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Reoccurring dreams - Is it purely your consciousness and "fake" or does it carry a "message"?

dreams reoccurring

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#31 YoungSchizo

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Posted 30 December 2017 - 04:15 AM


I would be too scared to conduct this experiment!  :unsure: This maybe also be one of the reasons why employees in psychiatry are not allowed to get emotionally involved.. Over a 12 years span (aside from the girl in the past) I have quite a few examples that I might have a "sixth sense" and am able to sometimes hear what people exactly think (happened within psychiatry and outside). Might also be one of the reasons why I always stay up late, that's when all my symptoms subside and am able to enjoy a few hours of total rest (in my head).

The invitation to conduct the experiment was addressed to the doubters here. There is nothing quite so convincing as personal experience.

But afraid of what? let me guess..  :unsure:  from what you wrote it seems there are only two possibilities: either telepathy is not real and then all is fine, or, if it is, then all other mumbo-jumbo may be real too -- and that just too big a can of worms, right? It may even Include God talking to you (in that unforgettably imperative manner!). But it sounds like you're past that stage already (you wrote that you have become an atheist since then) .


I think it maybe a passing phase in that part of the brain maturation, whatever it is. Too bad so few of  us survive it intact, and I too ran to the shrink when "God" started to talk to me (and I was raised as atheist!). She prescribed some antipsychotic, but it turned out that I did not need it anymore: That very same day, the moment I god home, I loudly declared to the four walls: None of this is real! None of this is true! And added for a good measure: What you see is what you get! -- meaning that pragmatic and rational approach should prevail... And, lo and behold, it all stopped. Phew!


Not long after that I bumped into a quote from Isaiah (on the billboard in NY subway, out of all places) and waiting for the train could not help thinking that the poor guy must have been psychotic when he wrote that. I recognized in him a fellow sufferer. The rushed, passionate flow of words, the "divine fever" that possessed him -- how strong it must have been to be still sensed throughout millenia and translations! A couple of years later I chanced upon Julian Jaynes, The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, and that was very helpful in understanding the experience.


So yeah, I think those are just phases in maturation of the brain, and some of us simply get disturbing side effects, just like some babies, when teething, cry in pain, though it's a perfectly normal phase of development. No one would think of alleviating their suffering by zapping those tooth buds out of the jaw, once and for all -- and  no more pain! But this seems the approach contemporary psychiatry takes toward complications as the brain matures, They heavily drug their patients and, worst of all, convince them that they are mad -- and there is nothing worse than no longer being able to rely on your senses. This alone can drive you crazy (Hitchcock's Gaslight).


I believe the only way to reinstate the trust in yourself and your senses is to take a pragmatic approach and seek feedback for your unusual experiences. It's like pamojja wrote above how he discovered his sixth sense. It has always been with him, though before he was not paying attention to the random thoughts in his head -- until a situation came up when a thought of a cop was relevant. Then he noticed that ""whenever the thought about cops came up in my mind, they were just around the corner." That's a form of feedback (being observant and mindful). 


Re rest (in your head), I found that being heavily engaged in what you're doing works well. It's like when you're so concentrated on what you're doing that you don't hear someone calling you, until they come over and touch you on the shoulder. I must have non-consciously learned this as a survival tactic in my childhood. Surely, if I could block all the noise and commotion around, those "extra" signals did not stand a chance. But true, after 11PM was too my favorite time :)



Haha.. I'm open for "telepathy" and I see this happening between especially people whom are (crazy) in love or have a deep emotional connection to one and another (like the one I'm having sometimes with my parents or siblings). Since I've only have had unhealthy (love) relationships and therefore only get caught into (serieus!) 'mumbo-jumbo', I refrain myself in testing it right now with whomever I know at the moment.


I have a great example that telepathy is real, at least, from my end..


More than a year ago I fell in love with a girl, instantly(!), just when she looked straight into my eyes I was sold.. It didn't matter to me who she was, I was sold! After starting to flirt with her and 'do my thing' it turned it was not just a average girl.. She was the PhD student of the experiment where I signed up for. After no more than two weeks my cognition got jacked and all I could think about was her and all I could do was to tell her that I fell for her instantly and I did. She told me I made her shy and that she liked me too.. but unfortunately.. she also told me she already had a boyfriend.

