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What to take for life extension? Your top...

Paulsen's Photo Paulsen 20 Apr 2017



I am doing some life extension research, which will help me decide, what to take and what not.


If I wanted to live very long, what should I take? Or what would you take, that is secure and its high probability it will extend your life and it is not dangerous to take? 


I am taking daily:


vitamin D

b complex

some olive oil with my food




2 pills aspirin


2 weeks/ monthly:


activated charcoal for detox 


My top list:


1. nad+/niagen

2. mellformin

3. cucurmin

4. activated charcoal

5. l - carnitine 


c60 in olive oil is excluded, since there are some negative reports and it is not enough save to use. Wonder why there aren't more studies, guess they want to keep it secret or the results are negative.


Your list? I don't want to take too many things. I think I will add cucurmin and l - carnitine.  What do you think?


Thank you!




Edited by Paulsen, 20 April 2017 - 06:33 PM.

MikeDC's Photo MikeDC 20 Apr 2017


I am doing some life extension research, which will help me decide, what to take and what not.

If I wanted to live very long, what should I take? Or what would you take, that is secure and its high probability it will extend your life and it is not dangerous to take?

1. Niagen (NAD+ is the most important 10x more than anything else)
2. Ubiquinol (Any inflammation)
3. GliSODin (anti plaque)
4. Vitamin D
5. Fish oil
6. Multi vitamin

Edited by Michael, 27 April 2017 - 08:34 PM.
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PeaceAndProsperity's Photo PeaceAndProsperity 20 Apr 2017

For heart disease, energy levels, preventing and reversing gray hair, skin quality and basically everything in your body, high dose nicotinic acid + l-carnitine is a very effective combo

For cancer prevention Selenium complex (Life-Extension brand) is good.


Vitamin C, lysine and vitamin k2 are also incredibly good for various aspects of heart disease.



Mind's Photo Mind 20 Apr 2017


If I wanted to live very long, what should I take? Or what would you take, that is secure and its high probability it will extend your life and it is not dangerous to take?

1. Niagen (NAD+ is the most important 10x more than anything else)
2. Ubiquinol (Any inflammation)
3. GliSODin (anti plaque)
4. Vitamin D
5. Fish oil
6. Multi vitamin


If you have a reasonably balanced/good diet, skip the multivitamin. Waste of money and might even be harmful (depending on the formulation).

Edited by Michael, 27 April 2017 - 08:35 PM.
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aconita's Photo aconita 20 Apr 2017

Acetyl carnitine may be better than l-carnitine.


Beta alanine.


Not really supplements but worth a look.


Epitalon (after 40-50 years old)


Thymus glandular extracts or peptides (thymulin, tb 500, etc...)


But in the end nobody really knows (yet).


mrkosh1's Photo mrkosh1 21 Apr 2017

These are the top supplements I would take, if I could.


1) Nicotinamide Riboside

2) Low dose b complex (just in case that I need more methyl donors.)

3) R-ALA (This dramatically boosted my energy level for a period of two to three days after a single dose).

4) Acetyl-l-carnitine (low dose)

5) Curcumin  


Skyguy2005's Photo Skyguy2005 21 Apr 2017

(1) Ginkgo Biloba (herbal extract, occasionally fruit)

(2) Red Reishi (extract+tea)

(3) Japanese Knotweed (extract)

(4) Green Tea (tea)

(5) Curcumin (extract)

(6) Jiaogulan (tea)


Only non-herb is NAC 2x weekly, occasionally probiotics (acidophilus).


