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c60 life extension c60oo brain fog

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#1 experimenting

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Posted 03 January 2017 - 03:05 AM

Feels like the discussion on C60 has died down, with the last major thread covering the potential cancer risk.

I'm a 27 year old male in decent health but years ago I lived a very unhealthy lifestyle that led to large weight fluctuations after which I've had lingering brain fog and metabolic issues. I've used a variety of nootropics with decent results but frankly C60, if the documented experiences are to be believed, is a silver bullet for metabolic issues with long lasting if not permanent effects.

Obviously the tumor issue worries me. Was that ever resolved? It seems that the quality/age of the oil was the critical issue. To avoid that I simply want to pay up for the best -carbon60oliveoil.com.

And...do we know of any other dangers? This question is perhaps too open-ended and far-reaching but it's meant to be. I'd like to get people's thoughts or the "verdict" on c60, if that exists.
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#2 experimenting

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Posted 05 January 2017 - 05:11 PM


Click HERE to rent this advertising spot for C60 HEALTH to support Longecity (this will replace the google ad above).

#3 theMexican

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Posted 06 January 2017 - 01:04 AM

Seems odd to me as well that things have died down a bit here. I'm interested in c60 but there seems to be mostly confirmation bias and anecdotes here, which is really all we have to go on given the lack of research/replication of the original study.

What is everyone's opinion on making this stuff at home the low tech (shaken, unfiltered) way vs buying premade?
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#4 apmark

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Posted 08 January 2017 - 08:29 AM

I have just ordered some from senres. Will let you know the outcome when it arrives

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#5 experimenting

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Posted 08 January 2017 - 05:16 PM

I just received my order from carbon60oliveoil.com. I took 1/2 tsp, which corresponds to roughly 2mg C60. Here are some quick thoughts on its initial effects:


Likely Placebo

-Elevated mood/sense of well-being/motivation

-Better physical appearance (I seemed a bit more colored/ripped in the shower)


I was more nervous before taking this than I usually am with supplements, and when I didn't feel any obvious side effects, I was very relieved, which contributed to the above feelings. The perceived change in physical appearance is almost certainly placebo seeing that as of this post, I've taken 2 doses, so only 4mg total.



-Better exercises performance/recovery

-Back pain

-Difficulty verbalizing

-Difficulty sleeping


I ran a few miles on the treadmill last night, roughly 2 hours after taking C60oo. I feel like I had more endurance and was sweating less/recovered faster. From what I've read, C60oo impacts resistance training much more. I'll be lifting tomorrow night, so let's see.


I did have a recurrence of back pain, some of which was in the kidney area. This could be placebo, as I had read reports of kidney pain. It also could be due to overtraining, considering I conducted a lower-body workout on Friday (squats and deadlifts) and generally have been pretty tough on my body of late (trying to learn snowboarding). 


The only nootropic effect so far is that I seem to be having trouble finding the right words to express myself. On this forum, I saw that another user had the same experience. But it might be the exact opposite also. When I look back at my speech and writing, it's no different from normal. Perhaps I'm self-criticizing more, and pushing myself to find the "right" word for every situation instead of just lazily getting by. 


My sleep was disturbed last night, as was the gf's, who also dosed. This is the only effect she reported. That said, we live in a noisy area and a few snowploughs passed right below our window last night, to whose noise I distinctly remember waking up. So it's not clear that C60oo was the culprit. 


Definitely Not Placebo

-Mixed effects on breathing/lungs/lingering cold


I've had a low-grade cold for a few weeks now. Due to some stresses at work I've been taking piracetam off and on which always seems to reduce my immunity, so the infection hasn't fully cleared up. Prior to C60 my coughing and runny nose had stopped, though the infection seemed to have moved lower into my chest. 


C60 had a definite non-placebo effect. My lungs felt much clearer and I started to cough up mucus/phlegm, almost as if the infection had been moved out of my lungs, back in to my nose and throat, to be defeated and expelled. That said, upon waking this morning, I still had a mild cough and runny nose so it's not as if C60 was a panacea. Very interesting indeed.



I plan to finish my 30ml vial, which contains roughly 10 more doses. I'll report again if I notice anything interesting.


