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sUper GeNius's Photo sUper GeNius 05 Aug 2008

Hey, next summer, when he's feeling better, I expect him to come by and mow my lawn a few times. ;)))))))

I'm jamming some tunes real loud right now, I'm not sure I heard that FuLL meMbeR.



ajnast4r's Photo ajnast4r 05 Aug 2008

i have a BUTTLOAD of stuff i can send, as long as you dont mind open bottles?

new chapter zyflamend
pure encapsulations 1000iu d3
jarrow jarro-dophilus UPS
natures plus kid greens (chewable broccoli extract)
solgar gold liver support (vit c + nac + ala)
natures plus super c complex (1g c + 500mg bioflavs)
GOL tea treo (white/green/black extract, 650mg polyphenols / 400mg egcg)
long life organic white tea
natural vitality magnesium citrate powder

and im sure i can dig up more.
Edited by ajnast4r, 05 August 2008 - 11:25 PM.

thefirstimmortal's Photo thefirstimmortal 05 Aug 2008

Okay, I'm very confused by all this. We need a list of WHO bought WHAT and HOW Much ---

I don't know what else to do? Or what to order? Can someone just TELL ME what to buy William (Or Will, your self, just tell me what you need?)

Or maybe even cold hard cash? Would that help? Basically, someone just tell me what he needs and I'll buy it ($75 and or less please) and tell me where to buy it from.

I have a suggestion if Anthony is ok with it. Because I'm not even sure at this point what is on it's way, perhaps you could send the money to Anthony to put with the other funds that he is holding.

You're going to beat this William. You really are. I promise. God, I just.. I got sucked in by all this. My father died of Cancer.. and, as some of you know my story -- as soon as I saw that special on Cryonics my life changed and I viewed everything in 'life span' and --- you know -- this is the first time I've talked to someone with cancer. I hate cancer. After coming to Imminst, I called the American Cancer Society and they provided counseling for me to get smoking and damn it - I quit smoking.

Well, I plan on beating this. I started gearing up for this battle over 20 years ago, I'm ready ;)

I promise man. I'm sorry I didn't get you phone call. I swear on any higher power out there you will beat this. I just feel connected to you. What it did to my father, my life.

I called last night at about 9pm and left a message with Carols home phone. Do you mean you missed that call, or didn't get the message?

Research: Baking Soda, Cancer is a "fungus" and for Christ Sake -- you're not taking any oxycodone or alprazolam? Do you need some? (I'm not soliciting) I can help you with Xanax. I know it's not going to fight the cancer but it'll help with the nerves.

I have a whole script of Oxys with only 2 missing. That's one pill I don't need anymore of. I don't need pain meds.

Someone just point me in the right direction and tell me what to buy. I'm in on this because I promise William is going to be around for Dec. 21st 2012 ;)

Relax JackCole, let's wait and see what Anthony has to say. Shannon doesn't think I'll make Nov 1st 2008, you might want to see if she'll take some betting action on that. Mayby if she loses the bet, you can double down for an additional 6 months ;o)

thefirstimmortal's Photo thefirstimmortal 05 Aug 2008

The stats only shows that Chemo alone stinks.
I wouldn't consider you part of this group.

I wanted to ask hedgehog about sodium bicarbonate though...


I agree with you Anthony. On the sodium bicarbonate, would that be because of the whole Alkaline/Acid issue?

thefirstimmortal's Photo thefirstimmortal 06 Aug 2008

Hedgehog was recommending fresh turmeric root, and you can get it online at reasonable prices.

Here, for example:



I just sent a few pounds to TFI.

Store it cool and dark, low humidity. Average refrigerator drawer is too humid. A root cellar would be perfect.

Cook with it, or make tea:

Lemon Turmeric-root tea

Slice a lemon, and take a piece of turmeric about the size of the last joint of your middle finger and slice it up. Bring 3 cups of water to a boil, add lemon and turmeric root, lower heat, cover and simmer for five minutes. Let cool, serve with honey to taste.

Fresh turmeric can contain one to two per cent zerumbone, which targets the hedgehog pathway which prevents cancer from metastasizing. Pine Cone ginger would be even better; it grows wild in Hawaii, but I haven't found a commercial source.

This would be a possibly helpful adjunct to a regimen of resveratrol.