Right after that I had to take some intensive interviews for the study but my cognition (because of what I felt for her) became that bad (I asked her to take the tests but she was not allowed to because of protocol issues).. Anyways the questions from the PANSS, SANS etc. was quite stupid and unnecessary (because if there's one thing I believe in, it's the power of love!).. But on different cognitive battery tests (for example to name things/objects with a K I could only name two things).. I felt so bad afterwards, not for the fact that she already was happy with another but because the questions (that were supposed to test my sanity sounded so fucking stupid and for the fact that I scored so low on cognitive tests.) I decided I want to get drunk afterwards in the hopes to 'forget' that horrible day ASAP.
The next day (the next day I told her I loved her instantly) all of a sudden my mind went into hypo-mania, I didn't have voices but my mind was firing 'at the speed of light' (so to speak) to random answers to random questions why I fell for her or what I saw in her or how it could happen... The first couple of days I was still myself but after a couple of days I was driven 'crazy' by the 'questions'. After two weeks into hypo-mania I made up my mind and decided that I should step back because she was already happy and my intention to end things between "us" was because I didn't want to hurt her or meddle myself between her and her boyfriend. I asked to speak to her, she told me she wanted to put things to rest first but I didn't understand, I on the other end, ended it because I couldn't take the suffering anymore. I told her I didn't want to know her better or want to be friends with her. (In those two weeks where I was hypo-manic I also was talking to the ones whom took the interviews about interview questions).. Anyway.. After I ended it with her, my mind went SILENT(!) instantly!

Sure, in my hypo-manic state I was still talking to the ones who were taking the interviews but they didn't know and it was less of a burden for me. Now tbh.. I honestly don't know what to make of this, was I really connecting with her or was I simply hypo-manic/crazy? I'm not convinced my experience was psychotic at all, on some level, I believe I was in 'direct' contact with her.. But I probably will never know since she avoided any contact with me after I've 'stone-cold' "blown her off".


Haha, I've been "spiritual" religious for almost 20 years.. I was an atheist for a long time (5 years) but for the past 7 years I've been agnostic..

1. If God ever starts talking to me, I would probably not try to listen and I would probably freak out and don't know what to do!

2. If God really exists, he should get me in contact with the love of my life, end this endless suffering and guide me silently into the right directions instead of fucking with my head!

3. If it's up to me I will probably stay the rest of my life agnostic because it keeps stable and open to both spirituality and science without accepting that I know the ultimate truth.

4. You've been having "symptoms" since childhood. My symptoms started in my late 20th. You've learned to cope and/or deal with it from a very young age (unlike me).

5. It was silent in my head and only me in my head and only her (my childhood girlfriend) in my heart (the one that appeares in my dreams) until my childhood girlfriend avenged me (in my early adulthood) for saving her life for (what afterwards she realized) was for the good of lies of criminals (whom knew what they were doing).

6. Right now I'm in contact with a (cute, loyal, funny and intelligent) girl whom I really like.

7. Just like you, she also suffers from "mental health issues" since her childhood (age of 7).

8. I'm reluctant to say it but I almost do not believe that you both enter my life at almost the same time. 

9. You could be my "guide" and "light" in this conquest.

10. You and the girl seem to be "brighter" than me since you've both probably had to learn to grow up at an earlier stage of life than me (on your own) in which the odds and circumstances were against you and by far not ideal.   

11. Even if she's not the one, I have much to learn.. Spiritually it could be through you..

12. No matter how much antipsychotics I take, with me, when it comes to the power of love, no matter how many pills or dose, it doesn't do shit.

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#32 CWF1986

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Posted 30 December 2017 - 11:14 AM

Love isn't just feelings.  That can and usually does gets things started, but beyond that it's work and commitment and both have to decide if the other can offer the things they want and need in a relationship.  Plenty of people set aside the fact that they have powerful feelings for someone to pursue other interest whether that be another lover even they don't feel as strongly for that one possibly because of practical considerations, education, career, or personal growth among other things.  


As far as preventing oneself from being taken advantage of emotionally, physically, materialistically, etc, or even to keep oneself from being accidentally hurt too bad that's where a solid understanding of self and one's most appropriate boundaries are.


Situations and people are so individualistic it's hard to give advice much more specific.  


To figure out a lot of this stuff, you often just have to go out there in the world then make your moves and get your heart broken a few... maybe many times.


It's best to have a few options in mind especially if you're a guy.  

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#33 xEva

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Posted 30 December 2017 - 05:40 PM

I'm sorry YoungSchizo it looks like I was mistaken when I assumed that you had a similar experience to mine. And I was confused by your name here. I imagined a young, still inexperienced person, but you're an adult of about 40+?


