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#31 thefirstimmortal


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Posted 11 August 2008 - 04:19 PM

Entering the RED ZONE

There seems to be some confusion as to my prognosis.
Dave in X-Message-Number: 30910 on Sun, 3 Aug 2008 wrote, I have heard through another forum that his prognosis is only for a couple of months.

Posted at coldfilter “O' Rights donation August 2 2008 at 10:39 PM Robert Ettinger, As I read one of his recent posts here, his prognosis is now only two or three months to live. Those willing to help need to get cracking if the objective is to be achieved.”

Any confusion surrounding my prognosis has probably been caused by me. I have in referencing my prognosis have stated that Dr. Ebraham has given me a prognosis of 6 to 8 months, but that was on February 11th. That places my death between August 11th, today, to October 11th. So today we officially enter the Red Zone.

I’m more optimistic about that, I have greater faith in the life extension community and our efforts over at Immortality Institute. We are working on this. There is a topic thread on the matter of my death, I haven’t read any posts in there yet, my plan is to post there on Nov. 1st.


#32 thefirstimmortal


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Posted 23 August 2008 - 12:42 AM

X-Message-Number: 30934
Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2008 09:18:38 -0700 (PDT)
From: William O'Rights <thefirstimmortal@yahoo.com>
Subject: Entering the RED ZONE


Entering the RED ZONE

There seems to be some confusion as to my prognosis.

Dave in X-Message-Number: 30910 on Sun, 3 Aug 2008 wrote, I have heard through
another forum that his prognosis is only for a couple of months.

Posted at coldfilter "O' Rights donation August 2 2008 at 10:39 PM Robert
Ettinger, As I read one of his recent posts here, his prognosis is now only two
or three months to live. Those willing to help need to get cracking if the
objective is to be achieved.”

Any confusion surrounding my prognosis has probably been caused by me. I have in
referencing my prognosis have stated that Dr. Ebraham has given me a prognosis
of 6 to 8 months, but that was on February 11th. That places my death between
August 11th, today, to October 11th. So today we officially enter the Red Zone.

I'm more optimistic about that, I have greater faith in the life extension
community and our efforts over at Immortality Institute. We are working on this.
There is a topic thread on the matter of my death, I haven't read any posts in
there yet, my plan is to post there on Nov. 1st.

#33 thefirstimmortal


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Posted 23 August 2008 - 12:43 AM

X-Message-Number: 30935
Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2008 13:01:14 -0700 (PDT)
From: William O'Rights <thefirstimmortal@yahoo.com>
Subject: Thank you Robert Ettinger.


I want to thank you for not only you generous donation, but for standing solidly
behind me on this, getting the ball rolling, and for being a constant source of
inspiration to me.
Live Long and Well
Bill O'Rights

#34 thefirstimmortal


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Posted 23 August 2008 - 12:45 AM

X-Message-Number: 30936
Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2008 13:04:12 -0700 (PDT)
From: William O'Rights <thefirstimmortal@yahoo.com>
Subject: Maybe not the whole Story.


Maybe not the whole Story.

I would like to address in part X-Message-Number: 30884 by FlavO Noid, posted on
July 21st. FlavO Noid offered two links, the first of which leads to a response
to Davids post URGENT SITUATION, in which the Finance Department posted a
thread titled "Maybe Not the Whole Situation.” The Finance Department wrote "I
had already googled "william o'rights" and gotten information on his drug bust,
change of name,”.

For the moment, I'll confine this post to the issue of my name change, because I
believe that story tells you a little something about myself.

Left as it is, I believe the post conveys the message that I somehow changed my
name for fraudulent reasons or some type of sinister intent. Nothing could be
further from the truth. Simply posting that I changed my name, well, maybe that
is not the whole Story.

I petitioned the court for a legal change of name. The court has preserved a
record of the name change, and you'll find in the court records the following
statement that I gave to the probate court.

Your Honor, my birth name does not suit me. Billie Joe Bonsall was chosen for
me at birth, to avoid confusion with the many other "Williams" that are in my
family. I wish to change the informal "Billie" to the more formal "William".

I further wish to change my middle name to Constitution and last name to
O'Rights. This name suits me for the following reasons.

I love America, and every concept that the Bill of Rights stands for, that
individual liberty is held above the objectives of government. I am inspired
by this most noble document ever written to define the limits that government
should obey.

I love the concepts of free speech, absolute privacy, and religious freedom
embodied in our traditions and our Constitution.

I love the rule of law, the right of accused persons to confront their
accusers, the right to an attorney, the right to remain silent, the right to
refuse admission to government officials wanting to enter my home or office.

I further state your Honor that I have not chosen a name with fraudulent
intent. I have not chosen a name that will interfere with the rights of
others. I have not chosen a name that capitalizes on the name of a famous
person. I have not chosen a name that would be intentionally confusing. I have
not chosen a name that is a racial slur, or one that could be considered
"fighting words", which includes threatening or obscene words likely to incite

#35 thefirstimmortal


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Posted 23 August 2008 - 12:46 AM

X-Message-Number: 30942
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2008 06:37:58 -0700 (PDT)
From: William O'Rights <thefirstimmortal@yahoo.com>
Subject: Poster Boy for Paralysis of Analysis


Poster Boy for Paralysis of Analysis

Dave wrote in Message #30885 "He screwed up here. He knows it. He admits it.
If he had it to do over again perhaps he would do things differently? Who

Yes, that is definitely and understatement Dave. I really don't blame anyone but
myself, I got myself sideways in this deal. If you happen to be sitting on the
fence with this whole signing up for cryonics thing, don't follow my example.
Funny you know, I recently had the occasion to revisit that same document that I
didn't quite pull the trigger on years ago, and you something, the only part of
the document that I reviewed was the part where you sign up.

