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Could a nootropic help with my visualization problems?


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#1 zide56

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Posted 13 September 2013 - 04:14 AM

Hello everyone, I am new to the nootropics. I am a bit overwhelmed, and hope you can help. First, a brief history about me. I was diagnosed with Tourette's syndrome, OCD, and depression as a child, and was on Prozac before the age of 10. I am now 22, and have been on some kind of med since then, ranging from antidepressants to benzos to stimulants. Right now I have weaned myself down to only 100mg of Luvox per day, and I am trying to get off of that, but I get in very dark moods without it. I have also tried amino acid therapy and neurofeedback, which proved minimally effective, though I am still doing neurofeedback.

Despite my anhedonia, anxiety, and obsessions, I am perhaps most distressed by a deficit I learned about only recently which makes it impossible for me to visualize mental images when I am awake. It is virtually impossible to find much information about this condition online, though I have read that it is a symptom of dyscalculia, or a learning disability in math. I am a talented singer, but I had to drop out of my studies at a conservatory because I could not visualize the music or perform on the theory exams. My question then is, which nootropic has proven most effective for you in increasing visualization ability, if any? Thanks!

#2 kassem23

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Posted 13 September 2013 - 07:21 AM

Try noopept.

And psychedelics.

Edited by kassem23, 13 September 2013 - 07:22 AM.

#3 Godof Smallthings

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Posted 13 September 2013 - 08:15 AM

First, I would say many people have issues with producing clear, useful mental images in the waking state. Obviously to visualize music score you would need an ability to visualize with detail that very few people possess. So are you sure that this is the actual root of your problem?

I certainly cannot easily create vivid mental images when awake, and I suffer from no learning disability.

Anyway, I would (again) recommend meditation. Any method that brings you to a sufficient state of relaxation will work, but there are specific methods aimed at visualization. One is called image streaming. Google it and see.

With practice you will be able to bring conscious awareness down to the dream state where the unconscious mind produces images by its own accord.
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#4 lourdaud

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Posted 15 September 2013 - 11:36 AM

Racetams, cerebrolysin, psychedelics. Modafinil, maybe. And meditation!

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: visualization

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