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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

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catch phrases and new words for the cause

Posted by brokenportal , 13 August 2008 · 1,459 views

Like other people have been saying and thinking, we need more slogans, catch phrases, quotes, those kinds of things. Ive been using this quote all day today. I like it:

"Put in some time to help with life extension now, or put in time helping with your family and friends funerals later. Its your choice." -E.D.

Indefinite life extension doesnt have a name really. Immortality doesnt work as we've all been discussing. I think we need to work on coining "Inlex" as a word meaning indefinite life extension. Its an abbreviation of it. I know it doesnt sound the greatest, but hey, we need words. Besides, crappy words end up sounding normal after being repeated so many times. Take sandwhich for instance.

Aug 13 2008 05:42 PM
How about,

"Time is running out!" as a tag line, or "Its raining sand, get the air shovel!" Ok, so maybe not that last one. Any ideas anyone?
Aug 13 2008 10:52 PM
More slogan type stuff:

The time you spend on life extension is no big sacrifice in comparison to the amount of
time youll gain. The amount of time you do not spend on life extension on the other hand
is a big sacrifice in comparison to the amount of time youll lose.

Put all things aside and pick up your arms, this is a war. To paraphrase Patton, "The idea
is not to die for your cause but to make the enemy die for theirs"

If your not in it to win it then dig your grave now and save your family some time so
they can devote more of it to the war.

Aging is running us all off the edge of the cliff of oblivion. If it comes to it we must jump and build our wings on the way down, and it has come to that.
Aug 13 2008 11:19 PM
"Every drop counts. So let the brainstorming commence!"

"One person can do one years worth of work whereas one billion people can do one billion years worth of work."
Aug 15 2008 08:08 PM
By the law of cognitive dissonance, If you have not prepared to defeat your enemy, then you have prepared for your enemy to defeat you.
May 15 2009 11:18 PM
I have now come to settle on using the word ReinHelix for myself at least, instead of inlex. ReinHelix stands for Requisite Indefinite Healthy Life Extenison. It also can come with great slogans like "You cant stop the Rein!" It has the word Requisite in it which can help meme in the requisite 8, which is the reason, the ikaigai, the logo therapy to help drive people to do this.

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