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What is wrong with me? Pretty urgent

dry eyes dry mouth floaters visual snow pains in body brain pains

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#1 useyourtimewisely

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Posted 07 October 2017 - 08:37 AM

Heres a quick list of my symptoms  (I spent 2 hours writing my full story of whats happening but I'm not sure if I should post it):
*Dry mouth (gum disintergrates, tongue stuck to roof of mouth when sleeping,
is dry throughout the day too but gets worse when laying down)
*Dry eyes (gets worse when lying down but is there during the day as well, I
think the vitreous gel might me getting dried out leading to the massive
increase of floaters)
*Many new floaters and visual snow
*Dry skin (burns sometimes, especially after a shower)
*Pains around body (in chest, have had random pains in one wrist, one thumb,
leg and stomach)


So any suggestions on what my issues could stem from or certain supplements, herbs, bloodtests etc (Have seen that it could be
sjogrens but my last bloodtest tested for maybe 1 or 2 antibodies, results could have changed by now)


Also only 17


Thank you guys :)

#2 Daniel Cooper

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Posted 07 October 2017 - 02:13 PM

Some medications might do this.  What are you taking?



You might want to get formally evaluated for Sjogren's syndrome.




Edited by Daniel Cooper, 07 October 2017 - 02:15 PM.

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#3 Dorian Grey

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Posted 07 October 2017 - 04:24 PM

Has your thyroid been checked? Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis  often presents early in adult life and can cause this kind of dryness.  


Don't know if iodization of salt is required in Australia, but low thyroid can cause this too.  


Don't know what supps you're on, but I'd take a vacation from them entirely to see if this helps.  You might list what you've been taking here.


Deficiencies of Vitamin's A, B-Complex, C & E are mentioned in literature.  Vitamin A deficiency in particular may be interesting due to your eye trouble.  


A lack of essential fatty acids can cause this too.  Are you on a well balanced diet?  Vegan?  Living on carbs/junk food?  


Hope you get to the bottom of this soon.  

Edited by Dorian Grey, 07 October 2017 - 04:32 PM.

#4 HomoLudens

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Posted 07 October 2017 - 07:52 PM

Took a Fluoroquinolone antibiotic recently?

Just wondering.

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#5 useyourtimewisely

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Posted 08 October 2017 - 01:12 AM

Some medications might do this.  What are you taking?



You might want to get formally evaluated for Sjogren's syndrome.

Not really taking anything. Sometimes I take a vitamin D, propolis and fish oil but there are more days when I don't have them than do. Am prescribed dexamphetamine to treat ADD but don't really want to take them at this point in my life as it ages you faster and I'm not healthy atm.


Has your thyroid been checked? Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis  often presents early in adult life and can cause this kind of dryness.  


Don't know if iodization of salt is required in Australia, but low thyroid can cause this too.  


Don't know what supps you're on, but I'd take a vacation from them entirely to see if this helps.  You might list what you've been taking here.


Deficiencies of Vitamin's A, B-Complex, C & E are mentioned in literature.  Vitamin A deficiency in particular may be interesting due to your eye trouble.  


A lack of essential fatty acids can cause this too.  Are you on a well balanced diet?  Vegan?  Living on carbs/junk food?  


Hope you get to the bottom of this soon.  


I have had some thyroid levels checked and they were fine, but these were in late august and I don't think I had many of these issues then.

These were done in late August

*Thyroid Stimulating Hormone - 1.79 mU/L

*Free Thyroxine (FT4) - 12.2 pmol/L

*Anti-Thyroglobulin Antibody - <20 IU/mL

*Anti-Thyroid Peroxidase Antibody - 11 IU/mL


I just checked, it seems it's not required but the brand we use has iodized salt products as well. Thanks for asking that! Can Iodine deficiency cause all of these issues?


I listed the supplements above. I have also tried some NAC (not the l-cysteine version which I should have bought, I know for next time) but only a few times.


My Active-B12 is 65 pmol/L (the doctor didn't say anything about this level being low but I just looked it up and that's pretty low I think)

25-OH Calciferol level is 43 nmol/L (doc wrote on the results sheet that it can be between 51-250 (nmol/L). See what I don't get is how can someone have 5 times that amount and 51 is still healthy). Also has "?Osteoporosis" written above that level. I'm not sure about the other levels. If they're on this results sheet they aren't written as "Vitamin A", "Vitamin B" etc. Might be a good idea for me to just post the whole sheet if any of you are willing to look over it.


No not a very balanced diet, I don't eat a whole lot of junk food but I skip breakfast.


