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what meds decrease amygdala activity?

meds social anxiety high serotonin discussion amygdala activity progesterone overactive amygdala

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#121 kurdishfella

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Posted 15 November 2017 - 02:49 PM

I took 10mg methylne blue.. didnt seem to be doing anything. I have now took 4mg guanfacine not much so far.


(edit) took 50mg of bromantane... Nothing yet.. are you supposed to feel the effect immediatly?

Edited by farshad, 15 November 2017 - 03:23 PM.

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#122 kurdishfella

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Posted 15 November 2017 - 04:19 PM

the taste is so fucking bad..... all of them.. cant handle it and doesent seem to be doing anything.. I also took 50mg tianeptine .. nothing 

now im worried I will get some kind of serotonin syndrome.. gonna throw all these away.


(edit) nevermind im feeling good as hell right now i think its the tianeptine..

Edited by farshad, 15 November 2017 - 04:46 PM.

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#123 Galaxyshock

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Posted 16 November 2017 - 10:35 AM

Kava increases GABA-A receptor density in amygdala, and since GABA is inhibitory neurotransmitter this would decrease amygdala activity. Kava is anxiolytic, mood lifting and mildly euphoric in its effects and is known to have reverse tolerance - meaning you need less of it in continous use for the same effects.

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#124 Hannes2

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Posted 16 November 2017 - 05:08 PM

the taste is so fucking bad..... all of them.. cant handle it and doesent seem to be doing anything.. I also took 50mg tianeptine .. nothing 

now im worried I will get some kind of serotonin syndrome.. gonna throw all these away.


(edit) nevermind im feeling good as hell right now i think its the tianeptine..


Methylene Blue and Tianeptine is safe as far as Serotonin Syndrome is concerned.

#125 kurdishfella

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Posted 16 November 2017 - 05:21 PM

the taste is so awful is there anyway I can fix this?  I got these from nootroopicsoruce the quality is very bad...


(edit) I think im done with trying drugs / supplements now wasted so much money... The only thing left I wanna try is Agomelatine.. I have a appointment with my doc 22 nov will ask for zyprexa...... I also wanna try progesterone .. (gel). 

Edited by farshad, 16 November 2017 - 06:16 PM.

#126 kurdishfella

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Posted 17 November 2017 - 04:20 AM

I threw all the stuff from nootropicsource away disgusting low quality.

1 thing is tianeptine works pretty well for me... Now I Might order it from a more high quality source like nootropicdepot . over 50mg seems to make my too dizzy feels like I have a serotonin syndrome.

Anyway would memantine+tianeptine be safe? Since these are the 2 best drugs OTC that worked for me. Well phenibut worked pretty well too but I dont think it affects serotonin it just increases dopamine.. Do do NMDA antagonist reduce neurontransmitters? (like memantine)? I might get huperzine A + tianeptine since huperzine A is also a NMDA antagonist dont know how potentent tho.. But memantine also drastically worsens your vision ( which I experienced with it so I try to avoid it if I can).


Also rhodiola rosea worked for me because it reduces cortisol ... but it also increases Serotonin.. which I do not need more off.

Edited by farshad, 17 November 2017 - 04:28 AM.

#127 Mind_Paralysis

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Posted 17 November 2017 - 07:17 PM

the taste is so awful is there anyway I can fix this?  I got these from nootroopicsoruce the quality is very bad...


(edit) I think im done with trying drugs / supplements now wasted so much money... The only thing left I wanna try is Agomelatine.. I have a appointment with my doc 22 nov will ask for zyprexa...... I also wanna try progesterone .. (gel). 


Get a scale. Get capsules - weigh out your doses accurately and then fill the caps.


You also need to slow down... you're gonna' get yourself killed if you keep at it like this.

I threw all the stuff from nootropicsource away disgusting low quality.

1 thing is tianeptine works pretty well for me... Now I Might order it from a more high quality source like nootropicdepot . over 50mg seems to make my too dizzy feels like I have a serotonin syndrome.

Anyway would memantine+tianeptine be safe? Since these are the 2 best drugs OTC that worked for me. Well phenibut worked pretty well too but I dont think it affects serotonin it just increases dopamine.. Do do NMDA antagonist reduce neurontransmitters? (like memantine)? I might get huperzine A + tianeptine since huperzine A is also a NMDA antagonist dont know how potentent tho.. But memantine also drastically worsens your vision ( which I experienced with it so I try to avoid it if I can).


Also rhodiola rosea worked for me because it reduces cortisol ... but it also increases Serotonin.. which I do not need more off.


