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everjoymuzvidziwa's Photo everjoymuzvidziwa 16 Feb 2017

Hey guys. the key to immortality is already given. It's in the Word of God . I have attached a file for those who would want to read. For believers, there shall be No More Dying

Attached Files


Danail Bulgaria's Photo Danail Bulgaria 16 Feb 2017

Don't listen to the written in that file. It is nothing more than a propaganda.


"In other words, the Church must take over the world. The Church must now rise and take dominion over the health sector ... the business sector ... the education sector ... the media ... the transport ... the housing and tourism ... the arts and entertainment ...  the political sector ... "


Just the next nasty propaganda.


pamojja's Photo pamojja 16 Feb 2017




Opium for the masses. Just posit an ideal abstraction with no base in anything experienced - just hearsay - and believing in it against all odds will help to get through it. It certainly does, but thereby one could also miss the only experience-able life one had - if there would be anything to be had to begin with.. :dry:


ceridwen's Photo ceridwen 16 Feb 2017

It's a lie

shadowhawk's Photo shadowhawk 16 Feb 2017

Everything that is ONLY physical dies.  Argue against this but what is your blessed hope?  The worm Waites.   What kind of evidence do you accept?


Danail Bulgaria's Photo Danail Bulgaria 17 Feb 2017

I see someone rated me unfriendly.


May I ask why? If you are correct, and I am unfriendly, then I will appologise.


shadowhawk's Photo shadowhawk 17 Feb 2017

You are not the topic.  The topic is do believers die and I checked your posts and found nothing cogent related to it.  I have already said everything Only physical dies.  So are you saying things not physical die?  Evidence.  No ad hominem  fallacies.  What does it mean to die?


shadowhawk's Photo shadowhawk 17 Feb 2017

Don't listen to the written in that file. It is nothing more than a propaganda.


"In other words, the Church must take over the world. The Church must now rise and take dominion over the health sector ... the business sector ... the education sector ... the media ... the transport ... the housing and tourism ... the arts and entertainment ...  the political sector ... "


Just the next nasty propaganda.

How could someone call this unfriendly???  You sure answered him. 




Danail Bulgaria's Photo Danail Bulgaria 18 Feb 2017



I am off-topic lol :)

The topic is do believers die, and you think, that everything that os only physical dies. So, the believers will die :) Because the believers are people - human kind, human race or whatever you name it. If they are not only physical, then all of the people have to be not only physical. And all of the people, not only the believers not to die. Its either we all die or we all dont die.


I may have been a bit rude, but this still makes the impression of propaganda.

The propaganda of some sect to be more precise.


"The No More Dying Movement is a movement which was birthed in Zimbabwe and seeks to reach out to all the nations"


As many sects there are dangers. The sect of this guy wants to produce an overpopulation by uncontrolled multiplications. That is extremely dangerous and may lead to the destruction of the entire human kind.









"The topic is do believers die and I checked your posts and found nothing cogent related to it"


Some of the things written at some extend correspond with my view of the development of the science.


For example the guy writes


"God’s original plan was to extend His Heavenly Kingdom through man to the Earth"


This is where the science and the other products of the human mind are going to. Building the paradise on the Earrth. A physical place, that has the properties of the paradise - everyone is immortal, ever lasting youth, all diseases treated, human sufering reduced to zero, only pleasent things arround you - pleasent music, nice houses, nice food, wonderful gardens and green spaces, pleasent domestic animals, the best spouse for giving love to you. As an ultimate long term goal for the science, it will construct the Paradise. Just as the guy says "Man was never meant to rule in heaven but man was ordained to create their own Heaven on Earth".

I even made a topic to discuss about how the science will make the paradise, but as any other good topic it died away.

Here it is:



Danail Bulgaria's Photo Danail Bulgaria 18 Feb 2017

P.S. Dont follow the link provided in the paradise topic !!!!


It was a website, taht I made about that in a legally free webhost. But the site is gone by expireing, and some malicious software has settled inthere.


shadowhawk's Photo shadowhawk 19 Feb 2017

Indeed we all die physically and eventually the entire cosmos and everything in it that is only physical, dies.  Any construct you can come up which is only physical will die.  Right now death approaches.   We are all interested in slowing it down, but still nothing I have said is not overwhelmingly true.  You have to believe you are only physical and I point out you have a blessed  hope of meeting the worm.  But if we are a composite  of physical and spiritual then we are dealing with more than just the physical.  Is the spiritual subject to the same forces as the physical?  What then does it mean to spiritually die?  i KNOW NOTHING of the beliefs of the starter of this topic.  I am just responding to what was said.  He made a statement as have you.  The burden of proof belongs to both.  Snarky comments do not disprove him nor do declarations of belief by either side provide any evidence.  I suppose we need to debate whether we are only physical first because if true there is ultimately no hope.

