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#61 johnross47

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Posted 30 January 2013 - 10:25 AM

Mishael's use of coloured fonts is very childish but I have experience of a severely disturbed older teenager who began to do exactly that as he sank into a total breakdown. The things that were written were also fantastic and portentious.
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#62 Mishael

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Posted 31 January 2013 - 02:19 AM

the showers were more than a few a minute and if you had read the full article you would see that the complete details are known and understood, and have been for years, but your belief that it is a sign from god is so strong nothing will convince you other wise, your not interested in the truth only your religious dogma and blindness to anything that does not agree with your belief,
the showers have been studied for years and the path of the dust clouds that produce them,
im not sure where you live who you are but i suggest you actually get an education, and lose the blind faith in a mythical being and everything being a sign from God

religion has been described as a crutch for the mentally retarded, and i'm beginning to think after reading your diatribe that whoever coined the expression was correct, nothing you have produced or can produce is evidence of any supreme being just your blind belief,

I read it but you obviously have a problem with reading comprehension. The only retard here is you. Do the math. I'll help you. DIVIDE THE BIG NUMBER BY 60. SHOW ME a video like I asked you to or forever shut up!!! You would think if such a thing were common it would be on video BY NOW. You can not because your belief that meteor showers that resemble rain are a common occurrence is COMPLETELY UNFOUNDED.

From the NEW YORK Journal of Commerce of November 14, 1833, "No philosopher or scholar has TOLD OR RECORDED an event, I suppose, like that of yesterday morning. A prophet eighteen hundred years ago foretold it exactly, if we will be at the trouble of understanding stars falling to mean falling stars,...in the only sense in which it is possible to be literally true."

No language, indeed, can come up to the splendor of the magnificent display...NO ONE WHO DID NOT WITNESS IT CAN FORM AN ADEQUATE CONCEPTION OF ITS GLORY. It seemed as if the whole starry heavens had congregated at one point near the zenith, and were simultaneously shooting forth, with the velocity of lightning, to EVERY PART OF THE HORIZON and yet they were NOT EXHAUSTED - THOUSANDS SWIFTLY FOLLOWED IN THE TRACKS OF THOUSANDS, AS IF CREATED FOR THE OCASSION." From Christian Advocate and Journal, Dec. 13, 1833.

From The Old Countryman in the PORTLAND Evening Advertiser, Nov. 26, 1833, "A more correct picture of a fig tree casting its figs when blown by a mighty wind, it was not possible to behold."



Edited by Mishael, 31 January 2013 - 02:51 AM.

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#63 Lister

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Posted 31 January 2013 - 04:03 AM

So Leonids is not a good enough explanation? In this day and age surely we can all agree that a Meteor shower, no matter how fantastic, is a relatively easily explained event? Also we cannot deny that before the 1800’s it was common place to overstate the value and importance of events. Exaggeration was the norm in writing as there was little need to prove what was written.

Mishael you see value in posting here I assume because you feel you can communicate a message you strongly believe in. You also seem to feel that this message is being lost on the current generation in most countries aside from the ones you’ve mentioned. Am I wrong?

So why are you presenting your case in such an offensive way? Your forceful angry tone does you no justice. I’m not going to point at you and say that you’re wrong but I will say that you’re not being heard.

It’s your message and your desires; why not do your beliefs justice and present them in a communicable way?

#64 lifebuddy

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Posted 31 January 2013 - 04:30 AM

i can't believe it took me so long to unsubscribe to this bloody thread

#65 pleb

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Posted 31 January 2013 - 09:54 AM

Mishael, in 1833 people were much more religious and had less knowledge and were uneducated about the things around them than now, at that time most people believed in god,
its not surprising that they took it as a sign from heaven,but reports from then and a woodcut especially commissioned by the Mormon faith does not provide proof that it was a sign from God

you present this as evidence yet want me to provide a video, 1833 was a larger display but hardly proves your assertion that it was a sign from God,
if you try to research this you will find there are videos taken over many years and the one in 1966 was filmed and was just as spectacular as the one in 1833, you also stated it didn't happen every year but have changed your stance on that,

it's obvious that you have no intention of actually trying to understand any advances and understanding of either the laws of physics or nature made since 1833 you simply refuse to believe that there are explanations for what you believe as a sign from god,
and nothing i or anyone else can say will change that, try reading the words that come with the video link you posted, that also says exactly what it was
read it it says that the majority of the population based their belief on ignorance and superstition,

so i am also unsubscribing from this thread,

Edited by pleb, 31 January 2013 - 10:01 AM.

#66 Mishael

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Posted 31 January 2013 - 02:58 PM

Mishael, in 1833 people were much more religious and had less knowledge and were uneducated about the things around them than now, at that time most people believed in god,
its not surprising that they took it as a sign from heaven,but reports from then and a woodcut especially commissioned by the Mormon faith does not provide proof that it was a sign from God

you present this as evidence yet want me to provide a video, 1833 was a larger display but hardly proves your assertion that it was a sign from God,
if you try to research this you will find there are videos taken over many years and the one in 1966 was filmed and was just as spectacular as the one in 1833, you also stated it didn't happen every year but have changed your stance on that,

it's obvious that you have no intention of actually trying to understand any advances and understanding of either the laws of physics or nature made since 1833 you simply refuse to believe that there are explanations for what you believe as a sign from god,
and nothing i or anyone else can say will change that, try reading the words that come with the video link you posted, that also says exactly what it was
read it it says that the majority of the population based their belief on ignorance and superstition,

so i am also unsubscribing from this thread,

That people were more religious I would not assume such a thing. Although it was a very important time in Christian history. And what difference does it make if they were? This was an event that has never been surpassed and there is more than a wood carving made by a Mormon. Are you slandering the Mormons and calling them liars or something else? People from all walks of life observed this not just Mormons. And the assertion that people were ignorant is just not so. Your only defenses are to slander people calling them liars by saying one thing or the other and to keep asserting that it is common and happens often yet provide no proof. Provide a video if it is so common. Why can't you? The 1966 shower I do not see anything in the pictures or videos of a similar magnitude. And I have said meteor showers not worthy of the name do occur but they have never occurred like they did that time. I have never changed my position so stop your slander.