Darryl's Photo Darryl 23 Apr 2017

My supplement decisions are based on an estimated price/benefit ratio. I see little merit to spending more than a US$1.xx daily in total at my age/income. Fundamentally, I think underlying diet, exercise, sleep, mindfulness, and conviviality make a larger impact than currently available supplements. So, in the context of a whole plant based diet high in prebiotic fermentable fiber and hormetic polyphenols while low in methionine:


• 6-10 g glycine (USP grade) added to bedtime beverage
• 2 x 500 mg niacin (as nicotinic acid)
• 2 x 467 mg magnesium salicylate (sold as an OTC back pain medicine)
• 2 x 750 mg glucosamine
• 1 x 200 μg K2mk7
• 1 x 400 mg andrographis extract


I add vegan dietary insurance: 


• 2 home filled 'OO' capsules with a daily total of 500 mg creatine, 250 mg β-alanine, 250 mg taurine, 100 mg carnitine, 20 mg zinc, 250 μg B12 (as cyanocobalamin)
• 1 x (360 mg DHA + 180 mg EPA) from algal oil
• 1 x 225 μg iodine from a kelp tablet

tunt01's Photo tunt01 23 Apr 2017

Lot of great suggestions in here.  


I will just toss out Lithium, since no one has mentioned it.  I think a low-dose lithium is worth consideration by everyone.


normalizing's Photo normalizing 24 Apr 2017

prophets which type of lithium? orotate is the only one available without prescription but very likely the most poorly tested and allowed by guidance. it seems, the element orotic acid is toxic in high amounts, so who knows. all the positive studies have been done on carbonate, but its prescription only and there are people who claim carbonate is more toxic than orotic acid binder, which seems toxic on its own. so im not sure how to proceed from here...


Valijon's Photo Valijon 24 Apr 2017

If money was no object? #1 Rapamycin, #2 Metformin #3 Dasatanib #4 quercetin #5 maybe Navitoclax then #6 would possibly be NR or NMN.

Skyguy2005's Photo Skyguy2005 24 Apr 2017



If you have a reasonably balanced/good diet, skip the multivitamin. Waste of money and might even be harmful (depending on the formulation).



Vitamins are fine its minerals like iron and copper that are the problem. Copper is just absolutely the pits, its the pits that John McEnroe was talking about.


tunt01's Photo tunt01 24 Apr 2017

prophets which type of lithium? orotate is the only one available without prescription but very likely the most poorly tested and allowed by guidance. it seems, the element orotic acid is toxic in high amounts, so who knows. all the positive studies have been done on carbonate, but its prescription only and there are people who claim carbonate is more toxic than orotic acid binder, which seems toxic on its own. so im not sure how to proceed from here...


I take lithium aspartate


normalizing's Photo normalizing 24 Apr 2017

i see. from what i can gather the aspartate version is the least studied type of lithium out there with no real clue as to how well it works and how toxic it can be. i guess you are taking a chance with that one, but i can see its quite inexpensive so thats enticing


adamh's Photo adamh 25 Apr 2017

You can buy lithium carbonate by the pound very cheaply. They say its not for consumption but that is just to placate the fda. I don't use it myself, I buy the oroate and take a small amount but carbonate is out there.


You want to take D3 for sure, some mixed tocopherol E, also tocotrienols would not hurt. A and so on, avoid inorganix copper, get organic. If the pill does not say what form it is, it will be the cheaper inorganic so do not buy. Males do not need iron supplement normally. Get a ferretine (sp?) test if you are not sure


Forever21's Photo Forever21 25 Apr 2017

Interesting...no mention of....Resveratrol...


Forever21's Photo Forever21 25 Apr 2017

1. Niagen (NAD+ is the most important 10x more than anything else)


What brand do you use?

Beta alanine.


What's the difference between Beta Alanine and Carnosine?


Paulsen's Photo Paulsen 25 Apr 2017



Thank you for your answers and knowledge!!


I am taking daily:


- Vitamin D

- B complex

- Olive oil


I am taking weekly, monthly:


- Aspirin

- Activated Charcoal


I have decided to add / bought for daily use:


- Coenzyme Q10 with Selenium

- L - Carnitine

- Flaxseed oil 


That is it for now. 


What if I would combine Niacin (B3) with L - Carnitine ?


Could be normal Niacin (B3), which is cheaper at least partly as effective as Nicotinamide Riboside, NIAGEN ?


Nobody mentioned Resveratrol?


I will probably experiment with B3 at some point and then start taking Niagen. I do not need multivitamin.




