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Mixing Coffee with Butter and Oil

bulletproof coffee coffee and butter coffee and oil mct oil unsalted butter caffeine caffeine blends

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#1 greensky7

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Posted 13 December 2014 - 06:19 PM

Hey all,


There is a new coffee that is being marketed to the public called Bulletproof Coffee.  I was wondering if anyone here has tried it.  I have not, but I have tried some of the methods of drinking/blending the coffee that is recommended by the manufacturer. Essentially, they say that their coffee doesn't contain toxins present when processing the coffee.  They also say that by blending unsalted butter from grassfed cows and MCT oil into your coffee, it will make for a more smooth, even caffeine boost.


I just used a good ole' Dunkin Donuts K Cup and decided to blend it with salted butter from the grocery store, and Olive Oil.  I also ate a meal before drinking the coffee.  It didn't blow my mind, but I did feel that there was a smoother distribution of caffeine being released into my body due to it being mixed with butter and olive oil (on top of the fact that I ate food before drinking it)


I have a few questions about the reasoning and science of drinking coffee this way.  First of all, is this complete hogwash?  I never underestimate the power of placebo. Secondly, why would one need to use unsalted butter? What's wrong with salted butter? Also, why can't I just use coconut oil or olive oil as opposed to the MCT oil marketed on their website?


The reason I even delved into trying coffee this way, is because I tend to have 2 problems with the effects of Caffeine:


1.) The caffeine rush is short-lived.  I usually get a nice mood boost, awakening of the mind, and moderate cognitive enhacements when drinking a cup, but this only lasts for an hour max; especially if I've been drinking coffee everyday.


2.) I can get a nasty crash sometimes.  If I'm having a stressful day, my caffeine crash can put me into a TERRIBLE mood; worse than any other stimulant I've tried.  I'm prescribed to Adderall and it doesn't give me a crash as bad as caffeine at its worst crashes.  Basically, when I crash hard on caffeine, I get extremely irritable, impatient, and angry.  Negative thoughts flood through my head until I finally chill out.


But, I can't deny its effects on waking me up and I do enjoy the euphoria of Caffeine while it lasts.  This is why I wanted to look into ways of using caffeine more effectively.  If anyone has any tips on caffeine use that have worked for them, please share them here if you'd like.  Also, if you'd like to comment on using butter and some type of oil to blend with coffee, I would really appreciate any input.


Have a fantastic day,





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#2 Jbac

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Posted 13 December 2014 - 07:33 PM

It's gross, there's a reason people put cream in coffee instead of butter
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#3 jroseland

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Posted 17 December 2014 - 12:35 AM

Delicious stuff... Try it

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#4 SuperStack

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Posted 17 December 2014 - 04:30 AM

Or nah..
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#5 Godof Smallthings

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Posted 17 December 2014 - 05:13 AM

Some people swear by Bulletproof coffee. Especially David Asprey who makes a mint from selling the component parts. The idea comes from yak butter tea which the Tibetans drink to keep energized.


I've given it a good spin for a couple of weeks on each trial, and it does not appear to work very well for me. The first problem is that I REALLY need food regularly, or I get moodier than a PMS monster. I've been this way since I was a kid. Much more sensitive to the food clock than your average person. If you are the type who finds it easy to skip a meal or go hungry, you are probably better predisposed for it.


Fasting after dinner the previous night and then only having BPC in the morning makes me loose all of what little social smoothness I possess.


I used very reasonable quality ingredients - Anchor unsalted butter, extra virgin coconot oil, organic freshly ground coffee. Blended with cinnamon. The taste is not a problem. It actually tastes quite good.


And on the best days, I did feel that it extended the effects of the caffeine a little. But the side effects on my mood made it not worthwhile.


Instead, I drink a large glass of room temperature water upon waking. Then I prepare and eat a breakfast high in protein - a couple of eggs and greek yoghurt with pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds and mulberry seeds. Some 10 minutes later, I make myself high quality green sencha or oolong tea blended with coconut oil and some freshly grated turmeric root. I then pop a fish oil capsule and a ginkgo tab.


That's a much more positive start to my day. But everyone has to find what works for them.

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#6 Candidatus

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Posted 17 December 2014 - 06:58 AM

Not a big fan of coffee, so I have my own version:

Organic cocoa powder + cocoa butter + MCT oil + coconut oil + grass fed butter

Tastes like a creamy cocoa drink I remember from the good ol' days of being preschooler. Not that much caffeine, cocoa is a proven memory booster and in case you are keto adapted (I am), it gives you unbelievable mental clarity for several hours. Better than most nootropics, I swear.
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#7 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 17 December 2014 - 07:32 AM

I agree with the above poster. I make myself a cocoa drink rather than coffee. Cocoa I find gives me a huge motivational boost like no other. And it doesn't have to be raw bitter cocoa (which I've posted a link in the cocoa thread may be dangerous in the long run), rather just use normal supermarket cocoa.


