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is it possible not to have any fear?


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#181 eon

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Posted 11 August 2015 - 05:41 AM

Yes please do report back here. I am familiar with AllDay and Brandmedicines but not Mimaki or Nippon. Are those last 2 companies any good? Do they ship from Japan?


I still don't know tofisopam's history or how it came about other than what its description and action is. Could it be considered a nootropic? 




What do you guys think of this compound below:


I’ve been Googling this for about an hour, and it just shot to the top of my want-to-try list. Nobody seems to have any negative things to say about it. It seems almost too good to be true—a benzo that doesn’t get you high, make you drowsy, or have any addictive potential. Unfortunately, none of my three established offshore suppliers (AllDay, Mimaki, or Nippon) carry it. The Bulgarian vendor brandmedicines.com has it for about 60 cents a tablet. I have no prior experience with them, but they have a solid reputation on Pharmacy Reviewer. If I can get some, I’ll report back with the results.



Edited by eon, 11 August 2015 - 05:43 AM.

#182 Heisenburger

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Posted 11 August 2015 - 05:25 PM

Mimaki and Nippon are both very solid, reliable vendors. They both drop ship directly from the point of manufacture. Neither one caters to the addict market, so you won’t find opiates or benzos in their inventories—only unscheduled prescription drugs. Nippon has been my go-to source for etizolam for the better part of a year now, and they have always come through aces for me. The etizolam ships directly from Combitic Global in India for about forty cents a milligram, shipping included. It’s very high quality stuff—stronger than the old Intas or Consern products, and the tabs are solid and well-pressed.


So far I haven’t seen any mention of tofisopam having nootropic qualities, or any mention of how this mysterious benzo came upon the Earth. According to the anecdotal reports on various anxiety-related forums, it just kills anxiety and does nothing else.

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#183 Heisenburger

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Posted 18 August 2015 - 06:39 PM

Tofisopam has cleared customs and is sailing my way. I should have it by the weekend if I can make it to the post office to retrieve it (registered, dammit). I can’t wait to try this stuff. I hear it works almost instantly if taken sublingually, so that will be my first test, at 50 milligrams. If it works, this will come in very handy for emergency situations like getting into a confrontational situation or suddenly being called upon to deliver a speech.

#184 Heisenburger

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Posted 24 August 2015 - 06:06 PM

Well, I’ve taken it four times now. I’d say it has a definite anxiolytic effect, but it’s not all that it’s hyped up to be. However, it’s possible that I’m so accustomed to experiencing a psychoactive effect from benzos that I’m not recognizing anxiolysis for what it really is. I don’t think tofisopam would be an adequate substitute for Valium or Xanax for something like a trip to the dentist or having to give a deposition, though.

#185 megabandp

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Posted 07 October 2015 - 08:45 AM

I have a ten-gram tub of 1,3-DMBA that I bought from Ceretropic a couple of months ago that’s just been sitting in a shoe box, unopened, ever since I got it. Yesterday I decided to crack it open and try it. Since it’s a stimulant, I expected some anxiogenesis. Strangely enough though, it seemed to have the opposite effect. It seemed to abolish apprehension of the unknown. For over a year now, I’ve been wanting to sell my house and move to Washington to be near my family. But fear of doing so has been holding me back. I don’t want to leave the place I’ve called home for the past 20 years and move to a strange city 1000 miles away that I’ve never been to and start all over again. But the DMBA erased that. The little voice in my head said “well, shit—what’s the worst that can happen?” “Just do it.” I called my agent that afternoon.


Propronolol and Xanax together will completely turn off stage fright in me. But I have to use them together. Either one alone will only provide partial relief. But the two combined will completely switch it off. Doesn’t take much, either. Half a milligram of Xanax (that’s only twice a pediatric dose) and ten milligrams of Inderal (that’s the smallest tablet they make) is all it takes.


May I ask the dosage of 1,3-DMBA you took?