Both the NMDA and the Opioid-ergic networks are involved in AUTISM, so it makes sense that you would feel some relief from Memantine and Tianeptine respectively.


You really need to look at your anxiety from the perspective of it being secondary, a RESULT, of your Autism.

#128 kurdishfella

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Posted 17 November 2017 - 08:25 PM


the taste is so awful is there anyway I can fix this?  I got these from nootroopicsoruce the quality is very bad...


(edit) I think im done with trying drugs / supplements now wasted so much money... The only thing left I wanna try is Agomelatine.. I have a appointment with my doc 22 nov will ask for zyprexa...... I also wanna try progesterone .. (gel). 


Get a scale. Get capsules - weigh out your doses accurately and then fill the caps.


You also need to slow down... you're gonna' get yourself killed if you keep at it like this.

I threw all the stuff from nootropicsource away disgusting low quality.

1 thing is tianeptine works pretty well for me... Now I Might order it from a more high quality source like nootropicdepot . over 50mg seems to make my too dizzy feels like I have a serotonin syndrome.

Anyway would memantine+tianeptine be safe? Since these are the 2 best drugs OTC that worked for me. Well phenibut worked pretty well too but I dont think it affects serotonin it just increases dopamine.. Do do NMDA antagonist reduce neurontransmitters? (like memantine)? I might get huperzine A + tianeptine since huperzine A is also a NMDA antagonist dont know how potentent tho.. But memantine also drastically worsens your vision ( which I experienced with it so I try to avoid it if I can).


Also rhodiola rosea worked for me because it reduces cortisol ... but it also increases Serotonin.. which I do not need more off.


Both the NMDA and the Opioid-ergic networks are involved in AUTISM, so it makes sense that you would feel some relief from Memantine and Tianeptine respectively.


You really need to look at your anxiety from the perspective of it being secondary, a RESULT, of your Autism.


can I use Huperzine A to replace memantine?


I really belive progesterone is my main problem... unfourntaly I dont have any money at the moment so I cant order any for few weeks :(.


Zyprexa also increases progesterone that could be why it worked for me?

read this  https://neuroendoimm...d-relationship/

progesterone also decreases  neuron firing.


 Progesterone  suppresses excess cortisol

low progesterone means lower vitamin D

I have started well years go Im getting  less head hair = low prog






Edited by farshad, 17 November 2017 - 09:06 PM.

#129 kurdishfella

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Posted 18 November 2017 - 08:35 PM

im taking 300mg pregnenolone but for some reason None of it gets converted to progesterone.. anyone have any info on why this can happen?

Edited by farshad, 18 November 2017 - 08:37 PM.

#130 kurdishfella

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Posted 20 November 2017 - 10:23 AM

I think I know the best solution to my problem.


High dosage progesterone daily .


Men make about 10mg daily and women 20mg


Progesterone increases Mao-a activity which means you will have less neurotransmitter from it  in my case I want lower serotonin .

It also reduces neuron firing which will prevent too much serotonin in my brain.


But I will need a high dosage progesterone for this too work if my theory is correct.

Because before I became progesterone deficient I made about 8mg progesterone daily... which was obviously not enough  or i would not be on here.

So I will need do take a high dosage like 40mg so I can insure that my serotonin gets reduced. Obviously I dont know if 40mg will be enough im just guessing I will have to play around with it when I get progesterone. Because my high serotonin was what got my progesterone deficient in the first place. so If I can take a high dosage and fix my progsterone + decrease serotonin... I should be good... but I dont know a lot about this stuff im just guessing around ... But it should work .

#131 kurdishfella

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Posted 20 November 2017 - 10:24 PM

some progesterone info I found

´´''In a healthy individual, the student explains, social rejection is followed by a release of progesterone in the body. This is the ideal response to rejection, as it helps one to recover emotionally from being rejected. In people with high social anxiety, a decrease in progesterone was actually observed. This made them more vulnerable to hurt feelings and social withdrawal, among other negative behaviors.'''

progesterone also raises GABA which is Anxiolytic.

''Progesterone is known as a neurosteroid, it enhances GABA's calming affect and suppresses the excitatory glutamate response. It is synthesized in the central nervous system and affects nerve functioning, and therefore mood and behaviour. Once progesterone is used the anti anxiety affect is achieved within 3 to 10 minutes. The anti anxiety response is the same as that found after benzodiazephine (benzo) drugs, but does not have any addictive side effects as drugs.''´´

#132 kurdishfella

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Posted 22 November 2017 - 01:15 PM

now I know why pregnenolone doesent work for me ... why it doesent turn into progesterone.