As for what I add. Butter and raw honey (though you could just add normal honey, I just wanted to try the raw stuff). I did try and use coconut oil instead of butter before, but it was very greasy and didn't taste nice. I think butter is much more suited for cocoa, and coconut oil is suited for cooking. However if obviously one is trying to get MCT's, then coconut oil is btter suited.


There is one guy on the internet however, talking about butter added to his coffee increasing his brain speed, as he regularly tested his reacations to numbers, and saw them increase after adding butter to his coffee. So I don't see MCT as a must for brain improvement, I'm sure butter has positive effects for the brain (probably just from increased cholesterol), and will help induce ketosis as well.


Once my butter runs out however (I bought it in bulk, I tend to do that for some reason), I'm going to test creating my cocoa drink with ghee (clarified butter). Clarified butter is also high in MCT's, and pretty much has no lactose in it while still giving a slighlty buttery flavour. I am actually lactose intolerant, yet some reason I tolerate butter the best, infact really well. But give me cheese, yogurt, or milk, and I'll get stomach cramps and a major runny nose. So if I can reduce my lactose to 0 and increase my MCT's at the same time, then ghee is worth a shot.

Edited by manny, 17 December 2014 - 07:44 AM.

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#8 Candidatus

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Posted 17 December 2014 - 07:57 AM

^ talking about Seth Roberts? http://quantifiedsel...arithmetic-and/

I share the same view on butter and lactose intolerance. Although my intolerance is mild in general, I tolerate butter just fine. Nice remark on ghee though, might be worth a try.

Do you have any special reason to include honey or is it just for taste?
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#9 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 17 December 2014 - 08:29 AM

Ok well I just tried Ghee in a cup of Cocoa, because I couldn't wait until my butter ran out. 1 teaspoon. Like coconut oil, it has a greasy layer on the top that isn't pleasent to drink. However this can be reduced by limiting it to 1 teaspoon or less. However unlike cocoa, it does have a lovely buttery flavour, which I would even dare say tasted better than adding butter to my cocoa.


Amazingly I came across this blog post of someone comparing ghee to coconut oil in his tea. He also adds honey to his tea (like I add honey to my cocoa). So this blog post was very exciting for me to read and compare thoughts with.




He says having 1 tablespoon of coconut oil is enough to cause problems with cognition and energy, especially mixed with fructose such as from honey. While he can to eat up to 7 tablespoons of ghee before he has problems with it.


He also makes a point where ghee has been used for 1000's of years in Indian culture, and has had healing properties in Ayurvedic medicine; while coconut oil is a new thing, just like most seed oils (though this doesn't necessarily retract of any benefits coconut oil might have).


The point being for me, I can get ghee easily and cheap in the UK; from wholesalers bookers it costs £14 (2kg). It tastes much better than coconut oil in my cocoa drink, and has been used much longer than coconut oil (1000's of years more), and is associated with healing properties. Along with this guy's experimentation (he has better effects with ghee than coconut oil), and the fact there is no lactose, I think ghee will be the perfect future oil to use for cognitive enhancement in my cocoa drink.


Also one of the health properties of ghee according to Ayuverdic medicine is:



hritena vardhate buddhihi” is cited in classical texts meaning, ghee promotes intelligence, memory and intellect.


Just what I'm looking for.

Edited by manny, 17 December 2014 - 08:29 AM.

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#10 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 17 December 2014 - 08:52 AM

Do you have any special reason to include honey or is it just for taste?


The taste. I felt wrong adding sugar to a drink which was trying to enhance my morning awakness and general cognition. Adding honey helps circumvent this feeling, as I believe that because it's natural, it will be a healthier way to sweeten.


However being pretty much dubious of all processed foods today. I thought to try out raw honey for the first time, which was easy for me to buy off Amazon with free next day delivery using Amazon Prime. In fact I felt it was easier than going to the shop to buy processed honey; albeit a little more expensive.


Then again, I will never know whether my raw honey is truely raw, or whether raw honey has the numerous health benefits it describes. Though since the price wasn't much of an increase over the store honey, and I was pretty much was only going to use it in my cocoa (which would last me 2-4 months using 2 teaspoons of the stuff a day), and that it's easier than going to store to buy it, I felt these were enough to warrant it's purchase.


