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my nootropic stack/ experiences

nuvagil armodafinil tyrosine huperzine a aclar nootropic stack personal experience

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#1 sbidl1

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Posted 09 March 2013 - 01:53 AM

Hey guys, basically this is just some info/ personal experience.

basically, a month ago i started taking aniracetam 2 750mg caps in the morning, oxiracetam 800mg powder on and off...in the morning, alpha gpc choline 600mg in the morning, and 500mg tyrosine.

I started small, because i thought i'd be pretty effected by everything(i'm 19 and only about 50kg), but that wasn't true.. i didn't see any effects for about a week.
Uni was beginning to start, so as of two weeks ago, i tried armodafinil(nuvagil) 37.5mg. I ordered some of this earlier, because i definitely suffer from excessive tiredness, and lack of focus/energy and concentration.
The 37.5mg didn't do much for me at all. I tried taking 37.5mg twice a day and it had a slight effect..but i was still tired.

The next day I tried 75mg, and basically...it was beautiful. I had loads of energy, i was happy and bouncy. I felt like i could concentrate better. yay!
I have been cycling tyrosine 500mg, 1g, 1.5g, 2g etc up until 3.5g for a few weeks and i'm liking it. Although, it's kind of hard to tell if it does help my mood or not. I did feel crappyish(just not as happy) when i had to go back down to 500mg, but i didn't take any nuvagil that day either, so i didn't have too much energy.

I've been not wanting to take nuvagil every day though, because of cost etc. so i was looking for an alternative with what i already have. So yesterday i took 1600mg oxiracetam, and 3g aniracetam in the morning, and i was buzzing major. I went to work and i was full of beans. I ordered a coffee without thinking about it, and didn't drink it because i was so buzzed i wasn't sure what it would do to me..haha.
I had energy pretty much all day. I went for a 5km run in the arv... and went to sleep at 1020 or something. which was good considering the night before i only had 5.5 hours sleep.

Today i took 1600mg aniracetam, and 2.25g aniracetam and i'm definitely buzzing. I'll take another 1.5g aniracetam around 2pm and see how i'm feeling. i definitely think i've found my alt to nuvagil for non-uni days. I'm not sure how my actual concentration is, as i kept making mistakes yesterday, which is why i'm still fiddling with my doses, but the energy is fantastic.

also, i took 75mg nuvagil the other day in the morning(around 6am) and another 75mg at 1pm. I didn't much like it, i think it gave me a bit of brain fog and i had troubles concentrating. I had lots of energy though. but i really need help with concentration at uni, so 75mg might be perfect just in the morning. either that or 150mg in the morning and that's it. I tried 150mg before but i think it caused me quite a bit of nausea. So i'll try it again but maybe after food.

Yesterday i ordered huperzine a too, hopefully to help with memory recall. It should be here sometime this week. I also ordered alcar, which should be here in a few days. Ill start off by taking 100mcg huperzine a, 500mg alcar, 75mg nuvagil(assuming i start on a uni day), 3g tyrosine, 800mg oxiracetam, 1.5-2.25g aniracetam(depending on how my doses go), 600mg alpha gpc.
i'll keep everyone informed.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: nuvagil, armodafinil, tyrosine, huperzine a, aclar, nootropic stack, personal experience

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