And I apologize for not expressing myself clearer, coz this statement shows that you did not understand what I meant by feedback:

             I have a great example that telepathy is real, at least, from my end..
Feedback is when you can either confirm or deny your experience from the POV of another person.  If you don't have such feedback you may as well have imagined it all, no matter how strongly you feel about it on your end. And, as you said, since you're not on speaking terms, you will never find out. So then there is no point ruminating about it.


Besides, I don't think romantic relationships are the best to hone one's telepathic skills. A good old friend, the type on whom you can rely to tell you like it is, may be a better choice. 
Re your question about your infatuation with that PhD student, I think you were "simply hypo-manic/crazy".
If romantic relationships can trigger such things in you, why would you not avoid them like the plague? You're well past the age when it is considered "a must". Now that you had your share of experiences is the time to move on to other important things in life, like career, business, intellectual pursuits, etc.


I agree with other posters here, who, I see now, know you quite well (I read some of your content to get to know you -- which should have done earlier, sorry). It's good that you find friendships and support on this forum. Happy New Year and good luck!    :)



Edited by xEva, 30 December 2017 - 06:02 PM.

#34 YoungSchizo

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Posted 30 December 2017 - 08:07 PM

I'm sorry YoungSchizo it looks like I was mistaken when I assumed that you had a similar experience to mine. And I was confused by your name here. I imagined a young, still inexperienced person, but you're an adult of about 40+?


And I apologize for not expressing myself clearer, coz this statement shows that you did not understand what I meant by feedback:

             I have a great example that telepathy is real, at least, from my end..
Feedback is when you can either confirm or deny your experience from the POV of another person.  If you don't have such feedback you may as well have imagined it all, no matter how strongly you feel about it on your end. And, as you said, since you're not on speaking terms, you will never find out. So then there is no point ruminating about it.


Besides, I don't think romantic relationships are the best to hone one's telepathic skills. A good old friend, the type on whom you can rely to tell you like it is, may be a better choice. 
Re your question about your infatuation with that PhD student, I think you were "simply hypo-manic/crazy".
If romantic relationships can trigger such things in you, why would you not avoid them like the plague? You're well past the age when it is considered "a must". Now that you had your share of experiences is the time to move on to other important things in life, like career, business, intellectual pursuits, etc.


I agree with other posters here, who, I see now, know you quite well (I read some of your content to get to know you -- which should have done earlier, sorry). It's good that you find friendships and support on this forum. Happy New Year and good luck!    :)


LOL.. You first claim that 90-95% of the time when you think about someone it is most likely because that same person is thinking about you.. You claim to hear people's thoughts when you were little and claim to hear your mom's thoughts too.. You claim telepathy is real and your dad has tested it.. You claim some people posses a sixth sense.. You claim that God is talking to you.

While I thought you may had a point and maybe I could learn from your knowledge, you're saying my experience was simply "hypo-manic/craziness"?


Did I miss something?


I'm only 33 and my theory why I persue love is simple.. Love was used as a 'weapon' against me and they literally destroyed me with it.. Love is also the ultimate cure to build me up again.. Love is the one pure thing in life and the one pure thing why I'm still alive, gives me hope and dream about. Who doesn't dream to be in a happy/healthy relationship and build a family/home? Why would I see it as a plague and avoid it for the rest of my life? Even though I just had bad luck with the PhD student, falling in love with just a glance was the most mystical thing that happened to me.


As for telepathy, I do think it may be possible to some extent.. Meaning only if two equally "crazy people" can communicate on the same frequency. 


Anyway.. You too.. Happy new year!

#35 xEva

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Posted 30 December 2017 - 10:01 PM

oh that's beautiful what wrote about love! 


but i guess we're reading casually and don't pay attention -- or I must have not written clearly?  But I thought it was clear that, at least in my experience, to pick up the signal, I have to know the person, and not just know them but know them well, like very close friends and relatives. 


Maybe I misunderstood you, but I thought you did not know that PhD girl. You just met her briefly  and yes, you looked into her eyes and magic happened, and you're sure it was mutual. But unless you get to know her better and she tells you what she felt then, how can you be certain?


Again, the only thing that can teach you is feedback: you have to find support and basis for your impressions in the real, rational world. Negative feedback is very good too! Then you know it was just your imagination. No feedback whatsoever? May as well not waste your time on this. 



