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Immortality Through Spiritual Means

immortality life extension spiritual religious

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#151 shadowhawk

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Posted 15 April 2016 - 09:23 PM

If the cryonics, or some of its alternatives works out, then the people will be able to be kept in some unchanging form until the science develops to the point when they can be revived and made physically immortal.


I don't believe in the spirit. I think, that all, that you name spirit (our thoughts, feelings, way of thinking, etc.) is nothing more than the workings of our brain, and when someone is frozen, his brain simply stops working. When the body is thawed back alive, the brain starts working again, and everything you name a spirit is restarted again.

So you expressed your belief.  Do you have any evidence of someone being frozen for an extended time and then coming back through thawing to live for an extended period of time?  Since you so nor believe we have a spirit that means you are only p;physical.  Sounds like you are going the way of all physical only things.  Did you read my posts on what happens to the body after death?

#152 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 16 April 2016 - 09:53 AM

Do you mean this post?


Death means separation..  The physical body dies when it is separated from the spirit.  The spirit of both Christians and non christians does not die because it is not material or physical.  Everything physical deteriorates and dies.  We need to be saved whether we are a saint or not..  There is another separation and that is relational.  I - Thou.  Us and God.  We decide whether we want this and God honors our decision.  Don't want to be with God?  Have it your way.  Now this will have an impact on the body but I don't want to raise to many issues yet.  This second separation is a spiritual death.  You do not spiritually cease to exist but you are separated from God.  You are spiritually dead since you are separated from your ground of being, God by your choice.


Yes, I think we don't have a spirit. Everything that in your post is empty words for me.


Why separation from God is a spiritual death? The spirit remains intact in your belief, no matter if it is separated from God or not. "You do not spiritually cease to exist".

#153 shadowhawk

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Posted 17 April 2016 - 10:03 PM

Either God or physical matter is the source of everything.  If physical matter only,YOU don't stand a chance.  Everything purely physical dies.  Life comes from God and if you are separated from God you suffer spiritual death.  If your body and spirit are separated you die a physical death.  I never said you or matter ceases to exist (annihilation) however spiritual death is separation from our ground of being, God and hence the term spiritual death.  Whether physical or spiritual death is separation.  You don't cease to exist either spiritually or physically.  The atoms that made up your body decay and lose the form of the body but even if they are but dust they still exist.  Your spirit is not material and does not decay.

#154 platypus

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Posted 17 April 2016 - 10:40 PM

Spiritual separation while alive seems to be no problem for most people...so why fear it? 

Edited by platypus, 17 April 2016 - 10:40 PM.

#155 shadowhawk

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Posted 17 April 2016 - 10:59 PM

Spiritual separation while alive seems to be no problem for most people...so why fear it? 


Because there is a connection between you spirit now and your spirit then.  Now is the time to choose and after is the time of living with the choice.  This is not strange because we all live out the consequences of our choices all the time.  Whether or not you have anything to fear from a choice depends on the choice. 

#156 platypus

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Posted 18 April 2016 - 05:05 AM


Spiritual separation while alive seems to be no problem for most people...so why fear it? 


Because there is a connection between you spirit now and your spirit then.  Now is the time to choose and after is the time of living with the choice.  This is not strange because we all live out the consequences of our choices all the time.  Whether or not you have anything to fear from a choice depends on the choice. 

And what if that is pure BS? My point is that non-religious folks don't seem to suffer in any way from "spiritual separation", even if theists like to make it sound like a horrible thing. 

#157 shadowhawk

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Posted 18 April 2016 - 07:27 PM

Well if you are only physical the hungry worm awaits.  I am sure it wont bother you but life is long and as we approach the end some ask if that is all there is.  Will you suffer?  You say no but then you can only speak for yourself not all humanity and your life is not over yet.  For you it is lights out.  Argue for your position and you are sure to get it.  But there is another side of this.  Consider:


.Physicalism is dead.

Physicalism: The doctrine that everything that exists does so within the confines of the purely physical barring other kinds of things.  In short only the physical material exists.



#158 shadowhawk

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Posted 19 April 2016 - 09:22 PM

If we listen to atheists, when a person dies, every part of a human being dies and the best we can hope for is a slow rot and the worm.  There is no spirit, future or hope.  We are told they are so intelligent that they will face this without fear or superstitious nonsense like theists have.  :) 

#159 shadowhawk

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Posted 20 April 2016 - 06:25 PM








#160 shadowhawk

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Posted 08 July 2016 - 11:49 PM

Three Reasons I Am Not An Atheist

Posted June 22, 2016 by Sean McDowell


Three Reasons I Am Not An Atheist

Sean McDowell, Ph.D.