Indeed we all die physically and eventually the entire cosmos and everything in it that is only physical, dies.  Any construct you can come up which is only physical will die.  Right now death approaches.   We are all interested in slowing it down, but still nothing I have said is not overwhelmingly true.  You have to believe you are only physical and I point out you have a blessed  hope of meeting the worm.  But if we are a composite  of physical and spiritual then we are dealing with more than just the physical.  Is the spiritual subject to the same forces as the physical?  What then does it mean to spiritually die?  i KNOW NOTHING of the beliefs of the starter of this topic.  I am just responding to what was said.  He made a statement as have you.  The burden of proof belongs to both.  Snarky comments do not disprove him nor do declarations of belief by either side provide any evidence.  I suppose we need to debate whether we are only physical first because if true there is ultimately no hope.


Danail Bulgaria's Photo Danail Bulgaria 20 Feb 2017

Currently everything physical dies. But the correct way of dealing with it is not simply to hope, that there is something more than the physical, but to accept the reality and do your best to change it.


See the next death threat comming to you and try to defeat it. Thats the crrect way.


shadowhawk's Photo shadowhawk 20 Feb 2017

Accept the reality of what?  You have said nothing.  Death of the physical or the spiritual?  So everything that is only physical dies.  That is coming to us.  Any ideas?


Danail Bulgaria's Photo Danail Bulgaria 21 Feb 2017

Here you are the first idea - defeat the aging :)


shadowhawk's Photo shadowhawk 21 Feb 2017

Lala.... No content but wishful thinking.


Danail Bulgaria's Photo Danail Bulgaria 21 Feb 2017

If we are not only physical, what we have to do for not to die? 


shadowhawk's Photo shadowhawk 21 Feb 2017

If we are not only physical, what we have to do for not to die? 


Nothing..You can live on in the worm who will also die.  Who ia, "You?"


Danail Bulgaria's Photo Danail Bulgaria 21 Feb 2017

Is religeon against the sciences, that would make us live longer? Or agains the sciences, that try to defeat aging? 


shadowhawk's Photo shadowhawk 21 Feb 2017

Religion gave birth to the Sciences and values life.  However we realize everything only physical dies is a scientific statement with overwhelming evidence.


Danail Bulgaria's Photo Danail Bulgaria 21 Feb 2017

Religion gave birth to the Sciences. Dont make me laugh. 


shadowhawk's Photo shadowhawk 21 Feb 2017

Religion gave birth to the Sciences. Dont make me laugh. 


Obviously you don't know anything about the  history of science or religion.  How could you have missed it?  I could educate you but it would be off topic.  :|o


Danail Bulgaria's Photo Danail Bulgaria 22 Feb 2017

What is science, a? :) What have you invented? The maths? 


shadowhawk's Photo shadowhawk 22 Feb 2017

You don't even know what science is!!!  SCIENCE IS A METHOD, NOT A POSITION.  It is not math though it can use math.  Scientism which your discussion betrays is not science.  Again this is off topic here but theists have been in the forefront of almost all the sciences and this has been discussed elsewhere.


Danail Bulgaria's Photo Danail Bulgaria 22 Feb 2017

Both theists and ateists have been in the forefront of the sciences. 


So theists have invented the thinking method of scientific thinking. 


Lala.... No content but wishful thinking


shadowhawk's Photo shadowhawk 22 Feb 2017

Again your ignorance is staggering.  God made an orderly world which can be rationally known to a degree.  Therefore it can be studied with a rational method.  You are the one who laughed at this!!!  I didn't say all scientists were theists.  However the assumption that a rational mind made something which can be rationally comprehended is at the base of the assumptions of science. Hince a method of studying it.  But this is off topic.


Danail Bulgaria's Photo Danail Bulgaria 22 Feb 2017

Is there a way the church and the science to unite for the cause of life extension?


shadowhawk's Photo shadowhawk 23 Feb 2017

Well the issue is not Life Extension.  Christians have always been for life extension and that is one reason they have been in the forefront pg medicine and healthcare.  The real issue is can something p;purely physical exist forever.  Not only theists have a problem with that. 


Danail Bulgaria's Photo Danail Bulgaria 23 Feb 2017

In my beliefs something purely physical can exist forever.

Each cause for death is defeatable.

The bigger the cause the longer time needed to defeat it, and the harder brainwork and technologies has to be invented. For something to be impossible it has to contradict the laws of the sciences.


shadowhawk's Photo shadowhawk 23 Feb 2017

Evidence.  This goes against established scientific findings.


Duchykins's Photo Duchykins 24 Feb 2017

OP claims he's immortal because he's a True Christian, gotta love that.
