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Anti-depressant that doesn't suppress love?

anti-depressant ssri snri anxiety sari adhd

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#1 agora

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Posted 19 August 2014 - 06:33 PM

I recently went to my doctor for ADHD and anxiety and he is recommending short term medication along with neurofeedback as a permanent solution. He wanted me to try paxil, but I told him I was against SSRI use. Mainly, I did not want to diminish my feelings of love and also the sexual side effects are pretty bad. I tried Intuniv for anxiety but my blood pressure dropped way too low. 


Does anyone know of an antidepressant that doesn't cause one to lose one's feelings of love, and has diminished sexual side effects? I'm guessing basically every SSRI does that, but I wonder about the SNRI or SARI class, or maybe some weird drug class I haven't heard of


Oh and I'm on 30mg Vyvanse a day, so I can't take Wellbutrin or any MAOIs

#2 StevesPetRat

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Posted 19 August 2014 - 07:24 PM

Tianeptine, NSI-189, agomelatine. All 3 of which fit into your "weird drug class I haven't heard of" in one way or another ;)

#3 DaneV

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Posted 19 August 2014 - 09:14 PM

These are some antidepressants with few or no sexual side effects:

  • Mitrazipine (Remeron)
  • Ixel (Milnacripran)
  • Tianeptine (Stablon)
  • Reboxetine
  • Vilazodone (Viibryd)
  • Nefazodone

Keep in mind that it`s not 100% sure you will get sexual dysfuntion from SSRI use. Especially because you use a stimulant, which is often used to counter these side effects in people who have them. Also, I`m not sure why you wouldn`t be able to take bupripion with Vyvanse ?

Edited by DaneV, 19 August 2014 - 09:20 PM.

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#4 agora

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Posted 19 August 2014 - 10:24 PM

Tianeptine, NSI-189, agomelatine. All 3 of which fit into your "weird drug class I haven't heard of" in one way or another ;)

Sorry, I should've mentioned the other weird ones that I've tried/looked into and didn't seem to fit. NSI-189 is not good from anxiety in my own experience. Agomelatine also doesn't seem to be much of an anxiolytic, and tianeptine doesn't seem sustainable in the long run because of tolerance. The one thing about SSRIs is that they seem to be able to make certain things permanent i.e. after a certain while you don't need them anymore and you're completely cured on your own. Well it seems that way for anxiety anyways

#5 agora

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Posted 19 August 2014 - 10:30 PM

These are some antidepressants with few or no sexual side effects:

  • Mitrazipine (Remeron)
  • Ixel (Milnacripran)
  • Tianeptine (Stablon)
  • Reboxetine
  • Vilazodone (Viibryd)
  • Nefazodone

Keep in mind that it`s not 100% sure you will get sexual dysfuntion from SSRI use. Especially because you use a stimulant, which is often used to counter these side effects in people who have them. Also, I`m not sure why you wouldn`t be able to take bupripion with Vyvanse ?

For the Bupropion, I don't like mixing stimulants together. Whenever I take Vyvanse, I don't even like to even drink coffee. I simply don't like the idea of exogenously creating so much dopaminergic action within my brain, I know its weird. I was curious about the "zodones" and other SARI's but I wasn't sure if they had side effects relating to feelings of love. Mirtazipine looks interesting but again I'm still worried about the loss of love. That is my absolutely worst fear.


I'm curious as to if loss of love only occurs with SSRI's or if it also occurs with other antidepressants like the ones you mentioned

#6 Plasticperson

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Posted 19 August 2014 - 10:34 PM

Rhodiola Rosea repeatedly proves to hold the position of the best antidepressant for me. YMMV


The best dietary supplement however is a soil based probiotic such as prescript and probiotic-3 combined with resistant starch.. This combo literally works wonders for mental AND physical health.

Edited by Plasticperson, 19 August 2014 - 10:38 PM.

#7 Reformed-Redan

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Posted 21 August 2014 - 07:15 AM

Sertraline pretty much has good effects. It does blunt some emotions quite a bit; but, mostly the negative ones. As for sexual side effects. They aren't as severe as you're going to tell yourself; but, there are some. 

#8 medicineman

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Posted 21 August 2014 - 10:12 AM

what about one which suppresses love? I am going through a hard split, and I am actually looking for an anti-depressant which makes me completely apathetic. suggestions? (sorry to derail)

#9 StevesPetRat

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Posted 21 August 2014 - 10:24 AM

what about one which suppresses love? I am going through a hard split, and I am actually looking for an anti-depressant which makes me completely apathetic. suggestions? (sorry to derail)

Ethanol. 50 - 200 ml / day. 2 - 6 week treatment course.
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#10 medicineman

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Posted 21 August 2014 - 10:55 AM

what about one which suppresses love? I am going through a hard split, and I am actually looking for an anti-depressant which makes me completely apathetic. suggestions? (sorry to derail)

Ethanol. 50 - 200 ml / day. 2 - 6 week treatment course.

lol. only if ethanol wasn't illegal and didn't cost 300$ a bottle here.