#186 Strangelove

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Posted 08 October 2015 - 12:24 AM

Mimaki and Nippon are both very solid, reliable vendors. They both drop ship directly from the point of manufacture. Neither one caters to the addict market, so you won’t find opiates or benzos in their inventories—only unscheduled prescription drugs. Nippon has been my go-to source for etizolam for the better part of a year now, and they have always come through aces for me. The etizolam ships directly from Combitic Global in India for about forty cents a milligram, shipping included. It’s very high quality stuff—stronger than the old Intas or Consern products, and the tabs are solid and well-pressed.


So far I haven’t seen any mention of tofisopam having nootropic qualities, or any mention of how this mysterious benzo came upon the Earth. According to the anecdotal reports on various anxiety-related forums, it just kills anxiety and does nothing else.


Pretty cool source, thanks! I am surprized that you can get a branded etizolam for such a low price! 


edit to add that Nippon is a very good source for many drugs, I went through the list and found some interesting actives, anyone looking at the site anything interesting to highlight? 


Any issues with EMS passing customs?

Edited by Strangelove, 08 October 2015 - 01:13 AM.

#187 Heisenburger

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Posted 08 October 2015 - 03:02 AM

May I ask the dosage of 1,3-DMBA you took?


I’ve fiddled around with doses ranging from 100 – 250 milligrams. I kind of like it, but it’s not something I’d be in a real hurry to reorder when I run out. Coffee is still my preferred stimulant. Might try theacrine next, but it's not high on my priority list. I really, really want to try oxytocin. But just once to satisfy my curiousity, not on a regular basis.


#188 Heisenburger

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Posted 08 October 2015 - 03:40 AM

Pretty cool source, thanks! I am surprized that you can get a branded etizolam for such a low price! 


Any issues with EMS passing customs?


Nippon has the cheapest price for pressed tabs anywhere, and for some reason their etizolam is notably stronger than anybody else’s, so their product is a win-win all around. Aside from a test order that I placed with Mimaki a month or so ago, I haven’t purchased etizolam from anybody else in almost a year, ever since the FDA shut down all the domestic vendors in the United States. In a way, I’m glad they did, because that’s what forced me to go looking for an offshore source, and that’s what led me to Nippon in the first place. Forty cents a tab, and free shipping on all orders—no minimum. There’s even a 20% discount if you use Bitcoin. If you want pressed tabs, Nippon is definitely the source to go to. The Mimaki etizolam is reasonably priced too, but they want $16 for shipping and their product is weaker than the Combitic Global product that Nippon supplies. Nippon’s etizolam  is even stronger than the Intas brand, and I think Intas is the original patent holder. The only advantage to Mimaki is that they ship everything EMS, so you can get it in as little as five or six days in the United States, but that’s sort of a double-edged sword, as EMS is far more likely to be flagged by customs. By the way, I’ve noticed that etizolam and glycine seem to be synergistic.


I’m still trying to screw up the courage to buy a gram of TLR’s stuff. $129/gram is a phenomenal price, and a gram of eti would last me forever. Just can’t bring myself to do it though, after all the I Love Lucy antics they pulled with the GHK group buy, and the fact that they wouldn’t send me a miniscule sample even when I offered to pay for the shipping. Anybody wanna go halfsies with me on a gram? I’m willing to risk $64.50, but not $129. They say it will be available in November, so factoring in the Chinese New Year and the tidal influences of the Moon on production and shipping times, we could get it as early as April of next year.


ETA: errrr... correction—they say October, not November. Lunar cycle delays still probably apply though. :wacko:


Another ETA: speaking of cheap prices, I found a really good source for cheap tianeptine, but I don’t want to go blabbing their name all over the place for fear of somebody buying them out of their entire supply. I’ll respond to PMs though. They get it from a lab that uses a novel synthesis, and I’ve tried it. Pretty good stuff.

Edited by Heisenburger, 08 October 2015 - 03:56 AM.

#189 Strangelove

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Posted 08 October 2015 - 03:21 PM

Thanks Heisenburger,


How cheap is their tianeptine (sulfate?) I could probably ship you some bulk tianeptine for very cheap if you are not in a hurry...

