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Luminosity's Blog


Did some stuff

Posted by Luminosity , in Personal 19 October 2015 - - - - - - · 1,427 views
Did some difficult stuff. Got a lot of car stuff done. Got a muffler now. Took back something to the store which went well. Doing my best. Trying to do stuff. Was very tired. Getting better. Trying to eat regularly. Went to a sushi place yesterday but it was closed for renovations. Drove all around the city trying to find another one but ended u...


The Fat Guy Ate the Donuts

Posted by Luminosity , in Food & Drink, Recommended, Personal 03 October 2015 - - - - - - · 1,894 views
The Fat Guy Ate the Donuts I've cut my hair. 
I went to the bookstore, then to a diner to read a delicious book on conspiracies. It was eleven p.m. on a weekday, but the parking lot was pretty full. It can be like that there. Can't say it's the food or the service. 
I only eat a donuts once or twice a year. I wanted a chocolate donut but they didn't have those. I ate a re...


Finally dyed my hair

Posted by Luminosity , in Personal 27 September 2015 - - - - - - · 1,149 views
I did it! It's not perfect. The roots are less dark than the rest, and the gray there is not completely covered, but it's passable. It's darker brown than I wanted but I it will fade well and I'll adjust the formula next time. Whew! It was wild. I expected to meet with an important person next week and I didn't want to look crazy. I should have heard from...


I'm upset

Posted by Luminosity , in Personal 24 September 2015 - - - - - - · 1,152 views
There was only one ripe orange in the store. I asked to try the oranges and the guy took it to cut up for samples. The only one! I wish I'd said something. Fuck. That sucks! There's so little vitamin C in the food here and so much noise and stupidity that it's hard to function. So little sleep due to neighborhood noise. I tried. It sucks. Why did you take...



Posted by Luminosity , in Personal 13 September 2015 - - - - - - · 1,236 views
A middle east consultant favorited my tweet about the 911 airport security footage. Yeah!


August in September

Posted by Luminosity , in Personal 10 September 2015 - - - - - - · 1,372 views
I did what I was supposed to do today. I was good. It's fairly hot and humid. August in September. Got some stuff I needed. More to get. Researched some stuff. Found something I didn't expect. Did all I could. It's air conditioned where I am, thank goodness. Usually I don't need it but lately you really can't get much done without it, especially without c...



Posted by Luminosity , in Personal 07 September 2015 - - - - - - · 1,205 views
The place I'm at is supposed to be open twenty four hours, but it closes between 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. on holidays. What the hell? So I have seven minutes to post stuff. I was at the bookstore earlier but I left early because they didn't have any good books to read. It is looking more and more like an airport gift shop. The humor section of full of far...


Weather was reasonable . . .

Posted by Luminosity , in Personal 06 September 2015 - - - - - - · 1,033 views
Weather was reasonable but I was intermittently tormented by noises of weed whackers, leaf blowers, and power tools as well as cigarette smoke coming into my apartment. I wish I could say that was unusual but it wasn't. I despair of trying to live in the modern world. It's been years since I've slept through the night due to neighborhood noise and other i...


Flood Alerts Up My Ass

Posted by Luminosity , in Personal 05 September 2015 - - - - - - · 1,101 views
Yesterday I got a red message on my phone, flash flood alert. Got another one today. Don't know how they even do that. Three flash flood alerts on the T.V. recently, breaking into normal programing with staccato noises. Their flash flood alerts last until a precise minute: 1:13 p.m. to 6:13 p.m. An electronic voice mispronounces the place names and even...


Oh Kay . . .

Posted by Luminosity , in Personal 04 September 2015 - - - - - - · 1,223 views
I went out to get some food. Thousands of dollars worth of restaurant equipment was scattered on the ground outside of the restaurant. A few days ago it was inside what was a branch of an upscale healthy restaurant chain. You can still see the neon green painted walls inside. I sat at that iron mesh topped table with my eleven dollar meal; now it's just s...

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