#11 agora

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Posted 21 August 2014 - 03:50 PM

what about one which suppresses love? I am going through a hard split, and I am actually looking for an anti-depressant which makes me completely apathetic. suggestions? (sorry to derail)

Basically any SSRI or SNRI. I know two people who take them; one takes effexor (venlafaxine), and one takes Cymbalta (duloxetine) and both report those effects so thats the most educated answer I can give you

#12 medicineman

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Posted 21 August 2014 - 05:12 PM

what about one which suppresses love? I am going through a hard split, and I am actually looking for an anti-depressant which makes me completely apathetic. suggestions? (sorry to derail)

Basically any SSRI or SNRI. I know two people who take them; one takes effexor (venlafaxine), and one takes Cymbalta (duloxetine) and both report those effects so thats the most educated answer I can give you

I'm on an SSRI, augmented with an atypical. and I'm still heartbroken lol

#13 agora

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Posted 21 August 2014 - 10:04 PM

Which atypical? If its a serotonin antagonist, it may be interfering with the SSRI's serotonergic action. However, I am not sure if they help with love after the fact per se. They lower dopamine in the brain, which is what is needed to fall in love with someone (along with other neurotransmitters of course)

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#14 medicineman

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Posted 21 August 2014 - 11:33 PM


I'm taking it well, but I would love for a drug to take away the longing.

#15 Flex

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Posted 22 August 2014 - 07:23 PM


These are some antidepressants with few or no sexual side effects:

  • Mitrazipine (Remeron)
  • Ixel (Milnacripran)
  • Tianeptine (Stablon)
  • Reboxetine
  • Vilazodone (Viibryd)
  • Nefazodone

Keep in mind that it`s not 100% sure you will get sexual dysfuntion from SSRI use. Especially because you use a stimulant, which is often used to counter these side effects in people who have them. Also, I`m not sure why you wouldn`t be able to take bupripion with Vyvanse ?

For the Bupropion, I don't like mixing stimulants together. Whenever I take Vyvanse, I don't even like to even drink coffee. I simply don't like the idea of exogenously creating so much dopaminergic action within my brain, I know its weird. I was curious about the "zodones" and other SARI's but I wasn't sure if they had side effects relating to feelings of love. Mirtazipine looks interesting but again I'm still worried about the loss of love. That is my absolutely worst fear.


I'm curious as to if loss of love only occurs with SSRI's or if it also occurs with other antidepressants like the ones you mentioned



Ok I´m not a Doc or researcher but it looks, at least, to me that when SSRI cause loss of love, the cause should be 5-ht2a/c.

So You could try it the combination of both of them.

But not Mitrazepine or Mianserine because they are alpha2 blockers, combining this with Amphetamine could be dangerous because of excess noradrenaline.

Next thing would be a possible Serotonine Syndrome caused by 5-ht2 inhibition + SSRI. Maybe Amphetamine could increase the chance further.

So therefore maybe Trazodone

Edited by Flex, 22 August 2014 - 07:54 PM.

#16 Flex

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Posted 22 August 2014 - 07:50 PM

what about one which suppresses love? I am going through a hard split, and I am actually looking for an anti-depressant which makes me completely apathetic. suggestions? (sorry to derail)


Hard to say. Because I never experienced this with SSRI´s I cant suggest anything effective.

Maybe Opipramol ?

Because of the reversible D2 antagonsim !?


The best emotion killer for me was Risperdal and my current depression.

But in regards to Risperdal, 2 Years recovery are needed for the cognitive and other aspects.

Edited by Flex, 22 August 2014 - 07:56 PM.

#17 Mind_Paralysis

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Posted 22 August 2014 - 10:40 PM

Lithium orotate.


You can use lower doses, and it will still flatten your mood into a sandwich. No heart-break then, son!

The orotate -form of Lithium has been reported to have fewer and lesser cognitive side-effects than the other formulations - probably because of the effectiveness at lower doses.

But that's my suggestion - lithium is king at any sort of emotional subduing.


Lol, I should "son" tho'! I'm god-awful when I'm heartbroken as well. I really love it when I'm in love tho'... I think that's the ONE addiction I might have...! 0_o I'm wholly against any sort of substance-abuse, and usually live a life of complete straight edge.

Except when it comes to the ladies...! The rush..! Dear GOD...! That rush. It's better than amphetamine. Better than opioids. Better than anti-depressants. Better than testosterone. LOVE, is like all of these things, simultaneously, in a PERFECT harmony...!

It's like nothing else. And I just realize how much I crave it. It's the only thing that works, when it's requited, that is. Improved motivation, improved focus, improved mood, decreased anxiety and anger, the shopping-list of positive effects of love on the entire CNS is astounding...