#190 Heisenburger

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Posted 08 October 2015 - 05:20 PM

They only sell the sodium salt. Thanks for the offer, but I’m well stocked on tianeptine for now. Just getting ready to enjoy a heaping microscoop with my morning coffee at this very moment, as a matter of fact. Best time to take it. Tianeptine + morning coffee = sheer bliss.

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#191 Strangelove

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Posted 08 October 2015 - 10:25 PM

They only sell the sodium salt. Thanks for the offer, but I’m well stocked on tianeptine for now. Just getting ready to enjoy a heaping microscoop with my morning coffee at this very moment, as a matter of fact. Best time to take it. Tianeptine + morning coffee = sheer bliss.


I am going to try it! Have you develop any tolerance? 

#192 Heisenburger

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Posted 09 October 2015 - 02:17 AM

I am going to try it! Have you develop any tolerance? 


Yes, I’ve found it to be mildly addictive, but the effects haven’t diminished nor has there been any dose escalation despite several months of continuous use. 1/32 of a teaspoon is almost exactly 100 milligrams. I have one with my morning coffee, one after lunch to give me a lift at work, and one every day when I come home from work. The morning one is invariably the best. I realize that I’m just getting high, but I don’t care because I get so much done when I take it. If I run out I feel a little doggy, about like the feeling you get from not getting your usual daily dose of caffeine. But it’s not something that would drive a person to rob a liquor store or turn to prostitution over. One time I stopped taking it altogether just to see what the withdrawal was like, and while it wasn’t pleasant, it wasn’t that big of a deal either. Every time I felt the craving I would just take a loperamide tablet and half a milligram of etizolam and I would feel fine in about 20 minutes. Within about three or four days the desire to take it was gone. I’d say that it’s the best drug for motivation that I’ve ever encountered. Last night I was up until 2 o’clock in the morning working on my home ESXi lab and was loving every minute of it. I breezed through 50 pages of the Sybex text as if it were nothing. I thought it was like 11:00 when I looked at the clock, and was astonished to realize that it was 2:00 a.m.


#193 Heisenburger

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Posted 09 October 2015 - 02:35 AM

How cheap is their tianeptine (sulfate?)


Their price on the sodium salt is almost half of what Ceretropic charges.You could make a fortune selling the stuff on eBay. WuHan HengHeDa will sell you a kilogram for $500, and some eBay vendors are charging up to $10/gram for it. 2000% profit! The owner of the company (at least I think she’s the owner) sent me an e-mail the other day saying that somebody had placed a several thousand dollar order with them and had cleaned them out of their entire inventory. She said it was more than a lifetime’s supply, so we’re both pretty sure the person who bought it is an eBay vendor.

#194 Strangelove

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Posted 09 October 2015 - 11:55 AM


How cheap is their tianeptine (sulfate?)


Their price on the sodium salt is almost half of what Ceretropic charges.You could make a fortune selling the stuff on eBay. WuHan HengHeDa will sell you a kilogram for $500, and some eBay vendors are charging up to $10/gram for it. 2000% profit! The owner of the company (at least I think she’s the owner) sent me an e-mail the other day saying that somebody had placed a several thousand dollar order with them and had cleaned them out of their entire inventory. She said it was more than a lifetime’s supply, so we’re both pretty sure the person who bought it is an eBay vendor.



There is an ebay seller similar to what you describe, specializing in tianeptine, but he is not cheap... 13 pounds for 1gram tianeptine sulfate. As you know I am out of work at this time and I may look into it... What I am looking (and maybe sell in ebay) are supplements with novel antibiofilm action for people having issues with chronic infections, I pretty much cured myself when doctors were not of much help.

#195 Heisenburger

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Posted 12 October 2015 - 05:26 AM

 As you know I am out of work at this time and I may look into it...


