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Lebanon's Official War on Israel

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#31 scottl

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Posted 15 July 2006 - 01:14 PM

We all know how the state manipulates media to influence elections - just switch on the Fox News Channel which is a 24/356 .

As opposed to the unbiased news coverage on ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN? And CBS's attempt to throw the election (rathergate)

#32 RighteousReason

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Posted 15 July 2006 - 02:22 PM

just switch on the Fox News Channel which is a 24/356 advertisement for conservative right-wing politics

CNN has a strong liberal bias.

#33 RighteousReason

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Posted 15 July 2006 - 02:24 PM

Apparently Israel has officially confirmed Iranian involvement in the war.

They said the missiles were of Chinese design, Iranian construction, and into the hands of Hezbollah.

(...whatever that means)

Edited by hankconn, 15 July 2006 - 09:57 PM.

#34 RighteousReason

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Posted 15 July 2006 - 06:09 PM


Just go there and click "refresh" every 5-10 minutes.

#35 Infernity

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Posted 15 July 2006 - 08:22 PM

It was indeed a Chinese design missle.


#36 Live Forever

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Posted 15 July 2006 - 09:00 PM

What part of the country do you live in, infernity? Hopefully not near all this stuff.

#37 Infernity

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Posted 15 July 2006 - 09:13 PM

No, I live fortunately on the other side of the country, in the South. Thank you.


#38 seeker_of_time

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Posted 16 July 2006 - 02:30 PM

Hey everyone..Well I'm Still alive ^_^
My mom awakend me this morning...something like 9:30 i think....I didn't even brush my teeth or opend my eyes and
a pack of missles landed in Haifa once again...adding the alarm's sound it was pretty scary...
Well after that were few more warnings followed with more missles....Bahhh war sucks thats for sure...
Hope those terrorists will leave Haifa alone....I prefer That our military will do whats necessary and eliminate those terrorists once and for all.

Wish you all Calm and Quite days....
From the Front, Gil [thumb]

#39 RighteousReason

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Posted 16 July 2006 - 02:32 PM

I prefer That our military will do whats necessary and eliminate those terrorists once and for all

**** yeah, man. End this shit for good and wipe Hezbollah and Hamas off the face of the fuckin Earth.

Let's just go for it and **** up Syria and Iran, too.

Fuckin murdering terrorist bastards.


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Posted 16 July 2006 - 03:52 PM

I guess even the Israeli's get sick of FoxNews (watch entire clip).. :)

#41 Karomesis

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Posted 16 July 2006 - 07:40 PM

needless to say, the arabs are very fortunate I do not run Israel. [:o] the opposition would have long ago become a peice of glass that probes would be hesitant to visit 10,000 years from now.

I take it most of you guys agree with the link i posted? either that or everyone is ignoring me again [cry]

#42 scottl

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Posted 16 July 2006 - 08:26 PM


Hez....I won't even attempt to spell it, is part of Lebanon's gov't. Sooo when a part of the gov't attacks Israel that is pretty self explanatory and a declaration of war.

The calls for restraint are silly, but then again the leftward bias makes it understsandable. At least a democrat isn't president in the US to make Israel's life more difficult.

#43 PeriPhysis

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Posted 17 July 2006 - 01:27 AM

Well I see most of you agree that israel is not using excessive force, well I'm not to going to put myself on either side but neither will I say that israel is innocent in all of this, as you all know it is not, even thought such events are not directly related to the actual crisis and I think they belong to the past.

How could we(humanity) end this once and for all? Annihilation of the fanatics of both sides and ultimately of all religious/politic fanatics from the world. Yes I know its kind of extreme but that would solve it.

Good luck for you guys there hope your chances of immortality aren't destroyed for something so trivial as war.


#44 RighteousReason

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Posted 17 July 2006 - 02:58 AM

I mean the best scenario would be one where we restrain these suicidal fanatics rather than just annihilate them. The terrorists and basically the entire Islamofascist world sincerely believe that God wants them to either (1) convert or (2) kill everyone on the planet.

Obviously that just isn't acceptable, and if they keep killing and terrorizing people to this end, at some point or another, we have to stop them. Appeasement has proven it's effect time and time again in history.

Unfortunately, muslim extremism is apparently an extremely viral and effective meme. There are associated operatives in sleeper cells all around the world. Attempting to take on their entire establishment in the Middle East at one time would end in a pointless guerilla war (it's still unclear if Iraq can be won against the guerillas or not, at this point).

We have a kind of dramatic race. On one side are the resources of the Western world and all it's accelerating technology, and on the other side are the guerilla terrorists and their acquisition of nuclear technology. It all depends on what China and Russia will do. If they stay relatively innocuous, the West is bound to win, eventually (but the possibility of enormous loss is still clear and present). In the future there will be ways of effectively countering grassroots terrorist cells from obtaining the means to do any mass destruction. If Russia and China join with us, we could see world peace in a matter of years. If they turn against us... really, who the **** knows what happens after that.