Thank you Hedgehog for the recommendation, and you Maxwatt for sending,,, sending 2 pounds!? Do you know what it tastes like? I’ve never tasted this that I know of.
Edited by thefirstimmortal, 06 August 2008 - 01:45 AM.

thefirstimmortal's Photo thefirstimmortal 06 Aug 2008

Wow, that makes it easier to track. Who is handling the document?
Selenium should be removed, and the vitamin A, didn’t we establish that 25,000IU/day was the upper limit?
Liquid Emulsified Vitamin A Up to 35,000 IU/day** Up to 100,000 IU/day*
Selenium (included in LE Mix) 200-400 mcg/day 200-400 mcg/day

sUper GeNius's Photo sUper GeNius 06 Aug 2008

Wow, that makes it easier to track. Who is handling the document?
Selenium should be removed, and the vitamin A, didn’t we establish that 25,000IU/day was the upper limit?
Liquid Emulsified Vitamin A Up to 35,000 IU/day** Up to 100,000 IU/day*
Selenium (included in LE Mix) 200-400 mcg/day 200-400 mcg/day

I think anyone can edit it.

missminni's Photo missminni 06 Aug 2008

oops didn't mean to post. please delete.
Edited by missminni, 06 August 2008 - 12:53 AM.

missminni's Photo missminni 06 Aug 2008

Wow, that makes it easier to track. Who is handling the document?
Selenium should be removed, and the vitamin A, didn’t we establish that 25,000IU/day was the upper limit?
Liquid Emulsified Vitamin A Up to 35,000 IU/day** Up to 100,000 IU/day*
Selenium (included in LE Mix) 200-400 mcg/day 200-400 mcg/day

If you want to take the A just take it once every few days. Selenium you don't need now.

thefirstimmortal's Photo thefirstimmortal 06 Aug 2008

Both are currently editable.

Lists, I love lists. Great job m86
They are editable by who?

missminni's Photo missminni 06 Aug 2008

Dmitri just started the most objectionable topic called DeathWAtch for the first immortal. I find it offensive and negative although I am sure he meant well. I strongly urge a navigator or someone with the ability to shut it down. This is not a deathwatch. This is a life watch.
Please request that thread be closed. This is a man's life, not a party game. I'm sorry Dimitri, but you really need to correct this mistake.

Edited by missminni, 06 August 2008 - 01:07 AM.

thefirstimmortal's Photo thefirstimmortal 06 Aug 2008


Auuughh, I heard that.

missminni's Photo missminni 06 Aug 2008

TFI, Dimitri just PM'd and said you requested the Deathwatch thread. I still find it offensive.
I don't understand why you would call it that when we all are watching you live, not die.
If there is a way to change it to LifeWatch, please do. You don't need that kind of negativity
in your face, and I certainly don't, everyday. LIFEWATCH not DEATHWATCH.

thefirstimmortal's Photo thefirstimmortal 06 Aug 2008

i have a BUTTLOAD of stuff i can send, as long as you dont mind open bottles?

new chapter zyflamend
pure encapsulations 1000iu d3
jarrow jarro-dophilus UPS
natures plus kid greens (chewable broccoli extract)
solgar gold liver support (vit c + nac + ala)
natures plus super c complex (1g c + 500mg bioflavs)
GOL tea treo (white/green/black extract, 650mg polyphenols / 400mg egcg)
long life organic white tea
natural vitality magnesium citrate powder

and im sure i can dig up more.

I don't mind opened bottles ajnast4r. I don't recognize some of these items.
new chapter zyflamend
jarrow jarro-dophilus UPS
solgar gold liver support (vit c + nac + ala)
The tea I understand. ;)
I would hold off on anything powder right now until I get the current powders I have incorporated into my diet.

thefirstimmortal's Photo thefirstimmortal 06 Aug 2008

I think anyone can edit it.

Is there anyway that it can be made so that only one person can edit it?

thefirstimmortal's Photo thefirstimmortal 06 Aug 2008

Dmitri just started the most objectionable topic called DeathWAtch for the first immortal. I find it offensive and negative although I am sure he meant well. I strongly urge a navigator or someone with the ability to shut it down. This is not a deathwatch. This is a life watch.
Please request that thread be closed. This is a man's life, not a party game. I'm sorry Dimitri, but you really need to correct this mistake.

I don't find it objectionable Missmini, I asked him to do that. ;)
Come on, where is your sense of humor ;)
Edited by thefirstimmortal, 06 August 2008 - 01:23 AM.

maxwatt's Photo maxwatt 06 Aug 2008

Hedgehog was recommending fresh turmeric root, and you can get it online at reasonable prices.

Here, for example:



I just sent a few pounds to TFI.

Store it cool and dark, low humidity. Average refrigerator drawer is too humid. A root cellar would be perfect.

