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Gemstones to help with Immortality?

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#91 Hip

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Posted 21 January 2012 - 12:26 AM

Hey guys,
Almost time to got to work, but just wanted to give a quick reply. Appreciate the time you have put into this. One thing I can do, is definitely not mention that half of the bottles are controls. I can just say that some of the bottles are controls but not give any other indication. I think this adds to the "rigorousness" of the test. That way he won't be mentally calculating which 5 must be "right" and which 5 must be "wrong".

That's a good idea.

I didn't calculate the weight of the sphere yet, but it is 10mm in size and threaded on the siphon tube in the bottle. It can't go anywhere. I found out my bottles are about 73% silica. But I need to use glass for the Quartz water. So I will have to go with it. Plastic has its own issues. I don't think the glass will be an issue either, as you say it has a very different structure. I will enclose all bottles entirely except for the spray top, I may even make secret markings to be able to tell if someone else got curious and opened them. I will do a weight test with my girlfriend, if she guesses too much of the time which are which, I will add some weight to the controls. Please be patient, this could take a month or longer to complete. Have a great day!

By my calculations here, a solid quartz sphere of 1 cm in diameter has a volume of 0.52 cm3, and will weigh 1.38 grams (since the density of quartz is 2.65 gram per cm3). The same spherical 0.52 cm3 volume of water will weight 0.52 grams (since the density of water is 1 gram per cm3).

So this means the quartz bottles will only weight just under 1 gram more that the control bottles. This is never going to be noticeable.

Though if you want the bottles to weigh exactly the same, you could just add an extra 1 ml of water into the control bottles (1 ml of water = 1 gram). 1 ml is very small amount, since a teaspoon holds 5 ml.

We also appreciate the effort you are putting in to doing a very good job of testing, Orangeray.

Looking forward to seeing your results.

I do hope you are enjoying this. It should be an interesting exercise. I certainly am quite excited by it.

Edited by Hip, 21 January 2012 - 12:29 AM.

#92 treonsverdery

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Posted 15 February 2012 - 07:12 PM

I think crystal healing is "sneaky & smoked out" yet when I consider the millions of things I have gotten wrong at every previous lifetime i have been told about, keep at it!

to keep everybody amused here are some crystals that could improve physiological well being

Crystal Se The mineral Se is a USRDI nutrient, higher amounts reduce cancer, if you liked you could eat a crystal of metallic Se of just the right size as well as surface area to be oncopreventative

Crystal Mg similarly, just the right size would reduce cardiovascular disease

Crystal Fe Wikipedia noted what I interpret to say as during the 20th century numerous persons had curable anemia. Right sized Fe crystals would cure this, immediatelt granting many millions greater energy as well as stamina

Now as far as groovy transparent crystals go, we note that many of these crystals are compounds like metallic oxides. Thus if nanoporous SeO or nanoporous MgO are transparent you get your sparkle with your physiological availability at the same time. Notably the lanthanides known as the "rare earths" like CeO actually have neurobeneficial effects when physiologically administered http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/21704154. How egregiously hyperbolic sounding is a neurobeneficial Rare Earth nanoporous crystal? particularly if it actually works. http://www.ncbi.nlm....neuroprotective

Edited by treonsverdery, 15 February 2012 - 07:26 PM.

#93 Hip

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Posted 24 February 2012 - 10:09 AM

Treonsverdery, you win the award for the best pseudoscience mumbo-jumbo post this month.

Orangeray, how is your testing going. Any interesting results?

#94 orangeray21

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Posted 05 April 2012 - 01:10 AM

Hi Hip and everyone,
This has taken a lot longer than I wanted. My friend, who I found to be my test subject, is in a situation where he is unavailable for a period of time unknown. He assured me he is definitely interested, I just can't give a date. We've decided it would be best for him to do the study once he is in his own place, his present roommate is pretty against the product, and we don't want any interference in the results. I could find someone else, but I'm not really in any hurry. I am just doing this for you guys. I look forward to it. Meanwhile, I made a sale of my Gem spray to another friend in Florida. Here I quote part of the email I received after a few days of sending out the product:

"I brought (gem spray) to my naturopathic doctor today and she tested how good it is for me on her quantum biofeedback machine and the machine stated it is 'excellent'! Super cool!".

