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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

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Only 17 days left // International film competition about the importance of addressing age related diseases.


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#1 didierc

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Posted 29 August 2018 - 04:28 PM

More information https://longevityfilmcompetition.com/


See also https://www.leafscience.org/an-interview-with-didier-coeurnelle/



The submitted piece should show that medical progress for a healthier and longer life is generally a good thing for citizens and society alike. You will achieve this by using the list of common misconceptions provided in the guideliness section. You must choose at least one and can also choose all of them.


Even though putting aging under medical control is probably desirable by most humans, this concept is not always clear to everybody.

One of our goals is to use this competition as a vehicle to clarify and demystify some of the misconceptions we hear very often.

You can choose just one or all of them and explain them in any way you choose, using your own language and ideas.


Misconception #1

“Aging and disease are two separate things”


— Aging causes disease and it should be treated as one —

As we age we lose our health. We cannot age and become elderly without eventually getting ill as a result of it. If we live long enough we will all get sick of one or several of the diseases of aging and eventually sucumb to them. When we talk about eliminating aging, we talk about putting this process under medical control so that we don’t have to get sick as we age.

Misconception #2

“If I live to a 150 I will be living for a long time in an old sick body”


— If these new therapies help us live to a 150, it will only be cause they will keep us

strong and healthy —

When we talk about extending our lifespan, we are talking about extending our health. The extension of our life will not happen unless we fix the health problems that come with aging. Once we do this, more longevity will happen as a “side benefit” of being healthier. As we said before, we get sick with aging, and that’s why most of humans die of old age.

So, if we will still be alive at 150, this will mean we will have a better control of the aging process through medical interventions, hence; we should not be living in an old sick body.

Misconception #3

“Aging is natural and we shouldn’t tamper with natural”


— Combating aging is a great challenge for Humanity and we have a long history of

getting great benefit from tampering with many natural things —

It is proven that there are endless ‘unnatural’ things created by humans of enormous value and positive outcome, and we can imagine only a miniscule number of people who would choose to live without them — especially when it has to do with suffering, disease and death.

A few examples of unnatural things we use all the time without questioning much are: pacemakers, antibiotics (to kill a natural bacteria), pain killers, cochlear implants, dialysis, plastic surgery, airplanes (it is not natural for us to fly), hair color, prosthetic limbs, contact lenses, birth control methods and the list goes forever.

On the other hand, here are some natural things that are definitely bad for us: earthquakes, hurricanes, mudslides, tornadoes, infectious microorganisms, poisonous plants, predators, venomous creatures, fire, gravity, tsunamis, radiation, meteor impacts, etc., etc.

It is time to reason and understand that natural doesn’t necessarily mean good.

Misconception #4

“These therapies will only be for the rich”


— Healthy longevity therapies are being developed for everybody to access —

Rejuvenation therapies could be as little reserved for rich people as mobile phones, cars, electricity or vaccination may have been in the beginning. Like for most technological progress, the research may be complicated and expensive, but once the technology becomes available it will become available for everybody. One good example is that The first Human Genome took $2.7 billion dollars and almost 15 years to complete. In 2001 the price of sequencing a Genome was 100 Million Dollars, today is under 1000 Dollars and it will keep going down without a doubt. Humanity has never stopped advancing cause it was harder and less cost effective in the beginning, if we had thought like that, we would probably not have most of the technology that is available for everybody today. That’s one more reason why it’s so important not to delay the development of these cures.

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