This I posted in Cold Filter.

Undertoad wrote

Not questioning his integrity, but if he's such a cryonics supporter, how come
he hasn't been signed up for years? Why wasn't he "able to get his suspension
funded at CI?"

Thefirstimmortal writes

Unfortunately I have become the poster boy for paralysis of analysis. I joined
CI because it's no debt policy and sound business practices, but I didn't like
the contract and wanted to have it changed. Now, let me say this about the
contract, because it has been a few years since I took a hard look at it. My
recollection was that it was an excellent contract as far as protecting CI. I
don't know who drafted it, but it really offered some bulletproof protection for
CI. But as a customer I wanted to make some changes to the document. Then I
started reviewing all of the paperwork, and wanted to read the whole over 20,000
posts at cryonet. I started taking data and notes on such things as
Autopsy, Religious objection
There were issues with different freezing methods employed

Cryonics straight freeze and vitro, Problems with freezing methods.

And of course, I had to pause to take some time helping on the whole stump bill
Do,,, or Die...The War on Immortality, Call to arms, Stump Bill

And of course I had to get those lovely cryonics Quotes.

And for those not checking the links, I would like to point out the very first
quote I found was a quote from Robert Ettinger which ironically states "But
don't let indecision paralyze you. It is sometimes more important to be decisive
than to be "right." After all, if you join one organization and later decide
you made a mistake, it's probably not a big deal. You don't tie up a lot of
money by joining. Delay can cost you everything--and has done so
in the past for many people.
Yeah, How's that for prophesy.

I wanted to study other legal issues like



Cryonics, Legal notes

Legal Notes, Property in a corpse..........????, Right to direct disposal of
one's body

Defining Death, Case notes

Yeah, I could go on and on, but I think you get the point. Is this a
satisfactory answer???

Live Long and Well

#36 thefirstimmortal


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Posted 23 August 2008 - 12:47 AM

X-Message-Number: 30944
Date: Sat, 16 Aug 2008 08:34:26 -0700 (PDT)
From: William O'Rights <thefirstimmortal@yahoo.com>
Subject: Maybe not the whole Story 2.


Maybe not the whole Story 2.

I would like to address other statements that can be found in the link in
X-Message-Number: 30884 by FlavO Noid, posted on July 21st. Chana de Wolf AKA
Undertoad posted some fair commentary under the post named"providing
information before asking for money”.

She wrote the following "This kind of appeal doesn't work for me. I find this
description lacking in the kind of information I would want to have in order to
make an informed decision as to whether or not people should give money to this
guy. Not questioning his integrity, but if he's such a cryonics supporter, how
come he hasn't been signed up for years? Why wasn't he "able to get his
suspension funded at CI?" In addition Chana de Wolf wrote "I am not interested
in making up the slack for those who have known about and "supported" cryonics
for years and yet never made provisions for their own cryopreservation at any
point along the line. As Aschwin points out in this post, making arrangements as
early as possible (and keeping them) is the best strategy a cryonicist can
have. These are tough questions that Chana de Wolfwrites, but they are fair and
they are deserving of an answer.

Also Posted in the thread titled "Maybe Not the Whole Situation.” The Finance
Department wrote; "And I have to wonder about those who made posts requesting
these donations, as to why they are not telling the full story.”

I have a plausible answer. I don't think you can sum up my life based on the
fact that I was arrested and convicted on a felony Marijuana Possession charge.
Although I may have chosen otherwise, I don't think it's necessarily fair to
expect that the information about my legal issue should have made it on the
first page of a fund raising effort.

In fairness to the Finance Department however, I goggled my own name, the
results were less than flattering. But is the fact that I was arrested and
convicted of felony possession of Marijuana the whole story?

Nowhere will you find the fact that I have on numerous occasions defended
against laws that violated the first amendment rights of everyone in my State. I
had in fact never lost a constitutional challenge until the year 2005. The
details off that loss I would be more than happy to share with you should anyone
show any interest in hearing about that.

Dave has mentioned my assistance on the Stump bill, which was a bill intended
solely to regulate or close down Alcor. For those of you who may be new or not
aware of that episode, I'll run that down for you.

I posted a warning on January 5, 2004 at Immortality Institute prior to the
"Stump Bill". I was tempted to just provide a link because of the length of the
post, but I'm leaving it intact and reposting that below.

"Can't you just see it now, some legal action relating to cryonics or something?
Or some other life and death issue."

William Constitution O'Rights, BJ Klein, Lazarus Long, and Bob Drake
United States of America....

Shaky or not, let's try to see through the looking glass more clearly.