I have no idea what this machine is, if anyone knows, I would love to study it. Just wanted to give a little update here, while you patiently wait:). Meanwhile, I continue to use the product daily. As I've said, It definitely works for me,I don't waste my time on things that have no result.

I will get back here as soon as I have something.


#95 orangeray21

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Posted 04 January 2013 - 06:56 AM

I truly apologize for the delay. I am doing catering 7 days a week, currency trading, store demos/product manufacturing (gem sprays), writing, etc.
I also will have to find someone else to do the test as they have relocated to another state.
I am wondering would you accept the test if I did it myself? Of course all would be sealed from
my eyes as stated before. I could have a friend mix the identical appearing bottles in a different room,
and then I would number them. I would make notes daily regarding each number experiencing one bottle
per day. Not until unwrapping the coverings at the end would I know what was in
which bottle. I am kind of a lone wolf, and though I have let dozens and dozens of people try and love
this gemstone spray at stores here in Portland OR, I am not sure who to ask or pay to do the test. These
encounters are fairly brief. Again, it is also a time issue for me, as I am on a extremely demanding
schedule. If I did it myself, I could do it without having to travel anywhere or pay someone
the generous fee they would deserve. If there is any interest, you would be welcome to view the
dozens of experiences people have had on my website. Best-

P.S. I now use a preservative which is certified organic sugar cane alcohol 20% concentration.
So this would go in all bottles so all would be equal, except the gemstone would exist or not.
I would probably do a 10 day test, with 5 controls, 5 gemstone bottles.
If I did this test myself, I imagine I could squeeze it in fairly easily before spring break.
To be honest, the way I prepare this spray, I do believe the controls will still be somewhat
invigorating, yet, I am very confident I will be able to tell the difference, as to me
the spray is still fairly flat compared to the gemstone part of the final process of these sprays.

#96 Droplet


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Posted 04 January 2013 - 06:58 AM

I can't believe this thread is still alive...maybe this thread should be studied for reasons of longevity. ;)

#97 orangeray21

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Posted 07 January 2013 - 07:18 AM

Hahaha, thanks Droplet! I do believe a healthy sense of humor goes a long way :)

#98 Droplet


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Posted 07 January 2013 - 11:42 AM

I do believe a healthy sense of humor goes a long way :)

Sometimes my sense of humour is downright sick. ;)

#99 YOLF

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Posted 11 January 2013 - 08:56 PM

If you want to sell longevity placebo effect, I've come across an organization that does that. At least I think that's what they do, they don't seem to promote any other form life extension. But they make lots of money while quite possibly leading our immortalist comrades to their death with only slight gains. Of course I couldn't get straight answers from the guy, so maybe he hiding some crystals that he only gives to his "elect." It seems to me that they are quite open to the fact that they only sell placebo effect though. It's basically in my eyes motivational speaking sessions that raise the spirit and promote longevity through mental well being.

Ever seen that episode of Shark Tank with the Ion Watch guy? He might as well have been wearing a tin foil hat. BTW, I don't think anyone has made it out of that NASA insulation made from mylar. That would be an excellent way to sell tin foil hats and claim to have high profile scientific support for mylar tin foil hats that can reflect more IR type radiation than tin foil alone! At least it might be worth it for keeping your head warm in the winter.

#100 orangeray21

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Posted 21 January 2013 - 07:57 AM

Thanks cronicsculture for your comments. Ahhh, placebo. Have you ever wondered why placebo works at all?
I understand you believe nothing is happening, that's all well and good. I don't blame you, I wouldn't either except for the
fact, it actually works for me. I use it for stress all the time, and it works even if I have my doubts that "this time I made
need something stronger". I'm not the only one. The problem with science today it doesn't accept what it can't see.
Remember the doctor who got canned for telling all doctors to wash their hands? They thought he was nuts because
they could not see the germs on their hands at the time. On the flip side, I will say, that someone who can eat "rocks" and
drink "motor oil" and feel fine, won't feel the gemstone spray, because it is somewhat subtle. In other words
it tends to work well for the more sensitive types and also for most women generally. My body is sensitive enough to tell you,
something is definitely happening. I don't care if anyone believes or not. It is simply a tool I use, and I will keep on using it, as
long as it works. I don't see why anything will change, but if it does, I will come here, and say, hey!, this stopped working :)

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