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Lacking the ability to visualize


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#61 Lsdium

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Posted 25 February 2016 - 07:34 PM

Greetings guys, sorry for bringing up an old topic, but got some question i would like to have some answer to.


So anyway, i think i also lack the ability to visualize. Had a debate with a friend earlier today about visualzation, that he could visualize his car and asked me if i could. I said :"i cant see anything behind my eyelids, but i know how your car looks from my memory but i cant visualize it." He laughed at me and thought that everybody does that. After that i found out that most people can visualize, which has pretty much annoyed me. (has my whole life been a lie  :-D?)  I can never remmeber my dreams, (had one lucid dream recently thanks to galantamine, only one time, after that no more).


I also remmeber when i was little, someone always said to me if i had problem sleeping: try to count sheep, and i was just like: "is he for real? count sheeps, what nonsense is he talking about?"


Also found a thread on internet discussing: if you visualize scenes while you reading. And everybody does! (this is why i hate reading books, literature they are just text for me.)


But here is one thing that really interest me, last year, i tryed Iboga TA (first psychedelic ever), nothing much happen. Dident dream or hallucinate, but when i closed my eyes i could see something, it was very blurry if i tryed to focus on it, it disappear. But if i wait patiently it become less and less blurry and at the end i could read it. It was a sentence no i was more like a hyperlink, i remmeber it was something like this: Http://shufwnewuifwwiebwni it was big, bold and endless, like the title from the serie "Lost" Like this: http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/lostpedia/images/7/7a/Lost_title_card.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20091022010421


So my question is, that experience i had with that psychedelic, would you call that visualization or hallucination. And is that how everybody else are when they are closing their eyelids and try to visual something?


Like the OP said: "I would like to fix this deficiency" But how? Can psychedelic be in handy in this situation? (boosting my visualization?) Or are there any other and better ways?


And like the OP asked earlier: 

- Can this phenomenon be explained by imbalances in brain chemistry? Or might it be genetic?

- How much do you think this matters for problem solving? To how big a degree do "normal" people use visualization when problem solving?

- Which nootropics might help?


Appreciate all reply

#62 fairy

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Posted 01 March 2016 - 02:54 PM



Any other user who was able to improve his visualization abilities?

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#63 Hotforpips

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Posted 21 May 2016 - 11:55 AM

Yes to some extent. I started reading this thread specifically when I decided to find out why my brain was as it was about 18 months ago. Following various attempts to visualise in my minds eye will little to no results I gave up somewhat and concentrated on other aspects such as depression, anxiety and memory. However I still often found myself laying in bed at night trying to see in the minds eye with little results. I must have had 2 maybe three times where I could visualise in a whole yr, which was quite disappointing to be honest. However recently with continuing perseverance I have been dreaming and remembering the dreams, I've also been able when in the right mood to see flashes of objects, abtract lines, patterns ect….. I always tried to see a red triangle that was my object I tried to imagine over time. I speculate that my effects are somehow re-wiring reinforcing connections with the brain slowly very slowly improving this skill.

Most recently I came across prl 8 53 experimental nootropic, this appears to of turbo charged to some extent my poor skills I've developed so far. Second dose I took (10mg/day) that night I could visualise much better and control these visions to some extent. The drug is highly experimental try it at your own risk, perhaps just coincidence perhaps not. As with all these things it an individual experiment with many variables. I put down the progress made so far to time mainly, trying over and over. Just wanted to share my thoughts so far, will update further sometime.
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