Edited by Paulsen, 25 April 2017 - 07:39 PM.

Forever21's Photo Forever21 25 Apr 2017

Total E
Omega Krill
Great Lakes Collagen Hydrolysate
LEF Pomegranate 
Niagen (just ordered)
Beta Alanine (just ordered)
In food form
Green tea
Cacao powder

Edited by Forever21, 25 April 2017 - 08:09 PM.

normalizing's Photo normalizing 26 Apr 2017

You can buy lithium carbonate by the pound very cheaply. They say its not for consumption but that is just to placate the fda. I don't use it myself, I buy the oroate and take a small amount but carbonate is out there.


You want to take D3 for sure, some mixed tocopherol E, also tocotrienols would not hurt. A and so on, avoid inorganix copper, get organic. If the pill does not say what form it is, it will be the cheaper inorganic so do not buy. Males do not need iron supplement normally. Get a ferretine (sp?) test if you are not sure


what i checked, it seems prescription only, the carbonate version. though you will need such high quanitites, not sure how easy it is to just overdose and basically making it unsafe.


to ask, the small amount you take of orotate, do you even notice anything? it seems in studies there have been reported uses of 150mg orotate per day, which is quite damn high, but people reported results with high quantity only


aconita's Photo aconita 26 Apr 2017

What's the difference between Beta Alanine and Carnosine?


Price and easiness to find it.


Beta alanine converts into carnosine upon ingestion, histidine is very rarely and unlikely to be a limiting factor.


Anyway one has to choose if to take carnosine or beta alanine, to take both a the same time makes no sense.


The tingling from beta alanine disappears as one gets used to it, likely after a few weeks.


It is weird but not totally unpleasant in my perception, better to be aware it will happen in order to avoid panicking.:)


I am at 5g once a day but maybe it makes sense to start at half that amount and build up.


ta5's Photo ta5 26 Apr 2017

What's the difference between Beta Alanine and Carnosine?


Beta Alanine doesn't simply convert to Carnosine. I'm only aware of Beta Alanine increasing Carnosine in muscle.


Sports Med. 2014 Nov;44 Suppl 2:S167-73. 
Muscle energetics during explosive activities and potential effects of nutrition and training.

Sahlin K1.


Based on the work by Harris and colleagues [53–55], chronic supplementation with β-alanine has gained interest as an ergogenic aid during HIE. The basic idea is that muscle carnosine, which is a natural existing dipeptide of β-alanine and histidine, is an important buffer in skeletal muscle. Carnosine is formed in muscle tissue by synthesis from β-alanine and histidine, and formation of carnosine is limited by the availability of β-alanine [54, 55]. Increasing the plasma concentration of β-alanine by oral intake of β-alanine will thus promote carnosine formation and increase muscle carnosine concentration.

adamh's Photo adamh 27 Apr 2017


You can buy lithium carbonate by the pound very cheaply.


what i checked, it seems prescription only, the carbonate version. though you will need such high quanitites, not sure how easy it is to just overdose and basically making it unsafe.


to ask, the small amount you take of orotate, do you even notice anything? it seems in studies there have been reported uses of 150mg orotate per day, which is quite damn high, but people reported results with high quantity only


I saw it on fleabay of all places. Look around its available. It will be technical grade, not usp but if my foggy memory serves correctly, it was around $20 a lb or so. I notice no effect from 5mg via oroate. Just for health benefits, not to get 'down'. If I thought the stuff would help me sleep I'd buy the bulk but its kind of dangerous, very dangerous so I advise not to mess with it except in small small doses, maybe 50 to a couple hundred mg at most or less.