My high school students often joke that I have an “inner atheist.” I do like to role-play an atheist with Christian audiences, and have even co-written an entire book responding to the New Atheists, Is God Just A Human Invention?. And yet atheism is not just an issue for me. I have many atheist friends with whom I enjoy regular conversations about life, philosophy, sports, and God. I have read the influential atheists of the past, such as Bertrand Russell and Camus, and many of the leading atheists today, such as Richard Dawkins. And yet, when all things are taken into consideration, there are three main reasons why I am not an atheist.

1. Atheism Cannot Answer the Big Questions of Life. For any worldview to be considered valid, it needs to answer the big questions about life, such as: Why is there something rather than nothing? Why is the universe fine-tuned? Where did life come from? Why did consciousness emerge? Why are humans valuable? Is there objective beauty? The truth is that atheism cannot answer any of these questions, as I observed in an earlier post. Sure, there are many attempts to explain them on a naturalistic worldview, and some are better than others, but none of these explanations are more reasonable than those offered by theism. Atheism simply lacks the resources to account for the kinds of phenomena listed above.

2. Atheism Denies Common Sense. The atheistic worldview directly contradicts many of our common sense beliefs about the world, such as the belief in a real right and wrong and the existence of free will. Even Sam Harris, one of the most outspoken New Atheists, has written an entire book arguing for determinism. And yet the denial of free will raises many troubling questions: Why did Harris bother to write the book, and try to persuade us to reject free will, if everything is already determined anyways? How can anyone be held accountable for a crime? Why give moral praise? How can Harris so strongly emphasize the virtues of reason, which implies a mind that can reflect on ideas, if there is no immaterial mind and all beliefs are determined anyways? This is only one example of how atheism contradicts common sense, but there are many more. Consistent atheism involves embracing a worldview that undermines the very things that make life meaningful.

3. Atheism Is A Hopeless Worldview. It is no secret that atheism implies the rejection of human value, objective purpose, and life after death. According to Carl Sagan, the Cosmos is all that is or was or ever will be. As the French atheist Sartre observed, once we lose eternity, the amount of time we have is meaningless. Yet his solution is to create meaning by choosing a certain course of action. In a similar fashion, Bertrand Russell said we should build our lives upon the “firm foundation of unyielding despair.” Essentially, their solution is to pretend the universe has meaning, which is really just an exercise in self-delusion. Of course, the hopelessness of atheism does not mean it’s false. But could our deep desire for hope and meaning be a pointer, as C.S. Lewis observed, to the existence of real hope and meaning? Atheism fails to satisfy both intellectually and existentially.

There are many other reasons why I am not an atheist. But until atheism can provide satisfying answers to the big questions of life, match our common sense beliefs about the world, and provide hope, I find no compelling reason to embrace it.

#161 shadowhawk

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Posted 13 July 2016 - 07:53 PM

Do smart people reject God?







#162 KetoLinguine

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Posted 29 December 2021 - 12:13 AM

Destiny is Jesus Christ's plan for us. He gave us things at birth like talents, and personality, and throughout life various other things like chance encounters and skills, and various other things to reach that far, far destination.

But He gave us free will. That's how some people end up at a different earthly destinations. This is how some people end up not living fully to their potential. Our life purpose involves doing good, such as being a doctor, teacher, or whatever God planned for us. After this, we reach the Ultimate Destination which is Heaven.

This is inevitable. Scientists estimate Planet Earth only has 5 billion years Left . Its end will be after the Sun bursts and destroys life on it. The ultimate fate of the universe is at least in 200 billion years away. The end will come through either a crunch, rip, freeze, or decay.

Edited by KetoLinguine, 29 December 2021 - 12:16 AM.

#163 Bike_to_120

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Posted 29 December 2021 - 04:23 AM

One of the earliest comments in this thread was "everything physical has a cause"

However, there are some things we observe that so far we have not assigned a cause to:

-the Big Bang




The genesis of information most interests me. I find it logically impossible that information came from random chemical reactions in a cosmic soup. If you read "Evolution 2.0" by Perry Marshall you may grasp why solving the problem of where information comes from is one of the keys to solving evolution and IMO aging problems. Dr Michael Levin's work on bioelectricity is one important step. There's a $10M prize created to someone who solves this problem.



As a scientist I don't know the answers but cannot dismiss any source.



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