To be honest. The honey is quite incredible. Don't know about the health benefits, but the taste is one of the best honey's I've ever tasted. Very very sweet tasting, but doesn't leave a horrible after taste, a burning in your throat, or a feeling of oooh why did I eat soo much honey I feel sick/feel like shit. So I would purchase again.


This is the honey I bought:




However when I purchased it on 25th November 2014, it was exactly £27.00. So they have for some reason raised the price by a whopping £10, I don't know whether it's temporarily (due to the season) or permanently. But I'm not sure I'd purchase it again at such a price hike.


Anyway there's my long reason for using honey in my cocoa.


But is all things go, if this truely is raw honey I'm buying. Then I do believe it will be the healthier option over sugar, for the fact that honey comes with plenty of enzymes and vitamins in it, and I think anti bactieral/fungal properties. Whether I'll experience magic healing properties of raw honey, I'd have no way of telling, but I hope so.


BTW I can warrant the purchase of this raw honey because the price over supermarket brands wasn't huge. But I doubt I'll ever buy that mukaka honey or whatever it's called.

Edited by manny, 17 December 2014 - 08:53 AM.

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#11 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 17 December 2014 - 09:01 AM

Last thing I wanted to add about honey is there is a big honey scam going on where a lot of branded honey isn't really honey at all. They tested a load of branded honey, and couldn't find any pollen in them whatsoever. Instead it's some sort of sugary syrup imported from china with honey flavouring added to it, and then sold as honey under brand names.


This was one of my main motivations to buy honey created in my own country (UK, not imported), from a smaller (not a big brand supplier), in a hopes I just get real honey, let alone the raw kind.


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#12 Candidatus

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Posted 17 December 2014 - 09:17 AM

Amazingly I came across this blog post of someone comparing ghee to coconut oil in his tea. He also adds honey to his tea (like I add honey to my cocoa). So this blog post was very exciting for me to read and compare thoughts with.




He says having 1 tablespoon of coconut oil is enough to cause problems with cognition and energy, especially mixed with fructose such as from honey. While he can to eat up to 7 tablespoons of ghee before he has problems with it.


The guy running that blog is a contributor here at Longecity, so he might chime in and clarify :) but afaik, he is intolerant to pretty much everything and there is a very high chance of placebo (or nocebo?) effect while comparing those 2 fats in this manner. Because they share many similarities:


The fatty acids contained in the homemade animal fat “ghee” are lauric, myristoleic, myristic, pendadecanoic, palmitoleic, heptadecanoicpalmitic-straight and branched chains, linoleic, oleic,and stearic. 



The fatty acid profile of coconut oil is Lauric (45%), Myristic (13%), Palmitic (8%), Caprylic (6%), Capric (6%), caproic, stearic, oleic 



So other than the palmitic acid (which is present as palmitoleic in ghee), they share pretty much the same fatty acid profile (although in different concentrations) - coconut oil having more beneficial MCT such as caprylic and capric acid. (caprylic being the exclusive ingredient of Brain Octane which is this guy a fan of http://selfhacked.co...ve-performance/). Lauric acid is very prominent in breast milk (7%), which indicates it's probably very beneficial.


My point is that in my n=1 experiments, I haven't encountered any problems with cognition while ingesting coconut oil, even in quantities higher than 1 tbsp. Quite the contrary. So I wouldn't like anyone to get scared off consuming coconut oil  :) But I'm all for ghee as well!

Edited by Candidatus, 17 December 2014 - 09:25 AM.

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#13 Godof Smallthings

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Posted 17 December 2014 - 02:17 PM

Somebody thought my post was dangerous/irresponsible. I'd like to hear why?

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#14 Babychris

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Posted 17 December 2014 - 02:37 PM

Where can we find the "real" cocoa I mean unprocessed or containing the memory enhancer molecules into it ?

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#15 machete234

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Posted 17 December 2014 - 03:02 PM

Last thing I wanted to add about honey is there is a big honey scam going on where a lot of branded honey isn't really honey at all. They tested a load of branded honey, and couldn't find any pollen in them whatsoever. Instead it's some sort of sugary syrup imported from china with honey flavouring added to it, and then sold as honey under brand names.


This was one of my main motivations to buy honey created in my own country (UK, not imported), from a smaller (not a big brand supplier), in a hopes I just get real honey, let alone the raw kind.


Thats really interesting, my grandfather used to make honey when we were kids and we ate alot of that stuff. So that should be raw honey?