In the future modern science will rip gaping holes in the realm of the
impossible and modern law will struggle to keep pace. Revolutionary advancements
in science will threaten ancient notions of immortality. Instead of
accommodating the new realities, there will be powerful people, chiefly
political and religious leaders, who will bend the law into a reactive, even
reactionary force in the path of Cryonics. Religious and political leaders on
the global stage, from popes to presidents, will unite to demand an end to

The Ted Williams' story shocked people all over America and spawned a frenzy of
political and legal action. The facts and the science of cryonics capabilities
were swiftly lost in the dust cloud stirred up by people rushing to do
something, anything, to stop cryonics.

The use of the science and technology of cryonics have produced some startling
headlines and emotional reactions, and in the future it may ignite a firestorm
of denunciations and vows to ban cryonics permanently, under all circumstances
and for all purposes. Perhaps the president of the United States, the pope,
numerous senators and members of Congress of both major political parties, and
hosts of world leaders will speak with virtually one voice in decrying the
freezing of humans, irrespective of the potential benefits that could be

When the people speak with one voice it is often out of pure prejudice. Fear and
misunderstanding may spawn extreme, and extremely vocal, opposition to
cryonics. If that comes to pass, the opposition will take root in the form of
several highly restrictive state laws and threaten to become a federal ban as

There is little doubt that at least some of the fuel that will ignite the legal
opposition to scientific forays into the frontiers of immortality is the strong
primeval sense that we should not be allowed to "play God.” This belief has been
both explicitly and implicitly at the core of much of the resistance to most
scientific advances. Fundamentally, the idea is that our ability to perform
certain tasks should not be coterminous with the legality of doing so, at least
with regard to living things. There is a belief, usually implicitly and often
explicitly religious in origin, that places some life-related areas of medical
and scientific endeavor in the category of taboo, top-sacred, forbidden mystical
practices reserved exclusively unto deity. Some people are afraid that human
attempts to "play God” are fraught with overwhelming peril. The powerful message
and visceral impact from these fantasies is clear, when we meddle in the
secrets of life,
we risk unleashing the anger of God.

Popular opposition to cryonics may be formidable enough in its own right, but it
may be dwarfed by legal opposition. During this, the dawn of the cryonics age,
our government may hastily act to place severe restrictions, including outright
bans on cryonics and the degree of unanimity in opposition to cryonics may be
astounding, possibly uniting liberal and conservative, pro-life and pro-choice,
and secular and religious people of various persuasions.

Many of the reasons that will be marshaled in opposition to cryonics, are
directly rooted in religious, ethical, or moral beliefs that this is just
something people should not do. Whether couched in terms to the effect that our
efforts are tantamount to "playing God” and should be reserved for God alone, or
phrased in less overtly religious language, this type of argument represents
deep personal convictions. The people who hold these beliefs are convinced of
the fundamental correctness of their position, and both the people and the
sincerity of their beliefs are entitled to great respect. We however hold
opposing beliefs, and our beliefs represent our deeply held personal
convictions, and are entitled to equal recognition.

Passion has its place, but not to the exclusion of logic, reality, and the rule
of law. We need to explore the wisdom of the legal measures already taken within
the United States, particularly we need to address possible anti-cryonic
legislation before it is even fully drafted.

To the extent anti-cryonic sentiment is rooted in religious doctrine, there are
important First Amendment concerns implicated in any marriage of religion and
state-sponsored legal action. Religion-based belief simply cannot be permitted
to manifest itself in a ban of cryonics. There are doctrinal strands that tie
cryonics to the "free-exercise" clause of the First Amendment.

Of course the sentiment of the opposition is often not based on any clearly
articulated principles. Opponents of cryonics simply refer to the putative
immorality of it, as if it were intuitively obvious to everyone, and sometimes
offer by way of explanation something on the order of "It just seems wrong.”
Fortunately for us, such vague, emotion-rooted, gut-level aversion is a poor
foundation on which to build a set of legal requirements or arguments. However
the same type of sincerely held yet poorly defined abhorrence has led, in the
America of not so long ago, to antimiscegenation laws, legal ownership of and
commerce in slaves, legally sanctioned racial segregation, denial of equal
rights to African Americans, denial of suffrage to women, and many other grave

We need to examine cryonics in a new light, one that relates to our rights and
liberties. We need to seek an appropriate, rational, and constitutionally sound
course of action for a defense. We need to meet any new challenges proactively.
We need to look through this window into the future whereby today's bans on
cryonics form the foundation for tomorrow's denial of our very lives. That
future does not have to be. It is the purpose, the very essence of this
organization that we look into the future and change the path we are on, before
that tomorrow becomes today.

Shortly after posting this, that tomorrow became today real fast. Less than two
months later the Stump bill began to wind it's way through the legislative
process on to become a law that would have an negative impact on all of those
who were frozen at Alcor. I posted the following,

Do,,, or Die...The War on Immortality, Call to arms, Stump Bill
22-Feb 2004, 11:40 AM

In the Threats to Immortality section, government is listed as one of the
greatest threats. Well here it is folks, up close, in your face and personal.
The government is seeking control of Alcor, so what are we going to do about it?

If Imm wants to be considered relevant in the field of Immortality, now is the
time to show what we got/ or that we are not.

We have 3 working days to make a difference, let's get to it.

Do we have the resourses to make a diffeerence??? We should, let's take

Full Members 62 minus leadership leaves 48 remaining members. If half, HALF, get
involved that's 24 additional callers. That's 288 calls together with 156 makes
444 calls.