Thanks for that, I hope I do too. I feel as though a lot of my levels aren't right and I have been recently diagnosed on the autism spectrum (although it took this long to diagnose me so I'm not really sure if I am autistic. I would describe myself as not doing much at all, no symptoms like banging my head against the wall, etc. My life if I am honest has been a real waste as I have never had the proper energy and social intuition to be able to function properly and feel as though I have missed out on the formative years. Interestingly I have stopped smoking weed 42 days ago. I was smoking at max 5 times a day (stoned for the whole day, the type where its hard to talk and do much, I know, very stupid of me to keep going) and that was for over a year and my memory is obliterated, really its gone so I'm not sure what my life is going to be life. I could never handle more than 1 bowl and my memory was always very impoverished for example the second time I smoked I could not comprehend the maths problems we were doing (choline among other things), I know i should have stopped there I just didn't realise how bad it was for me and it made me happy and interested in things in a way I never have naturally. This is how I got onto getting a diagnosis as the weed opened my mind up and that social intuition just came to me, as if my brain was only running at half capacity, not really living just existing. So I'm guessing that's ADD and I guess I would have a leaky gut and some other problems too). I do have some things about me that I don't like the size of (my nose, baby face) that would be from I'm guessing growth hormone.


Other symptoms I forgot to mention were:

*Vertical Diplopia mostly noticeable in the morning and at night which could be from the dry eyes, it's harder to read things like this.

*My sight is blurrier

*Exercised the other day (haven't for a long time) and the bright light on the car dashboard after the workout had these semi-transparent dark shadows that were moving around my center of vision, sort of spiraling in a circular motion that I hadn't noticed before then/


I should have been clearer about the gum disintegration, I didn't mean the gum the tooth is attached to, but chewing gum that disintegrates after 30mins to an hour of chewing. From my reading trying to find more people with this problem I found that there is an actual syndrome for this and can also be caused if the person is aroused or is high on MDMA (never used this). Certain inhibited enzymes can cause this (pretty sure) and might have to do with pesticides as I found a link here that mentioned pesticides inhibiting enzymes (maybe the weed I smoked earlier on, was grown with plant growth regulators as is pretty much all weed grown in aus by either the bikie gangs or Vietnamese gangs who don't care about users health and about how bulky and heavy it is and how much they make (easy to spot as its very orange). I say earlier on as for the last 8 months or so the weed I was smoking was organic and grown with basic garden nutrients and water)


Had an mri a month and a half ago to see if I had any tumors that could be causing the eye issues and headaches and I personally feel that ever since then the dryness has occurred but I can't find much on mris causing this as its only magnetism and produces no radiation. I also didn't have the dye to make the images clearer as I had read it contains heavy metals and I'm 100% sure I already have problems with that.


Sorry if that is a lot to read or it's messy. I wrote a lot more before I made this thread (took 2 hours) to detail everything I could but I didn't think I'd get positive responses or responses at all If I posted it. Thank you.


Took a Fluoroquinolone antibiotic recently?

Just wondering.


Was prescribed an antibiotic a month ago for a cyst I have under my right arm but didn't take them because I read they aren't great for your body.


Thank you for your responses guys, appreciate it.

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#6 adamh

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Posted 08 October 2017 - 03:25 AM

There are lotions for dry skin, and mouth wash for dry mouth. That would be one place to start. You might want to see an ophthalmologist about your eye issues. There are also eye drops which may help the symptoms but you want a cure.


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#7 useyourtimewisely

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Posted 08 October 2017 - 05:11 AM

There are lotions for dry skin, and mouth wash for dry mouth. That would be one place to start. You might want to see an ophthalmologist about your eye issues. There are also eye drops which may help the symptoms but you want a cure.


Yep I use Biotene mouth wash for dry mouth and I have used eye drops but they don't last long.


These issues seem to have started after my mri and during the mri I got a weird pain in my head, almost a lightning strike feeling in the front left (i think it was the left) of my brain. I don't think it was the metals in my brain that caused this as supposedly the amount inside of you is too low for the magnetism to have any effect. It got pretty warm in there and I have been thinking this is what caused it was ever since then as other people online have had the same issues and it hasn't gotten better for them. I probably should have told the people who worked there but I am very sure they just would have said the machine does get a bit warm and it's probably just another headache even though I have never had that pain before and haven't since. I was reading about what makes up saliva and there are specific enzymes that help the function of saliva. Now when enzymes get up to a certain temperature they get denatured and don't work anymore. Do you guys think this is what is happening? I sense the wetness in my eyes when i blink are blurry and maybe oily as the closer my eyes close together the more I can't see. This might explain why my mouth still produces saliva but it feels dehydrated and a little bit rough. My head feels pretty warm at the moment, in fact it's the warmest part of my body.