Maybe a lot of older people still have this as a hobby I dont know but people also bought honey from him. These old people who had seen the war were very much do-it-yourself when it came to food.

Anyways they might be organised in clubs and maybe you can buy from them.

Edited by machete234, 17 December 2014 - 03:07 PM.

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#16 8bitmore

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Posted 17 December 2014 - 04:42 PM

Last thing I wanted to add about honey is there is a big honey scam going on where a lot of branded honey isn't really honey at all. They tested a load of branded honey, and couldn't find any pollen in them whatsoever. Instead it's some sort of sugary syrup imported from china with honey flavouring added to it, and then sold as honey under brand names.


This was one of my main motivations to buy honey created in my own country (UK, not imported), from a smaller (not a big brand supplier), in a hopes I just get real honey, let alone the raw kind.


Do you have reference on this? Sounds interesting/scary and would certainly be good to have solid reasoning behind buying from one country rather than the other (is all stuff from within the EU okay or only certain countries..etc.).

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#17 Candidatus

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Posted 17 December 2014 - 05:15 PM

Somebody thought my post was dangerous/irresponsible. I'd like to hear why?

Somebody is having infantile fun because those negative reps are becoming a pattern. Maybe contact mods and let them know?
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#18 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 17 December 2014 - 06:24 PM


Somebody thought my post was dangerous/irresponsible. I'd like to hear why?

Somebody is having infantile fun because those negative reps are becoming a pattern. Maybe contact mods and let them know?



Actually 3 people said you post was dangerous/irresponsible. It's probably because you mention popping pills.


As for contacting the mods, I think that's time wasting and unfair. Everyone is entitled to their opinion/rating, even if you think their opinion/rating is trolling. Just ignore them, and everyone that agrees with you will most probably ignore it as well.


Also every bad rating people have received in this topic, I can think of a reason why they were given that rating, and that includes my own posts which have been rated dangerous/irresponsible.


The point I'm trying to make, is if we don't want to turn into a fascist forum, people should be able to rate people's posts however they like (including the trolls), whether you like it or not, agree or disagree, otherwise what's the point of having them? The ratings are a collection of opinions which don't require the user to explain why.


That's my rant over, I'm leaned poltically to complete Freedom of Speech type of guy.


Now getting back on topic. I had 2 toasties earlier, both with a lot of butter, and one with ham, while the other with salami. I've been very tired and brain fogged since then. Note to self, too much fat is too much of a heavy meal for me and is not good for cognition.


Does anyone notice whether they can supress appetite with coconut oil and coffee?


Because recently my appetite has been raging. I never use to be hungry when I woke up, but now I'm always hungry when I wake up. But that could be down to the 30 minute cold showers I've been having for the last 3 weeks.

Edited by manny, 17 December 2014 - 06:26 PM.

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#19 SuperStack

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Posted 17 December 2014 - 06:28 PM

Somebody thought my post was dangerous/irresponsible. I'd like to hear why?

Somebody is having infantile fun because those negative reps are becoming a pattern. Maybe contact mods and let them know?

Actually 3 people said you post was dangerous/irresponsible. It's probably because you mention popping pills.

As for contacting the mods, I think that's time wasting and unfair. Everyone is entitled to their opinion/rating, even if you think their opinion/rating is trolling. Just ignore them, and everyone that agrees with you will most probably ignore it as well.

Also every bad rating people have received in this topic, I can think of a reason why they were given that rating, and that includes my own posts which have been rated dangerous/irresponsible.

The point I'm trying to make, is if we don't want to turn into a fascist forum, people should be able to rate people's posts however they like (including the trolls), whether you like it or not, agree or disagree, otherwise what's the point of having them? The ratings are a collection of opinions which don't require the user to explain why.

That's my rant over, I'm leaned poltically to complete Freedom of Speech type of guy.

Now getting back on topic. I had 2 toasties earlier, both with a lot of butter, and one with ham, while the other with salami. I've been very tired and brain fogged since then. Note to self, too much fat is too much of a heavy meal for me and is not good for cognition.

Does anyone notice whether they can supress appetite with coconut oil and coffee?

Because recently my appetite has been raging. I never use to be hungry when I woke up, but now I'm always hungry when I wake up. But that could be down to the 30 minute cold showers I've been having for the last 3 weeks.

You can actually think of a reason how saying "or nah..." Is dangerous or irresponsible? It may not be the most helpful thing ive ever posted, but dangerous and irresponsible is a little harsh.
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#20 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 17 December 2014 - 06:35 PM

It's irresponsible to post such a short and ambiguous sentence, almost trolling. Reading it and the previous posts, I have no idea what you seem to be replying to/talking about, and it seems 3 other people agree with me. This type of irresponsibility can lead this forum down a dangerous road of anarchy and foolishness.