If you want to buy a kilogram of tianeptine sodium and set up shop on eBay, let me know and I’ll definitely place an order with you if you can beat Powder City’s price. The other place I was talking about turned out to be a bust. I ordered 10 grams from them and they sent me an inert substance. As near as I can figure, it appeared to be finely powdered glucose. Buy a key from HHD at 50 cents/gram, sell it for $3.00 a gram, and the tianeptine fiends will be beating a path to your door. The nice thing about tianeptine sodium is that you won’t even have to subject it to third-part analysis. All you have to do is strike off 1/32 of a teaspoon, turn the spoon upside down, tap the spoon on your lower teeth, and let it fall on your tongue. Within two seconds it will coalesce into a bitter-tasting ball that causes a slight irritation to the throat when it’s swallowed. Within ten minutes you will know FOR SURE if it’s tianeptine or not—no ambiguity whatsoever.


#196 dajoker

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Posted 12 October 2015 - 02:00 PM

i am taking Tianeptine sulphate right now, 40mg OD  and i am not feeling that much of the fun described;

is it that the sulphate is more stable thus killing the desired rush effect?

I should try next with the sodium version i guess..


#197 Strangelove

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Posted 12 October 2015 - 05:28 PM


 As you know I am out of work at this time and I may look into it...


If you want to buy a kilogram of tianeptine sodium and set up shop on eBay, let me know and I’ll definitely place an order with you if you can beat Powder City’s price. The other place I was talking about turned out to be a bust. I ordered 10 grams from them and they sent me an inert substance. As near as I can figure, it appeared to be finely powdered glucose. Buy a key from HHD at 50 cents/gram, sell it for $3.00 a gram, and the tianeptine fiends will be beating a path to your door. The nice thing about tianeptine sodium is that you won’t even have to subject it to third-part analysis. All you have to do is strike off 1/32 of a teaspoon, turn the spoon upside down, tap the spoon on your lower teeth, and let it fall on your tongue. Within two seconds it will coalesce into a bitter-tasting ball that causes a slight irritation to the throat when it’s swallowed. Within ten minutes you will know FOR SURE if it’s tianeptine or not—no ambiguity whatsoever.



I like the way you describe things ;)


I ll look into it, thanks!


I have the same question with dajoker, do you need the sodium salt for the effect to kick in? I imagine a larger sulfate dose could do the trick?


Dajoker, if still interested to try tranylcypromine please reply here.



Edited by Strangelove, 12 October 2015 - 05:31 PM.

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#198 dajoker

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Posted 12 October 2015 - 05:46 PM

I will Strangelove.


For the protocol i did tried larger dose of tianeptine sulphate today , 100 mg to be precise.

Naught, nothing.. 

Self diagnosing is a tricky business, but i got some doubt

that my dopamine receptors are slightly shut due to some long 

free hour time plus some PTSD all that followed by some self medication. 


I am going to try to get some T sodium, but it is very probable that

it is me and not the form of substance . Phenibut which i tried recently has a rather 

unpleasant effect on me which probably is for the best.. but it had the 

"par excellence" impact on my partner. 

Go figure.


Edited by dajoker, 12 October 2015 - 05:58 PM.

#199 eon

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Posted 13 October 2015 - 11:58 AM

I found this quote from the book Life Extension:


"Inositol is required for the growth of muscle cells in tissue culture. It also increases the binding of vitamin B3 (niacin) to the natural anti-anxiety (benzodiazepine) receptors in the brain to which Valium and Librium also bind". Page 477


I have used inositol before for its touted treatment of OCD. So I would assume mixing inositol with B3 makes a good anti-anxiety cocktail? I've never tried mixing both but I have used niacin by itself as well. Seems as if niacin has lots of potential as well as you all know Picamilon, an anti anxiety for some, is a mix of GABA and niacin. Picamilon was said to be good for OCD sufferers as well. 


I don't want to get too lost here but I'm more focused on something that clearly "works" on the amygdala specifically, which have been mentioned here before such as: lysine, 7,8-dihydroxyflavone, etc. If there is such a thing as "amygdaloidergics" then that's what I want to hear more about. I need to get to the root of this "fear". Propranolol is excellent. I still haven't tried my Xanax.