We have 1249 "Members" If only one% join in the effort, that's 12, in fact
that's too optimistic, let's say 6 regular members join, that's another 72

516 calls, That's more than enough to make a major impact. So are we a group
that just comes here to chat about things, or are we really about doing
something about that mission statement.

Article II. -- Mission & Function

* Section 1 -- Main Mission
The mission of ImmInst is to conquer the blight of involuntary death.

Well, here's our chance to do something about it.

I called Randolf this morning, he is attempting to get the spotlight on this
issue to the media. We all know the forms of Kryptonite to politicians... and
one of them is bad press.

Here are some links if anyone wishes to read more on some of my legal writings
surrounding the Stump Bill.





Shortly after the defeat of the Stump bill I started to do vast research to
prepare various defenses to potential new laws. I easily spent well over 100
hours and I was just getting started. I had not even scratched the surface of my
research. I was preparing for the next legal battle and that consumed me every
day of my life, because I would rather be a regular person who has eloquently
prepared for a case than a person with an extraordinarily high IQ who hasn't
been bright enough to prepare. You have little idea Chana de Wolf of the months
that I had already put in and the years that I would have spent in lonely
isolation preparing for this battle. Indeed, I had watched the reflection of the
rising sun on my computer screen many a morning while others slept their lives
away peacefully.

Perhaps had I not spent well over 100 hours researching legal issues surrounding
threats to all of us, and instead used that time to concentrate on just taking
care of my own suspension I would not find myself in the current situation I am
in. Perhaps if I cared less about the cause in general and paid more attention
to my own personal survival I would be in a far better position than the one I
currently find myself in.

Perhaps in an ironic twist of fate, you Chana de Wolf will have your suspension
all in order only to find that the government has just passed legislation to out
law cryonic suspension. Make no mistake, I may die in a few short months and
you may never hear from me again, but you haven't heard the last from your
government. Sometime in the future, they will be at it again.

Now if you'll excuse me Chana, I have a Death Sentence I'm trying to appeal.

Live Long and Well William Constitution O'Rights

#37 thefirstimmortal


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Posted 01 September 2008 - 11:41 PM

Entering the RED ZONE

There seems to be some confusion as to my prognosis.
Dave in X-Message-Number: 30910 on Sun, 3 Aug 2008 wrote, I have heard through another forum that his prognosis is only for a couple of months.

Posted at coldfilter “O' Rights donation August 2 2008 at 10:39 PM Robert Ettinger, As I read one of his recent posts here, his prognosis is now only two or three months to live. Those willing to help need to get cracking if the objective is to be achieved.”

Any confusion surrounding my prognosis has probably been caused by me. I have in referencing my prognosis have stated that Dr. Ebraham has given me a prognosis of 6 to 8 months, but that was on February 11th. That places my death between August 11th, today, to October 11th. So today we officially enter the Red Zone.

I’m more optimistic about that, I have greater faith in the life extension community and our efforts over at Immortality Institute. We are working on this. There is a topic thread on the matter of my death, I haven’t read any posts in there yet, my plan is to post there on Nov. 1st.


Hmm, strange. I don't recall highlighting "coldfilter" in any of these posts.

#38 thefirstimmortal


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Posted 03 September 2008 - 08:14 AM

X-Message-Number: 30946
Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2008 08:38:22 -0700 (PDT)
From: david pizer <pizerdavid@yahoo.com>
Subject: O'Rights fund seems stalled - can you help?

The unselfish actions of many cryoncists have helped the O'Rights fund get close
to $8,000, but now the effort seems stalled. If the cryonics community is to
help this person get a cryonics chance at overcoming death we need something to
get the momentum going again????

As most of you know by now, Mr. O'Rights is suffering from a painful, horrible
form of cancer and his doctors have said he cannot live much longer. He keeps
fighting and doing all he can to survive. He very much would like to have a
cryonics suspension and has been a believer in cryonics for many years.

We have talked about William's mistakes in not getting his suspension paid for
when he was in better health and when he had the money to buy life insurance.
He does not deny the fact that although he has been around cryonics a long time
he has made some mistakes. He even wants others to learn from his mistakes and
has pointed out how important it is for anyone who believes in the potential of
cryonics to get signed up as soon as possible.

We need to raise more money, and we need more ideas to help to motivate the rest
of our community to contribute. If anyone has more ideas now is the time to
send them in to this forum as time may be running out? I urge anyone interested
in this project to post your thoughts here on Cryonet as soon as possible.

All contributions, suggestions and other ideas are welcome.

If you want to send in a contribution please mail it to:
The Venturists
Care of/ Creekside Lodge
11255 State Route 69
Mayer Az 86333

Best regards to all

David Pizer

#39 thefirstimmortal


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Posted 03 September 2008 - 08:15 AM

X-Message-Number: 30947
From: "Chris Manning" <chauncy@westnet.com.au>
References: <20080819090002.38790.qmail@rho.pair.com>
Subject: Re: O'Rights fund seems stalled - can you help?
Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2008 21:16:39 +1000

> Message #30946
> Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2008 08:38:22 -0700 (PDT)
> From: david pizer <pizerdavid@yahoo.com>
> Subject: O'Rights fund seems stalled - can you help?


> We need to raise more money, and we need more ideas to help to motivate
> the rest of our community to contribute. If anyone has more ideas now is
> the time to send them in to this forum as time may be running out? I urge
> anyone interested in this project to post your thoughts here on Cryonet as
> soon as possible.
> All contributions, suggestions and other ideas are welcome.