Cook with it, or make tea:

Lemon Turmeric-root tea

Slice a lemon, and take a piece of turmeric about the size of the last joint of your middle finger and slice it up. Bring 3 cups of water to a boil, add lemon and turmeric root, lower heat, cover and simmer for five minutes. Let cool, serve with honey to taste.

Fresh turmeric can contain one to two per cent zerumbone, which targets the hedgehog pathway which prevents cancer from metastasizing. Pine Cone ginger would be even better; it grows wild in Hawaii, but I haven't found a commercial source.

This would be a possibly helpful adjunct to a regimen of resveratrol.

Thank you Hedgehog for the recommendation, and you Anthony for sending,,, sending 2 pounds!? Do you know what it tastes like? I’ve never tasted this that I know of.

I am not Hedgehog, we were working to develop an Hh inhibitor from a type of ginger, I think you got our posts crossed. The fresh Turmeric according to some papers, contains a substantial amount of zerumbone, which could help. I have some extract, not enough, and the purity is suspect. So I sent you 4 pounds of fresh root (not Anthony.). It's been used as a folk remedy in S.E. Asia for several things, including cancer. And thank Smithx for finding a source for it! I couldn't find it in Chinatown in Manhattan. Should ahve gone to Queens I guess.

thefirstimmortal's Photo thefirstimmortal 06 Aug 2008

TFI, Dimitri just PM'd and said you requested the Deathwatch thread. I still find it offensive.
I don't understand why you would call it that when we all are watching you live, not die.
If there is a way to change it to LifeWatch, please do. You don't need that kind of negativity
in your face, and I certainly don't, everyday. LIFEWATCH not DEATHWATCH.

Missminni, Shannon seems to think that I will die before Nov 1st, this is a challenge, (as if simply wanting to live wasn't enough). I thought this up after her posting last night. Besides, I have a great post ready for November 1st. Lifewatch, I don't know Missminni, DEATHWATCH, yeah, that kinda draws people to it better don't you think.

missminni's Photo missminni 06 Aug 2008

TFI, Dimitri just PM'd and said you requested the Deathwatch thread. I still find it offensive.
I don't understand why you would call it that when we all are watching you live, not die.
If there is a way to change it to LifeWatch, please do. You don't need that kind of negativity
in your face, and I certainly don't, everyday. LIFEWATCH not DEATHWATCH.

Missminni, Shannon seems to think that I will die before Nov 1st, this is a challenge, (as if simply wanting to live wasn't enough). I thought this up after her posting last night. Besides, I have a great post ready for November 1st. Lifewatch, I don't know Missminni, DEATHWATCH, yeah, that kinda draws people to it better don't you think.

No. I don't.
Bill. I don't know how strongly I can say I disagree. This isn't a circus. Shannon's comment last night was bad enough, but this is adding insult to injury.
I know Anthony was offended too, and we both really care about you getting better. I find it not only objectionable and NOT FUNNY, but negative
and if you believe words have power, and they do, those are some pretty powerful negative words. I would reconsider if I were you.

sUper GeNius's Photo sUper GeNius 06 Aug 2008

TFI, Dimitri just PM'd and said you requested the Deathwatch thread. I still find it offensive.
I don't understand why you would call it that when we all are watching you live, not die.
If there is a way to change it to LifeWatch, please do. You don't need that kind of negativity
in your face, and I certainly don't, everyday. LIFEWATCH not DEATHWATCH.

Maybe it's a language barrier?

missminni's Photo missminni 06 Aug 2008

TFI, Dimitri just PM'd and said you requested the Deathwatch thread. I still find it offensive.
I don't understand why you would call it that when we all are watching you live, not die.
If there is a way to change it to LifeWatch, please do. You don't need that kind of negativity
in your face, and I certainly don't, everyday. LIFEWATCH not DEATHWATCH.

Maybe it's a language barrier?

It's a matter of exploitation. I don't like exploitation in any form. It's degrading. Perhaps a better title would be
Do you think TFI will beat cancer?
Sorry, but this just crossed a line for me personally. If everybody likes it and Bill wants it. so be it.
That's his choice.
Edited by missminni, 06 August 2008 - 01:49 AM.

sUper GeNius's Photo sUper GeNius 06 Aug 2008

In the spirit of hope, I just donated to William some Doctor's Best Best Benfotiamine -- 150 mg - 120 Vegetarian Capsules. Two bottles.

We want to protect you William, once you get better, from all those long-term AGE products! You should have in a few days.


missminni's Photo missminni 06 Aug 2008

In the spirit of hope, I just donated to William some Doctor's Best Best Benfotiamine -- 150 mg - 120 Vegetarian Capsules. Two bottles.

We want to protect you William, once you get better, from all those long-term AGE products! You should have in a few days.