Edited by eon, 13 October 2015 - 12:03 PM.

#200 eon

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Posted 09 November 2015 - 08:00 AM

Since I have a history of anxiety and panic attacks, I wonder if the paradoxical effect of Ritalin would actually help with such issues due to it acting on serotonin? If anyone here has taken Ritalin when they have a history of anxiety/panic attack, I'm curious if it's working out well for you? Here's the wiki info. that I found fascinating about Ritalin that I thought could be a paradoxical effect for those with anxiety/panic attack disorders:



Methylphenidate is also a 5HT1A receptor agonist.[11]
Methylphenidate may also be prescribed for off-label use in treatment-resistant cases of bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder.[18]
The 5-HT1A receptor is a subtype of 5-HT receptor that binds the endogenous neurotransmitter serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT). It is a G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) that is coupled to Gi/Go and mediates inhibitoryneurotransmissionHTR1A denotes the human gene encoding for the receptor.[1][2]
The 5-HT1A receptor is the most widespread of all the 5-HT receptors. In the central nervous system, 5-HT1A receptors exist in the cerebral cortexhippocampusseptumamygdala, and raphe nucleus in high densities, while low amounts also exist in the basal ganglia and thalamus.[3][4][5] The 5-HT1A receptors in the raphe nucleus are largely somatodendriticautoreceptors, whereas those in other areas such as the hippocampus are postsynaptic receptors.[4]
5-HT1A receptor agonists like buspirone[14] and flesinoxan[15] show efficacy in relieving anxiety[16] and depression,[17] and buspirone and tandospirone are currently approved for these indications in various parts of the world.
5-HT1A receptor activation likely plays a significant role in the positive effects of serotonin releasing agents (SRAs) like MDMA ("Ecstasy") as well.[24][25]
5-HT1A receptors in the dorsal raphe nucleus are co-localized with neurokinin 1 (NK1) receptors and have been shown to inhibit the release of substance P, their endogenousligand.[26][27] In addition to being antidepressant and anxiolytic in effect, 5-HT1A receptor activation has also been demonstrated to be antiemetic[28][29] and analgesic,[30][31] and all of these properties may be mediated in part or full, depending on the property in question, by NK1 receptor inhibition. Consequently, novel NK1 receptor antagonists are now in use for the treatment of nausea and emesis, and are also being investigated for the treatment of anxiety and depression.[32]
5-HT1A receptor activation has been shown to increase dopamine release in the medial prefrontal cortexstriatum, and hippocampus, and may be useful for improving the symptoms of schizophrenia and Parkinson's disease.[33][34] As mentioned above, some of the atypical antipsychotics are 5-HT1A receptor partial agonists, and this property has been shown to enhance their clinical efficacy.[33][35][36] Enhancement of dopamine release in these areas may also play a major role in the antidepressant and anxiolytic effects seen upon postsynaptic activation of the 5-HT1A receptor.[37][38]

Activation of 5-HT1A receptors has been demonstrated to impair certain aspects of memory (affecting declarative and non-declarative memory functions) and learning (due to interference with memory-encoding mechanisms), by inhibiting the release of glutamate and acetylcholine in various areas of the brain.[39] 5-HT1A activation are known to improve cognitive functions associated with the prefrontal cortex, possibly via inducing prefrontal cortex dopamine and acetylcholine release.[40] Conversely, 5-HT1A receptorantagonists such as lecozotan have been shown to facilitate certain types of learning and memory in rodents, and as a result, are being developed as novel treatments forAlzheimer's disease.[41]



The 5-HT1A receptor has been shown to interact with brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which may play a major role in its regulation of mood and anxiety.[75][76]


Considering that amphetamines are listed as 5-HT1A, I wonder if Hitler's lack of fear have anything to do with his meth use?

Edited by eon, 09 November 2015 - 08:04 AM.

#201 eon

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Posted 24 January 2016 - 11:40 AM

Read the article below, it is exactly how I described my situation when I used Propranolol.