Edited by manny, 17 December 2014 - 06:37 PM.

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#21 Candidatus

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Posted 17 December 2014 - 06:37 PM


Actually 3 people said you post was dangerous/irresponsible. It's probably because you mention popping pills.


As for contacting the mods, I think that's time wasting and unfair. Everyone is entitled to their opinion/rating, even if you think their opinion/rating is trolling. Just ignore them, and everyone that agrees with you will most probably ignore it as well.


Also every bad rating people have received in this topic, I can think of a reason why they were given that rating, and that includes my own posts which have been rated dangerous/irresponsible.


The point I'm trying to make, is if we don't want to turn into a fascist forum, people should be able to rate people's posts however they like (including the trolls), whether you like it or not, agree or disagree, otherwise what's the point of having them? The ratings are a collection of opinions which don't require the user to explain why.


That's my rant over, I'm leaned poltically to complete Freedom of Speech type of guy.


I can agree with you just partially. The ratings are here for a reason and if you just let some trolls abuse them in the long term, they absolutely lose their function. Also, they serve as a "social proof" for a respective member - you have no idea with who you deal and those "rep points" might be a helpful clue. For this reason, it might deter some people from participating in the discussion in order to not receive any more negative ratings, which is ultimately not the goal of an online forum.


That said, it is definitely not my responsibility to decide wether this behaviour is ok or not but at least, those who are entitled to make such a decision should be informed (in my opinion). 

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#22 HungryHippocampi

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Posted 17 December 2014 - 06:45 PM

I grind up my own store-bought organic fair-trade single-state Peruvian coffee beans ($8.99 at Sprouts) in the morning and put one tablespoon of KerryGold unsalted butter and a little more than one tbsp of Extra Virgin Coconut oil and then sweeten with Stevia.  I use Wholesome Sweetners Organic Stevia packets as it's the only Stevia that doesn't overwhelm me.  It makes a great cup of coffee!


I know Dave Asprey talks about mycotoxins but I haven't seen any definitive testing results that make me think his coffee beans are better than any other coffee beans out there.  As for the butter, if you can source some butter from a local person with grassfed cows that would be much better than anything you can get in a store.


As far as making me feel full -- it absolutely satiates me.  If I eat a breakfast I am usually ravenous by 11:00am (4 hours later), but with the coffee alone in the morning I don't really start to feel ravenous until after 1pm.


Hope this helps!

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#23 SuperStack

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Posted 17 December 2014 - 06:48 PM

It's irresponsible to post such a short and ambiguous sentence, almost trolling. Reading it and the previous posts, I have no idea what you seem to be replying to/talking about, and it seems 3 other people agree with me. This type of irresponsibility can lead this forum down a dangerous road of anarchy and foolishness.

It's irresponsible to judge someone because they don't agree with you since it deters people from posting on a forum. Also, your math is off. 3 people including yourself would be 4. Thanks for dumping up the forum.

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#24 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 17 December 2014 - 06:58 PM

This is coming from someone who has contributed nothing to this thread so far. I think you'll find it's you dumping up the forum.


You asked me to think of why someone would rate your comment dangerous/irresponsible. I tried to give a comical reply, and you get all psycho.


And I don't think it's irresponsible to judge people at all. In fact I think it's irresponsible to not judge people. If someone say's something I strongly disagree with, I'm going to judge them on it.


If someone tells me they like children in an inapporpiate way, I'm going to judge them.

If someone looks like a thug, has tatoos, and is walking my way, I'm going to judge them and move to the other side of the pavement.

If someone says they think the world would be better if the Nazi's won, I'm going to judge their opinion.

And when someone comments on the forum "Or nah...", i.e. you, then I'm going to judge them as a fool or a troll.

Edited by manny, 17 December 2014 - 06:59 PM.

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#25 mindpatch

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Posted 17 December 2014 - 07:35 PM

It's irresponsible to post such a short and ambiguous sentence, almost trolling. Reading it and the previous posts, I have no idea what you seem to be replying to/talking about, and it seems 3 other people agree with me. This type of irresponsibility can lead this forum down a dangerous road of anarchy and foolishness.

You're being tongue-in-cheek with that comment, correct?  I certainly hope so. 

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: bulletproof, coffee, coffee and butter, coffee and oil, mct oil, unsalted butter, caffeine, caffeine blends

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