(yeah I've had Fox news and a little CNN on 24/7 all weekend)

You have to take into account, though, the coming era of nanotechnology. Nanotechnology is the second largest scientific expenditure by the federal government second only to NASA (there are billions of dollars getting poured into nano). This shit is going to really saddle up and make concrete the "acceleration" that I'm talking about here.

After that, we've got real computer power, and it's a free-for-all for general intelligence.

(model breaks down there... Singularity)

#45 scottl

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Posted 17 July 2006 - 03:45 AM

The terrorists and basically the entire Islamofascist world sincerely believe that God wants them to either (1) convert or (2) kill everyone on the planet.

Obviously that just isn't acceptable, and if they keep killing and terrorizing people to this end, at some point or another, we have to stop them. Appeasement has proven it's effect time and time again in history.

This sums it up nicely. Alas many don't get it.

#46 Live Forever

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Posted 17 July 2006 - 05:42 AM

Unfortunately, muslim extremism is apparently an extremely viral and effective meme.

Perhaps we should take notes.


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Posted 17 July 2006 - 06:37 AM

The terrorists and basically the entire Islamofascist world sincerely believe that God wants them to either (1) convert or (2) kill everyone on the planet.

I suppose that is what the Neoconservative hawks would like you to believe.. It helps to drive revenues up in the conglomerates that profit from the activities surrounding war and conflict. At least buy some shares in them.. That way one could not call you stupid as well as blind.

Appeasement has proven it's effect time and time again in history.

When and when?

There are muslims who are decent human beings (or as decent as any of us care to be) and who have no interest in this rubbish.

#48 scottl

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Posted 17 July 2006 - 07:18 AM


"There are muslims who are decent human beings (or as decent as any of us care to be) and who have no interest in this rubbish."

True, but it is of little comfort to Theo Van Gogh.

1. Whatever the case of many/most muslims (one of my co-workers is quite an enjoyable character and an Indian moslem), ff a terrorist bomb goes off somewhere-anywhere on the planet tomorrow the odds are very high it was planted by a muslim terrorist. To ignore this is to ignore reality.

2. Hitler could have been stopped before most of the carnage if people had the balls to do so. They did not, just as Europe does not have the balls to stop the rise of muslim extremism in the next...20-50 years. It is not going to be pretty.*

Those who do not learn from history....

*Someone pointed out the rise of fascism could save Europe (is the cure worse then the disease...I dunno) don't think it will happen.
NB I ain't advocating fascism obviously.

Edit: BTW I happen to think neoconservatives are idiots (perhaps not as foolish as pacifist liberals, but foolish nevertheless) but what that and capitalism have to do with the coming moslem threat is beyond me.

Edited by scottl, 17 July 2006 - 07:45 AM.

#49 PeriPhysis

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Posted 17 July 2006 - 01:57 PM

Well why do you talk as if Islam was the only threat to mankind? What about a creationist retarded president with nuclear weapons? Or a country with some zionist fanatics(no insult intended to any israeli but they are also a problem) that can get to the power and get their hands on weapons of mass destruction?
We must crush fanatism wherever it is, not just blame it all on Islam.
By the way would USA attack anything if it weren't for the oil or to stop the "communist threat"?

Would Iraq ever got its hands on any chemical weapons if the USA did not sell them?
You all like to blame europe for not getting into war, but when was the last time USA really suffered a war?
Yeah you could say you were at Vietnam, Korea or late WW2 but did you really suffer anything in your territory besides human loss?
I don't remember anything besides civil war.

Had you ever experienced a dictatorship? Absolutist monarchy?

Most europe was still in reconstruction(millions were lost in WW1 and some countries were very damaged) when WW2 started, I don't say they could not stop hitler but when most of your country is all ****ed up because of the previous world war you would think a little before getting into another one.
Also there were countries in europe that at the time were ruled by a fascist dictator that would not want to go to a war with a fascist alliance others like mine were too busy keeping african colonies that were bigger that our own country to even think about it(not that I agree with colonialism).
There was also the munich agreement that was an attempt not to start another world war but it failed and we all know what happened next I think.

By the way speaking of balls has the USA ever declared half the world as its territory? I don't think so [tung]

Remember that not every country has the luck of having plenty resources and a history of 200 hundred years with almost no major incidents, so don't come here speaking of which nation has the bigger cohones and start blaming europe for everything bad that happened in the last 100 years when that is not the way to discuss a serious problem as this one.

This middle-east incident must be solved, as north korea problem as many other problems that are a war waiting to happen.


Edited by evilthinker, 17 July 2006 - 02:23 PM.

