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How old do you think this boxing guy is?

Poll: How old do you think this boxing guy is? (38 member(s) have cast votes)

How old do you think this boxing guy is?

  1. 35 - 39 years (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

  2. 40 - 44 years (1 votes [2.63%])

    Percentage of vote: 2.63%

  3. 45 - 49 years (4 votes [10.53%])

    Percentage of vote: 10.53%

  4. 50 - 54 years (7 votes [18.42%])

    Percentage of vote: 18.42%

  5. 55 - 59 years (16 votes [42.11%])

    Percentage of vote: 42.11%

  6. 60 - 64 years (9 votes [23.68%])

    Percentage of vote: 23.68%

  7. 65+ years (1 votes [2.63%])

    Percentage of vote: 2.63%

Vote Guests cannot vote

Vitalist's Photo Vitalist 08 Mar 2017

How old do you think the guy boxing in this video looks?
1. Yes, the guy in the video is me :)
2. I'll tell you later how old I am.
3. I started training on the heavy bag at my gym just over a year ago. I don't have any formal boxing training.
4. I first became interested in anti-aging therapies, diets, training etc about 5 years ago. Longecity has been a great resource for me.
5. There is a web site mentioned at the end of the video that is not online yet. Hopefully I'll get something going there soon.
Feedback welcomed...

Clacksberg's Photo Clacksberg 08 Mar 2017

The dynamics of someone young. that would kill a lot of guys in their fifties!


But to have a guess - late forties?


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Matt's Photo Matt 08 Mar 2017

First of all, you're in really good shape!! You move just as good as anyone who is 40.. or maybe younger. It's difficult to say, but you could pass for late 40s to 50. 


As you probably know, asking this question around an anti-aging / life extension forum may get you some age estimates a bit higher than what you'd get from the average person.




Ark's Photo Ark 08 Mar 2017


Soffia's Photo Soffia 08 Mar 2017

If we're going by first impressions (I.e what I would assume if I saw you offline or in another online community), I would guess early 40s; Would assume you were late 30s if your hair didn't have any grey. The way you move definitely makes it a hard guess, you are clearly in great shape!


(Since we are on "LongeCity" though, I'm assuming you are really in your early 50s, since people here tend to look younger than they really are! :)  )


fntms's Photo fntms 08 Mar 2017

Hitting the heavy bag with headphones on seems a little risky or counter productive, you lose feedback from the impact noise.
I would say mid early 50s, looking good.

Vitalist's Photo Vitalist 08 Mar 2017

Thanks for the comments everybody.


I'm 59 years old. I'll be sixty next month (April 2017).




Vitalist's Photo Vitalist 08 Mar 2017

Hitting the heavy bag with headphones on seems a little risky or counter productive, you lose feedback from the impact noise.
I would say mid early 50s, looking good.


Thanks. I'm listening to seventies rock music on the earphones. It keeps me moving and I don't feel like I'm missing any feedback from the punches. 


aconita's Photo aconita 09 Mar 2017

You look good for you age, I would say you might look about ten years younger than you actually are.


You move OK for the age and background but I'll warmly suggest you to take some good level boxing classes since you show quite a few flaws which need to be addressed before becoming habits, you are not going to be the next boxing world champion, of course, but since obviously you are putting effort in what you do it would be smarter and more satisfactory to do it properly.


Boxing is a very technical sport, far more difficult to learn than most people thinks it is, learning needs a lot of practice, it is a never ending process, it is hard working, it is lot of fun and satisfaction, it is good to keep the brain in good shape too...especially at your age where the temptation of turning professional is kind of unlikely to become an issue.


Keep going strong and kicking those 20 years hold asses! :)


Vitalist's Photo Vitalist 09 Mar 2017

You look good for you age, I would say you might look about ten years younger than you actually are.


You move OK for the age and background but I'll warmly suggest you to take some good level boxing classes since you show quite a few flaws which need to be addressed before becoming habits, you are not going to be the next boxing world champion, of course, but since obviously you are putting effort in what you do it would be smarter and more satisfactory to do it properly.


Boxing is a very technical sport, far more difficult to learn than most people thinks it is, learning needs a lot of practice, it is a never ending process, it is hard working, it is lot of fun and satisfaction, it is good to keep the brain in good shape too...especially at your age where the temptation of turning professional is kind of unlikely to become an issue.


Keep going strong and kicking those 20 years hold asses! :)


Thanks for the encouraging words. Yes, boxing requires a considerable amount of skill and effort.


I thought I was doing quite well last year when I bought my first pair of gloves and started hitting the bag hard and looking good in the mirror. But then I made a video recording of myself training and was appalled at how bad I looked in the playback.


So since then I've been recording my training as often as I can and then watching the video later and looking for ways to improve. I figure I have about 50 good years left where I can keep working on getting better, so who knows maybe a world title isn't out of the question :)


And I agree 100% that boxing and activities like it that challenge your brain are excellent ways to fight off aging. For example, playing tennis for 45 minutes is much better for you than going for a 45 minute run.  


Keizo's Photo Keizo 23 Apr 2017

My immediate thought when I see these questions on this forum is "This guy is probably really old, but probably looks relatively young".


Otherwise my guess perhaps wouldn't be the 55-59 category


Vitalist's Photo Vitalist 24 Apr 2017

My immediate thought when I see these questions on this forum is "This guy is probably really old, but probably looks relatively young".


Otherwise my guess perhaps wouldn't be the 55-59 category


Interesting that you bumped this thread today!


I turned 60 years old today and recorded another training video this morning to mark the occasion. 


And I look even *older* in this video (well, I am 6 months older lol).



aconita's Photo aconita 24 Apr 2017

Happy Birthday!:)


lost69's Photo lost69 18 Jun 2017

the give away is grey hair and low density hair....high density hair, full density temples and sideburns can make one look very young, i guess in your case you could get to 40-45yo look



MightyMouse's Photo MightyMouse 17 Jul 2017

If you'd dye your hair and shave the beard you could look like you are in your early 40s. If that's the goal ofc. Keep up the good work!


ReachForTheStars's Photo ReachForTheStars 17 Jul 2017

You look great. Facially I would estimate you're in your fifties (grey hair doesn't help).

Only looking at your body i would have guessed someone in his 30s... Very fluent movement and muscular physique. Do you do any weightlifting or HRT (hormone replacement therapy) by any chance? 


sharpie456's Photo sharpie456 21 Jul 2017

I guessed 60 before I read the rest of the thread.  People who guessed 40s or 50s have a distorted view of what that age looks like.  I noticed young people think 40 - 50 year olds look WAY older they actually do.  Young people think you must be a wrinkled-up mess at that age.  50 year olds are assumed to be people in walking canes.  40 year olds don't look as old as people think.  50 year olds don't look that old at all.