Well two thoughts come to mind:

(1) Are raffles legal in the US? If so, hold a raffle. The prize could be a
free suspension.

(2) If cryonics works, as we here all hope, it may come to pass that at some
future time you need help which Mr O'Rights may be in a position to offer.
'What goes around comes around.'

#40 thefirstimmortal


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Posted 03 September 2008 - 08:17 AM

X-Message-Number: 30948
Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2008 07:23:00 -0700 (PDT)
From: Shannon <shannonvyff@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: O'Rights fund seems stalled- can you help?

Anyone on the cusp of being able to cover more of the cost, and able to so do
so-can be assured that they can get their money back if the preservation does
not now occur (or in the future if cryonics did work and William paid them back)
or they can designate the money to go to Marce's case, or an area of cryonics
research of their choice.

One return on the investment, now however is the social return--the respect one
gains from the rest in our cryonics community.

It is heart wrenching to talk with William on the phone and to hear how degraded
he is, and to see how much effort he puts into communicating on the Internet
with the community he once was such an active supporter of.

I do hope someone will be able to donate more. I would cover the full costs if I
could, and hope to someday be in a position to do so for deserving cryonicists
who need help--currently I'm young, and have three children, our family though
is working on building our assets for when we are older.

Thank you, Shannon Vyff

#41 thefirstimmortal


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Posted 03 September 2008 - 08:18 AM

X-Message-Number: 30949
From: Ettinger@aol.com
Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2008 13:15:56 EDT
Subject: O'Rights fund

Here's a possibility. Perhaps there are some potential donors who would be
willing to commit (say) for $100/year for ten years, total $1,000. In return

for a promissory note to that effect (zero interest), I would put up the $1,000
now, to a maximum of $10,000.

Robert Ettinger

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Posted 03 September 2008 - 08:19 AM

X-Message-Number: 30950
Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2008 10:36:31 -0700 (PDT)
From: William O'Rights <thefirstimmortal@yahoo.com>
Subject: Immortalist and Life Extensionist


Mike Perry wrote;
Yes, you are right. Apparently at ImmInst where Mr. O'Rights has been
posting the focus now is on beating the cancer rather than the
expensive path of arranging for cryopreservation. (To me a form of
denial, granted that he should be fighting the cancer too.)

Bill O Right writes;Mike (William O Rights smiles warmly) I am comprised of
equal parts of Immortalist and Life Extensionist.

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Posted 03 September 2008 - 08:21 AM

X-Message-Number: 30951
Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2008 10:48:49 -0700 (PDT)
From: William O'Rights <thefirstimmortal@yahoo.com>
Subject: =?utf-8?B?WU9V4oCZVkUgR09UIENBTkNFUiwgT2RkcywgMSB0byAyMDA=?=


"YOUaC VE GOT CANCERaC , theyaC re the 3 words you never want to hear Mike. If
any Immortalist/Life extensionist should ever find themself in the future being
diagnosed with cancer, donaC t let your world be turned upside-down. If you
canaC t get over the initial shock you may not be capable of making sound
decisions about your health and treatment options. I canaC t stress enough,
donaC t panic. You will need to be clear-headed, so that you can make the right
choices. Always keep in mind that others have been down this road before and
have received this diagnosis. Some have recovered and are surviving today and of
course others have not. If youaC re a true Immortalist/Life extensionist, you
should think differently about situations such as these.

As a life extensionist/Immortalist the first thing you have to do is establish
hope, there is reason for hope. Everyone responds differently to learning about
a terminal illness, but an optimistic attitude is vital right from the
beginning. A strong positive outlook cannot be underestimated in its power to
contribute significantly to a successful outcome. IaC m talking real hope, not
denial. Denial is one of those textbook first-stage reactions that people go
through after learnA ing they have a terminal disease. It may be the best
approach for non-life extensionists who would rather sweep the issue under the
rug, after all denial does work to numb your reality. Denial can be a wonderA
ful drug, though it often comes at a high price.

I am no osA trich with my head in the sand. I am fully aware of the grim staA
tistics about small cell lung cancer and the overwhelming mortality rate
associated with the disease. My odds are currently less than 1 and 200 of
surviving this. Let me put it to you this way, if you were to take a gun with
200 chambers in it and fill it all with bullets all except for one chamber and
pointed it at my head (and IaC m not suggesting for moment that you do) spin the
chamber and pull the trigger the odds that the hammer would come down on the
empty chamber are my odds of survival.
Live Long and WellWilliam Constitution OaC Rights

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Posted 03 September 2008 - 08:23 AM

X-Message-Number: 30952
From: "Nick Pavlica" <npavlica@live.com>
Subject: Two Good Deeds for One Contribution.
Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2008 13:03:00 -0400

Make a tax-free contribution to the Cryonics Society and I will send a matching
amount to the O'Rights fund.

To help increase the William O'Rights fund, I will match all contributions made
to the Cryonics Society from now till September 30th, by sending a check to The
Venturists equal to the amount of all CS supporter fees and contributions made
on the CryonicsSociety.org website, (or I will send $1,000, whichever is
higher.) This O'Rights contribution will be paid by me personally, (not from
Cryonics Society funds).

