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C60 on the skin

c60 skin

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#1 kenorb

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Posted 10 January 2013 - 11:42 AM

Any experiences on applying C60 directly on the skin?


After two weeks of C60-OO exposure I can report that I noticed no effects in any of the aforementioned areas. To recap, I took 10mL of 0.8mg C60/mL EVOO as provided by the C60 guy (retailer) at 2-5 mL doses per day for 8 days after which I began taking 2-5mL doses one day per week. I also dermaneedled ~ 1mL of the C60-OO solution into my frontal scalp 3 times to experiment with hair regrowth potential as mentioned by Turnbuckle. To date I have noticed no physical improvements in workout capacity, stamina, increased libido, hair regrowth, skin improvement, cognitive improvement or any other type effect. Believe me that I wanted to see some of the effects mentioned by fellow contributors, but I am unable to confirm them in this N=1 experiment. Of course, hair regrowth benefits can't be fully assessed at two weeks, but hairfall has remained the same which leaves me skeptical as to any possible efficacy in this area. Ultimately, the desired effect is longevity which is impossible to assess in the context of my self.

Edited by kenorb, 10 January 2013 - 11:43 AM.

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#2 kenorb

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Posted 10 January 2013 - 11:48 AM

I haven't tried adding the DMSO yet.
I have been putting oo-c60 on my scalp and skin for about a month.
I have been on a methionine restricted diet for about 2 months.
I have been taking 2g of cystiene every day for about 2 months.

I just started looking for hairs changing colors with a magnifying glass. I will report any changes if I find them.

I have been wanting to add some dmso to the oo-c60 combination, but haven't had time.

Link: http://www.longecity...post__p__556110

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#3 kenorb

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Posted 10 January 2013 - 03:14 PM

The first month of taking c60oo has passed. The first bottle is empty now also.
I took it every day with an average of 1.5mg/dose.
My observations:
Overall, for any positive or negative changes to take notice it seems one month is to short to tell already but for now:
Negative: I have not experienced any negative side effects by any means.
Positive: Nothing to perceive as really positive. But I am in overall normal health so there is not so much to improve from that point of view.
Neutral: Yes, for now this is where I stand regarding C60 and longevity. Hopefully time will tell in a positive way (In a personal experience, by others or more conclusive research about c60 in general).

What can be expected to become a positive effect of c60 and requires further long term observation:

- Some skin issues seems to react positive to applying c60 topical on the troubled area.
* Hair growing back?. I am bald on the front and I am monitoring this area closely for any changes. so far I only (think) see very very light hair growth over that area. But I did not observe the existence closely enough before I started to take C60 since I was not focusing on this area. I took it for granted as one of the easiest hallmarks of achievement in getting older in life. I will monitoring it now once a week to see if there is some positive change and report if there is. I have pictures of my head before I started C60.
* On one side of my nose I have had a small spot with minor flaking of the skin. I applied C60oo several times during the last weeks and it has not returned. This can also be from the effect of OO alone. will monitor.
* During autumn/winter or after hot showering I get very itching red spots on my legs and arms. According to the doctor it is a allergic reaction and I have to take anti-histamine pills to make it go away. It can be a ringworm infection or some sort of fungus too. The itching is hardly bearable and in the past I have put everything you can imagine on it to make the itching stop. Including olive oil which did not work. Last two weeks some red spots on the skin came back. It started to itch and this time I applied C60oo on the red spots. The itching stopped and the red spots seems to be healing also. This I will closely monitor further and hopefully other members when they know someone with this issues can try to see if it works for them to broaden the research in this field also. It can be a topical skin healer(?). This can benefit a lot of people in a positive way. Hopefully the effect was not a coincidence.

I will continue taking C600 with an average of 1.5mg/day and after another month has passed will report again.

Link: http://www.longecity...post__p__540888

#4 kenorb

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Posted 10 January 2013 - 03:18 PM

According to this study, the it reduces ROS in laser treatments


#5 trance

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Posted 10 January 2013 - 03:20 PM

Is it necessary to regurgitate all the active C60 threads?

#6 kenorb

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Posted 10 January 2013 - 03:23 PM

Jeez, you can't mention an injury here without getting a ton of advice! The cissus sounds good. I have a pound of that lying around somewhere. And also the glucosamine & chondroitin. I've tried topical C60/EVOO and dmso, but separately. Didn't do anything, though DMSO is generally great for minor smashups, like hammer-on-thumb.

Link: http://www.longecity...post__p__526936

Hey guys I have some interesting effects from the C60 EVOO and its all good.