"​This phenomenon has been termed "pregnenelone steal" to highlight the adrenal preference to create pregnenolone (and therefore cortisol) over progesterone. ""

btw I forgot to mention my estrogen is high..
All my problems I have mentionded can be solved with just progesterone if i am right about all this.

Edited by farshad, 22 November 2017 - 01:16 PM.

#133 kurdishfella

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Posted 10 December 2017 - 08:29 PM

Hello I have been taking progesterone cream for almost 2 weeks.. Its not working as I thought it would..  well something is not allowing  the progesterone to work.


I think theres something wrong with my pituitary gland and hypothalamus. Hopefully Vitex can help balance these which I ordered I suspect the vitex arrives monday. 


I could also have LOW NMDA activity which I hope N-Methyl-D-Aspartic Acid can fix ...


If anyone know of any other Parts of the brain that could be causing my problems let me know and I already tried to decrease amygdala activity with memantine  it worked somewhat but its also an NMDA antagonist.


Can Vitex  fix  hpa axis dysfunction???


Also is it possible to have a Pineal gland dysfunction? The pineal gland produces melatonin is it possible maybe I have an overactive pineal gland and I produce too much and I end up with left over serotonin? Are there any drugs or supplements that balance the pineal gland?

Edited by farshad, 10 December 2017 - 09:03 PM.

#134 kurdishfella

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Posted 11 December 2017 - 03:26 PM

it appears vitex reduces serotonin.

Table V illustrates concentrations of serotonin (5-HT), dopamine (DA), and serotonin metabolite, 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA). It appears that after 90 days of Vitex agnus castus administration, the concentration of serotonin decreased significantly (p < 0.001), while those of dopamine and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid increased significantly (p < 0.001).

#135 kurdishfella

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Posted 11 December 2017 - 05:39 PM

does agomelatine act on the pineal gland?

#136 gamesguru

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Posted 11 December 2017 - 08:29 PM

a one-size fits all approach wont' work here.  do to the variable and ingrained nature, a hormonal approach is recommended.  they are typically the root cause, dispersing effects across multiple neurotransmitter systems and inducing a systemic deficit which is difficult to fix with a band-aid approach.

This article reviews the central hypothesis that stress hormones released during emotionally arousing experiences activate noradrenergic mechanisms in the BLA, resulting in enhanced memory for those events. Findings from experiments using rats have shown that the memory-modulatory effects of the adrenocortical stress hormones epinephrine and glucocorticoids involve activation of beta-adrenoceptors in the BLA. In addition, both behavioral and microdialysis studies have shown that the noradrenergic system of the BLA also mediates the influences of other neuromodulatory systems such as opioid peptidergic and GABAergic systems on memory storage. Other findings indicate that this stress hormone-induced activation of noradrenergic mechanisms in the BLA regulates memory storage in other brain regions.


interestingly, the effect of the amygdala changes during the course of puberty.  as a child it does one thing, as an adult totally another[1].  


for men high test increases amygdala reactivity, while low test diverts its output from the thalamus (benign) to the orbitalfrontal cortex (aggression).  unless you're already doing everything in our testosterone thread, i suspect the average individual could use a little boost.  i'm not sure how this affects women, but for estrogen appears bad for both sexes[2], [3].


testosterone may also correct things by increasing hippocampus size (which is of course decreased in borderline personality).  the increased size of the hippocampus is also believed to explain testosterone's anti-anxiety effect.  how much of this is an indirect result of DHT and would vary depending on the individual, i cannot say.  but it generally appears quite good.


thyroid hormone and melatonin also play a role.  you can take bacopa, and, well, melatonin for that.  please keep an eye on yourself tho



as a closing note.. it's unfortunate these hormones are so often also effects of our life situations, e.g. stress, depression.  so the requirement of digging yourself out of the hole, of reshaping your attitude and welcoming success once more.. these changes are unlikely occur at all.. it becomes a catch-22 and the subject remains stuck spinning his or her wheels; often a little (pharmacologic) luck is required to help things along

#137 kurdishfella

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Posted 11 December 2017 - 09:48 PM

I might just ditch all this and just go for mirtazapine.... nothing seems to be working


Im assuming mirtazapine will work since zyprexa killed my social anxiety and it acts on many serotonin receptors so does mirtazapine all but 1.

#138 gamesguru

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Posted 12 December 2017 - 12:09 AM

I might just ditch all this and just go for mirtazapine



do you just like walk in and tell your doctor which pills youre gonna be taking?  mad props brah.  you're like medievil's big brother or something

#139 kurdishfella

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Posted 12 December 2017 - 09:57 PM

Does  Centrophenoxine  contain Fenclonine/PCPA? 