Many atheists like to make up things I see. Darwinism is a perpetuation of lies one on top of the other. I am giving you reports of actual people from across the nation. Some people Atheists claim to be able to predict the magnitude of earthquakes that have happened ages ago with not even the aid of modern technology, completely absurd.

Provide your evidence. You have none. Do more than just slander people. The 1833 meteor actual shower was an event of duration of hours observed by thousands. Do you have anything?

Many mathematicians were and are astute biblical students, including the developer of calculus. Are you going to slander them? You equate religious belief with mental retardation. Are you calling Isaac Newton a retard? He was a student of prophecy. The Bible is perfect, ask Isaac Newton.

Edited by Mishael, 31 January 2013 - 03:00 PM.

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#67 Lister

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Posted 01 February 2013 - 02:30 AM

And the assertion that people were ignorant is just not so.

They weren’t ignorant however they certainly weren’t as knowledgeable as we are today. Also the number of Atheists and Agnostic has grown significantly. In terms of numbers there are more religious people today, though in terms of population percent religion is not as prolific as it once was.

Additionally, other than places like the Middle East; religion doesn’t play as large of a role in our day to day lives as it once did. With this understanding it’s easy to see that religion did play a larger role in the 1800’s and could have a large motivational factor on the way in which the 1833 reports were made.

Darwinism is a perpetuation of lies one on top of the other.

It’s difficult to find a faith without views that appear to be lies on top of lies from a certain perspective. On many levels Darwinism is a faith like any other. They see your views as lies on top of lies and you see their views as the same. Where’s the difference? See the Intelligent Design thread for further info on this.

The 1833 meteor actual shower was an event of duration of hours observed by thousands.

Even if this is true how significant is it really? You see signs all around you proving your views though you’re not unique as many people have felt the same way for much of human history. Does that mean that all these connections are meaningless? No. We all hold meaning for the events and experiences that make up our lives. There’s nothing wrong with seeing meaning in an event.

What is wrong is using such events to forcibly change the views of others. No matter how significant you believe an event to be, society will make up its mind collectively. This is how it works. This is how we are. You may even say this is how God made us. If God doesn’t want us to be this way they will change us through events like the Tsunami in 2008. However the events that are happening today are too slow to make that dramatic change (climate change).

Many mathematicians were and are astute biblical students, including the developer of calculus.

This is absolutely true. Many great and reputable scientists were/are religious and there’s nothing abnormal about that. Though many if not all of them are not fanatical or orthodox. They worship but they don’t make a huge deal out of it. Isaac Newton likely wouldn’t argue your point for you Mishael and likely wouldn’t agree with you on many points. While neither you nor I can confirm that I don’t see those people being as unreasonable as you have been.

There are people here who aren’t Atheists/Agnostic and they are more than happy to discuss your points with you Mishael and perhaps further your cause; but only if you are willing and able to communicate with them.

You also have to understand that your position is not a popular one here at Longecity. This website’s mission is the Advocacy & Research for unlimited Lifespan. This mission is extremely Liberal and thus your core conservative religious views will likely not provide much of a positive response. You should expect to be called on much of what you say and if you cannot handle this you shouldn’t be posting here.

You did make an effort in your last post to simmer things down a bit and I appreciate that.

But let it be known Mishael; if you travel back down the tyrant path and choose to ignore everyone while spamming scripture, I’ll end your thread for you. Ok?


#68 Mishael

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Posted 04 February 2013 - 03:28 PM

Before responding to the above post. You are asserting facts and putting words in peoples mouths, those of the past and you have no evidence whatsoever. I am talking about the Bible I could care less about the other literature. That will just confuse the whole discussion. I am NOT talking about every and all religion I am talking about Bible doctrine and facts and prophecy which are true verifiable. Your assertions are without basis. I asked people in my church about the so called meteor shower of 1966 and they had ZERO recollection of such a thing. I would imagine if it was so spectacular like the one in 1833 it would have easily stayed in memory.

Answer this, the people in 1833 had NO TELEPHONES, NO INTERNET, NO TELEGRAPH how is it that reports from across the nation thousands of miles apart where so similar? Did they get on their horse and go from New York to Portland? 1833 was real, magnificent and irrefutable and the sign spoken of in Mathew and Revelation. 1966 is a lie.

Lister I cannot discuss everything with you it seems like you are throwing little bits of many issues. I am following a definite logic. I am talking and discussing evidence which could be past, future or even present.

The only tyrant here is you and I would add very hypocritical. You atheists all do is slander people and make up lies. It is so obvious. You have zero proof and a heap of lies. I don't care if you never believe. I am not going to save you from what is coming ahead. Your blood shall be upon your own head I have done my part. Shut the post down that is what a tyrant would do. What a coward you are. You can't defend yourself with solid evidence and so have to use the power of force to get your way. Go away troll tyrant. You don't control the internet.

Edited by Mishael, 04 February 2013 - 03:51 PM.

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#69 MrHappy

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Posted 07 February 2013 - 08:38 PM

I've been swaying between classifying this as a troll-thread or cry-for-help for some time.

Either way, I don't believe this thread has served any purpose, including its original, nor has it benefited anyone participating in it. I'm closing this thread and leaving it visible, as a reminder to everyone of how not to communicate with others.
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