And you would not be so derisive about "God talking to me" if you read that Julian Jaynes book, in which he presents a convincing argument that "talking to gods" was how human consciousness operated as recent as ~3,000 years ago. ...and yes my take on it was that my brief experience "with God" was a reawakened  atavism during the restructuring of the brain as it was maturing. 



re "who doesn't dream to be in a happy/healthy relationship and build a family/home?"  You'd be surprised. It's not high on the list for quite a number of people. Adolescent girls maybe -? This actually also shows that you have a tendency to ascribe your own thoughts and aspirations onto others.



Let's not let these misunderstandings  spoil  our holiday mood :) Have fun and, since this is so important for you. may you find the love of your life in the new year!

Edited by xEva, 30 December 2017 - 10:07 PM.

#36 CWF1986

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Posted 31 December 2017 - 02:29 AM



I'm only 33 and my theory why I persue love is simple.. Love was used as a 'weapon' against me and they literally destroyed me with it.. Love is also the ultimate cure to build me up again.. Love is the one pure thing in life and the one pure thing why I'm still alive, gives me hope and dream about. Who doesn't dream to be in a happy/healthy relationship and build a family/home? Why would I see it as a plague and avoid it for the rest of my life? Even though I just had bad luck with the PhD student, falling in love with just a glance was the most mystical thing that happened to me.



Love and family are great goals.  


But before you seek love for and from another, you really need to love yourself.  Now I don't mean acceptance of everything you do as okay.  But if there are things about yourself that you don't like, forgive yourself for your shortcomings and work on those things so that you can be a person that you respect, accept, and love first before seeking romantic relationships.  Forgiving isn't saying it's okay.  It's saying that you choose to separate from the negativity and learn and move forward.  If you can't do that, you're just going to be burnt again and again.


It's only after this that you want to learn the intricacies of meeting women and dating.  


I made this post because it sounds like you think romantic love will solve your problems and be the key to happiness, but it just isn't so.  Romantic love with another is where you enhance each other's lives, not make each other's lives.  I'm sorry if that doesn't sound all too poetic but it's the hard truth I've learned.  

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#37 YoungSchizo

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Posted 31 December 2017 - 11:40 AM




I'm only 33 and my theory why I persue love is simple.. Love was used as a 'weapon' against me and they literally destroyed me with it.. Love is also the ultimate cure to build me up again.. Love is the one pure thing in life and the one pure thing why I'm still alive, gives me hope and dream about. Who doesn't dream to be in a happy/healthy relationship and build a family/home? Why would I see it as a plague and avoid it for the rest of my life? Even though I just had bad luck with the PhD student, falling in love with just a glance was the most mystical thing that happened to me.



Love and family are great goals.  


But before you seek love for and from another, you really need to love yourself.  Now I don't mean acceptance of everything you do as okay.  But if there are things about yourself that you don't like, forgive yourself for your shortcomings and work on those things so that you can be a person that you respect, accept, and love first before seeking romantic relationships.  Forgiving isn't saying it's okay.  It's saying that you choose to separate from the negativity and learn and move forward.  If you can't do that, you're just going to be burnt again and again.


It's only after this that you want to learn the intricacies of meeting women and dating.  


I made this post because it sounds like you think romantic love will solve your problems and be the key to happiness, but it just isn't so.  Romantic love with another is where you enhance each other's lives, not make each other's lives.  I'm sorry if that doesn't sound all too poetic but it's the hard truth I've learned.  



Thanks for your kind heads-up!


I never hated myself because of what happened in the past. This girl that occurs in my dreams destroyed me. I was carrying "her" in my heart so basically she destroyed her own life too (I don't want to go into details because it's quite complicated but basically she destroyed "our" lifes for nothing). I tried really hard to hate her for what she did to "me/us" but I never could. If it's up to me I could face her to talk things through but I don't think she has the face to face me. Anyway, I couldn't let go of the past for app 7-9 years, so basically I lost 7-9 years of growth. 


I don't think a romantic love will solve all my problems but I do believe it will be a big leap to recover from some ailments and having my own family will make me feel like the luckiest and happiest guy in the world. Like you say very beatifully, romantic love with another is where you enhance each other's lives, not make each other's lives!

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#38 xEva

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Posted 02 January 2018 - 04:35 PM

Just on time! Josh Mitteldorf mentions this phenomenon in the beginning of his  latest post: https://joshmitteldo...alf-of-science/


His friend Uri told him about  a dream that turned out true. His take on it was that maybe "there were new sub-atomic forces that brains can use to communicate, and that physics had not yet discovered."


..and it's only recently that physics began to tackle the nature of information.  In 2013 FQXi ran essay contest addressing the question of what is primary or more fundamental, matter or information: https://fqxi.org/com.../winners/2013.1

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