(edit) nevermind..

Edited by farshad, 12 December 2017 - 10:03 PM.

#140 kurdishfella

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Posted 13 December 2017 - 07:37 PM

vitex doesent seem to be working I belive thats because you need a working pituitary gland for it to work. Its like touching a dead guy with a stick to wake him up, the person needs to be alive IE my gland has  to be working but its dysfunctional.


found out why progesterone cream is not working because the cream doesent increase GABA or other brain stuff like MAO-A also I would suspect.



I will be getting a progesterone that can be taken orally




#141 kurdishfella

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Posted 14 December 2017 - 01:49 AM

yay I do have high serotonin... I was right.. everyone was saying I was wrong and had autism .. No I just have a rare genetic mutation which lead to high serotonin lvls which I knew from the beginning... I have high serotonin with sensetive serotonin receptors.



Thank you for your help @Area-1255


ran my 23andme data file trough Promethease


You have one short form 5-HTTLPR. You probably have one short-form 5-HTTLPR (serotonin-transporter-linked polymorphic region). Variations in the region have been extensively investigated in connection with neuropsychiatric disorders. Identification of tag haplotypes for 5HTTLPR for different genome-wide SNP platforms

You have two long form 5-HTTLPR. You likely have two long-form 5-HTTLPR (serotonin-transporter-linked polymorphic region). Variations in the region have been extensively investigated in connection with neuropsychiatric disorders. Identification of tag haplotypes for 5HTTLPR for different genome-wide SNP platforms



Edited by farshad, 14 December 2017 - 01:51 AM.

#142 Caravaggio

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Posted 18 December 2017 - 09:56 PM

I know when someone has the same problem as me just by watching them interact with other people in life.. check out these guys on youtube I belive I have the same condition as them its very rare:


bart kwan - On youtube
Joe jo - on youtube

Thehodgetwins Kevin but his twin Keith dont have it which is odd  - on youtube

Roy Jones JR - the famous boxer


james franco (not sure about this guy tho might not have it 50/50 on this)


those People I belive have the same condition I have. If you just watch them closely and how they talk etc its very unnatural which is same as for me.  


When I look at these guys they seem to have a light risus sardonicus.




I think neurotransmitters can change the appearance of the face.


There was some study that showed how the faces of criminals changed that hid some decades from police. Most of them had drooping mouth corners from the fear to be caught. I'll try to find it.


Maybe high or low Serotonin can cause a sardonic smile.

Edited by Caravaggio, 18 December 2017 - 09:57 PM.

#143 Helllllo

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Posted 19 December 2017 - 12:46 PM

Any sources to say that memantine decreases the amygdala?




Propranolol is a good drug, it's often prescribed for anxiety actually - all you have to do, is redose! = )


With that said... here are some other drugs:



Guanfacine (intuniv, tenex) - Alpha-2a-agonist, used for the treatment of ADHD and high blood-pressure (notice that much like propranolol, it's a drug modulating norepinephrine)


HydroxyNorKetamine (Alpha-7-antagonist - the nicotinic Alpha-7-receptor controls much the activity in and out of the amygdala, by antagonising it, activity is drastically reduced, also a weak NMDA-antagonist, offering another pathway towards the relief of anxiety)


DEhydroNorKetamine (even more potent Alpha-7-antagonist, much more selective than HNK, less other effects)


Memantine (alpha-7-antagonist, however this effect is weak, but it makes up for it in spades with NMDA-antagonism)



Obviously the ketamine-metabolites are hard to come by, but the norepinephrine-modulators, Propranolol and Guanfacine are not.


I believe you tried Memantine without effect? Not sure how that is at all possible, but I suppose that's not necessarily a drug which is going to help you then.


#144 normalizing

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Posted 12 March 2018 - 05:56 AM

vitex doesent seem to be working I belive thats because you need a working pituitary gland for it to work. Its like touching a dead guy with a stick to wake him up, the person needs to be alive IE my gland has  to be working but its dysfunctional.


found out why progesterone cream is not working because the cream doesent increase GABA or other brain stuff like MAO-A also I would suspect.



I will be getting a progesterone that can be taken orally



ok i cant open this link about progesterone not working, can you explain how the cream doesnt work for you?