I had two wart-like skin bump growths on my face for the last two years (age 45). Both are raised above the surface of my skin and are very visible to others. On is about 5mm across on my left temple the other was only 2mm but was on the side of my nose. I was putting C60 on my face at night the first week to make my facial skin more healthy. At the end of the week I noticed that the size of both skin growths were reduced to half in hight above the skin, and the big one no longer itched. Today makes it two weeks and two days and both are no longer raised above my skin. I can feel the big one is smaller and it was deep before but seems less so now. I will continue till its gone…one week at the most. My wife saw and was amazed and wants to do the same for one skin growth on her forehead. For hers I will take Before and after photos and let you know in two-three weeks.

Also since I'm 45 my hair is just beginning to turn grey, about 5-8% but facial hair is about 40% grey. I had a big grey area of 1.3 cm across two weeks ago before putting on my face. I remember it because it was new and just appeared suddenly. Its gone. I shaved my sideburns shorter to check for sure and yes, its brown now, but a few grey strands here and there. (Could be darker due to sudden colder weather here in Taiwan, but doubt that). I have brown hair.

I've been on C60 EVOO for 3 months now at 2-3 mg per day, not including the drops on my face at night. I didn't expect to see results not now not for years to come, however this is what I noticed and I thought you should know.


Link: http://www.longecity...post__p__547856

#7 kenorb

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Posted 10 January 2013 - 03:29 PM

Oh, I found this http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/19371265 which seems to indicate to me that the concerns about UV on C60oo when used on the skin are not as significant as when consumed orally.

Link: http://www.longecity...post__p__548255

Is it necessary to regurgitate all the active C60 threads?

I couldn't find any single topic related to C60 effects on the skin, so I'm just trying to summary it.
I've checked hundreds of topics, but none of them were in the right order.
I'm trying to find out people's experience when applying C60 on the skin and what are the effects.
And if it's safe or not.

Edited by kenorb, 10 January 2013 - 03:30 PM.

#8 trance

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Posted 10 January 2013 - 03:33 PM

You haven't just duplicated this thread, but many others this morning as well. You're referencing threads many of us already follow. Now you've duplicated many of the current active threads in a totally separate thread, and we'll have to follow the mutlipe sets of replies that will follow when it would have been much easier to stay with the content of the original.

Edited by trance, 10 January 2013 - 03:44 PM.

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#9 kenorb

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Posted 10 January 2013 - 04:35 PM

You haven't just duplicated this thread, but many others this morning as well. You're referencing threads many of us already follow. Now you've duplicated many of the current active threads in a totally separate thread, and we'll have to follow the mutlipe sets of replies that will follow when it would have been much easier to stay with the content of the original.

If you think this thread is the duplicate, please enlighten me where, instead of bumping all my threads.
The search forum functionality is very limited, so I'm using Google instead.
If you go to the main C60health category, in total 4 pages you can't find any thread related directly to C60+skin.
Only single posts as part of 200-300 threads.
The other threads are not just duplicates, but just start of the new discussions or new questions. If you know the answers to these, please post the quote, because I couldn't find it.
Secondly, the quotes are just starters and reminders that some of the people mentioned about this topic in some way.
You don't have to like my thread organisation. I was hoping that some other people find it useful finding the right information in the right place. If more people doesn't like that kind sorting topic logically, delete it - I'll organise it on my own.

Edited by kenorb, 10 January 2013 - 04:52 PM.

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#10 AdamI

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Posted 10 January 2013 - 05:02 PM

I kinda like the summaries though
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#11 trance

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Posted 10 January 2013 - 06:14 PM

Jeez, you can't mention an injury here without getting a ton of advice! The cissus sounds good. I have a pound of that lying around somewhere. And also the glucosamine & chondroitin. I've tried topical C60/EVOO and dmso, but separately. Didn't do anything, though DMSO is generally great for minor smashups, like hammer-on-thumb.

Link: http://www.longecity...post__p__526936

Hey guys I have some interesting effects from the C60 EVOO and its all good.

I had two wart-like skin bump growths on my face for the last two years (age 45). Both are raised above the surface of my skin and are very visible to others. On is about 5mm across on my left temple the other was only 2mm but was on the side of my nose. I was putting C60 on my face at night the first week to make my facial skin more healthy. At the end of the week I noticed that the size of both skin growths were reduced to half in hight above the skin, and the big one no longer itched. Today makes it two weeks and two days and both are no longer raised above my skin. I can feel the big one is smaller and it was deep before but seems less so now. I will continue till its gone…one week at the most. My wife saw and was amazed and wants to do the same for one skin growth on her forehead. For hers I will take Before and after photos and let you know in two-three weeks.

Also since I'm 45 my hair is just beginning to turn grey, about 5-8% but facial hair is about 40% grey. I had a big grey area of 1.3 cm across two weeks ago before putting on my face. I remember it because it was new and just appeared suddenly. Its gone. I shaved my sideburns shorter to check for sure and yes, its brown now, but a few grey strands here and there. (Could be darker due to sudden colder weather here in Taiwan, but doubt that). I have brown hair.