#50 seeker_of_time

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Posted 17 July 2006 - 02:04 PM

Wasup all? ^_^
While you guys are talking about peace , humanity and other stuff, i'd like to say that here from haifa its getting more & more dangerous and noisy; we were attacked today once again, I think it was the heaviest attack untill now...
We stay strong and believe in our army, so no reasons to worry about us...
Wish you all good day ...
From the Front, Gil [thumb]

#51 scottl

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Posted 17 July 2006 - 02:04 PM

Well why do you all talk as if Islam was the only threat to mankind? What about a creationist retarded president with nuclear weapons?

Comments like this are why no one takes you (libs) seriously and why as...stupid as Bush has acted I'd rather have him again then any left loonies. Give me a moderate democrat to choose from and I'd launch Bush in a minute. Alas you make sure ain't gonna happen.

#52 scottl

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Posted 17 July 2006 - 02:05 PM

Wasup all?  ^_^
While you guys are talking about peach , humanity and other stuff, i'd like to say that here from haifa its getting more & more dangerous and noisy; we were attacked today once again, I think it was the heaviest attack untill now...
We stay strong and believe in our army, so no reasons to worry about us...
Wish you all good day ...
From the Front, Gil  [thumb]

Sorry to hear it. Hope things blow over soon and you stay safe.

#53 PeriPhysis

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Posted 17 July 2006 - 02:18 PM

I wasn't saying you had a chance to choose some other guy, I was saying that he is not a person I would trust most of the nuclear weapons in this world.

Good luck, hope you stay safe



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Posted 17 July 2006 - 03:03 PM

Let's not forget the absurdity of the situation. The Hezbollah abducted an Israeli soldier. Rather sending a crack team of elite commandos to rescue and eliminate those responsible, the Israeli government launches a war on Lebanon. Now both Israeli as well as Lebanese innocents are dying. Hezbollah don't care becuase this is what they exist for. Looks to me like this is not about protecting one or two abducted soldiers any more - not when so many citizens are threatened. This is about regime change in Lebanon - at any price - including Israeli lives.

#55 Athanasios

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Posted 17 July 2006 - 03:08 PM

Let's not forget the absurdity of the situation. The Hezbollah abducted an Israeli soldier. Rather sending a crack team of elite commandos to rescue and eliminate those responsible, Israeli government launches a war on Lebanon. That looks a tad curious, no?

What do you say to what scottl said:

Hez....I won't even attempt to spell it, is part of Lebanon's gov't. Sooo when a part of the gov't attacks Israel that is pretty self explanatory and a declaration of war.

#56 scottl

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Posted 17 July 2006 - 03:20 PM

RIght like if a faction of the turkish gov't abducted some Greek soldiers what would happen?

#57 scottl

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Posted 17 July 2006 - 03:26 PM

I wasn't saying you had a chance to choose some other guy, I was saying that he is not a person I would trust most of the nuclear weapons in this world.

Good luck, hope you stay safe


You really expect Bush to do something silly with nucs?? This just is not likely.

My point was that by even remotely equating Bush with Moslem terrorists you lose credibility--and this happens all over the place in comments being made.

"why do you talk as if Islam was the only threat to mankind? What about a creationist retarded president with nuclear weapons? "

Either you are not aware of the implications of what you are saying, or you do not wish to own up to them.


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Posted 17 July 2006 - 03:28 PM

What do you say to what scottl said:

Scott has made his position clear:

stupid as Bush has acted I'd rather have him again then any left loonies

In light of the WMD's being all bullshit just like practically everything else that has come out of this administration, including the outright incompetence in the handling of Afghanistan and Iraq, when one can still consider Bush as a viable leader of the most powerful nation in the world then their judgement is at issue.

#59 Infernity

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Posted 17 July 2006 - 03:32 PM

Whoever said that:

why do you talk as if Islam was the only threat to mankind? What about a creationist retarded president with nuclear weapons?

Well, because the Muslims are the only ones able and foolish enough to use it just like that, they do not mind dying, you see that everyday + they believe the Shahada.


#60 scottl

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Posted 17 July 2006 - 03:43 PM

"QUOTE (cnorwood19)

What do you say to what scottl said:

Scott has made his position clear:


stupid as Bush has acted I'd rather have him again then any left loonies

In light of the WMD's being all bullshit just like practically everything else that has come out of this administration, including the outright incompetence in the handling of Afghanistan and Iraq, when one can still consider Bush as a viable leader of the most powerful nation in the world then their judgement is at issue. "

1. Which still does not answer the question of Hesb...'s act of war

2. Or what you/greece would do if it happened to them.

3. And the point is that although I do not like Bush, Gore, Kerry or a host of other pacifist democrats would be worse--on anything having to do with US defense, etc.

THere are/were democrats who care about the defense of the US: Sam Nunn, the other southern guy who recently retired, and Lieberman who is being made to pay for his sins.

And even if you write me and my opnions off, that does not explain why you will nto answer cnorwood19's question.

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