar 2016


i used to whack it 6 times a day in hs and graduated with a 1.95


BlueCloud's Photo BlueCloud 08 Mar 2016

Yeah, sex is evil and masturbation leads to blindness, buy yourself a chastity device and throw away the key for your own good.

Worse : i heard fapping will grow hair in the palm of your hands. Hairy palms..yuck !

stunnershow's Photo stunnershow 11 Mar 2016

Attached File  uploadfromtaptalk1457732562334.jpg   66.7KB   10 downloadsthis movie's plot is based around porn addiction. It's very funny.

birthdaysuit's Photo birthdaysuit 11 Mar 2016

attachicon.gifScreenshot_2016-03-11-16-41-54.pngthis movie's plot is based around porn addiction. It's very funny.

That was a fucking horrific movie


Baten's Photo Baten 12 Mar 2016


attachicon.gifScreenshot_2016-03-11-16-41-54.pngthis movie's plot is based around porn addiction. It's very funny.

That was a fucking horrific movie


Agreed hahaha. (I mean who the hell can't get it up for Scarlett Johansson)


PeaceAndProsperity's Photo PeaceAndProsperity 09 May 2016



you suddenly are turned off and things are suddenly differened

Sounds a lot like prolactin effects. Might wanna try some B6 like P-5-P, and if that doesn't help some (like 0.25mg) cabergoline every now and then.



What are some symptoms of prolactin deficiency? How do you increase it? How long does it take?


Symptoms of prolactin deficiency would be poor sperm quality and low dht/high estrogen

Too little prolactin is bad, too much is often worse.


As for ejaculation, I am one of the guys who experiences extremely adverse reactions to it, unless it's one of the days where my test. is unusually high and I feel unusually horny.


It doesn't matter if I ejaculate to porn or to my fantasies. I've tried only using my fantasies and it doesn't make a difference in me.


Boron seems to increase free testosterone (at least it has in me, got morning wood every day now) so everyone of you might want to try that.


gamesguru's Photo gamesguru 09 May 2016

Porn goes a lot quicker than phantasy, supernormal stimulus anyone? I'm talking 2 minutes vs 20. Sometimes 5 vs 10, but it always seems to go quicker and be less engaging or satisfying.

As for PreEj, one idea is to put D2 antagonists at the MPOA & OFC.

From examine.com: One study in otherwise healthy men noted that acute supplementation of Boron, over the period of 6 hours, failed to increase total testosterone levels yet trended to increase free testosterone (+14.7%) and DHT (+9.9%) although neither was statistically significant, yet significantly reduced Sex-Hormone Binding Globulin ...

PeaceAndProsperity's Photo PeaceAndProsperity 11 May 2016

Porn goes a lot quicker than phantasy, supernormal stimulus anyone? I'm talking 2 minutes vs 20. Sometimes 5 vs 10, but it always seems to go quicker and be less engaging or satisfying.

As for PreEj, one idea is to put D2 antagonists at the MPOA & OFC.

From examine.com: One study in otherwise healthy men noted that acute supplementation of Boron, over the period of 6 hours, failed to increase total testosterone levels yet trended to increase free testosterone (+14.7%) and DHT (+9.9%) although neither was statistically significant, yet significantly reduced Sex-Hormone Binding Globulin ...

Whatever studies say, anecdotally it has significantly and consistently given me morning woods and increased energy, and a more sensitive penis. Zinc works for about a week in myself, boron seems to work consistently even after two weeks.

I do need proper sleep for boron to work, just like with zinc. I can't go with no sleep and expect boron or zinc to magically increase test. and make me feel better.

I take 9mg every morning.


gamesguru's Photo gamesguru 11 May 2016

its just one piece to the puzzle, could be stacked with ginger for example

and dont go above 20mg