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#6 apmark

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Posted 09 January 2017 - 04:18 AM

Interesting and if your coughing up more mucous that is a good effect,
getting rid of the lower chest infection & mucous, if you have severe
chest pains it is possible that you have developed pnuemonia (much
more severe then a common cold) Did you have a temperature and any
other normaI symptoms? Or are you able to get a sats probe and
measure your o2 levels just to be sure you are on the mend.

In any case I have have ordered 2 of these from SES research
Carbon 60, 99.95% and Olive Oil Extra Virgin, Cert. Organic. I am
really a bit concerned now however with all the negative feed back
from this company with mouse tumours etc. I may just throw them in the
bin when they arrive, I will process it and decide when they get here
I supose
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Congrats on the 2hr treadmill run also you should look cut if you do that often enough
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#7 Kalliste

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Posted 17 January 2017 - 06:02 PM

I really miss C60oo. Vaugthers stuff was great, it gave a very subtle boost. I woke up fresh early in the morning, like 4:30-5:00 am. Reading my old diary entries its obvious that was more than placebo.


I hope Kyle Moody comes to some simple solution such as mixing it with some other antioxidants (lol MitoQ, MB, melatonin, c-vitamin, glutathione, maybe some Nkf inducer like curcumin would synergise the metabolism) and then mixing this into something like coconut oil. I guess we wont be that lucky. If he has a positive Im definetly going to buy more.


The only comparable supplement for me is MitoQ, 10mg Before bedtime makes me exceptionally lot more vital and energetic the next day. But C60 did something more than that.


Keep an Eye on SkQ1 now by the way, they are approved soon it seems


Imagine a chemo treatment for cancer patients that combined in cycles all of these : :ph34r:



Black pepper



Cerium Oxide











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#8 mrkosh1

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Posted 17 January 2017 - 07:35 PM

There is a HUGE variability in extra virgin olive coil quality and polyphenol content. Basically, most of the olive oil that can be purchased at the grocery store (even the more expensive brands) are low quality. The best EVOO is recently harvested from olives obtained EARLY in the season. Also, there are huge differences between the strains of olives with some producing much higher polyphenol content than others. My guess would be that the substances in EVOO help mitigate some of the pro-oxidant effects of the C60.


A long list of substances was mentioned above. Sulforaphane was not mentioned among them. It is unique in that it induces NRF2 and other cellular mechanisms at LOW CONCENTRATIONS that can be achieved by consuming normal amounts of broccoli sprouts -- four or five ounces. It has been proven to be very cytotoxic to MANY cancer cell types while beneficial to normal cells (at least at lower concentrations).


I personally wonder how effective a combination of high polyphenol EVOO and sulforaphane would be at extending lifespan. I am planning on growing my own sprouts in the not too distant future and blending them with EVOO.


One question: does anyone have any suggestions on how to consume EVOO while minimizing the taste? I'll be slurping down a pretty foul mixture, and I hope it doesn't make me want to vomit.

#9 sthira

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Posted 17 January 2017 - 08:00 PM

Of course your EVOO concerns are warranted, and there's fraud afoot in the olive oil biz. For this reason and others, some of us here source freshly harvested EVOO from independent sellers like Amphora-Nueva and Berkeley Olive Grove. Both are intense about quality oils.

Remember in the Baati study of C60- olive oil that the olive oil only rodents also appeared to show benefits.

One question: does anyone have any suggestions on how to consume EVOO while minimizing the taste? I'll be slurping down a pretty foul mixture, and I hope it doesn't make me want to vomit.

I add olive oil and spices to steamed greens, crucifers, and legumes. Grind up raw broccoli seeds into a tomato sauce mixture (careful not too much) and pour it on steamed veggies, it's delicious (to me) and the oil may also help the body absorb the other fat-soluble compounds that may be synergistically beneficial. Healthy eating habits alone, however, will only take us so far in repairing metabolic damage done simply by breathing oxygen and eating food.

Edited by sthira, 17 January 2017 - 08:04 PM.

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#10 Randynaz

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Posted 10 October 2017 - 05:44 AM

Are you still taking it? Anything new to report.
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#11 Nate-2004

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Posted 19 October 2017 - 06:02 PM

De Carlo is currently harvesting and theirs will be available soon in November. Just wait.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: c60, life extension, c60oo, brain fog

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