You sent stuff yesterday too. You must really want your lawn mowed.

thefirstimmortal's Photo thefirstimmortal 06 Aug 2008

I am not Hedgehog, we were working to develop an Hh inhibitor from a type of ginger, I think you got our posts crossed. The fresh Turmeric according to some papers, contains a substantial amount of zerumbone, which could help. I have some extract, not enough, and the purity is suspect. So I sent you 4 pounds of fresh root (not Anthony.). It's been used as a folk remedy in S.E. Asia for several things, including cancer. And thank Smithx for finding a source for it! I couldn't find it in Chinatown in Manhattan. Should ahve gone to Queens I guess.

My apologies Maxwatt, I just edited it. I saw above “Hedgehog was recommending fresh turmeric root” and I wanted to thank him for making that recommendation, and I don’t know how I screwed the rest of the post up. I’m a little embarrassed, sorry about that.

Shepard's Photo Shepard 06 Aug 2008

I've moved this to general Supplements and pinned it for the time being.

sUper GeNius's Photo sUper GeNius 06 Aug 2008

In the spirit of hope, I just donated to William some Doctor's Best Best Benfotiamine -- 150 mg - 120 Vegetarian Capsules. Two bottles.

We want to protect you William, once you get better, from all those long-term AGE products! You should have in a few days.


You sent stuff yesterday too. You must really want your lawn mowed.

I ran out of the stuff, so I thought I'd send him some too.

Anthony_Loera's Photo Anthony_Loera 06 Aug 2008

Hmmm... Can we pick one and use only one?

Wish List

Current List (currently has or ordered)

Maybe a column is needed to say: "what he already has" as well... so people don't send him stuff he may already have.

At this point anyone can edit these, but if you have anyone in particular, they can be locked down so that only one person can edit the spreadsheet, and everyone else can view them.

Edited by Anthony_Loera, 06 August 2008 - 02:18 AM.

thefirstimmortal's Photo thefirstimmortal 06 Aug 2008

No. I don't.
Bill. I don't know how strongly I can say I disagree. This isn't a circus. Shannon's comment last night was bad enough, but this is adding insult to injury.
I know Anthony was offended too, and we both really care about you getting better. I find it not only objectionable and NOT FUNNY, but negative
and if you believe words have power, and they do, those are some pretty powerful negative words. I would reconsider if I were you.

Missminni, I have been constantly amazed and stunned at how many here don't have faith in Life Extension, Vitamins and the alternative therapies available to fight this. And here of all places in a site dedicated to that proposition. Caliban a leader, Shanon and even my friend Laz does not believe in the vitamin aspect of this community. BrokenPortal, an alleged Life Extender, you read his comments.

Missminni, I want to know just how many people here have real faith in the mission.
I’ll write more in a bit Missminni, but I invite you and Anthony to give this some deeper thought.

JackCole's Photo JackCole 06 Aug 2008

I promise you William that you are not going to die. I promise. It just can't happen, it won't happen ---

Please. I'm going to contact "Anthony" and figure out what I should buy for you and then send it.

You're not allowed to die. Look at me. I'm a Mid-20's recovering drug addict who saw a cryonics video and sobered his life up, got married, quit smoking and started to exercise.

You're going to beat this. Pick a number between one and 100. BAM. Okay, you got it? If you're thinking the same number as I am then statistically you should survive. (right, isn't that what WebMD said?)

Yes, I'm sorry I missed your phone call. I will call you back shortly -- or -- PM you again with a time to please call me.

My wife is asking me why the history is filled with cancer research and fighting information, and I told her about you. So I got the blessings of my better half to spend money ;)

I promise man, I promise. (You never answered me about xanax, yeah you have pain pills -- what about tranquilizers?) I'm just worried, in the event that this CAN'T be stopped.. that you're most comfortable as possible.

I promise you, as Jack Kingdon Cole III of Lakeland, Florida -- that you will live to see Dec. 21st 2012.

It may not mean much -- just text on a screen -- 1010101's across the board -- but, listen, inside me is a voice -- a reason -- and if or if not you believe in Jesus, Karma, positive thought waves or rather means to end ---

You will be OK. I promise.

missminni's Photo missminni 06 Aug 2008

In the spirit of hope, I just donated to William some Doctor's Best Best Benfotiamine -- 150 mg - 120 Vegetarian Capsules. Two bottles.

We want to protect you William, once you get better, from all those long-term AGE products! You should have in a few days.


You sent stuff yesterday too. You must really want your lawn mowed.

I ran out of the stuff, so I thought I'd send him some too.

Nice. What do you take it for? I'm not familiar with it.