Does anybody know of any herbs, supplements, peptides, etc that would be able to help heal my body/ salivary glands. This is really messed up. I've also been more fatigued lately feeling tired at 1pm after doing very little and have a low stamina. It's the most tired I have ever felt so quickly. I am not a scientist or a doctor so I'm not qualified to be making assumptions but when I have been to the ophthalmologist and my gp they don't have any answers other that migraines causing auras. The weed made me have a very dry mouth (never had any floaters from smoking) but the reason I doubt it's low acetylcholine (I most likely had a choline deficiency) is that when I quit I didn't have this problem. The only machines I can find literature for that can cause these types of problems are radiation therapy machines and google says that mris don't emit radiation. I could be wrong about any of this so your input is GREATLY appreciated.


Thank you :) :)

#8 nickthird

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Posted 08 October 2017 - 05:13 AM

You really need to take care of dry mouth as I have heard that causes cavities in the teeth (the saliva protects them against bacteria).


Feeling random pains I think is kind of part of the normal human experience (I am just basing that on myself, but I have no medical conditions that would cause them), I mean as long as it is not as frequent as several times a day. I sometimes have a very short and mild pain in some area for 1-3 seconds. There are many things that can cause that, like how your body posture is, if there are pressure points due to the way you are sitting (maybe how your organs are located and pressing against each other) etc.


Are you drinking enough liquids? you can tell by how dark (concentrated) is the urine.

#9 jack black

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Posted 10 October 2017 - 03:23 PM


You might want to get formally evaluated for Sjogren's syndrome.


+1, good idea. sleep apnea will also cause dry mouth. do you snore? do you drink or eat a lot before sleep?


RE: random pains. I get those when I eat gluten in diet (I don't have celiac disease, but some genetic predispositions).

Edited by jack black, 10 October 2017 - 03:25 PM.

#10 aribadabar

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Posted 08 December 2017 - 12:47 AM

My Active-B12 is 65 pmol/L 



25-OH Calciferol level is 43 nmol/L 


Right there I see two major vitamin deficiencies.


B12 must be over 300 to be on the safe side.

D3- over 75nmol.


Get an Rx for B12 shots (yes, you need to fix this pronto!) and do it until you are into the 500-600 range at the very least (re-test after 2 months).

In the meantime, 1000mcg sublingual B12 daily and continue at 500 mcg/d after you break 600.


For D3 - start with 10 000 IU per day and keep that for at least 3 months then re-do the test and if you are in 80-100 nmol/l range scale back to 1000 IU/d.


Good luck!

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#11 Skyguy2005

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Posted 08 December 2017 - 01:23 AM

Take Sanatogen A-Z? Rub olive oil into face vigorously (I mean, like a maniac)? Drink some water and eat some fish? De-stress? Go jogging?


A few ideas. Maybe it helps, maybe not :)

Edited by Skyguy2005, 08 December 2017 - 01:23 AM.

#12 jack black

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Posted 08 December 2017 - 04:20 PM


My Active-B12 is 65 pmol/L 



25-OH Calciferol level is 43 nmol/L 


Right there I see two major vitamin deficiencies.


B12 must be over 300 to be on the safe side.

D3- over 75nmol.




he said active B12, so your number for total doesn't apply. he shouldn't be B12 deficient .

he might be D3 deficient (who isn't) but it shouldn't cause his issues.

#13 able

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Posted 08 December 2017 - 05:30 PM

A lot of good ideas here from some very knowledgable people.


I would also suggest some regular exercise can work wonders, with no real downside.


I think that should actually be the first thing you try before chasing a lot of individual symptoms.


I also smoked quite a bit when 19-20 and messed up my health quite a bit, but luckily quit and got back to exercising 5 days a week and all symptoms disappeared.

Edited by able, 08 December 2017 - 05:31 PM.

#14 Nat1971a

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Posted 18 December 2017 - 12:47 AM

You should read up on all the side effects of dexamphetamines

Edited by Nat1971a, 18 December 2017 - 12:51 AM.

#15 kurdishfella

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Posted 17 April 2022 - 01:12 AM

could be anything. maybe your supplement contains mold particles. also regarding the blinking everytime you blink you reset your information flow and brain
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#16 triffid113

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Posted 22 April 2022 - 03:59 PM

Also is this the dry season where you live? Are you adequately humidifying the air?  Humidity levels should be between 35-50%.

And think about this... if it's dry outside and you spend most of your time outside or in places where the humidity is not under your control,

it can affect you, the weather can rob humidity from your body - eyes, mouth, skin, joints, everywhere.  So AT LEAST make sure your

humidity is good at home.


If it IS the dry season (such as winter), your thyroid can get worse in very little time. You said last time you checked was when you did 

not have these symptoms. I would check tsh only. If your tsh is still <2.0, then it's not your thyroid and probably not low zinc.  When my

tsh is only as high s 2.4 I get dry eye. This also happens in winter when low humidity. If I do my best to fix both (zinc + humidifier), it

gets much better. if you take a decent multivitamin so the other bases of thyroid nutrition are met, then a little extra zinc can rev up your thyroid.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: dry eyes, dry mouth, floaters, visual snow, pains in body, brain pains

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