#145 gamesguru

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Posted 12 March 2018 - 06:56 PM

CBD shows great potential here.  doesn't even have to be pure.. 50/50% thc/cbd strains will give you a totally different feel.  that person with a grimacing or scornful look now just has a sweet, longful gaze.  the flowers and honeybees breath a sweet sigh, everything unwinds and the world feels at rest with the stars


likely explanation for CBD is of 5-HT1A receptors.  they are seated on interneurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus, 8% of which project into the amygdala.  it may sound like a small percentage, but the amygdala is sensitive to the smallest inputs and plenty of (PTSD) research has already centered around serotonin and childhood stress


shame it can't be patented really.  CBD provides a targeted restorative effect on the 5-HT1A system in a way which is not easily rivaled by competing products.  that's not to suggest that it is very good, only that they are very crummy

Edited by gamesguru, 12 March 2018 - 07:01 PM.

#146 normalizing

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Posted 13 March 2018 - 03:11 AM

CBD is getting banned in a lot of places though and one of the biggest issues is THE PRICE. thats stuff is so fucking expensive, might as well just buy weed off the street for a dime comparison

#147 freddie

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Posted 23 October 2021 - 05:52 AM

I'm autist too but what we have in common otherwise is the anxiety issue. I feel anxiety when i'm cold (which i become almost automatically if i don't heat myself up), so bed heater, infrared lamp heater and double layer of bed covers with a jacket on me helps to warm me up and make me feel calm. Diazepam (non-prescribed by doctor because i'm too scared to visit a doctor because of autism and distrust in general) is what helps me relax and become a content autist who doesn't think much about my surroundings (i'm empathic though who care about society and people's well being). I can go out and buy my groceries while being more unaware of other people (which otherwise causes too much stress). The anxiety comes on by itself, it can be significantly worsened by contact with stressing hostile-ish people (they have a passive-aggressive hostile attitude etc), i'm not saying autism and anxiety is always co-linked but we two share the anxiety "gene" and diazepam helps to calm it down. I tried Zopiclone (Imovane) but it makes me feel energy-drained (exhausted, like l have lack of oxytocin or something) but diazepam makes me feel like I have rested, that I'm relaxed and energy-restored (not for social interactions though, 99% of my social interactions is with my pets; and my parent and siblings whom i meet a couple of times a week). So it's bad that they classified diazepam as narcotics and, i assume, won't prescribe it to people like us, because i have zero withdrawal symptoms from it, to the contrary, after i drink beer what makes me feel no/less alcohol withdrawal is diazepam (otherwise i can become shaky and cold which increase my anxiety). My dosage is mostly 20-30 mg (40mg makes me sleep) because i weigh over 70kg (sometimes 10mg is enough just to calm me down a little). I don't take it everyday, only when i feel the anxiety is gonna show up. I wish i had diazepam when i was younger and going through horrendous stress (because of my "anxiety gene" or autism).

Edited by freddie, 23 October 2021 - 06:28 AM.

#148 freddie

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Posted 23 October 2021 - 08:32 AM

Just want to add that anti psychotics have a very bad effect, akin to torture.

#149 freddie

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Posted 23 January 2022 - 03:34 PM

I recently started having infection in upper airways and throat, i'm very tired but i'm recovering, it affects immune system: https://pubmed.ncbi....h.gov/20659521/


I think this paper also says it's x3 cancerogenic for brain, x2.5 for lungs etc: https://pubmed.ncbi....h.gov/20659521/


Zopiclone is even more cancerogenic etc: https://www.ncbi.nlm...les/PMC4890308/,

"Norwegian Pharmacy Database

A representative study of the Norwegian Pharmacy Database found that benzodiazepine-receptor-agonist use was associated with a mortality odds ratio of 2.30 (2.20–2.40) 28. The authors argued that terminal illness caused an upturn in benzodiazepine-receptor agonist use shortly before death (which might be appropriate for hospice care), and therefore they argued that the increased benzodiazepine-agonist use among those who would die was demonstrated as a confound of terminal illness. To the contrary, their data demonstrated an excess of benzodiazepine use even among those who would not die until 22 months or later, so the benzodiazepine use of this population was elevated before the terminal upturn in hypnotic usage that the authors had demonstrated. Also, the upturn in death-associated hypnotic use 6–10 months before subsequent death might be consistent with a causal lethal hazard resulting from only a few short months' exposures to hypnotics"


So can pharmacists develop something very similar in effect and half life to diazepam but without the side effects?

Edited by freddie, 23 January 2022 - 03:38 PM.

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#150 freddie

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Posted 01 May 2023 - 02:41 PM

Update: I don't take it anymore because I have for some reason become a calm person.

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: meds, social anxiety, high serotonin discussion, amygdala activity, progesterone, overactive amygdala

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