If you are not already a member of the Cryonics Society, you should take
advantage of this opportunity to support the work being done by the Society on
behalf of the entire Cryonics Community, and at the same time you will be
helping to increase the O'Rights fund.


Nick Pavlica

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Posted 03 September 2008 - 08:26 AM

X-Message-Number: 30953
From: HEYMIKE@aol.com
Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2008 14:26:10 EDT
Subject: Re: CryoNet #30946 O Rights fund

In a message dated 8/19/08 2:27:59 AM, owner-cryonet@cryonet.org writes:

> From: david pizer <pizerdavid@yahoo.com>
> Subject: O'Rights fund seems stalled - can you help?

I just mailed my $100 check. Wish I could do more. Seems that Mr.

O'Rights is thoroughly human... and like all of us has made mistakes. I'm
lucky to
be able to have my suspension funding in place. Still, it seems to me that

if everyone on this list mailed $100 then Mr. O'Rights would have a chance at a
new tomorrow.

I guess I decided to help because if Robert Heinlein turned down a free

suspension then I think Mr. O'Rights who wants a chance to see the future should

get one. I know that's a weird twist of logic but it was what made the impetus
to write the check.


Mike D Los Angeles

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Posted 03 September 2008 - 08:28 AM

X-Message-Number: 30954
Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2008 18:49:07 -0700 (PDT)
From: martin@olah.net
Subject: Re: CryoNet #30946

#30946: O'Rights fund seems stalled - can you help?
> [david pizer]

I think it would help if there was a Paypal account for contributions.


#47 thefirstimmortal


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Posted 03 September 2008 - 08:29 AM

X-Message-Number: 30956
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2008 06:56:11 -0700 (PDT)
From: Shannon <shannonvyff@yahoo.com>
Subject: Can this be done?

Excellent idea Robert! This is a way I could donate 1,000.

But-to David my question is can this be realistically done, so that many more
could come forth and make pledges? Also, how long would Venturists really want
to be collecting and have this on their yearly financials? Who would front the
money at William's de-animation, Venturists? It is my understanding that CI is
not able to take any sort of "I.O.U."...


Here's a possibility. Perhaps there are some potential donors who would be
willing to commit (say) for $100/year for ten years, total $1,000. In return

for a promissory note to that effect (zero interest), I would put up the $1,000
now, to a maximum of $10,000.

Robert Ettinger

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Posted 03 September 2008 - 01:23 PM

X-Message-Number: 30957
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2008 08:58:19 -0700 (PDT)
From: david pizer <pizerdavid@yahoo.com>
Subject: Why we can't take Paypal

Concerning the O'Rights fund raising martin@olah.net said:
"I think it would help if there was a Paypal account for contributions."

I would agree with Martin that if Paypal worked like it should that would be
helpful. But the Venturists have had a lot of trouble with Paypal when we used
them in the past. When we were collecting money for Marce, Paypal froze all the
money in the Venturist Paypal account and would not pass it through to us. It
took us months of hard work to finally get them to release the money. The
process of dealing with them was aggravating as they seemed very hostile to
cryonics and also they were having trouble from the feds on all the Paypal
accounts they allow to collect money that have 501c3 designation.

I speculate they got into some kind of trouble concerning 501c3 accounts and
rather then do the work to straighten in all out they just froze money in those
accounts (to satisfy the feds and keep from getting fines to themselves for
wrongly hanlding the 501C3 money) and made us do the work they should have been

Further, I suspect that they have not yet straightened out their problems with
regulations concerning how they handle 501c3 organizations' money and either
they or the feds could confiscate the money again. If the feds confiscate the
money, for Paypal not following fed laws or whatever the problem is, we might
never get it back.

I hope that anyone who would send money using Paypal to help Mr. O'Rights will
still send the money direct to the Venturists using a check (or cheque if out of
the country).


David Pizer
For the Venturists

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Posted 03 September 2008 - 01:56 PM

X-Message-Number: 30958
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2008 09:09:59 -0700 (PDT)
From: david pizer <pizerdavid@yahoo.com>
Subject: This is Great!

Robert Ettinger posted the following yesterday on Cryonet concerning how people
can make pledges to the O'Rights fund:

"Here's a possibility. Perhaps there are some potential donors who would be
willing to commit (say) for $100/year for ten years, total $1,000. In return for
a promissory note to that effect (zero interest), I would put up the $1,000
now, to a maximum of $10,000. '

So here is one way I suggest the person making the pledge proceed if you want to
help by making a pledge (and if it is OK with Robert Ettinger):

1. You write and sign a note made out to Robert Ettinger. The note is for $900
with no interest where you promise to send him $100 a year for 9 years.

2. Enclose that note made to Robert Ettinger along with your first check for
$100 (made out to the Venturists) and send them both to the Venturists.

3. We will forward the note to Robert Ettinger and when he gets it and approves
it, he will forward the other $900 to us. He will contact the maker of the
note on where to send his annual payments to.

Or Robert may prefer to handle this another way. Whichever way it turns out I
think Robert's offer is one of the most generous offers yet and I hope that many
people will take advantageous of it (up to 10 people at $1,000 each).