I've been on C60 EVOO for 3 months now at 2-3 mg per day, not including the drops on my face at night. I didn't expect to see results not now not for years to come, however this is what I noticed and I thought you should know.


Link: http://www.longecity...post__p__547856

You haven't just duplicated this thread, but many others this morning as well. You're referencing threads many of us already follow. Now you've duplicated many of the current active threads in a totally separate thread, and we'll have to follow the mutlipe sets of replies that will follow when it would have been much easier to stay with the content of the original.

If you think this thread is the duplicate, please enlighten me where, instead of bumping all my threads.
The search forum functionality is very limited, so I'm using Google instead.
If you go to the main C60health category, in total 4 pages you can't find any thread related directly to C60+skin.
Only single posts as part of 200-300 threads.
The other threads are not just duplicates, but just start of the new discussions or new questions. If you know the answers to these, please post the quote, because I couldn't find it.
Secondly, the quotes are just starters and reminders that some of the people mentioned about this topic in some way.
You don't have to like my thread organisation. I was hoping that some other people find it useful finding the right information in the right place. If more people doesn't like that kind sorting topic logically, delete it - I'll organise it on my own.

Just like this one here quoted at the top ... you've harvested the content from the "C60 experiments @ home" & the "DMSO For Injuries" thread, and now any replies here in the new 'kenorb' thread will be lost in those original threads if someone replies specifically to your content here. You’ve done the same thing with multiple other C60 threads this morning. If everyone cherry-picked just the specific content they had interest in or questions about, and made it into new threads, no one could make any sense of the organization here.

You can follow the individual threads quite easily on your own with the "Follow this topic" button at the top of each thread, btw.

Summaries are fine, but it would be more appropriate to post the summary, or your own personal questions, in the original thread, I think.

Otherwise we're now diluting the subject of each thread into two or more separate threads for no reason, and that's just not very linear or thought-promoting in my opinion -- especially in the light of the multitude of different ideas & subjects dedicated to C60 currently.


Edited by trance, 10 January 2013 - 06:17 PM.

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#12 Turnbuckle

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Posted 10 January 2013 - 06:46 PM

Otherwise we're now diluting the subject of each thread into two or more separate threads for no reason, and that's just not very linear or thought-promoting in my opinion -- especially in the light of the multitude of different ideas & subjects dedicated to C60 currently.


He's spamming us with our own material, and not doing a very good job of it.
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#13 kenorb

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Posted 10 January 2013 - 07:48 PM

If you don't like this thread, simply un-follow. If you would like to be anonymous in the quotes, no problem.
I'm already following hundreds of threads as well and I couldn't find any thread dedicated to C60 when applied on the skin.
I'm interested in C60 as well as you are.
So instead of spamming, lets start the discussion.
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#14 kenorb

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Posted 11 January 2013 - 10:02 AM

I'm interested if putting it on the skin and if it has different effects than taken orally.
My friend would like to try it on skin moles and scars, but I'm afraid that it could cause some problems (ignoring UV problems for now).
Because when I took for the first week, I had some side effects (headaches, nausea) after taking just a few drops, even after I've stopped for 2 days. So I hope she'll will not have any similar issues.
What do you think?

Edited by kenorb, 11 January 2013 - 10:03 AM.

#15 kenorb

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Posted 11 January 2013 - 03:55 PM

Otherwise we're now diluting the subject of each thread into two or more separate threads for no reason, and that's just not very linear or thought-promoting in my opinion -- especially in the light of the multitude of different ideas & subjects dedicated to C60 currently.


He's spamming us with our own material, and not doing a very good job of it.

It's called organising and summarising the data like normal people do when are trying to understand the topic.
And I'm not doing this for my-self, but for others as well (to make it easier to understand).
You like science theory, some people like actual results.
I'm very sorry that I came across you, pity that you've actual good C60 descriptions in your profile.

Edited by kenorb, 11 January 2013 - 04:11 PM.

#16 YOLF

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Posted 11 January 2013 - 07:41 PM

You seem to be on of the only people who are prone to alot of side effects with C60. I think the best thing you could do with C60 would be to help provide data on safety by figuring out if something else by itself, or another circumstance is causing your side effects. Once that is determined you will be in a better position to benefit from C60 or know that it may be harmful for you in its current form. Your moving too fast despite safety concerns, not a good sign for lifespan.

#17 Adamzski

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Posted 12 January 2013 - 10:33 PM

I think you other guys are just filling the forum up with junk by complaining about this...

I have used it directly on my skin some and I was not aware of the discussion of UV light until someone cross posted and summarised another thread similar to what has been done here.

There should be a thread just about direct application to skin and this is a good start.

I have some more on its way and I will be researching more about this UV issue
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