Edited by Michael, 27 April 2017 - 10:37 PM.
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Rizumu's Photo Rizumu 11 May 2017


My supplement decisions are based on an estimated price/benefit ratio. I see little merit to spending more than a US$1.xx daily in total at my age/income. Fundamentally, I think underlying diet, exercise, sleep, mindfulness, and conviviality make a larger impact than currently available supplements. So, in the context of a whole plant based diet high in prebiotic fermentable fiber and hormetic polyphenols while low in methionine:


• 6-10 g glycine (USP grade) added to bedtime beverage
• 2 x 500 mg niacin (as nicotinic acid)
• 2 x 467 mg magnesium salicylate (sold as an OTC back pain medicine)
• 2 x 750 mg glucosamine
• 1 x 200 μg K2mk7
• 1 x 400 mg andrographis extract


I add vegan dietary insurance: 


• 2 home filled 'OO' capsules with a daily total of 500 mg creatine, 250 mg β-alanine, 250 mg taurine, 100 mg carnitine, 20 mg zinc, 250 μg B12 (as cyanocobalamin)
• 1 x (360 mg DHA + 180 mg EPA) from algal oil
• 1 x 225 μg iodine from a kelp tablet



Fasting vs. postprandial - does timing matter? 


Daniel Cooper's Photo Daniel Cooper 15 May 2017

Nicotinamide Riboside (125mg/day)

D3 (2000 IU/day)

Life Extension Super K (K1, K2mk4, K2mk7 2700mcg total per day)

Magnesium Malate (1250mg 2 per day)

Omega 3 Fish Oil (1000mg/day)

Turmeric w/bioperine (500mg/day)

Quercetin (as EMIQ) (50mg 2 per day, Weekends (Sat. and Sun.) only)

8oz Pomegranate Juice each evening


Not taking yet but contemplating:




Kyolic garlic


Much of this stack is to address atherosclerosis revealed by a calcium score of 64.  The Turmeric has many potential benefits (cardiovascular, anti-cancer, anti-Alzheimer's).


I'd certainly welcome any review/comments on this stack.


Edited by Daniel Cooper, 15 May 2017 - 01:06 AM.

Daniel Cooper's Photo Daniel Cooper 15 May 2017

If someone thinks my regimen is ill informed, I'd really appreciate a detailed critique rather than a down vote that doesn't tell me anything.


I may well be ill informed, but I'd like to know why exactly.






joelcairo's Photo joelcairo 15 May 2017

I don't see anything ill-informed in what you posted. Don't know what GliSODIN is, but otherwise your supps look pretty reasonable.


Only comments I would make are (1) I don't know the point of taking 2 aspirins a week as described above. Probably a better regime is to take a baby aspirin every day.


(2) I don't know if it has a proven connection to longevity, but I'm a big fan of melatonin.There are well-established connections to serious conditions such as cancer. Even a tiny amount of light in your room at night can disrupt sleep and significantly suppress the body's production of melatonin.

Edited by joelcairo, 15 May 2017 - 04:25 AM.

Daniel Cooper's Photo Daniel Cooper 15 May 2017

I don't see anything ill-informed in what you posted. Don't know what GliSODIN is, but otherwise your supps look pretty reasonable.


Only comments I would make are (1) I don't know the point of taking 2 aspirins a week as described above. Probably a better regime is to take a baby aspirin every day.


(2) I don't know if it has a proven connection to longevity, but I'm a big fan of melatonin.There are well-established connections to serious conditions such as cancer. Even a tiny amount of light in your room at night can disrupt sleep and significantly suppress the body's production of melatonin.


Thanks.  On the aspirin, I think you've confused my post with an earlier one.  I'm not taking any aspirin at the moment, but I agree that a baby aspirin a day is something to consider.


On the melatonin, indeed I left that one off by mistake.  I do take 300 mcg of melatonin every evening.  That is a dose that should give a blood plasma level approximating what you'd have in your youth.  I see some taking 3 and 5 mg of melatonin, and that is a super physiological dose that gives be some concern for long term use.


Razor444's Photo Razor444 15 May 2017


Not taking yet but contemplating:




Kyolic garlic



You need to watch out for the MitoQ. They keep on raising prices. God knows how much it's going to cost in a few years?! Perhaps putting it at the bottom of your list is reasonable.


Daniscience's Photo Daniscience 06 Jun 2017



- Resveratrol

- Curcumin

- NR

- Bitter melon




- Olive oil

- Garlic

- Goat kefir

- Pinto beans