Best regards to all,
David Pizer

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Posted 03 September 2008 - 01:58 PM

X-Message-Number: 30959
References: <20080820090004.22037.qmail@rho.pair.com>
From: Kennita Watson <kennita@gocryo.org>
Subject: Mr. O'Rights
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2008 11:13:17 -0700

I concur. And a Donate button on every message
or Web page (linked at least twice, at the top
and the bottom, and maybe in the middle as
well where Mr. O'Rights is mentioned couldn't
hurt; works on me. Putting out the call on every
cryonics and/or futurist mailing list, Meetup,
or Web site, along with a request to put the
Donate button on their Web site, might also
help. (The button should be adjacent to a link
to a page that describes Mr. O'Rights and his
predicament in a way that less cryonics-savvy
people can relate to.)

I've also heard about fundraising
efforts being conducted on the Internet at large;
I don't remember how this works, but I think
there are "pick-a-cause" sites; maybe the
Venturist connection would help there.

Using the any-port-in-a-storm theory, sending a
plea to all of your friends might help, but
only if there's a PayPal Donate button --
people do these things spontaneously, and the
easier it is, the better.

There are only about 1000 cryonicists. There
are easily ten or a hundred times as many
futurists, and nearly ten or a hundred times
as many as that of generic sympathetic and
generous people. It's just a matter of
reaching them.

On Aug 20, 2008, at 2:00 AM, CryoNet wrote:

> #30946: O'Rights fund seems stalled - can you help?
>> [david pizer]
> I think it would help if there was a Paypal account for contributions.
> -Martin

Live long and prosper,

#51 thefirstimmortal


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Posted 03 September 2008 - 02:00 PM

X-Message-Number: 30960
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2008 13:34:01 -0700
From: Gary Kline <kline@thought.org>
Subject: PayPal: yes.

I would gladly contribute at least $50 toward Mr. O'Right's
suspension if it did not involve too much explaining to my wife
who believe the whole thing is a sham. PayPal seems like the
best way. (I'm just over 2/3rds of the way there in money that
is entirely my own. I just need to live another ten years!)

gary kline

PS: A new cryonics essay coming soon on http://transfinite.thought.org
where I have several other cryonics essays.

#52 thefirstimmortal


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Posted 03 September 2008 - 02:01 PM

X-Message-Number: 30961
From: David Verbeke <cryonicsbelg@hotmail.com>
Subject: Mr. Pizer - paypal
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2008 10:31:14 +0000
References: <20080821090002.50395.qmail@rho.pair.com>

Dear mr. Pizer,

Then why not use a personal paypal account for people who want to send money
through paypal and just transfer the donations? I haven't had or used a
'cheque' for over 10 years, nobody's using that anymore here. (I don't even know
if the bank still issues them, except for company's or 'bank cheques' when you
have to pay a large amount of money without wire transfer). I often visit the
US, and never saw someone paying by cheque. I think you're not getting several
donations by not using paypal, including mine, that's a pity.

David Verbeke

#53 thefirstimmortal


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Posted 03 September 2008 - 02:03 PM

X-Message-Number: 30962
From: "Chris Manning" <chauncy@westnet.com.au>
References: <20080821090002.50395.qmail@rho.pair.com>
Subject: Re: raffles
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2008 20:47:45 +1000

It is disappointing that nobody has said anything at all about my suggestion
that a raffle be held to raise money for the O'Rights appeal, assuming
raffles are legal in the US.

I was responding to David's appeal for ideas.

You (by which I mean, anyone who read my email and is probably reading this
one) could at least have replied 'Yes, raffles are legal in the US' (or not,
as the case may be).

It may be that raffles are legal but known by some other name in the US. If
you don't know what a 'raffle' is, you would obviously reply 'What is a

It may be that there is some reason obvious to other readers why a raffle is
not the way to go. If that is the case, I would be grateful if someone would
enlighten me. Perhaps they have been tried in the past without success.

#54 thefirstimmortal


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Posted 03 September 2008 - 02:06 PM

X-Message-Number: 30963
From: "Chris Manning" <chauncy@westnet.com.au>
References: <20080820090004.22037.qmail@rho.pair.com>
Subject: Re: Robert Ettinger's idea
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2008 21:49:40 +1000

I didn't understand this the first time I read it, but I have just re-read
it and I think I understand it now. What Robert is proposing is a three-way
interest-free loan. Am I right? Yes, an excellent idea. Not sure why
interest-free. Maybe there would be legal problems if he charged interest.

For myself I have already made a donation and I think I have done my bit if
you consider that it would only require about one cryonicist in seven to
match my donation and the required money would be raised.

Bob, I don't mean to be rude, but as you are approaching your 90th birthday,
isn't it likely that some of the moneys will have to be paid into your
estate? And I take it your own suspension funding is taken care of. (Or
perhaps you get a complimentary suspension?)

#55 thefirstimmortal


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Posted 03 September 2008 - 02:09 PM

X-Message-Number: 30964
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2008 08:14:28 -0400
From: jhinek@gmail.com
Subject: Paypal alt: Google for non-profis

Here's one alternative to Paypal (and there are others) specifically
intended for non-profits:


Google for non-profits

Checkout: Collect donations online and process them for free, with no
monthly, setup, or gateway fees Increase donations to your
organization with a streamlined checkout process that allows your
supporters to quickly and easily make online donations with a single

Process online donations for free until 2009 and pay no monthly,
setup, or gateway fees.