"Reconsolidation is a bit like pulling up a file on your computer, rewriting the same material in a bigger, bolder font and saving it again. Disrupting reconsolidation with propranolol or another drug is akin to retrieving this document, erasing some or all of the text and then writing something new in its place."


There's a drug that was discussed in the article called anisomycin, which I think I may have read about before in this forum or thread so below is the quote as it sounds as promising as propranolol:


"Dr. Kindt is not the first to demonstrate that disrupting reconsolidation can weaken or erase emotional memories. Several studies of rats done in 2000 showed that a drug called anisomycin, which blocks the synthesis of proteins in the brain, could reduce fear associations. In one, researchers taught rats to fear a sound by pairing it with a shock. After the animals were fear-conditioned, they were presented with the sound and then immediately given the drug. When the animals were exposed to the sound again, they no longer appeared afraid; they had forgotten their original fear."



#202 eon

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Posted 19 February 2016 - 04:35 PM

How's this one:


"Another psychiatric use of guanfacine (intuniv) is for treatment of anxiety, such as generalized anxiety disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms. Guanfacine and other α2A agonists have anxiolytic-like action,[21] reducing sympathetic arousal in the emotional responses of the amygdala, and strengthen prefrontal cortical regulation of emotion, action and thought. Due to its prolonged half-life, it also has been seen to improve sleep interrupted by nightmares in PTSD patients.[22] All of these actions likely contribute to the relief of the hyperarousal, re-experiencing of memory, and impulsivity associated with PTSD.[23] However, a recent study showed no benefit for patients suffering from PTSD.[24]"




I'm diagnosed ADHD with social phobia. I should ask my doc for this one.

Edited by eon, 19 February 2016 - 04:40 PM.

#203 eon

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Posted 06 November 2016 - 01:55 PM

How about some Xanax pudding (aka Kudzu root)?




Has anyone here tried this Kudzu root? I was hoping to find it in snack form rather than its root form.

#204 Dakman1

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Posted 06 November 2016 - 07:30 PM

I tried an extract of that and didn't get much from it at all.

Anyone here have extensive use of skullcap (scutellaria lateriflora)? I just bought a dropper bottle of it to see what's up. It's a natural anxiolytic.

Did this do anything for you?

#205 eon

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Posted 09 November 2016 - 12:01 PM

I think Kava is the better one.


I tried an extract of that and didn't get much from it at all.

Anyone here have extensive use of skullcap (scutellaria lateriflora)? I just bought a dropper bottle of it to see what's up. It's a natural anxiolytic.

Did this do anything for you?



#206 eon

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Posted 05 April 2017 - 08:22 AM

Scientists find common antibiotic could prevent or treat PTSD




I've tried doxycycline before for a tick bite. This study is interesting. I don't suffer from PTSD but I could use a little less fear...


Maybe my fear mechanism is entirely different than those of PTSD sufferers?

Edited by eon, 05 April 2017 - 08:25 AM.

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#207 PeaceAndProsperity

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Posted 06 April 2017 - 02:30 PM

Yes it is possible. Seen in schizophrenic and schizotypal patients. Short range of emotions for example. 

#208 eon

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Posted 07 April 2017 - 12:43 AM

yet the voices they hear are what's scary to them?


I was reading this article that Marmite is considered brain food and anxiolytic:


Marmite may be brain food, study says




I've never tried it but I think it's a bread spread of some kind. I need to look for this in the market.


Yes it is possible. Seen in schizophrenic and schizotypal patients. Short range of emotions for example. 


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#209 ceridwen

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Posted 07 April 2017 - 08:42 AM

It has folic acid in it so no good for those with MTHFR mutations
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#210 eon

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Posted 19 April 2017 - 04:05 AM

Marmite is? It's made from Brewer's yeast from what I've researched. I can't find it anywhere in the stores in the U.S. since it's very British. I'll buy it online just to try it. I don't believe I have MTHFR mutations, or how do I find out if I do or don't?


It has folic acid in it so no good for those with MTHFR mutations


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