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Testeria and Man Buns

Posted by Luminosity , in Personal, Recommended 23 February 2016 · 2,199 views


Dealt with misogynist haters on Twitter over my response to an Onion post. Blocking idiots. One of the haters was a "feminist" female. The Onion has taken a turn for the worse in regards to women-hating.


Before that I was blocked for the first time that I know of on Twitter, by a tea blogger. At first he was unreasonable about a photo he used that humiliated a homeless man. A few weeks later he posted that he is persistently scaring women at work. This, to him, was injurious to his ego. There followed a discussion where other males lamented that they were themselves being ignored by women. None of them thought that maybe the first guy should do something different. I suggested that. I asked for details so I could figure out what was going on.


I got a crisp private message from this guy to cease my public interrogation or be blocked. A later message accused me of "attacking" him twice over "menial" issues. It was o.k. for him to post that he was scaring women but a woman responding wasn't o.k. Introducing the women's point of view into a conversation about women caused hysteria. He accused me of a lack of empathy. I switched to private messages as soon as I saw that talking about this publicly was freaking him out. His elaborate upsets over imaginary accusations that he would want to harm women were curious. Lastly he told me my behavior wasn't "cricket" and to "hold the flag high." He isn't English.


There's at least three personalities in there: a school marm, a sociopath and a regular person.*


While I was writing this there was a guy with a man bun nearby. Why? Other than that he would look good. I saw a really weird man bun the other day, drawn into a fauxhawk culminating in a stem-like protrusion, as if his head was a strawberry.


Better parenting might prevent Testeria. Only God can stop the man buns.




*as much as that term applies to tea lovers.



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