Enhance data security with this safe online donation tool that
protects a donor's credit card number. Google Checkout lowers the
costs and risks associated with managing sensitive data.

1. Sign up for Google Checkout for Non-Profits. You will be asked to
provide basic information about your organization including name,
contact information, and Non-Profit Tax ID number.

2. Copy and paste Google Checkout donation buttons onto your website or blog.

3. Process donations by charging donors' credit or debit cards using
Google Checkout.

Jonathan Hinek
Cold Filter Forum

#56 thefirstimmortal


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Posted 03 September 2008 - 02:14 PM

X-Message-Number: 30965
References: <20080821090002.50395.qmail@rho.pair.com>
From: Kennita Watson <kennita@gocryo.org>
Subject: Fwd: Why we can't take Paypal
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2008 06:03:54 -0700

My wide-net suggestion would not involve 501C3 --
I don't think people donating $5 or $10 or $20
much care if it's tax-deductible. I wouldn't
use the Venturist account; I'd set up a separate
one, named "William O'Rights Cryonic Preservation
Fund", and maybe connect it to a new savings
account (or the CI account, if they have one).

Set up a Web page (much of the work there has
been done, due to Mr. Pizer's eloquent pleas)
and add the URL to signature lines, Webrings,
etc. Have a blog of his condition, life
accomplishments, etc. One of those thermometers
showing how much of the money had been raised
would be a good touch. You might even get a
human-interest story in the paper....

"I hope that anyone who would send money using
Paypal to help Mr. O'Rights will still send the
money direct to the Venturists using a check (or
cheque if out of the country)." -- I think Mr.
Pizer greatly misestimates "anyone" on this
count; PayPal Donate is *much* easier for a
potential donor, and easy is the key to getting
minimally-motivated folk to give. Just sayin'.

Live long and prosper,

#57 thefirstimmortal


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Posted 03 September 2008 - 02:26 PM

X-Message-Number: 30966
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2008 08:36:30 -0700 (PDT)
From: david pizer <pizerdavid@yahoo.com>
Subject: suggestion

Gary Kline said he would send a contribution but apparantly does not want to use
his regular checking account to send a donation as his wife does not support
cryonics (see below).

A way to send a donation without your spouse knowing about it would be to stop
in at a bank or convenience store and use cash to buy a money order or cashier's
check. Make it out to the Venturists and mail it in.

David Pizer

Mail your donations to:
The Venturists
Care of Creekside Lodge
11255 State Route 69
Mayer Arizona 86333

#58 thefirstimmortal


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Posted 03 September 2008 - 04:01 PM

X-Message-Number: 30969
From: Ettinger@aol.com
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2008 17:13:14 EDT
Subject: O'Rights donation note

What Dave suggests is O.K. The note should also say that, in event of my
death, the remainder of the debt becomes due to the Cryonics Institute.

The note should mention addresses:
Robert C.W. Ettinger
35871 Larchwood
Clinton Township MI 48035

Cryonics Institute
24355 Sorrentino Court
Clinton Township MI 48035.


#59 thefirstimmortal


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Posted 03 September 2008 - 04:04 PM

X-Message-Number: 30971
From: "Nick Pavlica" <npavlica@live.com>
Subject: =?iso-8859-1?Q?O'Rights_Paypal_Option?=
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2008 07:47:46 -0400

As David Pizer mentioned earlier this week, PayPal can be very difficult to deal
with. However, after much effort, the Cryonics Society was able to secure a
working PayPal account where people can contribute in that manner, (in addition
to using their regular credit card accounts, etc.) Although the continuation of
the PayPal option is tenuous, it is currently operational on the Cryonics
Society website.

As specified on Cryonet Wednesday, I will match all contributions made on the
CryonicsSociety.org website through September, and will send a check to the
Venturists in the amount that is generated by the Cryonics Society during that
time period. (The contribution will come from my personal account, not from
Cryonics Society funds.)

So if you want to use your PaypPal account to contribute to the O'Rights fund,
this is a way you can do it and also be helping your Cryonics Society at the
same time.

Nick Pavlica

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Posted 03 September 2008 - 04:10 PM

X-Message-Number: 30972
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2008 08:45:03 -0700 (PDT)
From: david pizer <pizerdavid@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: CryoNet #30961 - #30970

David Verbeke said on Cryonet:

> Dear mr. Pizer,
> Then why not use a personal paypal account for people who
> want to send money through paypal and just transfer the
> donations? I haven't had or used a 'cheque' for
> over 10 years, nobody's using that anymore here. (I
> don't even know if the bank still issues them, except
> for company's or 'bank cheques' when you have to
> pay a large amount of money without wire transfer). I often
> visit the US, and never saw someone paying by cheque. I
> think you're not getting several donations by not using
> paypal, including mine, that's a pity.
> David Verbeke
> Belgium

1. I don't know what a personal paypal account is? Can you explain how is that
different from the one the Venturists set up with paypal before paypal started
confiscating money in the Venturist account?

2. You, or any contributor, can get a check or cheque (in the US called a
cashier's check or money order) at any bank or convenience store in the US - I
assume you can get them in Belgium. You stop in give them some cash and they
give you the check made out to whoever you ask them to.

The tone of your message seems like we don't want to take paypal. We would love
to, but we cannot subject the money of the contributors to having it confiscated

3. I am going to ask Mark Plus to look into wire transfers.


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