I hope you've all tried it. There's no medication, no BALM for this painful, painful rotten existence we have... as the ladies. ;)


Lol, tough luck for those of you that are ladies tho'! Us lads only have a reported efficiency of 50% compared to ladies. Still, it's worth a shot... ^^

Edited by Stinkorninjor, 22 August 2014 - 10:41 PM.

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#18 medicineman

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Posted 23 August 2014 - 03:47 AM

I think I might be getting addicted to this horror of heartbreak.... even Ketamine isn't making it bearable. I think I'd go insane without the fluvoxamine and mirtazapine..... (and Adderall + alcohol)

I know it's not exactly life extension, but they make things a notch easier. it is still a killer.

so, I'd love to get one of the new rapid acting anti-depressants..

#19 medicineman

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Posted 23 August 2014 - 03:55 AM

Lithium orotate.

You can use lower doses, and it will still flatten your mood into a sandwich. No heart-break then, son!

The orotate -form of Lithium has been reported to have fewer and lesser cognitive side-effects than the other formulations - probably because of the effectiveness at lower doses.
But that's my suggestion - lithium is king at any sort of emotional subduing.

Lol, I should "son" tho'! I'm god-awful when I'm heartbroken as well. I really love it when I'm in love tho'... I think that's the ONE addiction I might have...! 0_o I'm wholly against any sort of substance-abuse, and usually live a life of complete straight edge.
Except when it comes to the ladies...! The rush..! Dear GOD...! That rush. It's better than amphetamine. Better than opioids. Better than anti-depressants. Better than testosterone. LOVE, is like all of these things, simultaneously, in a PERFECT harmony...!

It's like nothing else. And I just realize how much I crave it. It's the only thing that works, when it's requited, that is. Improved motivation, improved focus, improved mood, decreased anxiety and anger, the shopping-list of positive effects of love on the entire CNS is astounding...
I hope you've all tried it. There's no medication, no BALM for this painful, painful rotten existence we have... as the ladies. ;)

Lol, tough luck for those of you that are ladies tho'! Us lads only have a reported efficiency of 50% compared to ladies. Still, it's worth a shot... ^^

love has nearly destroyed my career.

I am in urgent need of a rapid acting anti-depressant (NRX, etc)

#20 gt35r

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Posted 23 August 2014 - 05:28 AM


Edited by gt35r, 23 August 2014 - 05:33 AM.

#21 gt35r

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Posted 23 August 2014 - 05:33 AM


These are some antidepressants with few or no sexual side effects:

  • Mitrazipine (Remeron)
  • Ixel (Milnacripran)
  • Tianeptine (Stablon)
  • Reboxetine
  • Vilazodone (Viibryd)
  • Nefazodone

Keep in mind that it`s not 100% sure you will get sexual dysfuntion from SSRI use. Especially because you use a stimulant, which is often used to counter these side effects in people who have them. Also, I`m not sure why you wouldn`t be able to take bupripion with Vyvanse ?

For the Bupropion, I don't like mixing stimulants together. Whenever I take Vyvanse, I don't even like to even drink coffee. I simply don't like the idea of exogenously creating so much dopaminergic action within my brain, I know its weird. I was curious about the "zodones" and other SARI's but I wasn't sure if they had side effects relating to feelings of love. Mirtazipine looks interesting but again I'm still worried about the loss of love. That is my absolutely worst fear.


I'm curious as to if loss of love only occurs with SSRI's or if it also occurs with other antidepressants like the ones you mentioned



Paxil is generally considered more sedating than Zoloft/Lexapro. Viibryd will work well in regards to dealing with having anxiolytic effects and no sexual dysfunction. 


Viibryd has the lowest side effect of any SSRI (approved in 2011). Viibryd is the only SSRI that I know of that does not have sexual dysfunction as a side effect; this holds true because it acts as an antagonist against certain receptor subtypes and inhibits some retro grade signaling.

Mitrazipine (Remeron) has a very strong tendency to cause somnolence and an increase in appetite. It is often used for anorexia.


Mitrazipine and Trazadone are considered to sedating that they are used as medication for sleep.

Edited by gt35r, 23 August 2014 - 05:34 AM.

#22 Reformed-Redan

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Posted 23 August 2014 - 06:27 AM

Vilazodone seems like a great antidepressant; but, is really expensive. Any ideas where it may be cheaper? 

#23 ovecta

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Posted 23 August 2014 - 11:33 PM

Ever considered moclobemide? Its a reversible reversible inhibitor of monoamine oxidase-A with less side effects then the classic MAOIs with a better safety profile with no sexual side effects and I've heard of people remark of prolibido, from reading others reports its seems to work very well for depression! But i have read of complete nonresponders, it does seem to be underrated as far as antidepressants go but that might be due to it not being available in the US.

Anyone have experience with moclobemide?

#24 SearchingForAnswers

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Posted 12 December 2014 - 05:37 PM

Make sure you don't just have an MTHFR / MTRR mutations. You might just need methyfolate / methycobalamin. That was my case!

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