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tryptophan l-tryptophan

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#1 ajnast4r

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Posted 16 September 2005 - 01:21 AM

anyone here taken tryptophan? what were your experiences
i bought some to help me sleep, and i took 1.5G of FTH tryptophan + a multi + a glass of orange juice at the same time before bed last night... didnt help me sleep, but today at work i was WAY less stressed out and upset about something thats been bothering me lately... the thoughts just didnt seem to repeat in my head like they have been for the past week or two.

i just took 2 grams + a co-enzyme B complex + a glass of OJ... so im waitingt to see how it effects me tomorrow.

the B's and the vit-C helps to convert tryptophan into 5htp, and the sugar in the OJ causes the body to secret insulin... insulin tells cells to pull amino acids except tryptophan out of the blood stream for storage. So, tryptophan keeps circulating and is available for neurons that use it to make serotonin.

group of rats at 8 am in the morning, and to another group of rats at 8 PM at night. Four hours after administration, researchers measured the blood and brain fluid levels of serotonin and melatonin. During daytime administration, tryptophan raised the levels of serotonin. Interestingly, when tryptophan was given at night, serotonin levels did not increase, but melatonin levels increased significantly. Therefore, the serotonin that was generated by tryptophan administration was being converted into melatonin

Edited by ajnast4r, 16 September 2005 - 10:07 PM.

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#2 ajnast4r

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Posted 16 September 2005 - 12:24 PM

well taking a co-enzyme B complex right before bed was a bad idea, as it made me hyper and very awake... lol. but suprisingly even though i went to bed at 1am, i woke up right(7:23) before my alarm(7:30).. on my own accord, something i have not done in months. i also feel really freshed, positive, and mentally clear.

im pretty impressed

#3 pars

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Posted 16 September 2005 - 06:03 PM

Some 2 weeks ago I also took B-complex (B-50, time release) right before bed and couldn't fall asleep for quite a while, which is unusual for me for after starting excersizing on a regular basis, I have hardly had any insomnia-related problems.
I didn't feel well the other day though, so I guess you are a lucky one:)
Please post more about the impact of Tryptophan on your general health, btw you meant 1.5gr, not 1.5mgr? Have you tried to combine it with Tyrosine?

#4 ajnast4r

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Posted 16 September 2005 - 10:10 PM

Some 2 weeks ago I  also took B-complex (B-50, time release) right before bed and couldn't fall asleep for quite a while, which is unusual for me for after starting excersizing on a regular basis, I have hardly had any insomnia-related problems.
I didn't feel well the other day though, so I guess you are a lucky one:)
Please post more about the impact of Tryptophan on your general health, btw you meant 1.5gr, not 1.5mgr? Have you tried to combine it with Tyrosine?

yes, i meant GRAMS sorry... its odd cos i can take a regular b-complex before bed with no problems, but the co-enzymes WIRE me.. from now on when i take the tryptophan at night ill take it with a regular b-complex, NOT one that is already co-enzymated. (btw HERE is the b-complex im taking)

i havnt tried tyrosine, but the tryptophan seems to work really good for me... i will keep this thread alive for the next few weeks with my obersvances on tryptophans effects on my mood & sleep patterns.

i took a gram this morning + a co-enzyme B complex... and i felt great all day and had lots of energy. some people say tryptophan makes them tired, i have not expirienced this effect at all. even though tryptophan is super expensive, its effecting me so positively that if it continues im going to cut out other supplements in order to be able to afford tthis one.

#5 pars

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Posted 17 September 2005 - 06:35 AM

They say tryptophan and tyrosine are synergetic. I'll most definetely keep reading your posts about effects of tryptophan.

#6 lemon

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Posted 18 September 2005 - 02:56 PM

Interestingly enough, the FDA placed an import alert on tryptophan immediately before Prozac came on the market.

Another interesting thing about tryptophan is it shares a BBB transporter site with four other amino acids and, unless you selectively ingest it, it get's passed over by the other amino's for uptake into the brain.

#7 nata

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Posted 19 September 2005 - 03:45 PM

Tryptophan vs 5-HTP... any comments???

#8 kenj

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Posted 19 September 2005 - 04:08 PM

anyone here taken tryptophan?

No. Why not take 5-HTP? Taken earlier in the day (4-10 hours before bed) it will more smoothly increase serotonin and then convert to melatonin by the pineal gland SLOWLY to secure a long deep sleep (6+ hours).

#9 ajnast4r

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Posted 23 September 2005 - 03:27 AM

ok 1st, see what i said about insulin & tryptophan uptake...

ok, 5-htp... to my knowledge, the body does not convery tryptophan to 5-htp outside of the brain. so having 5-htp & seratonin circulating in the blood is not a natural thing. if you take any b6, most of the 5htp is going to be converted to serotonin OUTSIDE of the brain. serotonin does not cross the blood brain barrier, so if youve taken b6 anywhere near 5-htp, chances are nearly none of that has converted to serotonin in the brain. high serum levels of serotonin have been linked to heart disease, and who know what else... the point is the body does NOT flood the blood stream with 5-htp, and neither should you.

here is a great article on it:

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#10 pars

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Posted 23 September 2005 - 03:23 PM

ajnast4r, you're not saying anything how you feel on trypthophan. I'm particularly interested in observations on quality of sleep, if any.

#11 ajnast4r

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Posted 23 September 2005 - 11:18 PM

ajnast4r, you're not saying anything how you feel on trypthophan. I'm particularly interested in observations on quality of sleep, if any.

its been a rough week with school, work, and being sick... so ive been having to stay up late doing school work, and get up early for work. so my sleep schedual has sucked, but my sleep is good and deep.

it defintly takes the edge off, i feel alot more positive and less prone to 'mentally repeat' negative happenings in my life... like i can just let go of them easier.

also i find it prudent to note that for a while i was meditating for 45+ minutes, twice a day... and that had 10x more of a profound positive effect on my mood and sleep. i still meditate right before bed. if i dont, sleep comes much slower and is much less deep.

as far as positive effects on mood and sleep, i would rate tryptophan: good.. and prolonged daily meditation: profound

#12 magr

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Posted 24 September 2005 - 05:32 AM

1000-1500mg trypthophan
100-200mg 5htp
1h before bedtime

and 1-3mg melatonin 30min before (+10mg b6 included in the melatoni i take)

keeps me happy.

#13 karenet

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Posted 10 March 2006 - 02:47 AM

tryptophan 500mg + 100 mgb3 niacinamaide + Magnesium & calcium + p5p 50mg empty stomach one hour before bed will put u to sleep deep and wake up totally refreshed.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: tryptophan, l-tryptophan

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